Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • HammerIntoAnvil
    HammerIntoAnvil Posts: 4 Member

    I'm Hammer. 26 years old, live and work in London with my girlfriend, although we're both originally from Scotland.

    I'm a massive gaming geek, which is part of where my weight problem comes from. When I went to uni, I ended up dropping all my exercise. The worst I've been was during a bout of WoW obsession when I peaked at about 114kg. I dropped down to 15 stone a few years back but then put a lot on again when I went to work abroad for a few months. Now I'm working at getting all the way to 76kg, although that's still a good bit off.

    I've kind of done a bit of everything in terms of gaming. I started with DOS games and the old MicroProse Star Trek games and was a PC gamer until the Xbox 360 hit it's stride. Had some great times with the Xbox, but planning to go back to PC soon. Strategy and 4X games are my first gaming love and I miss them dearly.
    I've also been in a role play group as a player and DM. Massive fan of the Warhammer and 40K RPGs, D&D3.5 and some of the older systems.

    Trying to get into running, although I'm not finding it easy.
  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    I am the newbie Geek, played old school games like the ATARI, Nintendo, Sega, PC (I still remember Larry the Lounge Lizard!...) Only been the last 3 years that I have actually had the money to fund it and the time to play!

    I love open world, single player format where I can watch the story develop (also I'm a bit of a chicken s*** when it comes to more aggressive team play!) I love Assasins creed, Farcry 3, skyrim, Lara Croft funnily enough though, not too keen on Dishonour...

    Guilty pleasure is the lego games, great for me and my son to play together. He blows random crap up, I get to pretend it satisfys me without him being traumertised.

    Starting weight was 199lbs
    Current weight is 174lbs
    Short term goal is 11stone 9lbs
    Long term goal 9stone 6lbs - 10stone
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm Ashley. I'm a nurse, from the Chicago area. 5'8, started at 268: CW 247, will eventually get under 200 :)

    I've been letting my inner geek take a back seat to my work - I had to kick the WoW when I got my job, also stopped going to Magic tournaments lol I still play some N64 every now and then, but my biggest vice the last year has been League of Legends (*sigh* - I know). Anyone play? :)
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I'm Chris. I'm 32, live in Ohio.

    I've cut back on gaming as part of my getting into shape initiative, but I still play several things. My only real "online gaming" takes place on a specific Neverwinter Nights server. I mostly play RPG's, strategy games, SRPG's, and a few sports games (NBA 2K, mostly). The Batman Arkham games and Assassin's Creed series got me playing those sorts of games. I strongly prefer story driven games to open world types.
    I've lost about 55 lbs in all (25 since joining MFP). I'm currently aiming to land at 200 before deciding where to go from there. That gives me about 23 pounds of thinking before I need to worry about it.

    I'd be willing to walk on a beach if there were any decent ones around here. Ohio isn't known for its beaches.
  • stitchywitch
    stitchywitch Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Jessica, 33 years old and female. I've been a gamer since the 80s, when I played my first games on my Commodore VIC-20 (remember that one?) I play a lot of J-RPGs mostly (favorite game ever: Persona 4.) I own a PS2 and had an X-box 360, which I recently sold because I'm going back to Playstation (not nearly enough games I want to play on the other system.) I used to do PC gaming, but I don't have a good setup for that at the moment! Right now I'm playing some of the PS2 games I missed the first time (currently: Shadow Hearts Covenant, which is excellent!)

    I'm looking to lower my body fat percentage and gain muscle. I don't need to lose, but the number is deceptive - I did P90x and got in great shape, but then had a stressful school year and lost most of my gains. I feel mushy and out of shape, so I started going to the university gym. I'm a little sorry I sold my Kinect now, but since I only used it for Dance Central it was hardly worth the cost. I'm glad to see a group for gamers here!
  • phooey43
    phooey43 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Thomas, a 44 year old gaming nut since my the days of the Atari 2600. Currently playing mostly Xbox 360, but also on ps3 and steam as well. Also am an avid runner having finished my 4th marathon this year and a 5th set for Oct. Glad to see some like minded people here, I've gone from 265 to 185 currently over the past 4 years and now working on the last 15lbs of my goal. I love rpg's and fps games mostly. Currently playing dead island riptide and loving it and also going through bioshock infinite again. Xbox gt is h0ngkong pho0ey. Psn is ol_geezer and can't remember my steam tag, send me an invite if you like.
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm 24, a full time mom and wife, and work a full time job. In the before times when I had free time, I would game. I played Dungeons & Dragons Online pretty hardcore for a year. This is and always will be my favorite MMO. My all time favorite games ever of all time are as follows:

    Mirrors Edge: Played and beat on each difficulty at least 5 times a piece.
    Bayonetta: Absolutely adore this game (So much that I have a Play Arts action figure of Bayonetta.)
    Left 4 Dead (1): This game will always have a place in my heart.
    Dishonored: This game made me rage quit more times than COD ever did. However, I loved the game play, and enjoyed the story line.
    Kingdom Hearts II: I played the first one and just didn't dig it as much. This one, on the other hand, was magical and intriguing.

    Those are my top 5.

    Anywhoo, I'm 5'4, SW: 200, CW: 185 , GW: 140. Feel free to add me. I log daily and do my best to offer support and motivation. Great to meet you all!

    ...Oh, and Cards Against Humanity. DO NOT play this game if you are easily offended. DO play this game if you love to laugh hysterically. :wink:
  • NostalgicGraeme
    NostalgicGraeme Posts: 38 Member
    Who are you..........Graeme
    Female or male?.....Male
    LARP?.....................Looks cool, never tried it though
    What are your weightloss goals?................from 104kg to 85kg ASAP :)
    How many pounds have you lost? Just started.
    Walk on the Beach? Sure but prefer mountain biking
  • Hey Everyone! The name is Justin. I'm 28 years old and I'm an avid gamer trying to get back down to my old USMC size. I'm trying to find the right balance and people to game with and hang out with. I've been gaming for 24 years. I received my first NES when I was 4 yrs old and I beat first level of Super Mario and was hooked. As of right now, I play WoW, Rifts, SWTOR, Minecraft, Planetside 2 all for PC. For the PS3, I play Skyrim, Dead Island Riptide, Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed, and anything else that catches my fancy. I have played almost every mainstream MMORPG out there and currently looking for something new or new people to hang out with while playing. I'm looking forward to trying out Defiance, Elder Scrolls Online, EQNext, and a few other titles coming out soon. So if you want to hang out just hit me up on Skype at Loktovar13 or hit me up on here. Thanks.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I'm sure I'm the elder statesman on this particular forum, 47 year old dude.

    My gaming days go way back. I'm sure most of you have an uncle that's referred to Pac Man or Defender to QBert from time to time. Well those were the games of my youth.

    Not to boast, but my skill at Mario for the first Nintendo was pretty tight. I see videos on Youtube of people beating the game in like 15 minutes and I say so? I was doing that in 1990, though I couldn't do it now.

    Castle Wolfenstein was my first PC game obsession. PCs were exorbitantly expensive then so I installed in on my work machine and convinced my bosses I was working very late hours.

    I shan't make this a biography of favorite games, so on to modern times.

    The Civilization series is far and away my favorite game series. I don't even want to think about how much time I've put into that over the years from Civ 2 to 5. I'm very much looking forward to the expansion coming out soon for Civ 5.

    For about 6 years, until it's closing, most of my gaming time, like 80+%, was spent with City of Heroes/Villains. I loved the game, loved the community and the people I met there. Oddly enough, I don't care for MMOs as a genre, so I haven't played another MMO since it closed. What I have done is play major games I've missed over the 6+ years of playing CoH/V, such as the Mass Effect and Bioshock series. I love them both.

    A few other games I want to give shout outs to, for how much I loved them:
    Starcraft (original)
    Descent Freespace (both 1 and 2). One of the most under-rated games ever. I wish the space combat simulator genre still existed today.
    Sega Saturn and Dreamcast games. For just pure fun games, I thought these were better than Playstation options, but we all know how that battle turned out.

    I see in the OP there's a questionnaire:

    Age? Old (47)
    Female or male? M
    RP? Nope, to be honest in the MMO I played, I just ran through the areas the RPers did their thing and tried not to make eye contact.
    LARP? Nope
    What are your weightloss goals?! A lot, from 340 to 225.
    How many pounds have you lost? See below.
    Walk on the Beach? Run for the hills.
  • JoyceMakker
    JoyceMakker Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 23 year old graduate from a game design course. So I've done my fair share of gaming "research", haha.

    Platforms: PS2, PS3 and PC
    Now playing: Ni No Kuni and Assassins Creed 2.
    Recently finished: Final Fantasy 12 and Assassins Creed 1.
    Always enjoy playing: Shadow of the Colossus, Journey (my favorite game atm), Pokemon (any), Kingdom Hearts 2, Little Big Planet 1 and World of Goo.
    Bartle test type: Explorer

    Oh yeah and I enjoy DDR, which is great cardio! I'm not that good at it though.

    I'm doing a June dietbet (the blogilates one), so I'm even taking a gaming approach to weightloss.
    I want to lose 8 kilo to start with, but my main goal is to get fit.

    Feel free to add me as a buddy! :)
  • morganlefaegaia
    morganlefaegaia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! Kathleen here I am new to this site and to this group I am a 40 year old gamer. I love all types of RPG games and am truly a Play Station girl at heart. I am currently obsessed with Skyrim on the PS3 and a MMORPG called Atlantica.

    I love all kinds of card games as well like Magic the Gathering , Star Trek, Star Wars, etc etc I have played so many over the years they are all kinda blending in right now lol..

    Feel free to look me up I am always looking for new friends

    Game On!

    Kathleen aka Morganlefaegaia aka Morangaia or just plain Mora
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Hey, I'm a 22 year old uni student from Australia. I love anime and Japanese RPGs such as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Star Ocean, although I do like heaps of other games like Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid and many others. Just not a big FPS person (though I think I could warm up to it -- Halo is pretty cool! And I WAS addicted to Wolfenstein at one point!). I've written game guides on GameFAQs and my screen name for everything is Zenalasca.
  • Hello, I am Kaylee I am a 19 year old gamer and My favorite games are Legend of Zelda series, Mario, Assassins Creed, and Call of Duty. I play on Super Nintendo, N64, Wii, PS2, and PS3. I am obsessed with Legend of Zelda. :)
  • MuirinArcher
    MuirinArcher Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sindil and I'm new to the site. I'm super excited and motivated and pumped. I recently got out of a horrible domestic situation and have started off on a new leg.
    I'm recently moved and already stocked up my fridge with healthies, bike to work, and am on the positive side of of having that horrible weight on my shoulders for the past year. I'm ready to get out and enjoy the weather and try to get myself back to where I need to be. I've never been worse than I am right now, and I want this to be the peak where I start to fall and go back down. I'd really love everyone to friend me and talk to me and whatever. I love being friends and want to help others as well!

    I'm big into roleplaying, tabletop, rpgs/adventure games, Nintendo. I worship Zelda (even have a zelda tattoo), and love Dungeon Defenders. Find me on Steam: Ceruleanarcher.

    I am a huge gamer geek. Unfortunantly...the huge part is not only just how big of a gamer I am, but also my physical size. So I'm working on it. Help and motivation is definitely loved!

    Can't wait to hear from you guys!
  • Becoming_Palm
    Becoming_Palm Posts: 30 Member
    Hi. I am from MD and I am a soon to be 32yr female. I am really excited that I found this group. Okay, I like brainy games/teasers/puzzles, RPGs and FPS. Love me some Dynasty Warriors, Skyrim, COD, Halo, Mario Bros, GTA, Sonic and a few more. Started on PlayStation...but fell in love with my Xbox 360 mainly because the Kinect is AWESOME and completely knocks out the competition imo. I like Anime too and love cards, and board games/table top games like Risk, dominoes and Hero Quest to name a few more.

    I am here because I need to lose weight. Trying to get to my heathy on while getting my game on and thus why I have the Kinect and have the Fitbit Flex (LOOOVE IT). I go to the gym and love working out (lifting weights)...I have A LOT to lose, so I will be on MFP for a while.

    Xbox Gamer tag: Badd Boo Boo (don't hate, you know its AWESOME) :-) Let's be friends on here and on Xbox Live (PM me though to let me know...that would be nice :-) )
  • kryten83
    kryten83 Posts: 12
    Hi, John here, 30 years old, long-time gamer. That might explain why i need to lose so much weight, not burning many calories sitting in bed playing Skyrim for 100+hrs. Love RPGs and 3rd person adventures, anything I can disappear into for hours on end. Dark Souls, Fallout, RDR, GTA, anything like that. HATE shooters (probably because I'm absolutely rubbish at them). Haven't actually turned on my xbox in 4 months, trying to get out more, though I usually take my 3ds and Zelda with me for a quick fix.

    Xbox gamertag: johnnysteeler (for the mighty Pittsburgh Steelers!!)
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    Hey guys =]

    21 years old gamer here! Started MFP at 165.3 and today marks me losing 16lbs woooh! (current weight:149.2) I most like RPGs and 3rd person anything! Saint Row series, GTA series, God of War series, Kingdom Hearts series, Red Dead Redemption, Gears of War series are just a few of my favourites :)
  • timewiz13
    timewiz13 Posts: 37 Member
    Hai! :D

    I'm 20 years old, and I'm quite a gamer myself.

    I love playing MOBA, MMORPG, FPS, SPG, you name it!

    I'm a major fan of league of legends! I just finished re-playing Arkham City, Dead Island, Saints Row III, etc. I'm about to start on Prototype 2, am waiting on Saints Row IV to come out, and I will be rockin' Counter Strike: Source and maybe even Global Offensive during downtime.

    Oh, I also work in an engineering company, so that makes my week well packed and very fun! I work out everyday (now) and try to reach a max of 1840 calories a day!

    Add me if you're interested in anything I've said so far, want awesome motivational support, and want to just be entertained! I usually do well with those 3 ;D

    Hope to talk to some of you soon! (^_^)d
  • Mataleee
    Mataleee Posts: 4
    Hello =)

    I'm new to the site and pretty chuffed there is a gamer group here =D

    I'm 23, Scottish and been playing video games ever since Paperboy on my Master System. I'm well rounded in video games and will pretty much play anything I can get my hands on. Particularly RPGs, survival games, simulators and strategy. At the moment I'm playing mostly indie games like Don't Starve, Gunpoint and Papers, Please. Really due to the fact my poor laptop can't really handle anything else without overheating. Me and my bf own a 360, Wii, GC, N64, SNES, MS (broken =c), DS and GB colour. I'd quite like to get my hands on a PS and PS2, those console I always seemed to play at other peoples houses lol and they're some games I'd love to revisit. Oh and a 3DS! Mainly for Animal Crossing....don't judge.

    Some of my favourite franchises have been Zelda, Tombi, Mario, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fable, Fallout, GTA, Okami, Simcity, Rollercoaster Tycoon, pokemon, minecraft...god to many to list lol. I would really like to try some MMOs but been too much of a *****, as I'm too scared it will steal my life forever!. Starcraft is a game I would love to play, oh! and I'm a major loot horder, games with loot I'm there!

    I'm just going into my 3rd year of Uni so I don't really have the opportunity to play anything except in the holidays. I'm the type of person that gets far too addicted when I play anything, so its best to stay away from the controller. So instead I get my kicks watching lets plays from various youtubers, its pretty much my nicotine patch lol. First thing I will do when I graduate and get a job is to build my own PC! It gets me through the days thinking about it.

    So, just add me if you want to chat. My steam ID is Matalee, so add me if you like =3