Cabin 3 Instructions, chit chat, etc. thread!

SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
Hello all in Cabin 3 (C3). This is SavvyGurl0528, better known as Beth, your counselor. Together, we are going to show the other cabins what summer camp is all about!

I am starting this thread for communication between our cabin (C3). Sometimes our "walls" can get so busy with all of the other chatter from our friends, it's difficult to weed out what might be important. Hopefully, we can give each other ideas, answer questions, encourage one another, and best of all, get to know one another. I will also post on the "wall" as well as try to (at least one time per week) communicate with each of you through private email.

I have uploaded a spreadsheet to Google docs with a tab for each camper, so you can follow along with the tabulation of our collective points. Feel free to let me know if there are any mistakes / changes that need to be made as we go along.

I want to encourage you all to please HAVE FUN this summer. I'm excited to get to know you and through a bit of constructive competition, lose some weight!

GO C3!!


  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Let's meet our fellow campers!

    CABIN 3
    Good morning! My name is Beth and I'm Assistant camp director and counselor for Cabin 3. I just turned 49 (sigh). I live on a farm in Kansas where we raise cattle and a handful of horses. I have three sons and my "baby" just graduated from high school. The empty nest is rapidly approaching and I refuse to let it get the best of me!

    I really appreciate these challenges because it adds a bit of accountability and some healthy competition, which is something I need to keep me going. Thanks, Donna, for this awesome challenge idea and ! GO CABIN 3!

    No intro yet!

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Karen. I lost 100 pounds before joining MFP. (I used another site) I am currently struggling with the last pounds I need to lose. I joined this group for the challenges.

    Hi all,
    I am Michaela 31 years old and I now live in the netherlands, but originally I am from germany!
    Sometimes my Diary looks like a three language combo because of it and I do not always have the time to translate it, but I try too.
    I am a nightnurse 7 days on duty 7 days off, which means I switch also timezones *lol*
    Since two month I notice some serious lack of control all around and that shows in my weight loss as well and I really dislike it!

    Hopefully a longterm challenge will help me get back into my routine of moving and loosing!
    Cause I really do not want to hide on my vacation pics coming october.
    After 2 years we finally manage to go on our honeymoon trip to southafrica!!!

    Happy camping you all and here is to a great summer!

    No intro yet!

    Hi, My name is Gina and I live in Nashville TN. I am 56 and I want to loose 56 lbs. I have been on the site for a couple of months and I love the apps and the friends....I am hoping to meet some campers who live around here to walk together.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I like the idea of having a chat here, where we can chat with each other!
    Thanks Beth for steping up as councellor, from the last sophrano challenge where I stepped up as captain I know it is not an easy job to do!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Thanks Beth!!

    I am here and ready to go. I had a busy weekend so I was not as active here as usual.

    I am a little confused on the challenges. Where do the weekly ones come from? I would prefer to keep track in Excel on my computer (not print the sheet.) I am trying to get that to work. ;)
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    GOOD MORNING CABIN 3! Time to get things moving! Did you get in your morning stretch? It's an awesome way to get that blood moving and loosen up those joints to get the day started! Don't forget to fit in one of your weekly challenges today!

    Since I completed "meet new friend day", yesterday, I'm trying to figure out which weekly challenge I'll do today. I know I have to mow the lawn. Mowing the lawn at my place is a 3 day event. Wondering if I can fit "music appreciation day" into that somehow? I do listen to my mp3 while mowing. Is mowing lawn on a riding mower aerobic exercise? Plus, today is C25K day (my knee has recovered nicely) and I know jogging is aerobic activity. Think I got this day covered!

    I came home from my trip with about 20 lbs of asparagus. Although I love it steamed, I'll be looking for a recipe to share for healthy eating day using my asparagus.

    Lets rock it today, ladies!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi Karen,

    You should be able to just save the excel file to your computer. After the sheet is opened, in the upper left hand corner, click on "file" and then select "download" and you can download it. The quickest way, however, is to jut click the little down pointing arrow just below the word "file" and right next to the printer icon. If you can't figure it out, let me know and maybe I can email it to you as an attachment or something.

    As for the weekly challenges, Donna posted the ones for this week on the group site. It says Week One Challenges: June 2 thru 8. Here is the link to it:

    For an explanation of the challenges, there is a sticky that says Weekly Activities. Follow this link:

    Would it be better for everyone if I posted them here on out group thread? I'd be glad to do that and make this a "one stop shop", so to speak! I think I will.

    Do you understand the daily challenges? Let me know if you need some explanation about them. After the first week or so, it will fall into place!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Ladies, here is a copy of this weeks challenges. Remember, you can do any of the challenges on whatever day of the week you choose, just as long as you get them completed within the week. It may even be possible to complete two (or more) of the challenges in one day! For each of the weekly challenges you complete, you receive one point.
    Okay, campers... your first week's challenges include:

    Meet New Friends Day - Please introduce yourself under the Introductions discussion, telling us a little about yourself; read what others have to say. Email someone and say hi?!

    Healthy Eating Day

    Family Day

    Water Day

    Music Appreciation Day

    Sports Day

    Community Day

    Here is a link for a weekly challenge checkoff sheet that you can print out to help you keep track!
    Copy and paste above in your browser, then print.

    Other than Meet New Friends Day which involves posting under the Introductions thread, feel free to post as much or as little about the other weekly challenges here. You can do that when you complete them or at the end of the week, whichever is easier. For the Healthy Eating Day Challenge we will be collecting healthy recipes; if they are online, you can simply include the name of the food and a link to the recipe. If it's your own recipe, you can either type and post it here, or you can ask our
    Assistant Director Beth how to upload a recipe to Google (since I don't know how to do that YET) and include the link there.

    Campers....CHALLENGE IS ON!

    Camp Director Donna
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Below is a copy of the Daily Challenges. There are three, which can earn you 21 points per week. They are the Morning Movement, to be completed in the morning (this really helps get the joints moving first thing in the morning), the Evening Cooldown (which I do shortly before bedtime. Makes for a positive night's sleep) and the Cardio/Calorie challenge which means to either stay under your calorie goal or complete some type of cardio activity that burns 300 calories) These need to be completed each day.

    The morning activity takes very little time and can help you collect yourself for the day ahead. I complete mine while my coffee is brewing. We spend our days hurrying from place to place, a little peace and quiet is needed. Think of it as your "warmup" for the race of the day!

    The evening activity helps to "flush out" all of the stress for the day. I think it puts you in a relaxed state of mind for sleep. Think of it as the "cooldown" for the daily race you just completed.
    Daily Activities will include:

    Morning Movement: one point for each day, up to seven points
    10 neck stretches
    10 shoulder rolls
    10 arm stretches
    10 twisties
    10 sidebends
    10 squats
    10 lunges
    10 knee raises
    10 jumping jacks
    10 sec run in place

    Evening Cooldown: one point for each day, up to seven points
    (may be standing, seated or lying down)
    With eyes closed, take a slow deep breath raising your chest and filling your diaphragm.
    When breathing out, concentrate on releasing air slowing.
    Try to think about your breathing as you do this exercise.
    Think in with the good, out with the bad, releasing the tensions of the day.
    Do this ten times.

    Cardio/Calorie Challenge: one point for earning 300 calories completing a cardio exercise, or one point being under calorie limit, up to seven points
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    wow, since 2 days I do the morning stretches and feel awesome! well today despite the fact that I only slept a couple of hours after my last nightshift!

    Also try to figure out what to do today of the weekly challenges.

    The weekly challenge, that I try to figure out is the community day. cause honestly I have no Idea where to look for community service her in the netherlands. what you guys planning on doing with this challenge?
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    wow, since 2 days I do the morning stretches and feel awesome! well today despite the fact that I only slept a couple of hours after my last nightshift!

    I know how you feel. It just seems to set the tone for the day!
    The weekly challenge, that I try to figure out is the community day. cause honestly I have no Idea where to look for community service her in the netherlands. what you guys planning on doing with this challenge?

    This could be a difficult one for you. I already do a lot of community service. We have a little program that I work with another lady where we help package and distribute groceries purchased in bulk (by the pallet) to participants. A lot of lifting and carrying heavy boxes, etc.

    Maybe you could bake something and take it to a neighbor or a needy family, or visit people in the hospital or nursing home. It could be something simple like take the little lady next door to the grocery store or carry groceries out to the car for someone. Whatever you do, make sure it is something that benefits someone else. Do it with an attitude of giving.

    Good luck!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I was able to download the spreadsheet. I am working on a weekly challenge and did the stretches. (my neck is injured so I was a little careful on those)

    I have a community idea!! Maybe when you are out and about you can pick up trash you see or pull some yucky weeds somewhere? That can "help" make the community more beautiful. Does that work?

    I am starting to understand them, I will go read more on each weekly challenge to make sure I do them right.

  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    I have a community idea!! Maybe when you are out and about you can pick up trash you see or pull some yucky weeds somewhere? That can "help" make the community more beautiful. Does that work?


    You've got it! That is an awesome idea! It really pays to get creative here! And to share ideas with others. This is going to be an awesome summer camp!!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    thanks for the input, it really helped!

    today i did some family time with my husband and little furball kayla! kind of unexpected and therefor even more appreciated!
    my husband and i were able to spend the evening together, did some cooking! i am just out of nightshift and he starts tonight, so we get to spend a little time together to talk and stuff! also he safed my e-book reader from "death" :)

    yay for family day!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    More intros for Cabin 3!!
    Let's meet our fellow campers!

    CABIN 3
    Good morning! My name is Beth and I'm Assistant camp director and counselor for Cabin 3. I just turned 49 (sigh). I live on a farm in Kansas where we raise cattle and a handful of horses. I have three sons and my "baby" just graduated from high school. The empty nest is rapidly approaching and I refuse to let it get the best of me!

    I really appreciate these challenges because it adds a bit of accountability and some healthy competition, which is something I need to keep me going. Thanks, Donna, for this awesome challenge idea and ! GO CABIN 3!

    Hey everybody! My name is Kande and I live in East Texas. I started MFP back in Feb of this year and love- love- love it! It is the best support group I have ever had. I am 41 years old and decided that it was time for a change if I wanted to be around for my kiddos as long as possible. Been married for coming up 21 years next week. Have 2 boys- 14 and 11.
    I started at 250 lbs in Feb and have lost 32 lbs so far- my goal is to lose 115 lbs so I am on my way!
    I love the challenges, they keep me from getting bored. Look forward to summer camp with you guys!!!

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Karen. I lost 100 pounds before joining MFP. (I used another site) I am currently struggling with the last pounds I need to lose. I joined this group for the challenges.

    Hi all,
    I am Michaela 31 years old and I now live in the netherlands, but originally I am from germany!
    Sometimes my Diary looks like a three language combo because of it and I do not always have the time to translate it, but I try too.
    I am a nightnurse 7 days on duty 7 days off, which means I switch also timezones *lol*
    Since two month I notice some serious lack of control all around and that shows in my weight loss as well and I really dislike it!

    Hopefully a longterm challenge will help me get back into my routine of moving and loosing!
    Cause I really do not want to hide on my vacation pics coming october.
    After 2 years we finally manage to go on our honeymoon trip to southafrica!!!

    Happy camping you all and here is to a great summer!

    No intro yet!

    Hi, My name is Gina and I live in Nashville TN. I am 56 and I want to loose 56 lbs. I have been on the site for a couple of months and I love the apps and the friends....I am hoping to meet some campers who live around here to walk together.
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    also he safed my e-book reader from "death" :)

    yay for family day!

    Yes, husbands are good for something! Know I couldn't live without mine!

    Glad you had a good family day!
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Pam (pab88). Sorry I am late getting on here but have been quickly checking in to keep up with what is going on. I live in Oklahoma where we had another eventful tornado on Friday and have been busy over the weekend helping friends clean up. I am a RN clinical coordinator for a home health agency. I am married with 4 grown/almost grown children. I started on MFP back in January and have lost @ 40 pounds. I fell off the wagon a little bit in May and am looking forward to getting my motivation back with this group.
  • dmdegrassi
    dmdegrassi Posts: 151
    Great discussions, Cabin 3 Campers! Keep up the great work! You are all awesome! :)

    Cabin Director Donna
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    So, me, myself and I went to the gym today for sportsday!
    At the moment I feel a little dubious about what I do at the gym, because for weeks I am up and down on the same weight and since I did it not go to the gym for more than a week and just watched what I eat now made the scale move down again!
    It is not that I eat my exercise cals back, sometimes I do, sometimes half of them sometimes not at all!
    Kinda frustrating... so lets see how this week will work out!

    Have a great day all!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome Pam!

    We are all here, present and accounted for! Lets make this an awesome summer and keep motivated! Lets take off those punds and inches and make some lasting friendships!

    How are you feeling this morning? Don't forget your morning warm up this morning! Did you get one of your weekly challenges in for yesterday? Awesome!

    Monday was "Meet new friends day" and yesterday, I chose "Music Appreciation Day" Mowed the lawn for 2.5 hours with my mp3 plugged in to my ears, singing my lungs out. I am not a really good singer, but I love to sing. The mower drowns out my voice so I can sing to my heart's content!

    In Kansas, we woke up to overcast skies and drizzle. Maybe I'll jog in the rain and call it my "Water Day"? Let's just see how this day progresses!

    Make it an awesome day today!

  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    So, me, myself and I went to the gym today for sportsday!
    At the moment I feel a little dubious about what I do at the gym, because for weeks I am up and down on the same weight and since I did it not go to the gym for more than a week and just watched what I eat now made the scale move down again!
    It is not that I eat my exercise cals back, sometimes I do, sometimes half of them sometimes not at all!
    Kinda frustrating... so lets see how this week will work out!

    Have a great day all!

    Good morning from Kansas, Michaela! It's so awesome that you go to the gym. I am envious of you. And don't feel dubious! At least you are out there doing something! I so bad want to get a membership to the gym, but summer time is such a busy time on the farm for my family. Always seems like there are lawns to mow and cattle to check and fence to fix, etc. I am working on Couch to 5K and find I have to run after 9pm.

    I downloaded the ebook, "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and want to get started on it. I am just going to have to make the time.

    Have a wonderful day today!!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    This just in from Camp Director Donna!!

    No More Couch Potatoes Summer Camp... SURPRISE CHALLENGE ALERT!!! Complete 50 pushups in the next 24 hours AND respond to this MFP post and receive TWO... yes TWO extra poimts for this week!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Pam (pab88). Sorry I am late getting on here but have been quickly checking in to keep up with what is going on. I live in Oklahoma where we had another eventful tornado on Friday and have been busy over the weekend helping friends clean up. I am a RN clinical coordinator for a home health agency. I am married with 4 grown/almost grown children. I started on MFP back in January and have lost @ 40 pounds. I fell off the wagon a little bit in May and am looking forward to getting my motivation back with this group.

    Hi Pam!! I fell off the wagon badly in December. I find I gain weight very quickly. We all have had those times.

    Nice to meet you!!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Today I did community day. I posted about it on my page (as my status) . I volunteer at a local organic farm. I also get a few veggies in trade. YEAH. I am a little burnt. I guess my sunblock was not good enough.

    Monday I did Music Appreciation day. I downloaded a few new songs. Also my 13 year old son played a new song on his guitar.

    I just did the 50 push ups. OUCH my arms are sore. I hope the ones on your knees were okay. I have trouble with the full push ups.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    So, me, myself and I went to the gym today for sportsday!
    At the moment I feel a little dubious about what I do at the gym, because for weeks I am up and down on the same weight and since I did it not go to the gym for more than a week and just watched what I eat now made the scale move down again!
    It is not that I eat my exercise cals back, sometimes I do, sometimes half of them sometimes not at all!
    Kinda frustrating... so lets see how this week will work out!

    Have a great day all!

    I skipped the gym once for a week to give myself a rest and I lost too. I did not even change my calories. I think it is good to take a break once in a while. Then when you start back up it might just jumpstart your metabolism.

    I heard a podcast recently and the fitness lady had her cortisol/stress hormone tested and it was horrible. Part of the reason hers was up was too much exercise. She was "stressing" her body with exercise and it made her gain. And she was a personal trainer. If they can get it wrong we can too. lol
    Just thought I would share what I heard. HUGS
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Thanks Karendee4 that really makes sense, maybe too much workout is having a negativ effect, gotta try a new plan with this in mind!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    50 push ups done :)
  • dmdegrassi
    dmdegrassi Posts: 151
    Excellent communication, Cabin 3! Your Director salutes you! Well done!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Oh another day. I am sore today.

    Today I will do the sports day challenge. My son has a baseball game so maybe I can play catch for a while? He throws hard so he will have to be careful. (That kid is strong)
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Oh another day. I am sore today.

    Today I will do the sports day challenge. My son has a baseball game so maybe I can play catch for a while? He throws hard so he will have to be careful. (That kid is strong)

    I'm a little sore today, too. Not really all of me, but I restarted my C25K last night (problem with my knee and a trip kept me away from it too long) and my knee is a bit sore. I have not quite figured out what causes it, but I so bad want to keep running.

    I am going to do "Sports Day" today, too. My granddaughter has a ball game this evening (pee wee) and they are always looking for "grandmas" to play catch with them for warm up. Might even volunteer to be 2nd base coach, lol!

    Have fun with your son!
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Monday-community day-helped clean up storm damage in my community
    Tuesday-Pamper yourself day-movie night with family

    50 pushups done!

    Today, I plan on having a healthy eating day and really focus on making good food choices.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Savy! How cute! I would love to be on the field with little ones. We are the 13 year old level and they are serious! It is a high level travel team. Sometimes I see the tball kids or younger ones on a nearby field and I miss that fun. It was less intense

    Pab88 Good for you! Healthy eating day is great