Daily Check In Thread



  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    It's been about a week since my W5, D2 run. My left calf is still hurting. The first couple of steps I take each time I get up are limping, then it works out.

    I'm hesitant to go at this again. I get plenty of other cardio and I lift regularly. I'm questioning the value of running when it feels like it's just going to be another ongoing pain.

    We'll see in a few days.
  • resilient86
    Yesterday I logged my first c25k workout! W1D1 complete! Tomorrow is W1D2!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Since I was rained out yesterday, I waited for a break in the weather today. Unfortunately it never came. I went out for 20 minutes in the drizzle and did my own thing so I could make it intense until the rain drove me back inside. Was hoping to make at least half an hour, but no such luck. Then my GPS quit functioning at .3 miles so I have no idea of my speed. I know it was probably my best speed today because I pushed myself. At least my HRM confirmed that with the calorie burn. Hoping to get outside for C25K tomorrow. Normally I don't run two days in a row, but I think that would be okay since it was so short today (I usually do an hour).
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I finished Week 6 today with the 25 minute run! Woot! I am so thankful. I struggled with the Week 5 20 minute run as it was so hot and muggy here. It discouraged me a little but today was awesome! Keep pushing through, everyone!
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    I did W1D1 today! Feeling pretty proud of myself.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Did Week 4 Day 2 today. Had to squeeze it in between work and class which meant I missed dinner, but ate it later. Very proud of myself for doing it despite my busy week.
  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    All has been going well, I’ve been jogging, albeit slowly, 3 days a week and following the plan verbatim.
    Today was the beginning of week 3.
    A new week is always a little scary. You know that it’s going to make you run for a longer period of time than before, and there’s always a hint of doubt that you’ll be able to finish. My thinking is, “I can barley run for 1.5min. How am I going to manage 3 min.?” Anyway, Week 3 amps up the running time from 90 seconds to 3 minutes at 2 points during the workout. I waited until night time to escape the Houston heat that has been proving to be a challenge the last week.

    There I was, running, walking, listening to music to keep my mind busy. I got through the first 3 min. jog with, almost, no problem. The last 3 min. run came at the end of the workout. I was steady and focusing on my breathing. At one point, I actually enjoyed the way my feet moved beneath my body as the cool night air cooled my face. I told myself that I just needed to get around the bend ahead before I would let myself check the time left. I rounded the bend, and felt a cramp start to creep in my side. I thought, “This is the last set of running, I’m right at the end, I can push through this. No problem.” I unlocked my phone and checked the time. Only 22 seconds left. Yes! I’m home free…..


    I dropped the stupid phone, the headphones ripped out of my ears. Even then, I had a thought that I would just keep running and count down from 22. I’d get the phone later…. Then, I couldn't leave the stupid phone. It’s an iPhone 5. I just got it like 3 weeks ago. What if someone picks it up? I stop and grab the phone. 10 seconds left. Since I had to stop, the cramp took hold and I couldn't finish. I would've gladly paused and ran for an extra 30 seconds had it not been for the cramp.
    The first thing I thought was DAMN IT! Now I have to re-do that one!

    I was 100% on track until I dropped the phone.
    I know that most people have to repeat days or even weeks. I think 1 guy even mentioned it took him 17 weeks to finish the 8 week program. I just didn’t expect for my redo day to be so early in the game. I finished the walking and cool down part MAD as can be.

    A song came on that made me think of my girlfriend and all was well again. At least I wasn't on Day 3 and needed to repeat the entire week. It’s only one day. They’ll be others. I need to make peace with this. As long as I don’t give up, I’ll be able to add this to my list of accomplishments. It might take a little longer than I’d like but if it were easy, it wouldn't be worthy of the pride I will feel when I finish.

    Week 3, I'll see you in 2 days!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    All has been going well, I’ve been jogging, albeit slowly, 3 days a week and following the plan verbatim.
    Today was the beginning of week 3.
    A new week is always a little scary. You know that it’s going to make you run for a longer period of time than before, and there’s always a hint of doubt that you’ll be able to finish. My thinking is, “I can barley run for 1.5min. How am I going to manage 3 min.?” Anyway, Week 3 amps up the running time from 90 seconds to 3 minutes at 2 points during the workout. I waited until night time to escape the Houston heat that has been proving to be a challenge the last week.

    There I was, running, walking, listening to music to keep my mind busy. I got through the first 3 min. jog with, almost, no problem. The last 3 min. run came at the end of the workout. I was steady and focusing on my breathing. At one point, I actually enjoyed the way my feet moved beneath my body as the cool night air cooled my face. I told myself that I just needed to get around the bend ahead before I would let myself check the time left. I rounded the bend, and felt a cramp start to creep in my side. I thought, “This is the last set of running, I’m right at the end, I can push through this. No problem.” I unlocked my phone and checked the time. Only 22 seconds left. Yes! I’m home free…..


    I dropped the stupid phone, the headphones ripped out of my ears. Even then, I had a thought that I would just keep running and count down from 22. I’d get the phone later…. Then, I couldn't leave the stupid phone. It’s an iPhone 5. I just got it like 3 weeks ago. What if someone picks it up? I stop and grab the phone. 10 seconds left. Since I had to stop, the cramp took hold and I couldn't finish. I would've gladly paused and ran for an extra 30 seconds had it not been for the cramp.
    The first thing I thought was DAMN IT! Now I have to re-do that one!

    I was 100% on track until I dropped the phone.
    I know that most people have to repeat days or even weeks. I think 1 guy even mentioned it took him 17 weeks to finish the 8 week program. I just didn’t expect for my redo day to be so early in the game. I finished the walking and cool down part MAD as can be.

    A song came on that made me think of my girlfriend and all was well again. At least I wasn't on Day 3 and needed to repeat the entire week. It’s only one day. They’ll be others. I need to make peace with this. As long as I don’t give up, I’ll be able to add this to my list of accomplishments. It might take a little longer than I’d like but if it were easy, it wouldn't be worthy of the pride I will feel when I finish.

    Week 3, I'll see you in 2 days!

    OK, that was an awesome story. I think I'd call that one a success and move on. You had it and you would have made it.

    I'm nervous about the jump to week 3. 90 seconds to 3 minutes feels like such a big jump when 60 seconds made me want to die two weeks ago.
  • JenniferPlus2
    JenniferPlus2 Posts: 119 Member
    W7D2 done today. I had to go out running later than usual, which made the scenery a little different what with it being dark and all. Interesting how some people think they need to light up the tree in their yard. Looks cool, but I wouldn't want to spend the money to light my tree. Anyway, I have been feeling pretty confident up to this point. Surprised with my ability to complete any of this since I have never ever ever ever been even close to being someone who runs. After tonight's run though, I am not sure I could have gone much further. 2.5 miles at 15:59 a mile and I felt like I ran a full marathon. I could barely get up the stairs in my house to take a shower. I still have about 6 weeks until the 5K for which I plan on running. Trust in the process. That is what I have to keep telling myself. Trust in the process and just follow the program. Next week there are three 2.75 mile runs. So close to 5K. I can do this.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    :laugh: Cherie.. at least you got your phone! I totally feel you - I have had those days and kind of had one today...

    Went out with my 7yo today. Last time was awful. He was angry and complaining and really wore me down. I was so afraid today would be worse, especially since he went to bed late. We did Week5Day2, which means 8 min running, 5 min walking, 8 min running. Previously, we had only gone 5 minutes straight. So I was really apprehensive. I had planned ahead for it, though, and I bought him his first mp3 player and downloaded some of the songs from Wreck It Ralph (as well as some Foster the People, which he loved, yay!).

    This was a great move, as he had a fabulous run, but there was one point where the mp3 player came unclipped from his sweatshirt and was being dragged down the road... I was chasing after him trying to yell (but a bit out of breath after 7 minutes of running)... he looked like a little puppy that pulled his leash and stake out of the ground and didn't realize it.

    But it was a GOOD DAY! We got home and he was beaming and refreshed. I think we are ready for the big one on Saturday :)

    Also, since we homeschool, I think it counts as gym AND music. :wink:
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    You guys are doing great!!! And still more people joining, awesome!!! W1D2 in the books. Had a little more energy this morning so i continued after and ended up going 4 miles. I'm sure I'll pay for that tomorrow though. Hummm... maybe a little more stretching this evening. Keep kicking butt!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Week 2 complete. Starting Week 3 tomorrow. :o)
  • KatieD060982
    KatieD060982 Posts: 41 Member
    Just did Week 4 Day 1 last night. The jump from 3 min to 5 min is TOUGH for me. I stopped about 40 seconds short for a 3 second walk before realizing I wasn't done. Trying not to get discouraged and just keep on keeping on :)
  • hmparkin23
    hmparkin23 Posts: 91 Member
    Week 2 Day 3 done! Found it pretty tough today but I hadn't had a rest day since my last run and I was also getting distracted by trying to figure out how my new trainers felt! I think I need proper socks rather than trainer liners, to stop them rubbing... I won't get to start Week 3 until Tuesday evening probably. Running for three minutes - scary!
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    W3 D3 done here too... I feel good about it and tried to push a bit harder by keeping on the second half of the training session to a 9kmph on the running bits. After it, nice sauna and steam room, now dinner.

    I have put 2lbs back on and kind of panicking. I think I should know it is muscles and I have to keep eating rather than cutting to 1000cals, but gosh if it's hard.

    Anyway, quite excited about starting on W4 on Sunday.
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Week 6 Day 3 here. After not being sure that my friend would do Week 5 day 3 on Tuesday, she blasted it and still felt that she had some gas in her tank so today she wanted to try Week 6 Day 3. Completed! I am so proud of her and looking forward to week 7 now.
  • imafitmom
    imafitmom Posts: 116 Member
    W6D3 complete. I am so amazed my body is doing this. I am slow and it's ugly but dang it I'm doing it..... I'm actually doing this!!! OH yeah... and I'm having a blast too. :wink:
  • destructor2013
    I must be crazy. We're supposed to be getting a Tropical Storm up here sometime tomorrow, possibly when I normally run, but I'm going to do it anyways even if it's pouring rain. Why? Because I know if I take a day off I will get in the habit of that and lose my focus and not be able to get where I want and to what I want. It'll technically be W2D3 for me, but since I am repeating W1, it's really W1D3.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week 5, Day 1 complete. I'm pretty nervous about the rest of this week, but it feels good to have D1 over with anyway!
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Week 8 Day 1 for me at 5am this morning with my doggy. It was a horrible run- I tripped over some fresh air and landed flat on my face, checked my phone was okay then bounced back up and carried on, took a different route and got lost so ended up practically hopping through long grass trying to avoid rabbit holes but I did it! Looking forward to completing week 9 before I go on my holidays as I plan to take my running kit and run along the sea front early in the morning while I'm away.