Daily Check In Thread



  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
    This morning i completed W2D2 :) Overall pace averaged out between walking and running is 12:04?! Is that standard or what?

    I took my mum and cousin and the dog and we did some power walking before and after and inbetween i did my c25 and rejoined them, iv spread the bug apparently and they are gonna start week 1 when i do my final run of week 2 on wednesday. Im working 13hr shifts the next two days so i dont think ill get a run in. Iv sooo got the bug for it even tho it wipes me out. Love/hate thing but the high of completing is worth it :) I hope this sunshine lasts cause its been soo nice. Dreading running in the miserable cold or wet!
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member
    You guys are doing so well!
    I am stuck on w7d1, second try today and I'm stopping at 2.40. Argh! Just have to push through that last bit. Tomorrow is another day.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Completed W5D1 yesterday. Doing Day 2 today and then I'm hoping it rains all week because I'm terrified of that 20 min run. I honestly don't think I can do it.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Did W4D2 today, as the heat kept rising. I need to go out earlier. Reading everyone's posts and I'm not even thinking about pace or times just yet, just trying to keep running for the whole sequences. So far so good.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    Completed W5D1 yesterday. Doing Day 2 today and then I'm hoping it rains all week because I'm terrified of that 20 min run. I honestly don't think I can do it.

    I really felt the same as you, I really got nervous and didn't think I could do it either. I did! Just go for it, try to stay calm, pace yourself and enjoy. If you get to a point where it gets too much ( I'm sure it won't!) then walk briskly for 1 minute to catch your breath then continue, OR don't go too fast so that you have the reserves to complete the full 20 mins!

    Go on, you CAN do it!, good luck :laugh:
  • ryans5050
    ryans5050 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all,

    W1D1 completed today. 2.04 miles in 30 minutes. Both of my kids (boy 13 and girl 11) are also doing it with me as well, so my pace is slowed a bit for the girl to keep up. Wife was even riding along on her bike. Not that this was easy by ANY means. I felt like I was dying every run! But I was pleased with the first day. Plus it rained for most of the afternoon here in the Tampa Bay area, so it was SUPER muggy and humid when we went out. ugh! A few times I asked both of them who's crazy idea was this to start a C25K and they both just glared at me and said YOURS DAD! haha

    I just completed my 60 days of Insanity today as well and now I'm starting a C25K (as well as P90X in a week). Feel free to FR me if you're looking for accountability and friendship.

    You guys are doing awesome though, just reading through this is such a huge inspiration to me!
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W5D1 down and done
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    FINALLY W2D3 done - my work has been all over the place this past week so I kept feeling there was too big a gap between my runs so I've repeated them a couple of times but today, I think I can safely say W2 is in the bag.

    I'm really going to try and be more consistent with my days even if it means running late evening as while I don't mind repeating a day if its been 4 or 5 since my last run, I'd like to actually make progress too!

    Everyone seems to be doing so well so congratulations to you all - I'll catch up eventually lol
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week 5, Day 3: Success! It felt good too...once I talked myself into getting out of bed to do it before work. My run pace was a full minute slower than W5D2, but I was trying to set a pace where I could complete the full 20 minutes. I did apparently run faster in the second half because I ran down my road for 10 minutes, turned around, and then ran past where I started the running portion before the app told me to cool down.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    I started this morning. I made the ultimate sacrifice and got up at 6:00 am to do this with my niece. I work from home and normally go to the gym around 10:30 but she needs someone to motivate her so I agreed to do this together. This was the first time running outside in years. Definitely different than on the treadmill. We did 1.91 miles in 30 minutes. I have no idea how good or bad that is. My niece is 9 inches taller than me and out paces me. I didn't really try and keep up but I think i did walk a little faster than normally during the 90 second walking sections. It's hard to imagine being able to run for more than a minute right now but I am determined to do this!
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    Just completed W3D3 and honestly didn't think I could. When I first started W1D1 was hard for me so completing Week 3 was AMAZING! I'm so looking forward to Week 4. Trying not to psych myself out and just do it. I think the key for me is to just jog slowly to try to make it through. If I try to jog at the pace that I see others, I end up stopping and wheezing, so I'm just going to try to relax, maybe slow it down a bit and enjoy being outside :-)
  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    W5D3 done. I felt great and like I could have pushed myself harder. I forgot to take my inhaler with me though, so I didn't want to push it too much. I'm starting right with W6D1 tomorrow (I like to run T/Th/Sa/Su) because I got a little off schedule last week.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 complete. My pace and endurance are slowly improving. Can't wait to run again (never thought I'd say that).
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I have to do Week 7 this week and I am dreading it. I like the smaller runs with the bigger run on day 3. It is raining here for the next 2 days and then will probably turn out hot. I have heard that when you run in the rain you should imagine you are running through the sprinkler as you did as a child. LOL I hope that works if I brave the elements. :-(
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    I have to do Week 7 this week and I am dreading it. I like the smaller runs with the bigger run on day 3. It is raining here for the next 2 days and then will probably turn out hot. I have heard that when you run in the rain you should imagine you are running through the sprinkler as you did as a child. LOL I hope that works if I brave the elements. :-(

    So far, 3 of my runs were in the rain. One of them during a torrential rainstorm with flash flooding. They were my best runs to date. Me, thunder, dark clouds, massive puddles, the sound of my breathing and the pavement...I pray for the rain, lol. You will rock it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I really love reading everyone's progress! Great jobs, everyone!

    I finished Week 7 last week, but am on hiatus while recovering from gall bladder surgery. I have been walking each day. Wondering how long before I will feel ok to run again and how far I will be set back?

    Keep up the good work!
  • ennuifreezone
    ennuifreezone Posts: 20 Member
    I started this morning. I made the ultimate sacrifice and got up at 6:00 am to do this with my niece.

    Haha, I love your wording on this. I would love to have the motivation to get up that early to run, especially now that summer is in full force here, but I'm stuck at doing it after work since I am too lazy to wake up so early. You've totally got this, don't give up!

    I finished w6d3 yesterday, and I guess the NHS podcast has the last day being 25 mins instead of the 22 I was expecting. I made it through though, even though I was feeling petulant about those three extra minutes.
  • Wjolaughlin
    Wjolaughlin Posts: 23 Member
    I've been on a family vacation at a waterpark :D So I didn't run every other day as usual. But I did go one evening to the fitness center and ran on a treadmil for the first time, it was Week 7 Day 2. I ran the whole thing and even continued on for another 15 minutes to finish running 3.1 miles!!! It was so easy on a treadmill LOL! I'm used to running outside with hills and wind etc. After we got back I rested and then yesterday I did week 7 day 3 outside and about died! But I finished it! Will see how I do tomorrow with week 8! Can't believe it's the last week!!! I'll be starting it over after that and this time pushing myself to run faster, I only get to about 2 miles by the end of the time.
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    W5D1 completed... it was a bit tough but I did it! D2 calls for running 8 minutes twice {gulp}.

    Feeling a little lost since I have not signed up for a 5K to actually run in once my training is done. Summer in Texas is just around the corner and I just don't think that I will be outside running in the 100+ heat. However, most 5Ks start early morning so it's doable. I just need to find one - they tend to slow down in frequency once summer starts.
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    Tomorrow W4 D2 after two days of rest... Quite nervous.