Daily Check In Thread



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Well done. I always think the first 8-10 minutes of a run are the hardest as you struggle to find pace and regulate breathing. Once your body has found a rhythm you could run forever if your mind would just switch off.

    Week 9 complete here- GRADUATED! The last four minutes were tough but mentally more than anything as I knew I was going to finish on a hill. Wasn't long over the top of the hill when he told me I was finished but by that point I felt I could have kept going. Now I have around six weeks before my first Parkrun to focus on getting stronger and let me pace naturally improve.

    There have been actual studies of that first 10 minutes. Some people think it's an evolutionary response to get us to sit down before we burn off critical fat stores.

    After I graduated, I felt an awesome sense of limitlessness. After all, I thought that I'd never run for more than a minute, who knows how far I could actually run? That's why your long runs become so much fun - how far can you go? And your speed work - how fast?

    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment and welcome to a lifetime of running!

    (Join us over on the Bridge to 10k board if you'd like: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/543-bridge-to-10k)
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Week 5, day 3, a full 20 minutes of running.

    I feel amazing now - and I actually felt pretty good during! Around the 8 minute mark I wanted to stop, but I said, at least get to 10, then if you need to you can walk for 30 seconds and carry on. By the time I thought about that again there was 5 minutes to go, and I know I can run 5 minutes, so I just kept on going :)

    Got a couple if stitches, but focused on my breathing and got that back under control.
    I did slow down a lot for this run though, I've been doing 12-14 minute miles, today was more like 15. But who cares, I GOT THROUGH IT.

    great job!!!!! i am doing this run tonight and am very nervous! so this is great to hear :) i will just keep it going at a slow pace and try to fight my mind telling me to stop. fingers crossed. i am actually excited to run tonight and just that alone already has me proud :) will give an update later!
  • Yesterday I did Week 2 Day 2 and it wasn't so bad. Tomorrow I'm on to W2D3 and I'm starting the first workout of new rules of lifting for women as well. :drinker:
  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    W3D2 was done yesterday! I think I went out when it was a bit too hot still. The last 3 min run seemed to be never-ending.

    I am going out of town this weekend but I do plan to finish Week 3 over the weekend.

    I am a bit worried about week four, I don't know how I'm going to do with a five minute run. I guess I should start being positive!!
  • imafitmom
    imafitmom Posts: 116 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Week 5, day 3, a full 20 minutes of running.

    I feel amazing now - and I actually felt pretty good during! Around the 8 minute mark I wanted to stop, but I said, at least get to 10, then if you need to you can walk for 30 seconds and carry on. By the time I thought about that again there was 5 minutes to go, and I know I can run 5 minutes, so I just kept on going :)

    Got a couple if stitches, but focused on my breathing and got that back under control.

    I did slow down a lot for this run though, I've been doing 12-14 minute miles, today was more like 15. But who cares, I GOT THROUGH IT.


    WooHoo!!! GO YOU!!!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Week 5, day 3, a full 20 minutes of running.

    I feel amazing now - and I actually felt pretty good during! Around the 8 minute mark I wanted to stop, but I said, at least get to 10, then if you need to you can walk for 30 seconds and carry on. By the time I thought about that again there was 5 minutes to go, and I know I can run 5 minutes, so I just kept on going :)

    Got a couple if stitches, but focused on my breathing and got that back under control.

    I did slow down a lot for this run though, I've been doing 12-14 minute miles, today was more like 15. But who cares, I GOT THROUGH IT.


    Well done. I always think the first 8-10 minutes of a run are the hardest as you struggle to find pace and regulate breathing. Once your body has found a rhythm you could run forever if your mind would just switch off.

    Week 9 complete here- GRADUATED! The last four minutes were tough but mentally more than anything as I knew I was going to finish on a hill. Wasn't long over the top of the hill when he told me I was finished but by that point I felt I could have kept going. Now I have around six weeks before my first Parkrun to focus on getting stronger and let me pace naturally improve.

    Congrats!!!! I agree the first 8 or 10 minutes are the hardest for me too. Once I get over that hump, I am good. I graduated almost three weeks ago, now doing Five to 10k app
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Week 5, Day 3 done here too!

    It was amazing. Neither me or my running partner even felt challenged until 3/4 way through when we checked the remaining time on the app. Such an improvement and I feel awesome!

    30 minutes doesn't seem that far out of reach now. Woo hop!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Crazy day today...I decided to try a new running app by zen labs (I normally use RunDouble). Anyways, I accidentally selected the wrong day because I was rushing to get my run in before work this morning. So, I wound up repeating Week 3 Day 3. I did not realize what I'd done untll I got to work. Then, it bothered me allll friggin' day. So I clocked out 30 minutes early, took my butt to the park and did the correct day: Week 4 Day 1. SO....I got 2 runs in for today. Wicked!!!! Oh, and I like the RunDouble app sooo much better, so I'm gonna stick with that one. Over and out...
  • JenniferPlus2
    JenniferPlus2 Posts: 119 Member
    Crazy day today...I decided to try a new running app by zen labs (I normally use RunDouble). Anyways, I accidentally selected the wrong day because I was rushing to get my run in before work this morning. So, I wound up repeating Week 3 Day 3. I did not realize what I'd done untll I got to work. Then, it bothered me allll friggin' day. So I clocked out 30 minutes early, took my butt to the park and did the correct day: Week 4 Day 1. SO....I got 2 runs in for today. Wicked!!!! Oh, and I like the RunDouble app sooo much better, so I'm gonna stick with that one. Over and out...
    Good info, and congrats on two runs!!
    That would have bugged me too.
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Week 5, day 3, a full 20 minutes of running.

    I feel amazing now - and I actually felt pretty good during! Around the 8 minute mark I wanted to stop, but I said, at least get to 10, then if you need to you can walk for 30 seconds and carry on. By the time I thought about that again there was 5 minutes to go, and I know I can run 5 minutes, so I just kept on going :)

    Got a couple if stitches, but focused on my breathing and got that back under control.

    I did slow down a lot for this run though, I've been doing 12-14 minute miles, today was more like 15. But who cares, I GOT THROUGH IT.


    Excellent! Great job! :flowerforyou:
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member

    Still in shock that I did it. The advice I read previous to doing it is so true: you've done the program up to this point and are prepared for this run- trust the program. The key, for me, was to keep a pace that I knew I could sustain for 20 minutes. I wanted to stop around the 11 minute mark knowing I still had 9 more minutes but I told myself to get to 15 and see how I feel. At that point, 5 minutes seemed feasible and I finished it!!! So glad I got through it. Looking forward to speeding up my pace in the coming weeks and increasing my endurance even more :)

    Great job to everyone who completed their day today! Go us!
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    W5d2. Done tonight...it went pretty well (dare I say easy!). But I am making sure my pace is slow enough to keep my breathing even.

    I actually am not too worried about W5d3 .... Especially with all of recent success posts in this thread.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Day 2 of Week 1 of Five to 10k is in the history books. I had to slow down a little bit in the last interval, but got it done
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Crazy day today...I decided to try a new running app by zen labs (I normally use RunDouble). Anyways, I accidentally selected the wrong day because I was rushing to get my run in before work this morning. So, I wound up repeating Week 3 Day 3. I did not realize what I'd done untll I got to work. Then, it bothered me allll friggin' day. So I clocked out 30 minutes early, took my butt to the park and did the correct day: Week 4 Day 1. SO....I got 2 runs in for today. Wicked!!!! Oh, and I like the RunDouble app sooo much better, so I'm gonna stick with that one. Over and out...

    Good For You!!! I use Run Double too.
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Well done. I always think the first 8-10 minutes of a run are the hardest as you struggle to find pace and regulate breathing. Once your body has found a rhythm you could run forever if your mind would just switch off.

    Week 9 complete here- GRADUATED! The last four minutes were tough but mentally more than anything as I knew I was going to finish on a hill. Wasn't long over the top of the hill when he told me I was finished but by that point I felt I could have kept going. Now I have around six weeks before my first Parkrun to focus on getting stronger and let me pace naturally improve.

    There have been actual studies of that first 10 minutes. Some people think it's an evolutionary response to get us to sit down before we burn off critical fat stores.

    After I graduated, I felt an awesome sense of limitlessness. After all, I thought that I'd never run for more than a minute, who knows how far I could actually run? That's why your long runs become so much fun - how far can you go? And your speed work - how fast?

    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment and welcome to a lifetime of running!

    (Join us over on the Bridge to 10k board if you'd like: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/543-bridge-to-10k)

    Thanks. I'm going on holiday next week but plan on taking my running gear and getting a few runs in while there. Once I come back I'm going to start concentrating on getting up to 10k.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member

    Still in shock that I did it. The advice I read previous to doing it is so true: you've done the program up to this point and are prepared for this run- trust the program. The key, for me, was to keep a pace that I knew I could sustain for 20 minutes. I wanted to stop around the 11 minute mark knowing I still had 9 more minutes but I told myself to get to 15 and see how I feel. At that point, 5 minutes seemed feasible and I finished it!!! So glad I got through it. Looking forward to speeding up my pace in the coming weeks and increasing my endurance even more :)

    Great job to everyone who completed their day today! Go us!

    Yes yes yes!! Great job!

    Haha you played the same mind trick as me - keep going for a bit longer and reassess, and then you don't want to give in and start walking.

    Congrats :flowerforyou:
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W5D3 down and done. Hmmm. Completed but not the 2 miles in 20 minutes. Just 1.7 in the 20 mins
  • eggyeaster13
    eggyeaster13 Posts: 20 Member
    Just completed Week 2 covered 1.9miles in 30mins ok not the fastest and not the furthest but I did feel comfortable and noticed an improvement in my endurance and breathing!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I did W5D2 last night. It was awesome! At around the 5 minute mark (estimated), I felt like I needed to walk, but I kept going, and the feeling went away quickly. So by the time the 8 minutes were done, I felt like I could keep going! :happy: So pumped for day 3 this weekend!!! I can do it! I feel like week 4 was the big hurdle for me. Now that I'm past that, I'll be fine, and I can do the rest of the program with no problems.
  • ennuifreezone
    ennuifreezone Posts: 20 Member
    W7D2 finished! This one was a lot easier than the day before, which I really struggled through. The NHS podcast music is SO TERRIBLE, you guys; you have no idea. Anyway, I can't believe I've stuck with it this long. Almost there!