
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Afternoon folks,

    I'm on week 7, and I'm planning on running through Insanity a couple more times, back to back (because I'm really starting from scratch with fitness, each round I'll be stronger and finish those moves with the right strength!).

    Does anyone have advice for how to leave in between finishing and starting back again? Maybe a week off, then a week of recovery and then back, or maybe just a week of recovery?

    Well done everyone for starting, continuing, finishing Insanity, I certainly feel so much stronger already!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good job on hitting week 7!! You can just take a week of recovery and back again if you can't stand without working out for another week and losing the steam :) How's your result so far?
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    duplicate post somehow!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Going goodly! I'm getting used to being up at 5.30am - FINALLY - that took longest to get used to I think!

    I'm much stronger, on the up side, but I'm also up a couple of centimetres all over, and up 2kg since I started. However, I finally started going down again this week, so I'm curious to see where I'll be in a few weeks. I've got about 10-15kg to lose, and would like to go from about 35% BF to about 25% (as rough as that is, as I'm just using online calculators).

    One thing though - I still cannot do a press up, I have no arm strength where is joins my shoulders, whatever that muscle is called? I can plank and hold it, but thats with stomach muscles keeping me up, not chest/arms. Do you have any tips for working on this, perhaps?

    Thanks for the suggestion of recovery then carry on, I love that I'll get stronger all the time!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    That's great! Make sure you eat at a calorie deficit and your weight loss will be like clockwork!

    I wish there was an easy button for instant strength LOL.. The only way to do it is to keep trying and enduring. I remember I was only able to do 1 pull-ups in p90x. But now I can do 10. Keep trying.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    I started eating more about 2 months ago, as I was averaging about 1350 and my TDEE-25% is about 1800 but I spent so much time thinking about how to boost it properly, it was daft, so I've stopped, just gone back to normal and now I'm averaging about 1600 of good cals. See how that goes

    No instant button required - just wasnt sure if there was something to focus on to improve that in particular but it's fine to keep working and building slowly!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    So I had been doing a mix of running and asylum. Then my husband said he wanted to start walking with me in the morning. Since he could use the exercise and we could use the time together I said sure. So now my run has turned into a walk, that's ok I'll power walk. Nope ...he strolls. So I got him up to a medium walk, but still missing my cardio. So I start throwing in some Insanity, problem solved.

    Ha, then fate kicks me a good one and I tweak my lower back/upper glute. No biggy until the spasms start. OMG that set off the rest of my back ( upper back injury from a car accident) and I look like the hunchback of notre dame !!!! ( think spasms lower back and mid back all on left side)

    Now ( one week later) my back is down to a dull ache, I'm back to walking and have been doing Asylum relief and Insanity Cardio Recovery. I'm hoping by Monday I can start jogging ( I've decided Hubby is going to do C25K...hahaha he doesn't know this yet:bigsmile: ) and I think I'm going to start Insanity from the top, maybe every other day if running, every day if walking.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @ghsfitnesspal - if you have doubts about how much you should be eating, here's a quick calculation that I use and recommend.

    @lyndayh - welcome back! Haven't seen you for quite a while. I'm glad that you've been pushing play and running. Great job! What's c25k? 2.5 miles?

    I did Fast m Furious for my cardio yesterday. Nothing fancy there but good ole cardio! My weight has been hovering around 151 but my muscles appaer to be more sculpted week by week. That might have given the impression that the muscles are getting bigger :) The last time I did a tape measurement, they were about the same so I know they aren't getting bigger but hey I'll take that even if it's an illusion LOL.

    I've been experimenting with what I called the "dynamic p90x diet". See there are 3 phases in the p90x diet plan - fat shredder, energy booster and endurance maximizer. I thought I could adjust the macros (e.g. switch between the diet) based on the workout I have for the day. For the most part I stick to fat shredder but on the cardio days, I upped my carb to as high as 40% (protein 40%) to give me the extra energy for the cardio workout. On the resistance days, I lower my carb back to 30% and protein 50% for the muscle recovery and growth. I felt better on the days I had more carbs but I didn't necessary feel more energetic. I think it's more of a mental thing. I just started this a few weeks back so it's still early to tell if this has any impact to the result just yet. Now I don't feel comfortable going to the endurance maximizer diet which is a 50% carb 30% protein diet just yet (or ever) because 50% carb is just way too high and I don't think or feel I have the need to have that much carbs. Anyway, the key in this "dynamic p90x diet" is that the calorie target should still be maintained throughout. Meaning if my calorie target is 1700 a day, not matter what I do with the macros, I should never exceed the calorie target for the day so that I continue to have calorie deficit. It's important because that makes the weight control a lot more predictable.

    Again, it's an experiment I'm doing now and not something that I would recommend just yet. Until then, let's keep digging deep!

  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    C25K is a running training program. It starts you as a non-runner ( which hubby definitely and over 9 weeks gets you running 30 min straight ( or 5k ish which would be about 3.12 miles) . I did it a year or so ago and it was awesome. I don't run in winter due to snow and cold so this spring I dusted it off and started at week 6. It does intervals run walk increasing running time. you do it every other day and sometimes it increases each day and later weeks you repeat longer runs each day ( ie week 7 is 25 min all 3 days).

    Once my ack is better I'm going to work on increasing my speed and then maybe endurance to 10 k
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Couch to 5k is a superb program, I came across it when I was able to run about a mile and although I loathed the music at the time, there have been loads of programs created which are so much better! I recommend Zombies, Run! too, you're a runner in a land plagued with zombs, as the characters call them, and you have the option to be chased by zombies to push yourself if you want!

    Insanity question - looking at the DVDs, and on the Insanity website, I dont see a reference to Insane abs, or Sports trainings, which is on the Xcel spreadsheet, am I missing something?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lyndabyh - that sounds fun! I tried to run a few weeks back and I was able to do about 30 minutes nonstop at 6mph. I guess I could try to do a 5k!

    @ghsfitnesspal - Insane abs isn't part of the basic insanity program. Cardio Abs is the one that comes with Insanity.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Thats what I thought - I wonder why it's on the spreadsheet then. I'll stick to what I have, thanks
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    after about a month off i'm finally back. hope to be posting a lot more

    doing p90x again but preparing to be very board with it lol
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Welcome back bro! Good to see you again after a long while.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good morning team!! Yesterday was cardio day but I didn't get a chance to do any cardio. I didn't get off work until very late so I decided to hit the driving range instead. Since they opened until 12AM, I was able to squeeze in about an hour or so of practice time. There's no much burn there but it was a good upper body stretching exercise LOL.

    I'm going to be doing Biceps and Back and ARX tonight. Time to push hard!!

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    very sore, more sore then the first round of p90x i did. posting in this thread because it seems more popular lol.

    about a month off of any beach body program and all i wanted to eat was something out of a wrapper.

    two days into p90x and i'm craving steak.

    happy about that.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    @no-finish-line : glad to see you back. Your probably more sore due to being off for a month. You'll probably find you recover faster though. Good luck
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    thanks lyn!

    got thru shoulders and arms last night without having to pause it or back it up. thats pretty good for me for the first time through this workout this round. Tony moves a little fast for me.

    and this was also the first time i experienced ARX with a sore core lol. it hurt

    then i did some jump rope afterwards because i am truly 100% addicted!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    So my back/ hip are feeling much better and I've been easing back into things . Last week just walking and asylum relief but this week I was able to run ( made 5k twice this week ..yeah me!!) and do relief. Today I added Insanity abs and tomorrow I think I'll attempt Asylum strength again.

    Going to continue running and adding either Insanity or Asylum for another week and then start Insanity over beginning of July
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Speaking of running...Yesterday I did 35 minutes of running at a speed of 5mph for the first 10 minutes and then increased to 6mph for the remaining 25. The temperature finally cooled down a bit at around 9pm but was still around 85. I haven't run for a few weeks now so I thought I would give that another try. It was more difficult this time around due to the heat. Even though the sun was setting, there were still significant radiated from the roads. I ran slower in the beginning just so I could acclimate myself to the heat. I must have sweat gallons LOL before I decided to take it up a notch. Surprisingly I didn't get worse. At the end, it almost felt like I was in sauna for a couple of hours.

    I'm going to swap out legs with chest today. And of course ARX!