Daily Check In Thread



  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W6D2 down and done
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Finished c25k this morning!!! Yeepiee!!!! On to 10K.

    Well done!

    I seem to have hit a mental wall. Went out for a 5k run last night, took a bit of a panic attack about halfway round but managed to get myself together to finish the run and did a little extra so ended up completing 3.4 miles. I ran Sunday, Monday, Tuesday so not sure if I'm really just needing a rest day and I'll feel a bit more back to normal after that or if I've put too much pressure on myself as I thought about doing a 5k parkrun this weekend.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just finished W7D1. It was a tough one. My legs were tired start to finish. I felt out of breath for the first couple minutes but then was able to get that regulated. I played a lot of mental games with myself (this is too hard today, I can't do this, I'm not going to make it, I'm so tired). I kind of had an idea where I should be when I hit the halfway point and when I was quite a bit past that and still hadn't gotten the halfway verbal cue I finally broke down and looked at my phone - I had 8:30 left of my 25:00 run so I was well past halfway. At that point I finally stopped fighting with myself mentally and the last 8 minutes felt great.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 finished last night. The last little bit was hard. I had mentally convinced myself that I had to run to the beginning of the bike trail because "that's where I had started the first 10 minute run" so since I had gone until I was told that I was half done then turned around, I knew where I had to run to. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I had started running on the way to the trail, not on the trail itself and so while the logic was correct, where I had thought I started was not correct for this run. I remembered this when I reached the start of the trail, but since I had been promising my body that we would stop at the trail start, it wasn't very happy to have to keep running. We did it though and I learned my lesson. Don't promise myself things when I don't know what I'm talking about. :)
  • amberpic
    amberpic Posts: 20
    Been sick for the past several days, so I missed two running days. Did W2D1 today...shin splints and knee pain, but I'll get that under control quickly. I completed the run...just really slowly.

    Good to be back out there!
  • destructor2013
    Did W2D2 today, W2D1 was on Monday. Today was pretty good. I didn't feel completely exhausted when I finished which is a marked improvement from when I first started 3 weeks ago and couldn't even do all of W1D1. This is my 4th week technically, but I had to repeat W1 a couple of times before I felt ready to move on. W2 is going so well I think I might be to go to W3 next week, but we shall see. On Monday it decided to start raining not even 3 minutes into it and then it stopped 5 minutes later. Then 5 minutes later it started again and it did that a few times. But I kept going anyways. I also cut/scraped the top of my foot somehow (I think it was from yard work I did over the weekend), but I didn't let that keep me from it. Fortunately being on the top of my foot and not the bottom it doesn't really bother me much when walking/running. Today it looked like it was going to rain but it decided to be nice and cooperate with me and didn't rain a drop the whole time.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    W6D1 last night! It's hard to believe that after doing 20 minutes straight through, 18 minutes broken up by walk breaks seems more difficult, but it is. I didn't even want to do the last 5 minutes, especially since I was almost done with my loop and back home, but I made myself keep going. I just ran past my house and went down the street so that my cool down was the walk back. Tomorrow is W6D2, then it's all running with no more intervals! :happy:

    I never thought I would like running, but every day I'm amazed that this program has made me love running :happy:
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    W6D1 last night! It's hard to believe that after doing 20 minutes straight through, 18 minutes broken up by walk breaks seems more difficult, but it is. I didn't even want to do the last 5 minutes, especially since I was almost done with my loop and back home, but I made myself keep going. I just ran past my house and went down the street so that my cool down was the walk back. Tomorrow is W6D2, then it's all running with no more intervals! :happy:

    I never thought I would like running, but every day I'm amazed that this program has made me love running :happy:

    We are on almost exactly the same schedule, and every time I read your post I think "me too! I could have wrote that"

    I ran w6d2last night. It went well although I am sure I am timing out before distance since I am so slow. But I am also amazed at how much I enjoy going out.

    I am doing the 30 day shred videos on my days off and have begun hating them and wishing I could just quit and run everyday. But I am determined to at least finish both the c25k and the entire 30 day shred program before I change it up.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    Because I completed the C25K program and just backslid and didn't run for too long, i am no longer counting weeks/days, but completed 2 miles running and half a mile walking today. Much better than Monday. Hoping I get back to 5k soon!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I went to the gym to do W4D1 today. I didn't want to wait for the heat to give. Now, I'm a little mad at myself. Treadmills are great and all but I struggled with the last 90 seconds of the last run. I keep thinking that I only finished because the treadmill made it easier somehow. I'm proud of myself for finishing when I really just wanted to stop. However, I don't feel satisfied with myself today. I guess I can prove myself wrong on Wednesday for W4D2.

    You finished. End of sentence.

    You don't get demerit points because one 5k race is flatter than another or points off because it finishes downhill. When you cross the finish line after running 3.1 miles then you've completed a 5k. We all come up with really creative ways of beating ourselves down and convincing ourselves that we are not runners - let's just stop. I really apologize if I sound harsh, I'm just feeling really slow today with my race times.

    This response is amazing. So true! "You finished. End of sentence." Love it.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 finished last night. The last little bit was hard. I had mentally convinced myself that I had to run to the beginning of the bike trail because "that's where I had started the first 10 minute run" so since I had gone until I was told that I was half done then turned around, I knew where I had to run to. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I had started running on the way to the trail, not on the trail itself and so while the logic was correct, where I had thought I started was not correct for this run. I remembered this when I reached the start of the trail, but since I had been promising my body that we would stop at the trail start, it wasn't very happy to have to keep running. We did it though and I learned my lesson. Don't promise myself things when I don't know what I'm talking about. :)

    This made me laugh out loud. I tell myself that when I get to a certain spot I'm going to be done, and when I'm not it's excruciating to have to keep going!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Finished c25k this morning!!! Yeepiee!!!! On to 10K.

    Well done!

    I seem to have hit a mental wall. Went out for a 5k run last night, took a bit of a panic attack about halfway round but managed to get myself together to finish the run and did a little extra so ended up completing 3.4 miles. I ran Sunday, Monday, Tuesday so not sure if I'm really just needing a rest day and I'll feel a bit more back to normal after that or if I've put too much pressure on myself as I thought about doing a 5k parkrun this weekend.

    Maybe some of both?

    Edit: Typed 4 words...still managed a typo.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Just walked a mile on the treadmill today after my strength training session with the trainer. Saving it up for tomorrow's W5D3 run. I'm going to try and get out early before the heat and humidity kicks in. The main road in my subdivision is about 1.6 miles and I want to see how close to the end of it I can get. A little nervous but anxious to do it.
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    I am new to this group and started C25K a few weeks back. I didn't know if I could run, still weighing over 325 pounds when I started, but I was looking for a new challenge and picked running. For the record, it is the hardest thing I have ever done but each and every run is also extremely rewarding. I use Rundouble, if that matters, and so far I have been able to run every second the programs has asked me to run which is amazing to me.

    Anyway, ran C25K W4D2 last night. My D2 pace/distance was slightly less than that of my D1 pace/distance. I have learned that some days you just seem to go a little faster than others - I am not sure whether that is due to heat, or time of day, or how tired I am, or all of those among others. So I don't put to much stock in the slower pace - regardless of my distance I still feel the exact same afterwards - like I can do anything if I only try.

    I am excited to get D3 in this week so I can hit W5 next week - it looks to be a monster!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I am new to this group and started C25K a few weeks back. I didn't know if I could run, still weighing over 325 pounds when I started, but I was looking for a new challenge and picked running. For the record, it is the hardest thing I have ever done but each and every run is also extremely rewarding. I use Rundouble, if that matters, and so far I have been able to run every second the programs has asked me to run which is amazing to me.

    Anyway, ran C25K W4D2 last night. My D2 pace/distance was slightly less than that of my D1 pace/distance. I have learned that some days you just seem to go a little faster than others - I am not sure whether that is due to heat, or time of day, or how tired I am, or all of those among others. So I don't put to much stock in the slower pace - regardless of my distance I still feel the exact same afterwards - like I can do anything if I only try.

    I am excited to get D3 in this week so I can hit W5 next week - it looks to be a monster!

    YEY KEVIN!!!!!!

    I have been an avid reader of your blog for a while, I'm super excited that you started C25K, and that you're posting in the group!!

    Sounds like you have this completely down - slow, slower when necessary, and some days even slower than that :)

    W5 is awesome - after W5D3 you feel UNSTOPPABLE.

    I'm just about to start W7 and I'm still thrilled that I can actually run for 25 minutes, even if my pace is dreadfully slow!

    I have found a parkrun a very short distance from me that is free and meets each saturday morning - my only problem is that out of 250 runners last week, the slowest was 38 minutes - YIKES.

    So I guess I won't be running my first competitive 5k for a while after I graduate, I don't want to finish last by 10 minutes :(
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I redid Week 8, Day 1 yesterday. It was much cooler here with little humidity and I was able to finish without a problem. It's strange how some days it is just easier than others. I am still amazed that I can complete 28 minutes when 3 was a struggle when I started. This is truly a good program.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I woke up late today and couldn't squeeze in a run before work :(

    On the drive in, I found myself raging about random things like my husband leaving cupboard doors open.

    Related? Hmmm.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    W5D2 (distance version) done AGAIN! Still slower than my pre-op time, but finishing those two 3/4 mile runs felt GREAT!

    I'm looking forward to tackling W5D3 on Saturday.

    (Did I really just say I was looking forward to running 2 miles straight?!)
  • jess_fowler
    jess_fowler Posts: 16 Member
    So I finished C25K at the end of April and then took a little break from running and was doing 30 Day Shred. I realized I actually missed running (who would have thought !?!?) and re-started C25K this week. I am just doing it over again to increase my speed. The first time, I was only "running" at 4.5mph because I was pretty out of shape. Now I am working on "running" at 5.0mph and so far so good. I did W1D1 and it was pretty easy even with the increased speed. So the second day I did W2D1 and still no problems so I'm thinking the next day (probably tomorrow) I will do W3D1 and see how that goes.

    Anybody else finish and then try it again to increase speed/distance? I am just doing this because I don't know how else to go about it I guess. I tried just running as long as I could at the faster speed and only made it about 5 minutes.
  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
    W3D3 done :) !

    Also i went for a run after work yesterday as i friend kept nagging me (i usually run with my pup only)! And i ran 1.51 miles in 16mins30secs and i thought i was gonna be sick. Was quite good to go with someone really fit who kept shouting not to stop. Might try and do a non c25k run with them once a fortnight or something to push myself. My friends are also wanting to do race for life sunday but im poor untill pay day so im in two minds about entering even tho i do wanna challenge!