Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets



  • deanjcrawford
    deanjcrawford Posts: 83 Member
    This topic is pretty amazing. Some great advice. However, i'm still a little confused and would love a nudge in the right direction as even though i've lost weight, i don't think i have done it the "right" way...

    When i first signed up to MFP, i just set everything to sedentary and went from there. I have lost 26kgs, but looking back, i do think this has come from a mixture of weight training and, if i'm honest, starving myself!

    I'm 32, 185cm and currently hovering around 98kgs, which was my initial goal (new goal is 89kgs and lower body fat) and i've been eating 1700 cals a day, sometimes less if i didn't eat all my exercise calories back, for the last 4 months. (I go over on the weekends, but i was continuing to lose so i didn't stop the cheat days). Despite being healthier (lowered BP) and looking better, feeling stronger, i think i've lost too quickly as my stomach is rather saggy and i find i have a lack of energy.

    I'm trying to get in at least 3 full body weight workouts and 2 cardio sessions in a week, and while i know the training is important, i think i really need to get my diet spot on. So i was wondering if i could post what i think my macros should be on here?

    Age 32
    Height 185cm /6ft
    Weight 98kg / 216lbs
    BF 27% according to gym scales
    TDEE at lightly active 2140 (according to MFP trying to lose 1lbs per week)


    Protein 161
    Fats 71
    Carbs 214 (but i can eat less if i up the protein and fats to hit my claories, right?)

    And all this should have me losing 1lbs per week? Also, all this is before i've done any exercise, so i assume MFP will adjust my macros accordingly after i input my exercise?

    Thanks for looking and great thread!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This topic is pretty amazing. Some great advice. However, i'm still a little confused and would love a nudge in the right direction as even though i've lost weight, i don't think i have done it the "right" way...

    When i first signed up to MFP, i just set everything to sedentary and went from there. I have lost 26kgs, but looking back, i do think this has come from a mixture of weight training and, if i'm honest, starving myself!

    I'm 32, 185cm and currently hovering around 98kgs, which was my initial goal (new goal is 89kgs and lower body fat) and i've been eating 1700 cals a day, sometimes less if i didn't eat all my exercise calories back, for the last 4 months. (I go over on the weekends, but i was continuing to lose so i didn't stop the cheat days). Despite being healthier (lowered BP) and looking better, feeling stronger, i think i've lost too quickly as my stomach is rather saggy and i find i have a lack of energy.

    I'm trying to get in at least 3 full body weight workouts and 2 cardio sessions in a week, and while i know the training is important, i think i really need to get my diet spot on. So i was wondering if i could post what i think my macros should be on here?

    Age 32
    Height 185cm /6ft
    Weight 98kg / 216lbs
    BF 27% according to gym scales
    TDEE at lightly active 2140 (according to MFP trying to lose 1lbs per week)


    Protein 161
    Fats 71
    Carbs 214 (but i can eat less if i up the protein and fats to hit my claories, right?)

    And all this should have me losing 1lbs per week? Also, all this is before i've done any exercise, so i assume MFP will adjust my macros accordingly after i input my exercise?

    Thanks for looking and great thread!

    Hi Could you do us a huge favor and start a thread with your questions - we will probably have some follow up to and fro and it is better to have as a separate topic so it is easier to follow.

  • deanjcrawford
    deanjcrawford Posts: 83 Member
  • quamper
    quamper Posts: 3
    Just starting can someone look over my figures to make sure my maths look corrects/sane? :)

    Age - 32
    Weight - 230lb
    Height - 5' 10"

    Best I can figure from the various calculators my TDEE is somewhere around 2980? Desk job very sedentary, but now starting to do cardio 3-4 times a week 30 minutes at a time.

    My intial target is ~50lb loss.

    2234 Calorie goal = 1.5lb week weight loss?
    Protein 156g (156lb lbm according to calculators)
    Fat 80g
    Carbs 222g (balance of left over calories)

    Assuming I figured these out right how often do I then adjust them with weight loss? Thanks!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Just starting can someone look over my figures to make sure my maths look corrects/sane? :)

    Age - 32
    Weight - 230lb
    Height - 5' 10"

    Best I can figure from the various calculators my TDEE is somewhere around 2980? Desk job very sedentary, but now starting to do cardio 3-4 times a week 30 minutes at a time.

    My intial target is ~50lb loss.

    2234 Calorie goal = 1.5lb week weight loss?
    Protein 156g (156lb lbm according to calculators)
    Fat 80g
    Carbs 222g (balance of left over calories)

    Assuming I figured these out right how often do I then adjust them with weight loss? Thanks!

    Go ahead and make a separate thread. There's a sticky with a list of information that Sara and Sidesteel need in the post.
  • quamper
    quamper Posts: 3
    I just figured that was more for them to look over your food logs and losses as you've been making progress. I was just looking for the starting point. But ok will do. Thanks
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I just figured that was more for them to look over your food logs and losses as you've been making progress. I was just looking for the starting point. But ok will do. Thanks

    Did you read the sticky on must read topics?

    Start there and show you did your homework in a new thread, I think actually you'll find you need to tweak some of those goals after reading that sticky.

    Usually takes about 5-10 lbs of loss for the BMR and TDEE and eating goal to change enough to matter.
  • quamper
    quamper Posts: 3
    Did you read the sticky on must read topics?

    Start there and show you did your homework in a new thread, I think actually you'll find you need to tweak some of those goals after reading that sticky.

    I did actually read through all those stickies of posts. The one part said not to create a thread which is why I replied here. I missed the part about PM'ing them I guess :(

    "Example of when not to fill this out:
    A) I just want to know if my intake is fine. "
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just starting can someone look over my figures to make sure my maths look corrects/sane? :)

    Age - 32
    Weight - 230lb
    Height - 5' 10"

    Best I can figure from the various calculators my TDEE is somewhere around 2980? Desk job very sedentary, but now starting to do cardio 3-4 times a week 30 minutes at a time.

    My intial target is ~50lb loss.

    2234 Calorie goal = 1.5lb week weight loss?
    Protein 156g (156lb lbm according to calculators)
    Fat 80g
    Carbs 222g (balance of left over calories)

    Assuming I figured these out right how often do I then adjust them with weight loss? Thanks!

    As a starting point, I would set your target at the above and monitor your weight over the next 4 weeks. The only tweak I would make is to drop your fat minimum a bit - to 70g (getting 80g is fine, but not necessary). I would also highly recommend doing some strength training. When/if you start strength training it may screw with your weight a little as you retain fluids in the muscle as they repair. So give it 4 weeks after you start strength training to see if you need to tweak calories up or down.

    Also, make sure you are really accurate with logging - use a food sale where possible.

    To clarify, the protein and fat macros are minimums and the carbs are variable. If you go over fats and/or protein, that is fine, but carbs will go down as a results. For energy, you want to keep carbs as high as possible however.
  • khippster
    khippster Posts: 13
    Thank you for this information!
  • Mjandjt
    Mjandjt Posts: 58 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • lenkearney
    lenkearney Posts: 116 Member
    bump ( I think)
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
  • lynty2
    lynty2 Posts: 48 Member
    Bump :)
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    This just makes too much sense!
    It really clears up a lot of the misinformation that is slung around here sometimes!
    bump to save!
  • Michelled1919
    Michelled1919 Posts: 39 Member
  • jumelle
    jumelle Posts: 50 Member
    Bump. :smile:
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I'm sure you both have answered this question many sorry!

    For my situation, would you recommend the MFP route or the TDEE -% route? I know that there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

    22 years old
    250 lbs

    I work a desk job but try to strength train 3 times a week for about 20-30 minutes. I also hike for about an hour and a half a week religiously.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm sure you both have answered this question many sorry!

    For my situation, would you recommend the MFP route or the TDEE -% route? I know that there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

    22 years old
    250 lbs

    I work a desk job but try to strength train 3 times a week for about 20-30 minutes. I also hike for about an hour and a half a week religiously.

    If you input the information accurately (well, as accurately as possible), they should end up more or less the same, just looking at it from different angles.

    Personally, I prefer the TDEE - x% route if your exercise is consistent as it makes planning easier.

    However, the best route is looking at your actual results, assuming you have logged accurately and your activity has been relatively consistent.
  • Bump