Introduce yourself



  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Hello I'm a college student from the East coast of the states. I've never been officially diagnosed even though there was once talk of it by a school counsellor.
    I generally base my moods off of the scale. So I tend to be a bit sad. My major of biology doesn't help me any nor does my procrastination and ****ty college foods.
    Feel free to add me I'm friendly, I used to be a dancer but then stopped since my teachers got progressively worse.
  • kristaleighwhite
    kristaleighwhite Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Krista and I'm from Toronto, Canada. I have suffered from various eating disorders for most of my life. I was diagnosed with anorexia (purging type) when I was 15 but have been through it all, from anorexia to bulimia. I am currently at the high end of normal BMI-wise and am on the road to proper eating and normal, non-obsessive-compulsive exercise.

    I had some trepidation joining myfitnesspal as I have been in counselling with doctors and dieticians throughout my life (I am 36 years old) and all have advised against calorie-counting; however, I am now at a point in my recovery at which the numbers do not harm me emotionally.

    I also join this group with some trepidation. One of the first threads that was recently updated and caught my eye is called "Thinspo." I have been hospitalized on several occasions throughout my life, and this is not a topic one usually discusses when looking for support or in recovery. I personally believe that people in recovery should focus on the positive - not our shame - if we truly want to recover. It also appears that I am much older than most of the women on here, which makes me wonder how relevant to me the topics will be. At any rate, while my time in this group may be short-lived, I will certainly do my best to share both my past and current experiences in order to support everyone.

    All the best to you, at whatever stage in recovery you may be...

  • Hi, my name is Katie. I'm 19 years old. Like most people, you have been diagnosed. I haven't been for anorexia or anorexic tendencies but I feel like I have it, For a while, I was doing good but now I'm feeling like I'm getting fat. I've gained a good bit of weight in the past 5 or so months (I'm 132 and I'm 5'5). I'm wanting to watch my calories again and what I and putting into my body. I want to start to eat less and exercise again. I was like this before. I was around 115 pounds. I want to be that again. I'm not so into it yet but I feel like I'm heading that way. I used to excercise a lot and ate 300-400 calories a day at the lowest. But when I started to get sick and easily irritated, I knew I had to change. Does anyone have any advice??? I don't have the money to get help and I don't want to tell my parents or the few friends I have
  • Hi, I'm Maddie and live on the California coast. I've been battling anorexia since I was 18...I'm 25 now. I was healed for a good 3 years, but in recent months it has started creeping back because of life events. I have a wonderful job in marketing and I start my Masters in Business this April and I can't mess it up.

    I'm really trying hard to fight against it fully taking over my life...I try to at least cook and not think about the calories once a day for my husbands sake. I'm currently around 130...want to be back to 115, but not do it obsessively. I try to just watch portions, work out in moderation and not drink. When I drink when I lose weight, its bad news. I'm replacing it with tea or coffee!

    I start therapy in March, so I'm really trying to be responsible. I'm glad I found this group :)
  • Hello :smile: I'm Danielle, I'm 16 and I've suffered from an eating disorder, anorexia restricting type for just over a year now. In october last year I went into recovery for my eating disorder, only to be discharged from CAMHS just before christmas, I have recently fallen back into my disorder and started to use MPF again but i feel kind of alone as I don't really know anyone with the same issues who i can confide in and be friends with. I'm in my final year of secondary school and doing my GCSES but I'm finding it hard to focus on everything. You can all add me if you want, i'd love to make some friends on here. If you have instagram you could add me too my name is @xlookingfordani

  • Hi everyone. I'm Monika, and I'm 27. I've had my ED (ana/orthorexia and compulsive over-exercising) for around 14 years. I've been in a few inpatient programs and am on medication to treat depression as well. I am new to MFP and using it to make sure my caloric intake is where it needs to be, as well as help me to keep track of my exercise and make sure that I'm not overdoing it. Most of all, it's an accountability thing, because I'm really tired of the rollercoaster of recovery vs. relapse.

    Anywho, if you'd like to add me as a friend, I'd really like that! I think it might be nice to have some people around that understand how I feel/think.

  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi my name is Katie. I am a single mom of an 11 year old daughter. I am 38 years old in 4 weeks. I have battled undereating and binge eating since the age of 14 years old when life as I knew it turned upside down caring for a dying father and keeping the feelings of stress inwardly. I would use food to numb my feelings. either not eating when I was stressed 90% of the time or binge eating 10% of the time to make up for the not eating enough the previous times. I would like to make friends who understand what this is like. as I begin to deal with this
  • I'm Mandy, 16 yo. Struggling with anorexic but mostly bulimic tendencies because it goes undetected. Now I'm trying to be healthy and just be happy with my body, but that's much easier said than done. I'm not even sure how a "normal person" eats, but I'm so tired of having this phobia of calories and pounds. Searching for help, fighting day by day. Nice to meet y'all!
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    It is amazing how many people there are that suffer with this disease. If anyone needs support just send me a message when you friend me. Just about me I started out bulimic 25 years ago and have since became anorexic (purge type) so I understand both sides.
  • hi everyone my name is angie. i am 27 years old. i live in the northern part of Wisconsin. i was diagnosed with ednos 10 years ago. been dealing with weight/ body issues all my life. i am also deal with depression, social anxiety and borderline personality disorder. been in recovery and really trying for the past 4 months. looking for some ppl that understand what its like dealing with this day to day. i am very good at giving advice and support just not very good at asking for it when i need it, but i am working on it. so please add me :)
  • aeckardt
    aeckardt Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Andi. I'm 21 years old. I am currently a college student studying broadcasting, journalism, and public relations. I was diagnosed with Bulimia in 2009. I have been off and on in recovery and have started to eat a clean diet and workout regularly. It has done wonders for my mental health. :)
  • I am 16 Years old (girl) and I have been struggling with my eating disorder for about a year. It all started out from peolple calling me fat. I am trying to get better on my own because my family can't afford treatment and we do not have insurance. I really want to recover, but it is really hard. I am 5'3" and weigh 106 lbs up from 95 at my lowest. Even though I have gaindd I know I am still not recovered because I still have the same thoughts in my mind. The doctor told me I wkn't be recovered until I get my period back which hasn't been in like 6 or 7 months. I'm glad that there is a support group on here for this because there are some days that I really don't think I can do this but I am trying my best :)
  • Hi,

    I'm Claryssa from the UK, 23 years old an have suffered from an ED for over 6 years now. I have been diagnosed with EDNOS as well as depression and an anxiety disorder.

    I am a college student, book worm, musician and dreamer and am looking for nice, understanding people who won't judge me because of my illness.
  • nakedbreakfast
    nakedbreakfast Posts: 10 Member
    24 years old, first diagnosed when I was 17. In and out of treatment/recovery. College graduate. Vegan. Currently struggling with restriction, though I have a history of heavy purging. Always looking for new friends<3
  • Hi I'm Teresa and I'm 23. I have an amazing 3 year old daughter! I am working on a degree online for med. transcription and coding. I have struggled through the years with panic disorder and OCD which has triggered my ED. I randomly get an extreme fear of vomiting that has come and gone for as long as I can remember but when it is at its worse like it is now, I refuse to eat due to the fear. I am now working on getting back on track with eating healthy through therapy and CBT. I am hoping to get some advice, support, and help to get back on track through this website!
  • My name is Michelle and I started my binge journey when I was 18 years old. Fortunately for me the journey ended when I was about 29 years old. An ex stressed me out and made me feel useless, along with other stresses in my life when I was 18, which started me on that horrendous 11 year stint of spending a lot of money on food, just to physically injure myself getting rid of it within 20 minutes or until I felt my stomach would burst.

    Now at 38 years old, I am strong willed, strong minded, confident (sometimes overly) and I work out in a healthy way and have not binged for about 10 or so years. Sometimes it's a struggle because food will always be there. Fast food, greasy food, cheap food, but I have found healthier ways of "Controlling" my stress without tearing up my esophagus. losing my hair or having a bloated face.

    I am lucky to have the support of my partner, who I have been with for the past 8 years and the joy of raising a 1 year old son. My reason for trying to maintain being healthy is for them. I hope you all have found or are in the midst of finding your rock(s) of support.

  • Hi, my name is Katie. I'm 19 years old. Like most people, you have been diagnosed. I haven't been for anorexia or anorexic tendencies but I feel like I have it, For a while, I was doing good but now I'm feeling like I'm getting fat. I've gained a good bit of weight in the past 5 or so months (I'm 132 and I'm 5'5). I'm wanting to watch my calories again and what I and putting into my body. I want to start to eat less and exercise again. I was like this before. I was around 115 pounds. I want to be that again. I'm not so into it yet but I feel like I'm heading that way. I used to excercise a lot and ate 300-400 calories a day at the lowest. But when I started to get sick and easily irritated, I knew I had to change. Does anyone have any advice??? I don't have the money to get help and I don't want to tell my parents or the few friends I have

    Hi Katie,

    In regards to money issues you may be encountering, have you looked into any sort of assistance that is minimal or free of charge for a consult. I think that you have a really good idea of who you are and that you are actually in an anorexic stage. Looking at yourself and feeling that you are fat at 132 pounds and 5'5". It is amazing how the mind plays tricks on our insecurities huh? What do you eat on a daily basis? Stresses in your life now that you might be able to control or veer away from? Anyone around you that you can talk to and confide in about what is going on in your life, to where they will not judge you, but help you in anyway they can?

    Being young and with an eating disorder is a complete struggle because sometimes you are just trying to find your place in the world. Without knowing that much about you, I think that 132 and 5'5" is a normal weight and the 300-400 calories you used to have is just way too little, of course you know that, but stresses you can get away from and toxic people and situations is a good first step. Just my opinion and i hope it helps.
  • Hello, my name is Hana, I'm on here again with a new account trying to work out my issues with food. EDNOS with a tendency towards BED, but its more of a starve and binge cycle of hell. I have a tumblr too (triggering :/) and I'm on here to work on what I consume and to try to give myself some order in the chaos. I'm currently in my freshman year of college in DC so if you would like a support buddy, I got chuuuuu.
  • Hey, I'm Meg.. I'm 23 years old & live in Canada. I've been struggling with bulimia on & off now since I was 11.
    Just looking for support, since recently its been a little tough again.
    Hopefully I can meet some people here who know what the demons feel like. :)
  • nikitsa23
    nikitsa23 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi My Name is Nikitsa and I have battled ED since grade 9 . I am now 37 years old and still battling. I have tried every method of therapy, diet plan, food Aholics anonymous and every spiritual self help you can imagine. Nothing helps, nothing works. I am lost in my mind, confused with no hope of ever defeating Ed. Food aholics say a diet plan is set up for failure. That you must abstain from sugar flour and wheat if you want to avoid a binge. Abstaining makes me binge but eating food makes me binge too. My core belief is calories in, calories out, end of story. No deprivation just moderation. Other therapies say this is impossible if you are a food addict, you must stay away from trigger food and cannot do this alone. Other therapies say moderation and balance is the only way. I am so lost...please share your thoughts with me. Today is day one of my Fitness Pal. Please let me know your thoughts...