Challenge #1 (The first challenge)



  • iamlshauntay
    iamlshauntay Posts: 5 Member
    Goal #1: Lose 15 lbs. by end of 12 weeks
    Goal #2: Run an entire mile without stopping & complete the Insanity 60 day challenge (currently on day 15)
    Week 1 Goal: Lose 1 pound
    Nutrition Goal: Replace 1 meal with vegetable juice 2 days this week
  • recitjane
    recitjane Posts: 6 Member
    Finish Line Goals
    Weight: Lose 10 lbs in 12 weeks
    Fitness: Goal #1 -Run the park near my house (8 mi.) in under 80 minutes
    Goal #2 - Do yoga 5 days/week for a minimum of 30 minutes per day
    Eating Goal: Drink 8 glasses of water everyday

    Week 1 Goal: Lose 1.5 pounds
    Fitness: Run/walk 6 days for a minimum of 45 minutes per day
    Eating: Truly track what I eat all week
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    Finish line: Oct 7th
    Weight goal: lose 7.5 lbs
    Exercise goal: Complete Focus T25
    Nutrition goal: Stay under calories

    Week 1: (next weigh in - 07/22/13)
    Weight goal: Lose 1 lb
    Nutrition goal: Drink more water, no evening snacking, get to bed earlier.
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    Finish line(Week 12): (10/4/13)
    Weight goal: 152.0 (-10 pounds from challenge start weight, -35.6 from MFP start weight)
    Exercise goal: Walk at least 30 minutes per day, 4 days per week.
    Nutrition goal: Meet protein goal (101 g) at least 50% of the time.

    Week 1 Goals:
    - Accurate tracking
    - Don't use the heat as an excuse to be inactive!
  • ahupshaw
    ahupshaw Posts: 19
    By week 12 I want to be 12 pounds down too and be able to complete the Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout video.

    By week 2 I want to be able to complete circuit one on the video and be under 170 pounds.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    Hello Everyone ~

    Here are my goals for this first challenge -

    Finish line(Week 12):
    Weight goal: Lose 15 lb's
    Exercise goal: Complete Ripped in 30 and 6 week 6 pack
    Nutrition goal: Eat at or under MFP calories allowed .
    Other: Go down a jean size

    Week 1:
    Weight goal: Lose 1.2 lb
    Nutrition goal: Drink at least 8 cups of water 5 days out of 7.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Finish line(Week 12):
    Weight goal: lose 12 lb's
    Exercise goal: Finish the North Myrtle Beach Triathlon on Sept 7th!
    Nutrition goal: stay under calories allowed

    Week 1:
    Weight goal: Lose 1lb
    Nutrition goal: drink at least 9 cups of water each day this week!
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Finish Line (week 12)
    Weight goal: Lose 12 lbs
    Fit my goal dress. I lost my measuring tape, but this would definitely show I lost the inches!

    Week 1:
    Weight goal: Weigh 133.6 (1 lb loss)
    Nutrition goal: No gluten for the rest of the week (have a sensitivity driving me nuts!)

    I did a challenge back in January where I went gluten/dairy free for 3 weeks. My digestion wasn't too great before, but when I reverted, my digestion has been terrible! So, I'm doing it again. And this time, I won't revert! Allow 1 serving 2 times a week, but that's it!
  • cjjgoodwin
    cjjgoodwin Posts: 13
    12 week goal
    drop a dress size
    lose a stone
    drink min 1.5lt water per day

    This weeks goal,
    lose 2lbs
    go to gym twice
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    Finish line(Week 12):
    Weight goal: lose 20 lb's
    Exercise goal: complete 30 day calisthenics challenge
    Nutrition goal: 45 days under mfp calories allowed

    Week 1:
    Weight goal: Lose 1.5
    Nutrition goal: 5 days
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    My goals are:
    Finish line(Week 12):
    Weight goal: lose 15 lb's
    Exercise goal: Build up to 3 30 minute weight lifting sessions per week plus 80,000 steps per week.
    Nutrition goal: 70 days out of 84 under mfp calories allowed

    Week 1:
    Weight goal: Lose 1.5 lb
    Nutrition goal: 5 days under MFP calorie allowance
    Exercise goal: 75,000 steps for the week (measured on my fitbit)
  • quitkidding
    quitkidding Posts: 37 Member
    Finish line(Week 12):
    Weight goal: Lose 12 lbs
    Exercise goal: Complete 30 Day Shred and start 6 week 6 pack
    Nutrition goal: Eat at or under MFP calories allowed .
    Other: Fit in my summer goal outfits

    Week 1:
    Weight goal: Lose 1 lb
    Nutrition goal: Don't drink pop every day... cutting back!
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    12 week goals

    1) Get enough sleep on a regular basis
    2) Get back into exercising regularly
    3) Get back into tracking food
    4) Drink more water
  • mztema87
    mztema87 Posts: 3 Member
    12 week goal
    1. Stay under calories allowed for at least 30 days
    2. Lose 24 pounds
    3. Drink at least 8 cups of water for 30 days

    1 week goal
    loose two pounds
    track food everyday
  • geethsuma
    geethsuma Posts: 207 Member
    Goals by Week 12:
    - Lose 10lb
    - Go down a jeans size (lose inches)

    Week 1:
    - Do 5 days of 30 day shred Level2
    - Visit the gym 4-5 days for at least 30 minutes
    - Stay under allowed MFP calorie limit

    Hope I will be able to achieve this mini goal without much trouble.

    Week 1 (13th - 19th July):
    - Do 5 days of 30 day shred Level2 - DONE
    - Visit the gym 4-5 days for at least 30 minutes - DONE 5 days 40 min sessions
    - Stay under allowed MFP calorie limit - DONE
  • CharlieMonroe
    CharlieMonroe Posts: 12 Member
    Goals by week 12:
    -lose 14lb/one stone
    -be a UK size 8/ American size 4

    week 1: for the remainder! (sadly had no internet connection for the past 4 days)
    -exercise at least 30 mintues each day
    -remain within my calorie limits