


  • lizdebowski
    lizdebowski Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, My name is Liz. I am mom of 2 kids (4 and 2). Having a hard time getting motivated to get the extra baby weight, especially since I am stress and emotional eater. Please add me. Would love to engage in this journey with other moms as we juggle all our "roles"...:) Thanks!
  • Tammymig
    Tammymig Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, my name is Tammy and I am 31 yrs old. I am new and I have been battling my weight problem for many years. I am the mother of 2 boys (6 and 4) and a full-time college student. I was in the best shape of my life when I was in the Navy and I want to get back there again. When I get stressed I tend to want to eat. I would love to meet other moms and maybe we can motivate each other!!!
  • I am a mother of 4 and in the past year have gained almost 20 pounds and I am now 40 pounds heavier that ever. I am trying to stay motivated and I am trying to work hard. I do not eat a lot of sweets and have never been big on soda so it is now about eating less and less often for me :) I will be your friend LOL
  • SandDollar70
    SandDollar70 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Debbie. I'm 42, married, mother of a 4 year old boy and work full time. I gained 29 lbs during my pregnancy and lost all of it within 1 month of my c-section. Then gained 15 lbs back during the remaining 2 months of my maternity leave and gained another 15 lbs after going back to work so now I am as heavy as I was right before I gave birth. Stress at work and long hours makes it hard for me, but now I am on the high end of being pre-diabetic and I don't want to have diabetes, so here I am trying to lose 50 lbs (15-20 lbs by end of the year). My challenges are working long hours (I'm a Sr. Business Analyst), cooking healthy meals (no time to cook) and finding time to exercise, while also making time for my family and especially my son. I'd love to hear from other members in similar situations so we can share tips and encouragement.
  • ashes685
    ashes685 Posts: 2
    My name is Ashley and I am a mother of two. My oldest is almost 3 and my youngest is 8 weeks old. I've pretty much always been overweight but now I am the heaviest I've ever been. I have about 60 pounds or more to lose and I have a few goals. I want to feel good about my body when I look in the mirror. I feel less engaged in my relationship because I have a hard time feeling comfortable in my body. I want to set a good example for my kids about what healthy living looks like and be active with them. I struggle with emotional eating which is my biggest challenge.
  • ashes685
    ashes685 Posts: 2
    My name is Ashley and I am a mother of two. My oldest is almost 3 and my youngest is 8 weeks old. I've pretty much always been overweight but now I am the heaviest I've ever been. I have about 60 pounds or more to lose and I have a few goals. I want to feel good about my body when I look in the mirror. I feel less engaged in my relationship because I have a hard time feeling comfortable in my body. I want to set a good example for my kids about what healthy living looks like and be active with them. I struggle with emotional eating which is my biggest challenge.
  • lmasasa
    lmasasa Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I am Lisa, 39 years old. My goal is to be at 105-110 by January. Currently am at 137.5. I work a desk job full time so don't have the ability to get the to the gym during the day. I am trying to go 3 times a week but that does not happen. I am also working with a dietitian. Any ideas on workouts would be appreciated. My weakness is that I give up too easily. This time I really want to stick with the plan !
  • Hi Im Amber, 37 year old mother of 3 and a full time nurse. I have lost over 30 pounds with group fitness classes 5 days a week and watching my calories. I eat about 5 small meals a day, my biggest meal is at night! I know it goes against most of the rules out there about weight loss but i workout before dinner so I am usually hungry afterwards. I went from 156 to 124, I am happy with my weight but would like to tone up some more. I am very lucky because my kids love going to the gym to play with the other kids, they ask me everyday to go!
  • suzumichan1
    suzumichan1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello!! My name is Brittany. I am a 24 year old mother of one. Her name is Sophia and she is 10 months old.

    I have a hard time trying to lose weight. I keep trying I have successfully lost 40 lbs and have been able to keep it off. I still have more weight to lose and I seem to be stuck. I have about 85+ pounds to lose. I want to feel good about my body when I look in the mirror. I want to set a good example for my kids about what healthy living looks like and be active with them. I struggle with emotional eating where I either eat way to much or skip meals and eat one big meal a day. Ive been trying to fix it.
  • LUreda
    LUreda Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I just joined the group. Lucy just turned 6mo, and I'm ready to lose the bulge I gained with pregnancy! Looking for friends to keep motivated. I'm 205 & want to be 160. Pre-baby weight was 180.
  • LUreda
    LUreda Posts: 10 Member
    I'll add you. I'm looking for motivational support from other mama's too!
  • NewDeb13
    NewDeb13 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, my name is Deborah, I'm 34 with three girls, 2 months, 3 years, 8 yr old (step). I'm a SAHM and had a moment today that made me feel sick and tired of being overweight and unhealthy. I need to lose this weight for myself and my family. I have about 86lbs to lose.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    We can do this. :)
  • Hi my name is Heather. I am a mom of 3. My stepson Tyler is 13, my son Kayden is 4, and my daughter Payton is 1. I am currently 81 lbs over weight. I would love to weigh 130 lbs, but my husband who is very fit and handsome loves some meat so he only wants me to weigh 150 lol we will see how I feel when I get there. We are planning on TTC in November and I want to be 180 lbs before we start trying!. I would love some more friends to give me motivation so feel free to add me!
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    New here. Had a baby July 6th! :) Add me?! :bigsmile:
  • xalliesmithx
    xalliesmithx Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Allie! I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated & who want to be motivated as well :) Looking to loose alllllll the fat I gained when I was pregnant... All 60 lbs.
  • xalliesmithx
    xalliesmithx Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hola fellow moms out there! My name is Alex. I'm 5'1'', 167lbs, lost 8lbs & got 27lbs to go til I'm at a healthy BMI. I'm 25, married, & we have a 2 year old daughter. I'm currently a SAHM but plan on going back to work and/or school this month!

    I've been a yo-yo dieter my whole life. I lost my gallbladder in Jan 2011 when i was 5 months pregnant & lost my appendix in May 2011 only 2 weeks after childbirth. Now I'm having other health problems & need this weight gone! I really think losing this excess weight, exercising more, & eating better will eliminate my health problems.

    My diary is open & I post questions & comment daily. I am very active on MFP & would like to have friends on there with silmilar situations and/or goals. Feel free to send me a friend request! I hope to get to know all of you soon!
  • New to MFP and this group! My daughter is almost 2 and I need to drop the weight I gained from the pregnancy before I have another baby! I have been wanting to get fit for a while but just have lacked motivation. I want to lose about 25 pounds! I am 22 and married and my husband is also new to MFP and we are trying to lose weight together! I love being a SAHM but it makes it hard to work out since my daughter is very attached to me!
    Add me if you want! =)
  • aliriffle1
    aliriffle1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey fellow moms! I am relatively new to MFP and am looking for some additional support. I had joined before but never was involved in any groups or forums. This time I am getting serious about this and am hoping the additional support can help me stick with it. I am 5'4" and about 160lbs. My goal weight is 130lbs. I have been been around 150-160lbs for as long as I can remember but always have wanted to lose. After I had my son (19 months ago) my body went back to the same weigh but really changed shape. I would like to get a little of my old stomach and butt back and lose some weight as well. What kick started this was seeing fellow moms my age on facebook and in person looking amazing in their old (tiny) clothes and bikinis. It's really not fair! lol So I decided that if I wanted that then I would need to work for it! I also am a full time college student and a part time CNA. I just started the couch25K program so I am hoping that I can stick with it and have it aid in my fitness goals.
  • PoisonElix
    PoisonElix Posts: 39 Member
    Hello all! My name is Erin. Im the mum of 2 crazy little boys. Age 6 and 2. I have been on mfp before.
    Some time after I had my youngest. Lost 35 lbs got discouraged and quit thinking I'd be okay with the weight i was at. NOPE im back! Been loging for 10 days now would have been more but I had a bit of a setback. Im back and started a new workout app called zombies, run 5k trainindg ( been told its like the couch to 5k thing but a little more entertaining) in hopes to one day being fit enough to do a 5k. (some days I feel like I have to do one to keep up with my boys. Hehe) Havent done it but its now a goal of mine. Look for a little extra nudge. Add me if you would like.