Tell us about yourself!!



  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    Hey y'all,

    I'm also fresh meat (no name) and just started the bootcamp with Jet City in WA. I've only been to two practices so far, but I'm already hooked and cannot stop thinking about it! I'm hoping to progress quickly so I can start bouting. Been skating on inlines for 25 years, but just getting used to quads.

    I would love any tips from veteran derby girls and fresh meat alike for how to improve my game on and off the rink!


    Say "Hi" to Doll Dozer for me (I'm SRS BIZNIS from the Rocketeer Rollers)! She's from this area and is such an inspiration... and kind of a badass.

    Cross-training... plyometrics. Wearing those skates as much as possible. You're in a great league though, so I bet they have a lot of resources and will help you a lot.
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    Hey y'all,

    I'm also fresh meat (no name) and just started the bootcamp with Jet City in WA. I've only been to two practices so far, but I'm already hooked and cannot stop thinking about it! I'm hoping to progress quickly so I can start bouting. Been skating on inlines for 25 years, but just getting used to quads.

    I would love any tips from veteran derby girls and fresh meat alike for how to improve my game on and off the rink!


    Say "Hi" to Doll Dozer for me (I'm SRS BIZNIS from the Rocketeer Rollers)! She's from this area and is such an inspiration... and kind of a badass.

    Cross-training... plyometrics. Wearing those skates as much as possible. You're in a great league though, so I bet they have a lot of resources and will help you a lot.

    Hey Biznis! When I get to meet those girls I will definitely pass on the love :) Thanks for the tips also! Plyo kills me, but I know it's good,,,
  • courtneymer
    courtneymer Posts: 1 Member

    I'm Courtney, been skating with Auckland Roller Derby League (ARDL) for almost 9 months now, and will (hopefully!) be playing in my first bout in May. Like the majority of the team, I'll be skating under my given name :)

    So glad I found this group, I love talking to other derby girls!
  • Hiya

    I'm Courtney, been skating with Auckland Roller Derby League (ARDL) for almost 9 months now, and will (hopefully!) be playing in my first bout in May. Like the majority of the team, I'll be skating under my given name :)

    So glad I found this group, I love talking to other derby girls!
    One of our NRDL has just moved over Booga. She's an amazing jammer and even better human!
  • watt420
    watt420 Posts: 4
    Hello All! My name is iSmac Her. I play for Steel City Roller Derby. I was a NSO for 1 year before I started to play. I have only been playing for 1 year. I still NSO for our travel teams and play derby for the home teams.
  • sarahgainz
    sarahgainz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Malice and I skate for the Angel City Derby Girls Road Ragers. Before that I was with the Circle City Derby Girls in Indianapolis, IN. I'll have been doing derby for 3 years on May 15. I'm really trying to take my game to the next level, which is why I started tracking my nutrition on here. (I joined a year ago, but never tracked until last week!) I'm also on Fitocracy as DerbyMunro.

  • VineMonkey8
    VineMonkey8 Posts: 2 Member
    hi! my name is Genevieve! I've played for Diamond Valley Roller and now London Roller Girls Rec League.
    I'm not great but wanting to improve my skills. always looking for tips and new friends :)
  • juless231
    juless231 Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Julia (aka Sirius Block). I play with the Red Rock n' Roller Derby in PEI, Canada. We're a pretty new league! I've been with them since the start. I'm a mom of 2 girls, ages 2 and 8 months and am trying to finally take getting in shape more seriously. This is my first season actually competing and I want to do whatever it takes to play my best. I'm really glad to have found this group, looking forward to getting some great advice/tips! :D
  • blunder_bolt
    blunder_bolt Posts: 32 Member
    I think I posted earlier in this thread but I'm vain so I'll update.

    I've finished fresh meat. I'm now BlunderBolt (No. 451) with Severn Roller Torrent in Gloucestershire, England. I'm now working toward my minimum skills with an aim of being a referee and should the oppurtunity arise, skate in a mens team. As of our home bout yesterday (we won, woo!) I'm our league's go-to Bout announcer.

    Julia (previous post) I love your name, We've got someone who just finished fresh meat who's name is Sirius Black Eye. I hope the names aren't to similar!
  • crashmandi
    crashmandi Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Crash Mandicoot and I play for The Cutthroat Charmers, a part of South Sea Roller Derby in Melbourne Australia. I've been playing a year and a half now. I was recently drafted into our travel team, The Sirens, which completely blew away all my goals for the next 2 years!

    I'm here to try and lose the extra junk in my trunk. I'm quite fit, I run a lot and am training every opportunity I get! I do however eat like a garbage truck so I'm here to get a little accountability for my food actions!

    It's nice to meet everyone!
  • brigettehutchison
    brigettehutchison Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Skaterpede and I skate for Gold Coast Roller Derby. I have been obsessed with derby for the last 2 years. I play our inner league bouts and representative games. I am a blocker by nature and like to hit it hard and drive anyone out. I am really trying to work on my jamming at the moment as I love a good defensive jam here and there. I need to lose a few more kilos, but more so need to track what is entering my body and stay motivated for Tropicarnage which is coming up in 6 weeks. Love to hear from everyone. And get to know a few more derby girls Round the globe!
  • kittyxaus
    kittyxaus Posts: 3 Member
    HI, I'm KittycatScan and I'm from Australia. I played for around 3 years for Wollongong Illawarra roller derby and now I'm reffing for my second year.....wish I had have started reffing sooner, it's fun!
    Due to changes in my life last November, I've found myself going back to my 'bad' eating habits and have put on 6 of the 18kgs I lost 5 years ago, I just want to be fit again and change my food mindset, this looks like it might be a good idea!
  • Panda_Rolls
    Panda_Rolls Posts: 101 Member
    I'm pretty sure I posted to this board a while ago, but I didn't log into MFP for the first 3 months of this year, so I'll go ahead and re-introduce myself. I learned to skate in 2011 and had a setback last year when I injured my knee. I just moved and am hoping to join the local team when they recruit again in October, in the meantime I am living in freshly paved suburbia so I just skate outside. I don't have a derby name because every time I think of something awesome, "some b*tch in Minnesota already has it!". I log in just about every day and I would absolutely LOVE some new derby friends so please feel free to add me!
  • Hi guys, I'm Bella Brutful or just Bella, I play for the Brawl'n Matilda's in Adelaide. Have been skating for just over a year now and absolutely love it! I love the fact be fond a sport I really enjoy and am getting good at. I love that my legs are getting stronger and can't wait to see where my future in derby takes me :)
  • BlairinSieren
    BlairinSieren Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Blairin' Sieren. I play for the Circle City Derby Girls on their B team, the Party Crashers. I just started skating a little over a year ago. I've only officially bouted once, and they put me as a jammer. It was a total blast. After that bout, I realized I really need to work on my agility and endurance. Which the endurance part is so weird to me since I ran cross country in high school. Oh well. I joined MFP as a support person for my husband, but I've noticed that I'm getting more out of it so far!
  • Hi I'm Maux Faux. I play with the eves of destruction in Victoria BC Canada. I've been playing for 6 years. Currently working on becoming a jammer. I've been mostly playing pivot for the past 3 years. Time for a new challenge!
  • Hi ya'll! I am Menace2Dennis and I am hoping to be on a league team with the North Texas Derby Revolution in Denton, Tx by the end of January. I climbed into my 1st skates August 2012 at the ripe age of 52. I have loved their training program and just have to do my speed laps and a few other skills to get to start scrimmaging. I am starting the Whole30 food plan TODAY in order to cleanse myself of all the junk the holidays have tempted me with. I have done MFP before and the accountability is what makes it work. My biggest problem is climbing on my stationary bike after a long day teaching (I teach HS Physics) and the 1 hr commute home. I have a husband of 30 yrs (Dennis, of course), a daughter who is 29, a son who is 26 and a son who is 22. They are all wonderful, precious, beautiful people that support my derby habit. I was blessed/cursed with horrible knees and have no meniscus in my left knee so running and jumping are pretty much out of the question although I did compete in a mini-triathalon last summer. I put losing 80 pounds as my goal but I just want to feel better, have a stronger core and be able to live life to the fullest at any moment. Looking forward to getting to know ya'll!
  • hey y'all, i'm awful waffle. i've traveled around team florida as an nso for a while and have now settled in as the head nso of gotham. i used to ref back in the day but injuries and a pregnancy (of a future boy's/men's derby player) kept me off my skates for too long. i want to get back to skating but have to get back in shape before i gain the confidence needed to not continually bust my *kitten*. :)
  • Hi,
    I'm derbygirl 480 - AKA Damage N' Dash - I am in my second season skating with the Omaha Rollergirls AAA ('B') Team. I grew up skating and when I found out abou roller derby, there were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I HAD to play. I missed the 2012 bootcamp season by two weeks and so I was a NSO for 2012. Otherwise, this would have been my 3rd season. But honestly, it was a good thing. I made life-long firends with some of the NSOs and got to learn a LOT about how the game is actually played. Plus, I wouldn't give up my bootcamp friends for the world. There is definitely a special bond that happens there. I ultimately want to be on our All Star team. Alas, I am too slow and have issues with strategy. But these are both things that I can fix. Strategy comes with time (not having 2 coaches telling you two different strategies and names for things helps) and speed (for me) will come with weight loss. I am looking to lose about half my current body weight or at LEAST get down to where I'm comfortable with my body and not ashamed of it. I will get there. I have quit 4 very bad habits, 2 that made me hit rock bottom. This is just another thing that I get to accomplish in my life. Here's to derby!
  • punkndrublic386
    punkndrublic386 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, Punk N. Drublic #386 here... Trying to get back on the fitness bandwagon here as we start gearing up for the upcoming season. I've been skating for a little over 3 years now, and am currently rostered with Orlando Area Derby Revolution. If there is one thing I've noticed that go hand in hand with derby, it's putting good food into your body and taking care of yourself. Derby will help you get into the best shape of your life, but for me it's more important now than it ever was if I'm going to continue to grow as a skater. I see how much cross training and healthy habits my friends on WFTDA-ranked teams put into their daily lives to be better on the flat track. I've been adding recipes that I find helpful to my own blog,, and Pinterest, and I try to post lots of pictures on my Instagram (@derbygirleats). I'm always looking for inspiration and new recipes. Creep me and let's motivate each other :-D

    xoxo Punk