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  • btrue2me2233
    btrue2me2233 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Brittany and my husband is active duty Army. Currently stationed at Fort Knox but he is deployed. My goal for the deployment is to lose 50 pounds! :)
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi guys,

    My name is Emma. My husband is AD USAF.

    We recently moved to Germany and since we got here boy have I packed on the pounds! I think it's comfort eating, but either way, it has to stop. My biggest fear is turning into a dependapotamous like the guys all talk about in my husbands shop.

    I'm 5'2 with 25lbs to lose. Can't wait to feel good about myself again!

    Feel free to friend me :)
  • Tammymig
    Tammymig Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, my name is Tammy and I am 31 yrs old. I am a Navy Vet. and spouse, as well as the mother of 2 boys (6 and 4) and full-time college student. It gets very hard to juggle life and remember to take care of me, but that is my goal. I was in the best shape of my life when I was active duty and I WILL be there again. I would love to chat with other wives and maybe we can motivate each other in our weight-loss journeys!!!
  • I am at pope/bragg. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Hi :D

    My name is Kayla and I'm 24 years old. I am married to my husband Lars, who is active duty Marine Corps. We are currently stationed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. We have no children but are parents to 3 adorable cats. During the past 3 years we've endured 9 month deployments almost back to back in 2 years. But it wasn't until this past year did I seem to pack on all of the extra weight; mostly from stress eating. But it's time to get back into shape, not to just look good. But to be healthy, happy and confident.

    *CW 178.8lbs
    *GW 140 lbs
    *UGW 132 lbs

    I'm currently suffering from shoulder bursitis, torn shoulder tendons, and a strained neck so I am currently off of work for 2 weeks. Then I will be on light duty and seeing a physical therapist. But I don't let this current set back stop me from making healthier meal choices over my usual stress eating. And I walk at night to burn calories without further injuring myself. Feel

    I'm looking forward to feeling confident again! Feel free to add me :D
  • Hi all, I'm new to myfitnesspal and thought I'd introduce myself instead of lurking. :)
    I'm a 5'1'' 34 year old female looking to lose 30lbs. Most of the weight I carry is in my gut :( Just recently started getting flabby arms and seeing the muscle definition that I once had in my thighs slowly go away. Not cool.

    Well, after 2 kids (13 year old and 9 year old) I figure now is the time to get back to me. I'm stay home air force wife currently stationed overseas (Japan, Yokota Air Base). I'm also a full time college student so most of my fitness will come from home dvds.

    It would be great to get some motivation and also motivate others along my journey. I'm interested in hearing everyone's journey and also looking to meet some awesome new friends (even if you are only online).

    I am on Instagram (aprillecplus3) and Twitter (Mz.Caesar) if you'd like to join me and I'll join you right back. Good luck everyone! :)

    PS..Sorry about the name (it motivates me) oops. (don't wish to offend anyone)
  • sophia5_k
    sophia5_k Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone! I joined myfitnesspal over 2 years ago and I just found out about groups so I decided to join for more motivation. My husband and I are currently stationed at ft. Gordon GA. I am 25 and would love to lose a total of 93 pounds. I have lost a little over 20 but I have been stuck pretty much all year gaining and losing the same 10 pounds.

    My diary is open to friends so feel free to add me for support and encouragement.
  • Hey Y'all!
    My hubby is an active duty Marine. We are stationed at Parris Island, SC. I'm a full time grad student. I just got back onto MFP, this time I'm determined to see some success! I just restarted my weight loss journey. Glad to part of the group.
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    My name is Stephanie. We've been at Fort Carson for almost 4 years now. I have an almost 3 year old named Evelyn. she was born during a deployment (2010-11.). During that deployment, I went from 222-150 while he was gone that deployment. Lots of hard work and dedication. I am trying to lose the last few and get to maintenance. I am only 10-15 away from where I want to be maintenance wise. I'm really proud of how far i've come and I'm trying to look on the bright side instead of being overly critical of my body.
  • Hi Everyone,

    I am Kiki (30) married to a coastie and currently living in AK.
    I am just trying to get back to my pre-husband weight and fitness levels. lol. So here I am to lose this weight and get fit!
    I've lost 7 lbs so far of the max that I have ever weighed. I have about 35 lbs to go!
  • My name is Diana, I'm 28 yrs old, happily married to a wonderful man and have two loving, full of energy boys ages 5 and 3 1/2. We are an Air Force family and are currently stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho.

    My story is a long one as to how I got here....
    I have a chronic condition that is rare and hard to treat, basically my body has a hard time breaking down anything I consume or eat which causes pain and nausea. I have a wonderful team of doctors who have been treating me for 3 years. Unfortunately in that time I was medically retired from the Air Force. :(
    After too many surgeries to list, as well as too many hospital stays to count, my current list of medications giving me some kind of quality of life, my growing list of foods I can't eat, and not being able to do any high impact exercise. I have arrived at a point where I am just sick of being tired all the time, constantly feeling icky, and 70lbs overweight!!

    I just couldn't go another day like this! I put my foot down and went to see my doctors, after a very passionate plea, and a few tears (couldn't help it) they agreed that being 70lbs overweight, despite my obvious limitations, isn't helping to keep me healthy and out of the hospital, and that they would consent to help me lose weight safely. We sat down with a nutritionist (who clearly hadn't read my GINORMOUS file, lol) who after 4hrs finally came up with a plan that would work for my illness. I am on a calorie restricted diet, I will be going in for bi-weekly check-ins, and monthly blood work to just make sure that I am not causing any further damage to my liver and pancreas.

    But despite what I know will be a long journey I am thrilled to be doing this! I want to be a better wife to my husband. Who I can not say enough truly is a saint and a prince among men! Not many men nowadays truly mean it when they say, "...until death do us part, in sickness and in health...". And not a lot of them would stick by a suddenly out of no-where chronically ill wife, become the sole provider suddenly, a caregiver, as well as Mom when I can't be! God definitely knew what he was doing. I am truly blessed. Not to mention my boys, oh my boys, they deserve to have a mother who doesn't spend half the year in the hospital.

    I know losing the weight isn't a cure but maybe it will help alleviate my symptoms. Who knows? But I am ready to find out!
  • Army Wife living in Texas here, after having my first baby I went back down to pre- baby weight like bam, I was also in the military... As soon as I got out of the Army the weight started showing up and I have gone up and down for years,. Then after baby #2 I just stayed at high 180's got up to 200 with him and never gotten below 170 after having him,. Now after baby #3, my most def last baby, I'm motivated and ready to get my sexy back. My husband is currently stationed in South Korea and I plan to get back down to 140 by the time he comes home for good next Oct, but drop a lot before his surprise visit in Nov. I have already lost 24 Pounds since I had my daughter 8 weeks ago ... I'm ready to get back to being the me that's inside and showing my babies what a healthy lifestyle is like!!

    Feel Free to Add Me!!!!
  • Hey yall! My name's Kelsey, I'm 20 years old! I'm married to the love of my life and my bestfriend, who happens to be in the Army. He's a Combat Engineer currently serving in Afghanistan. But we're stationed at Fort Polk, LA where I'm living with our two little furbabies :) i've only been on MFP for about a weekish. I've also been doing TurboFire through BeachBody and just finished week 6, only 6 more to go! And I've seen great results! I recently became a coach with Team BeachBody as well and I couldn't be happier! Other than being a coach I just got hired as the Supervisor at my local Plato's Closet! Hope to meet a workout buddy or two :)
  • Hi! My name is Katie. I'm a photographer, graphic artist and most importantly a mom! My husband is in the Air Force and currently stationed at McGuire AFB-Fort Dix-Lakehurst New Jersey. We are soon moving to Nellis AFB, Nevada!
    My daughter is my motivation to get healthy. <3
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Natalie, i'm from Germany and met my husband when we were 18 and he had just moved to his first duty station (Ramstein). We have been married for almost 9 year now, together for almost 11 years and we have 3 children, ages 8, 6 and 3. Currently we are stationed at Travis AFB in Cali, but before that we were in Texas (Lackland AFB) for 4 years. That's where my 2 daughter were born, my son was born in NJ.
    I started my weight loss journey after each child, I really got into it after I had my 3rd child. Lost a lof weight, looked great, but still a work in process. Sadly I injured myself and had to stop exercising. I had a fracture from running and it hurt to walk for a long time). So I didn't work out anymore and then we got orders to move so I was busy getting everything ready for that. The pounds started coming back. A year and a half after our move, I had a light bulb moment. I changed our diets to whole foods, very little processed, no gmo and organic foods. It helped me a little but I was still not working out. I saw one of my friends have great success with a program (i'm not sure if i'm allowed to say in here or if that is considered advertising, lol, so I won't say it), so I decided to invest in myself and get into shape. I am now 4 months into it and lost 21lbs total. I have about 45ish more to lose, so I still have a way ahead of me. But I am sticking with it and it shows. I'm happier than ever :-)
  • LizaD1980
    LizaD1980 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My name is Liza! My husband is int he Navy and we are stationed in San Diego! I have 2 kids (9 and 7) and I am a teacher....which means I am pretty busy. I put my own fitness goals to the side for a while. but now I know it;'s important to are out time to get healthy! :)
  • Hey everyone!

    I'm Casie, Army wife and we're stationed in Ft Hood. I have two little furbabies and far too much time on my hands, so I figured now's a perfect time to finally lose the weight I've been holding onto for far too long! I hope I get to chat with someone of you ladies soon! :)
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    Hadn't introduced myself yet, because I didn't know if this board was active :)

    My name is Michelle, I'm a Navy Wife, currently stationed in Florida. My husband is an IDC (independent duty corpsman). We have three kids, our oldest will be 8 in May, our middle just turned 6 a couple weeks ago, and our youngest will be 4 next month. I'm currently an accountant for a non-profit organization.
  • lbmesngon
    lbmesngon Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Tish, and I am a proud Army spouse. I just started Myfitnesspal and I'm a stay at home mom needing some motivation to lose 40lbs. My husband is currently deployed and I have 5 children. They are 15, 14, 5, 4, and 4 months. We are currently stationed in JBLM, WA, but we PCS in the summer. I'm almost 40 and already have a lot of health problem. I'm hoping this group will help me with some great advice and support.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Emily, just married my AF guy last November and trying to adjust to the new lifestyle. We're stationed at New Boston AFB in NH, there are only 9 military so it's tiny. I just moved here (I'm British) and I've put on a few lbs since I got here (unfamiliar food and other reasons) so I'm trying to take those off and get back to my initial goal.

    I picked up running again and started tracking my food, and I'm hoping to run a marathon within the next 2 years. I'm really excited to be a part of the military family, so I hope to get to know some of you!