August C25K challenge

MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
Hi all,

I am starting the C25K today. August goal is to stick to the training plan. Is there anyone else out there that would is starting or in the middle of the C25K and wants to check in every week? If so what is your starting weight, are you supplementing with other exercises, and what is the status of you C25K program?

Starting Weight: 170
Going to supplement with some walking and or strength training on days off
C25K status: Just Started


  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    I started today. Did W1D1 on the treadmill today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. I put the incline on .5 today but I'm going to increase to 1 next time. Halfway through I was like, "Am I done yet, this sucks!" but by the end, I had enough energy I did 10 minutes on the elliptical before the kids started fussing.

    Starting Weight: 158 (5'6)
    I also do some bodyweight exercises and yoga on days off.

    I've attempted W1D1 twice in the past and was not able to finish so today I had a huge smile on my face when I got to the 5 min cool down!
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    I completed W1D1 yesterday and it was killer! I just ran through the neighborhood and we have decent hills, hot sun and plenty humidity. Everytime i almost gave up on jogging the little voice on my app would say slow down to a brisk walk... and I made it all the way through. YAY!!!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You both did great! It's hard getting started and this is a tough time of year as well.
    Hang in there and keep posting your progress. You'll find a ton of support here.

    Well done!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Good job on getting started. About half the people who complete C25k find that first day was the biggest hurdle of the program, so good on you!
  • Hi, I just finished week 3 of C25K yesterday and will be starting week 4 on Thursday :noway:

    Pretty nervous about the jump from 3min runs to 5min, I struggled enough with the 3mins! Will give it a go though and may end up repeating week 3 if I don't feel I'm quite there yet :ohwell:

    My runs have been indoors - up and down my hallway :laugh: as I'm too embarrassed to run outdoors except once when I kept crossing paths with the same dog walker and always on the walking intervals - he laughed at me being so out of breath...

    I'm an ex-smoker (nicotine free since 01/10/2012 :happy:) so my lungs really feel the burn!

    Not sure what my start weight was when i began C25K, but overall stats since using mfp are:

    Height = 5ft 6in
    SW = 153 lbs
    CW = 131.5 lbs

    On days off I try and do around 30mins of something else - either a fitness DVD, aerobics, exercise bike, or rowing machine

    Well done on getting started, and hopefully we'll all make it through to the end!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Pretty nervous about the jump from 3min runs to 5min, I struggled enough with the 3mins! Will give it a go though and may end up repeating week 3 if I don't feel I'm quite there yet :ohwell:
    Slow down
    My runs have been indoors - up and down my hallway :laugh: as I'm too embarrassed to run outdoors except once when I kept crossing paths with the same dog walker and always on the walking intervals - he laughed at me being so out of breath...
    Be *PROUD* of what you are doing. and slow down.
    I'm an ex-smoker (nicotine free since 01/10/2012 :happy:) so my lungs really feel the burn!
    GOOD FOR YOU! I quit years ago, best (and hardest) thing I've ever done.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Can I join you guys? I completed week2 day 3 today. So tomorrow will start my week 3 and I'm really nervous about the 3 min runs. The first week I did week 1 day 3 twice so I did it in 4 days and then took a rest. I did week 2 with no rests. My legs were sore the first week but I feel fine now. Should I really only do this every other day? I used to love running (who am I kidding I'm a slow jogger!) and doing it every other day seems soo slow to me. I have one rest day a week and I don't know what to do one my other days....walking seems like a back slide. Advice?
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Hi, I just finished week 3 of C25K yesterday and will be starting week 4 on Thursday :noway:

    Pretty nervous about the jump from 3min runs to 5min, I struggled enough with the 3mins! Will give it a go though and may end up repeating week 3 if I don't feel I'm quite there yet :ohwell:

    I can relate. I put off starting week 4 for a week. My running partner has had knee issues so last week I just walked with her. This week she is on vacation so I took advantage to run on the treadmill at the gym instead of outside. I made it through W4D1 no problem. I'm using the East into 5K app and the second run this week is 6 minutes. I thought there was no way I was going to be able to double my running time when 3 minutes still seemed hard. I did it though and so can you. I'm 5 feet tall and 193 pounds so can do this.

    You have to shut out the voices in your head that tell you you can't. For me, it's all mental and I just have to push through and listen to my body. If I'm not in any pain and I'm not gasping for breath, I'm fine and I can keep going. Now week 5....
  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    I just finished week 3 day 2 today. I had made it through week 4 and started over when I had to take close to two weeks off for a hurt knee. I am a former smoker too (quit April 2011) my breathing has been my biggest road block. On my days off I do workouts from fitness blender. Usually low impact aerobics, beginner boot camp, or HIIT for beginners. My starting weight on June 1st (the day I did W1D1 the first time ) was 155 and am down to 142.4.
  • doriharvey
    doriharvey Posts: 89 Member
    Hi I am in week 2 day 2 today. I am 5'6 1/2" and weigh around 175'ish I know over the past three weeks I have lost 4 inches all over but have not weighed myself. I have struggled with very sore muscles and believe I have found what I need to do to coax them while they are strengthening. I have never been a runner in my life nor athletic. I am scheduled to do my first 5K first weekend in October. I do have a class I am taking as I go through this also that is teaching about everything from setting and keeping personal goals (not competitive), shoes, nutrition, ect. in addition to using the c25k music to workout to. I do have some medical issues, but so far the program has paced me well enough I did manage to keep up with the week 2 workout goal and powerwalk for 20 minutes more after.

    I have been using MFP for a couple months, I am not sure how checking in within a group works. I do understand the friends and the feeds on my homepage.
  • jmm083
    jmm083 Posts: 28 Member
    I just finished W3D3 last night.. It's my birthday today so my fiancé and I went for a late run so I could be running into my 30's at midnight. It was a great feeling! I am jealous of everyone's weight loss/inches lost. I haven't lost any pounds or inches in the last 4 weeks ( I did week 2 twice just o make sure I was ready). I am scared but excited to try W4D1 tomorrow

    SW: 217
    CW: 217
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    My runs have been indoors - up and down my hallway

    Well done on getting started, and hopefully we'll all make it through to the end!

    Don't be afraid to go outside. Runners are so friendly and always smile as you go by and it's so much more interesting outdoors.

    You will all make it through. It'll be tough at times but you can all do this. Take it slow. As Varda says, slow down. That's the key.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I have been using MFP for a couple months, I am not sure how checking in within a group works. I do understand the friends and the feeds on my homepage.

    You're doing just right. Pop in here and let us know your updates. There's so much encouragement, which is very helpful on those days when you'll feel like giving up.
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    completed W3D3 last Tuesday. I barely made it. I always take 2 days in between for rest but generally I walk one of those 2 days for 30 minutes. I started having soreness in my hip on the day I was supposed to do W4D1. I postponed and kept postponing for whatever reasons I could find. Still walking though. I hope to get in W4D1 tonight after work.

    SW 184
    CW 180
  • lablueluna
    lablueluna Posts: 52
    Hi all!

    I'm SO excited to find this group and topic thread! I'd love to check in here for the month of August as I'm just about to start week 3 of c25k. I completed the program five years ago and felt very successful, but unfortunately I stopped running and gained loads of weight since there.

    So here I am again and totally stoked! I just did week 2, day 3 yesterday but feel like I really want to move forward. Is it bad to do c25k two days in a row? I'm not sore at all and slept well. Not to mention that I'm currently training on a treadmill because it's simply too hot outside for me at the moment.

    So proud of everyone for starting this program!

    SW 227.6
    CW 225.1
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    My runs have been indoors - up and down my hallway :laugh: as I'm too embarrassed to run outdoors except once when I kept crossing paths with the same dog walker and always on the walking intervals - he laughed at me being so out of breath...

    I was a bit like this when I started - my main aim was to get back indoors before anyone saw me with my comedy red face and jiggly belly lol but do you know what? As I've started running further, I've stopped caring so much.

    I've not graduated yet, still on WK7 but I think it's a confidence thing. As I'm bobbing along now even if I bump into the same person a few times (on hotter days I do loops so I can stay in the woods) I think to myself "I've just run over 2miles and I'm still going, I'm allowed to have a red face and pant a bit!".:)
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    Id say just trip the mean dog ok so maybe that is not the correct response but just ignore them. If anything as the weeks go by you will only be showing how much better your getting. I am 5'6", 170 and current smoker (starting to switch to e-cigarettes and cutting down on reg cigs). I ALWAYS turn cherry red when jogging and breathe hard, who cares what others think, as long as you know you are trying your best that is all that matters!

    Go you!!!
  • taramartin1010
    taramartin1010 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to be starting W1D1 on August 1st, so I'm going to join in on this group. I tried C25K last year but failed miserably. However, my sister has had had incredible success, so I'm going to try once again.


    Height: 5'9
    SW: 253
    CW: 225
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member

    I'm SO excited to find this group and topic thread! I'd love to check in here for the month of August as I'm just about to start week 3 of c25k. I completed the program five years ago and felt very successful, but unfortunately I stopped running and gained loads of weight since there.

    good job on moving to Wk3, let us know how it goes! I am just starting week one, and while the switch from 60 sec to 90 sec seems like it might be alright the wk 3 jump has me wondering how i can possibly get from where I am at to week 3 lvl in only 5 more runs to go.

    What keeps you motivated when you start feeling tired?
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    completed W3D3 last Tuesday. I barely made it. I always take 2 days in between for rest but generally I walk one of those 2 days for 30 minutes. I started having soreness in my hip on the day I was supposed to do W4D1. I postponed and kept postponing for whatever reasons I could find. Still walking though. I hope to get in W4D1 tonight after work.

    You can do it! Or atleast attempt to, there is nothing wrong with starting it and if you hip just isnt up for it slow it down and try it again another day.