Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Let's do QOTD. sorry if a repeat.

    What is your favorite and least favorite lifting move?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Squats are my least favourite.

    My "favourites" change around - right now, I'm really liking upright rows because my arms/shoulders look AWESOME while doing them, lol!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    hey everyone! Wow, I can't believe it's been 4 days since I posted. I lifted Saturday, and yesterday I did my last Stage 7 #4 workout. It was great, I bumped up the raised DB squats and stayed the same on the others and really was happy with my stepups. Spinning today was torture, my quads are so sore, and the woman likes to keep us out of the seat a bunch!

    Sam I think it's so cool your kiddo digs coasters. They scare the crap out of me.

    Saturday was my eat too much day, including icecream but it was worth it! We rode the bikes all over the tri-state area, did the Gunks, road down by the Delaware 10 hours of riding and having fun!

    Welcome to the new kids! Stage 1 might seem easy but wait til you hit the others! OY!!!

    runz congrats on the 2# that's terrific!!

    Cowgirl, I would really like to come work on your farm with you! I am a country girl at heart!

    Beeps, I bet you hit your #s!

    Mary, my least fav exercise has got to be those single point bent over rows, and my all time fav are RDLs!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Sam, that's very odd. But I'd take it as a compliment. I definitely wouldn't mind being recognized as a "gym rat"....or weight room rat.


    Beeps, hope you can hit your food goals. Weekends are just hard. Ever since I was 13 and put myself on a 1200 cal diet, I'd let myself "cheat" on Sundays. Never have overcome that mindset.

    Lifted this morning. Only 1 more A&B workout in Hypertrophy I. I got in 2 sets of 155lb hip thrusts and did American DLs instead of RDLs for my complexes. My glutes are already sore.

    I "save" calories all week so I can enjoy Sunday. It's kind of like my personal version of calorie cycling LOL. Two rules: I can't eat more than I saved, and I can't be over by more than 1000. I usually feel kind of full on Monday but not totally awful- just enough to make me not want to overeat again!

    I'm on stage 6 and the workouts are REALLY short. But my favorite new things are the negative chin up and the lunge where you hold up the dumbbell over one shoulder.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    HEy all, today is my "useless" day of the month and "can't stop eating day." On the bright side hubby was allover me. I guess hormones are good for something :wink: I'm taking a rest day. Make that a lazy day. Tomorrow is back to the water park. I have to start my day full of energy or I'm toast for the day.

    Welcome to all of our newcomers. I'm stating to repeat 4W as we speak, so I'm back in week two of stage 1. I started with really light weights. I know I could go heavier with the 20lb DBs but I backed up to the 15s to make sure I could maintain form for all 15 reps for both sets. Standard lunges felt silly after weeks of doing walking lunges. I love using the lat pull-down machine though. I always feel like a bad-*kitten*. 15 reps of 90 of the wide grip variety. I also did 2x15@90 DLs I only did 12 reps last week so that felt pretty awesome too. Newbies, I've been lifting for over 18 months, so please do not let my numbers fool you. When I started in January 2012 I was doing BW squats and DLs with 10lb DBs :laugh:

    I cannot make comments about diet. I eat at maintenance and not terribly clean. I aim for 40/30/30, or at least that's what I tell myself. I lost 16lbs doing this program with a very small deficit, but that stopped when I switched to maintenance.When I was in weight loss mode, I would save calories for the weekend, especially big events. I still look at my weekly calorie goal as opposed to daily one. I listen to my body. When I gained and needed to loose five pounds, I did the small deficit again and got the weight back off.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    When I started in January 2012 I was doing BW squats and DLs with 10lb DBs :laugh:

    :laugh: I just love that you shared that!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    ugh at shoving chocolate-covered-almonds into my mouth.

    Yay that I counted them and actually logged them!

    ....and, that leaves a whopping 400 calories for supper and evening snack. Eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    When I started this program, I couldn't do a BW squat. As in: COULD NOT. Even after one month (that's 4 weeks, chickies....), I still was NOT parallel on my BW squat.

    Now, I'm a full-squatter, *kitten*-to-grass, but I still don't put that much weight on my back. That's okay....my body-shape isn't that conducive to good-squatting. Some other body-shapes might not be that great at deadlifts.

    Just keep doing what you can, and recognize that comparing yourself to "others" DOES NOT WORK.

    All that matters is the work-out YOU have in front of you and what YOU are gonna do to GET IT DONE.
  • ilovekc2
    ilovekc2 Posts: 10 Member
    Question: Do y'all do deadlifts with a dumbell or with the bar? I have been doing them with the bar (extra weight added) but am thinking about switching to a dumbbell....any thoughts?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Question: Do y'all do deadlifts with a dumbell or with the bar? I have been doing them with the bar (extra weight added) but am thinking about switching to a dumbbell....any thoughts?
    I've done both and I much prefer the bar. I found the dumbbells awkward.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    CK I do them both ways. DBs require more stability.

    Beeps, I could do only 5 BW squats when I started. I did DLs with 30# in my home gym. I couldn't do lunges at all, couldn't do push-ups!

    We've come a long way baby!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Kc2, I've always used the oly bar. I haven't seen anyone at the gym use bells and can't visualize it. Does it feel the same to you? Always remember do what works for you. Many of us have modified an exercise or 2. :wink:

    I started out BW squats and lunges too! Pushups were done on counter height step.

    I've been using the squat machine. I really like it and get a good deep squat without my back hurting. So far the herniated disc has not caused me problems BUT deadlifts are not a part of my routine right now.
  • CraftymominIL
    CraftymominIL Posts: 6 Member
    I have been so hungry since increasing my weights and starting 3 sets during my workouts. REALLY HUNGRY. I have been eating when I'm hungry but Monday went over my allotted calories by 185 (I do a 250 calorie deficit). I was wondering how people ate as many calories as some say they eat. I think I'm starting to understand.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Back in the size ten shorts..yay..and they're really not all that tight..less tight than before...so now...working towards the size 6 of my dreams :-)

    I'm really jealous of everybody's lifting. Sigh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Yes, sue, we HAVE COME A LONG WAY! And, it's time to REMEMBER THAT! I have gained strength, flexibility. I have lost body fat. My shape is sooooooooooooooo much better!! Thank you for the REMINDER - I needed it TODAY!

    I use the BB for American deadlifts, but I use DBs for single-leg deadlifts (called "T-Bends" in my program).

    Crafty - just be careful....for me, the calories provided in NROL4W were TOO MANY....I GAINED WEIGHT (which was FAT) during my NROL4W days, and I had to cut WAY back on the calories to get where I am now (while still lifting heavy free weights).

    breeze - yay for heading to the 6's - YOU CAN DO IT!!

    I did my month-end measurements. For the first time in 18 months, though, I'm not in any "challenge" and so, did NOT have to take photos. So, I didn't!

    I am up 0.5" in my natural waist and 0.5" in my hips. Time to rein my eating back in - I want a good holiday, but not some BLOW-OUT that results in months-and-months of lost progress!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yes, crafty, listen to Beeps. She's our "go to lady". I :heart: her. :bigsmile:

    I am uber sore today. At the gym yesterday, I really increased my leg weights. My glutes are feeling tight! :drinker: to are higher bootie.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I spent five hours in the sun at Splash Town yesterday and I just feel so tired and lethargic. I need to lift today. Maybe I'll put it off to tonight.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Question: Do y'all do deadlifts with a dumbell or with the bar? I have been doing them with the bar (extra weight added) but am thinking about switching to a dumbbell....any thoughts?
    I've done both and I much prefer the bar. I found the dumbbells awkward.
    agree, though using dumbbells does have a place. YOu have to have awesome grip strength to pull it off.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I spent five hours in the sun at Splash Town yesterday and I just feel so tired and lethargic. I need to lift today. Maybe I'll put it off to tonight.
    we're heading to the water park today too. I go my lift in this morning otherwise it wold NEVER get done.

    Today's stats: 2x15@95 back squat CAn I just say how much I loved putting the 25s on the bar, grrrr oh yeah! I also did my step up 2x15@25 plates (50lbs) I hate holding the 30s and 35 DBs So I may switch to a bar on my shoulders. I also LOVE doing 15 push ups on the floor. I was always able to do them in the floor, but not very many of them. I will admit to cheating a little by separating my feet just a smidge (less than a foot). REpeating stage 1 has been really good for my ego. It just shows me how far I've come. Otherwise, I'm maintaining weight very nicely, which is good considering how badly I've been eating lately. We just won't talk about the cookies yesterday. I'm using ovulation as an excuse :blushing:

    Now for some stair climbing at the water park:bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    manic - CONGRATS on increasing your leg weights and getting SORE BOOTY in the process! That's awesome!!

    runzalot - the sun can certainly lead to lethargy - I'm COUNTING on it when I vacation in Hawaii next month!

    samntha - I've never thought about whether or not I'd have to have 'better' grip strength to use DBs instead of BBs, but that kind of makes some sense! I just like the look of a BB doing Deadlifts - I look DAMN GOOD IN THAT MIRROR!

    samntha - you're posting some HUGE numbers there, on your lifts!! True confessions: a) I'd be shocked if I could back squat 65 lbs - I bet I cannot; b) I'd be shocked if I could do step-ups with anything bigger than 12.5 lb DBs, and c) I can do 8 x 3 push-ups from the floor. My goal is to get to 10/12 x 3 by the end of 2013. So, LOOK AT YOU - YOU HEAVY WEIGHT-LIFTER YOU!!
