Menopausal Mad Hatters "Soaring to Success" in August



  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Susan, the people who own it have a small hotel they run so they live there but built the tree house as their own personal get away. As far as I know there has t been any guests allowed in. The owners just always wanted a Robinson Crusoe type structure on the beach. It has become a big news story here for the last year. I read the local papers online even when I am not here:-) One day Rick and I are hoping to move here permanently so I need to up on my current events. The kids got here last night and I got to see my girlfriend who lives in Tampa. Today is going to be another great day in paradise.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Love the pics tonya - so glad u r having such a great time!!'m
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    A brand new week filled with possibilities!
    How can we soar this week?
    I am on my last day of my 4 day visit to my dad's in Florida, or as I call it "retirement training" But being around old people reminds me how important it is to get fit now. We cant control what will happen to our bodies as we age, but one thing seems positive, whatever comes our way, we will be better able to handle it, IF we face it with a fit body.
    so with that in mind I am going to focus on getting my 6 veggies and my exercise. since I am away from the gym I have been doing the 7 minute workout. It does get my heart pumping! I added weights for the lunges and squats. I can not YET do the push up rotation, so for that I do the moving pushups from body pump.
    I am also going to focus on finding simple ways to pay it forward, sometimes people just need a smile, I've had days like that.
    Happy Monday
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    So Janet ....

    Enjoy - make sure you say Howdy to Tonya and Mickey as you pass thru FL... giggles....

    See you soon....

  • harley051
    harley051 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, hope you are having the beautiful weather we are having in New Jersey. This month I will recommit to my strength training routine three days per week. I always feel so much better when I feel stronger and it doesn't hurt that it helps burn calories. My wishes are much success for the mad hatters! Go August and wind beneath our wings !:smile:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    3 of the 4 Coursey men:-) L to R....Cole, Rick and Caleb.We had about an 8 mile ride to see the bay walk and back.

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    What a great picture , Tonya, and what a handsome lot of guys you have there ;-) I wish I could jump into that picture and run through the sand and into the water :smile:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I need to read Nora Ephron’s I hate my neck, because I am not liking the way mine is looking these days. My dad and my friend both said they thought that I should consider declaring that I am at goal and not lose more weight. But I think that is just skinny neck syndrome. I read that it is not unusual for people who have a lot of weight to lose to actually start to look gaunt around their face and neck. When starting to look gaunt others encourage them to stop losing weight. And for many of us, the only mirror that we use is the bathroom one that only gives a partial look. But the rest of the body is not looking gaunt and there is still more fat to be shed. The article said that when the weight loss stops, the face and neck will adjust and not look so gaunt. I think that must be what my dad and friend were seeing when they looked at me. But I go to Body Pump and bend and stretch in front of a full length mirror which also reflects the smaller bodies of everyone else in the class. So I know that even if the fat is not on my face or neck it is lurking on other parts of my body. I will know when I am at the right weight for my body, but until then I am going to check out some scarfs for my neck!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    My baby boy, who I swear was turning one only yesterday., is 25 today!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh, such a cutie, Susan ...It is amazing how fast they grow.....

    Handsome fellows, Tonya, only one thing wrong with that're not in it... Beautiful day down there.

    Janet, I am hating my neck ,even before I lose any more I may be in big trouble.... Love the hat!!

    Harley, good to see you, Glad you're getting in some strength training....

    Snoozie... back to work, I see... I know you're hating that... Miss you!

    Tammy, School must be starting soon...Best wishes!!

    Carol....rocking a dress today, are you.... Flaunt 'em if you got 'em!!

    I know I'm missing someone...sorry, can't see all the posts...

    Have a great evening all.
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I was on a beach vacation for two weeks and didn't gain or lose any weight. I consider that an accomplishment, considering what I ate and drank! I walked on the beach every day. It must have saved me.

    Susan - we had the same Fisher-Price high chair for all four kids! I broke a couple of toes on those miserable flared legs. What a cute pic!

    Hon- I love the new pic. That's a great color on you.

    Tonya - you're inspiring me to figure out how to post pics. I'm techno-stunted, unfortunately.

    I love all of the soaring and flying songs and references. I need some wind beneath my wings these days. School will start the end of the month and cut into my gym time. I've got to make use of the time I have.

    Catch you later,
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Cheryl, wow a great vacation and maintaining without deprivation! That is an awesome NSV!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Lots of trips and beautiful pictures. Excitement excitement !!!! The sand, the sunsets, the treehouse I could so easily enjoy one or all !!! Even more important the beautiful family memories you are sharing. Great picture of the guys.

    Time2 being committed to the exercise is great. I wish I could say I do it easily but I don't honestly know if I will ever be able to say I love to exercise.

    The those with loses what a great accomplishment as we soar this month !!!

    I have never been to the east coast but it sounds wonderful. Taking a drive vacation up the east coast is one of my bucket list.

    Well we leave tomorrow for New Orleans and I am both excited and filled with anxiety. I have been burning up the phone lines and roads this week after the principal called Monday to say she hated to tell me but there had been a last minute transfer and that she doesn't have a position for me. I did do an impromptu interview (not likely) and one scheduled (principal was impressed with my VAM scores and standardize test results but it is out of my area of certification and law makes me to be considered after area certified applicants). He will be making a decision by Monday.

    Made another contact today but she will not know anything until sometime tonight on if she has a spot. School starts a week from today and I am finding myself more often than not with a head exploding headache.

    I do have the contract job (no insurance, no retirement) should all else fall through and the principal has been so understanding. She has even agreed to call me should anyone else apply for my answer before she hires anyone giving me time to hope that one of the positions with benefits come through.

    On the plus side getting out of the house I hope will make it easier to stay within the bounds of my dailies. I have fought that silent battle in my head all day. I want to eat this, I want to eat that but talked myself off the ledge. I was so desperate I got in the swimming pool !!! Now for many that's not much but b/c we have only just completed putting it in which means we don't have the steps built yet. We the help of my husband we have used a ladder outside the pool and bolt on in pool ladder (that isn't bolted down yet) So this meant I was there until someone come to my rescue !!! My poor Daddy I am sure is now worried I am going to break my neck before we get the stairs installed since he picked this one day to come by LOLOL So he held the ladder for me to get out. Hope some got a giggle or two out of this !!!

    Hope everyone has a great week and weekend.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I am sooo sorry Tammy for the bad news from the principal. That really sucks big time. I am a retired teacher after 32 years, so I am familiar with the way the system works and really do feel for you. I know with school starting up in a week it seems like there is no time, but openings happen after school starts, too, because of unexpected enrollment and such, so hang in there! I'm crossing my fingers and toes and every other appendage that a great position will come your way.

    In the meantime, I hope you are able to check your worries at the door and have a wonderfully fun time in New Orleans!!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    There are so many things I need to catch up on with all of you and I am behind. Know that I am here with you in thought. Things are busy here at the beach. Caleb and I walked almost 4 miles this morning and were lucky enough to see this little guy released to the ocean by the AMI turtle watch club.

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Awe the picture won't all post. He is so cute in person.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Much cuter in person ? Or in "turtle" lol!!! Love it
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I can see the little guy... so cute... AWWE.....

    btw - looks like you're having a fab time with the family!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Tammy - I just read your post (I worked backwards up thru them). I'm devastated for you!! Can only hope something amazing us in the works and this had to happen to get you to the amazing. It still completely sucks tho - PM sent!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Tammy, the job situation is horrid! Hope the right space opens soon. Your pool ladder story reminds me, one of my goals is to be able to easily pull myself out of a pool without steps or ladder. I think I am getting close but unwilling to try with people around.