stages 2 & 4



  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    When I do in 2B the wide grip lat pulldown, I get this shooting pain when I am pulling down in my right forearm, starting from the elbow crease. The pain is only in my right arm. The weights do not feel too heavy, but I am afraid to increase the weights because of the shooting pain. does anyone else get this or no what i am talking about?

    I would decrease the weights until the shooting pain stops entirely.

    I finished Stage 2 Workout A today.


    I forgot to fill in some of the sets! :tongue: I did do them all. Where they're missing, they're the same as the first set.

    Anna, I feel like a huge weakling on the front squat presses :laugh:

    lol, but you're increasing your weights just like you should. You shouldn't feel like a weakling for much longer!!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I did my first Stage 2 workout today. I totally kicked my butt in a good way. I feel great! That dumbbell one point row is much harder than it looks!! I used two 12.5 lbs dumbbells thinking those were tiny. But I am pretty sure that I need to step it down to 10 lbs or maybe even 8 lbs. What is everyone using to start out there? It was a little humbling to keep almost tipping over, then telling myself these are tiny weights and not sure why I was having so many issues :embarassed: Now I realize that is it more of a balance exercise than strength with row movement!! I really like the FSPP! I just need to get the form right with some practice.

    I have noticed in a few pictures that I can see some muscle curves in my arms, even I am not even flexing!! I love that!

    Happy lifting ladies!!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I did my first Stage 2 workout today. I totally kicked my butt in a good way. I feel great! That dumbbell one point row is much harder than it looks!! I used two 12.5 lbs dumbbells thinking those were tiny. But I am pretty sure that I need to step it down to 10 lbs or maybe even 8 lbs. What is everyone using to start out there? It was a little humbling to keep almost tipping over, then telling myself these are tiny weights and not sure why I was having so many issues :embarassed: Now I realize that is it more of a balance exercise than strength with row movement!! I really like the FSPP! I just need to get the form right with some practice.

    I have noticed in a few pictures that I can see some muscle curves in my arms, even I am not even flexing!! I love that!

    Happy lifting ladies!!

    I am using 15lbs in each. For the balance issue a good tip I got of the ladies on the FB page is to look about 2 feet in front of you. It is easier to balance like that.

    I notice the muscle line when I am driving, most distracting when your driving and suddenly go 'oh look, muscle' lol
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    So glad it was benign mrs_mab.. Don't worry about loosing strength, im sure you will be fine. You're way ahead of me on weight! I started S2 last night, my FSPP were laughable, I couldn't even do 10 with just the bar... :sad:
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I did my first Stage 2 workout today. I totally kicked my butt in a good way. I feel great! That dumbbell one point row is much harder than it looks!! I used two 12.5 lbs dumbbells thinking those were tiny. But I am pretty sure that I need to step it down to 10 lbs or maybe even 8 lbs. What is everyone using to start out there? It was a little humbling to keep almost tipping over, then telling myself these are tiny weights and not sure why I was having so many issues :embarassed: Now I realize that is it more of a balance exercise than strength with row movement!! I really like the FSPP! I just need to get the form right with some practice.

    I have noticed in a few pictures that I can see some muscle curves in my arms, even I am not even flexing!! I love that!

    Happy lifting ladies!!

    The dumbbell one point row is definitely more of balance exercise! I think I did mine to fast for fear of falling over.. LOL The guy spotting me gave me good advice though... focus on something and keep your focus there to help your balance.

    The FSPP was awkward for me, I cant seem to get my elbows up enough.. anyone else?? I need more practice for sure.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the input ladies! I will focus on something a few feet in front of me next time to help my balance!!

    Does anyone else think the Bulgarian split squat and static lunge with rear leg raised are the same exercise, or am I missing something?

    Boy, I thought the A workout was tough, B is even harder!!! And the laughable thing is that it involves a lot of tiny weights...that was deceiving before I tried the workout!!

    Happy Lifting!!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member

    Does anyone else think the Bulgarian split squat and static lunge with rear leg raised are the same exercise, or am I missing something?

    Boy, I thought the A workout was tough, B is even harder!!! And the laughable thing is that it involves a lot of tiny weights...that was deceiving before I tried the workout!!

    They are very similar. The main difference there is, is the foot position. I am also slightly further forward for the lunges. have a look at these vids for the BSS this is a split squat with rear foot elevated but the foot position is the same, if you read the blurb at the bottom it says this is the half way between the 2. I actually much prefer the BSS to the lunges

    The box is also higher on the BSS.

    I found B much more taxing than A. But then I have also added some metabolic conditioning (think that's what you would call it) in at the end instead of the standard intervals.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Yep lambentjewel I said the same thing... I'm researching today since this will be my first day for 2B. I did notice in the book they use a free weight on BSS rather than dumbbells, and the foot being resting upside down on the box, but that was the only difference I can see.

    Thanks for the vids siany!
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Stage 4 workout A1 DONE!

    I think I finally got the hang of the front squat push press. On my way up I say explode(in my head) and can get the bar up over my head! I was excited to see shoulder muscles in the mirror while I worked out today. On to A2 on Sunday!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    FINALLY.........the shoulder stitches are out, and I got the go ahead from doc to get back in the gym with full weight, no restrictions! Since I only got 1 week of Stage 2 in before surgery, I am going to restart it on Monday!!! YAYAYAYAY! Can't wait! :tongue:
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    FINALLY.........the shoulder stitches are out, and I got the go ahead from doc to get back in the gym with full weight, no restrictions! Since I only got 1 week of Stage 2 in before surgery, I am going to restart it on Monday!!! YAYAYAYAY! Can't wait! :tongue:

    Great news. Bet you can't wait to get started :)
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Stage 4B1 Done!

    I did just regular deadlifts instead of from the box. I also do not rest 90 seconds between the crunches, seems like too much of a waste of time.
  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    Started Stage 2A today! I looked at all the directions before I started but didn't have my ebook to reference while I was in the gym. So couldn't remember whether it was sets of 2 or 3. My wrist strength has suffered since I've been a little inconsistent lately, so I've gotta work on that before I can increase the weight much. But it was interesting to try something different. I'm ready to see some improvement in those hips. I felt like today was sort of focusing on arms, core, and some ankles for the 1 pt row.

    FSPP 30#
    Step-ups 25#
    DB 1-point Rows 15#
    Static Lunge 15#)
    Push-ups 2 x 10 modified
    Plank 2 x 70sec
    CHWC 10 @ 40# , 10@45#
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Stage 4 workout A2 is done! Now on rest for two days and back to workout B on Sunday.
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Just finished my first Stage 2 B workout, and I'm not crazy about it. I didn't feel like any of the lifts were doing anything for me and a lot of them limited my range of motion. Like split squats and the reverse lunges -- I couldn't go as deep as I can go in a regular squat or lunge. It's as if the lifts were made complicated for the sake of variety, at the sacrifice of their effectiveness. I'll keep at it, but I am a little disappointed.

    I got a kick out of this at the gym today: The free weight section cleared out and it was just me and another girl, and when I looked over, every single person on a cardio machine was male. For about five minutes, it was an all female weight room and an all male cardio room. How often does that happen???
  • Kukenan
    Started the stage 2 yesterday with Worlout A. It really kicked my butt. I spent 2 weeks with no workout and I fear I might have pushed it a bit too much. I had a question. Is it normal that I couldn't lift an empty barbell sor the front squat/push press at all? This was my first time using them, as before I only had acces to dumbbells, and it was way too heavy. Luckly the gym has smaller barbells and I could manage one of them, at only 20 lbs. I was deadlifting 2 25lbs dumbells at the end of stage one, maybe that wasn't enough? Now I'm wondering if I should have stayed longer in stage 1 or if it is because I spent 2 weeks doing nothing. The rest of the work out went rather well though I did cut back on the weight for the step ups since I went with a higher step. I am having trouble with the dumbell one point row, but that's because I have really bad balance, so this ought to help.
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    About to start stage 2. I know the crunches have been swapped out for planks. Are there any other changes/swaps I need to know about before getting started? Thanks in advance!!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    Stage 4 workout A2 is done! Now on rest for two days and back to workout B on Sunday.

    I am about to start stage 4 on Monday. What's the deal with "2 or 3 sets?" Which is it? 2 or 4? That's not an inconsiderable difference! :laugh:
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Stage 4 workout A2 is done! Now on rest for two days and back to workout B on Sunday.

    I am about to start stage 4 on Monday. What's the deal with "2 or 3 sets?" Which is it? 2 or 4? That's not an inconsiderable difference! :laugh:

    I do 3 sets of 8 reps.

    I just finished 4B2 today.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    Stage 4 workout A2 is done! Now on rest for two days and back to workout B on Sunday.

    I am about to start stage 4 on Monday. What's the deal with "2 or 3 sets?" Which is it? 2 or 4? That's not an inconsiderable difference! :laugh:

    I do 3 sets of 8 reps.

    I just finished 4B2 today.

    Okay, that was supposed to be "Which is it? 2 or 3?" Can't seem to find the edit button this morning. Thanks for your reply. I imagine time constraints will decide how many I can do. I wish these workouts weren't so long. :frown: