Cabin 3 Instructions, chit chat, etc. thread!



  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    It has been hard this time round. I am trying not to get overly hopeful. I have soo much to lose. My NSV was Friday I put on a pair of just washed and dryer dried jeans and they about fell off. I knew I was losing but I didn't KNOW I was losing.

    Spacecurly - You're right the mindwork is funny. I expect I will experience something similar in the future just because I have done this dance before and stalled before making real progress. I am glad that you shared. I will remember you when I have mine and know I wasn't alone in panicking.

    Karendee4 - I know this sounds kinda off the wall but have you tried mediation or even prayer? They both activate the same centers of the brain. I have serious daily chronic pain (I have a neuropathic migraine all the time. My brain doesn't know how to shut off the pain centers anymore, short version). I actually have been using the mediation so I can get to sleep but the short focus can relax and help de-stress yourself. It can also allow you to step back from a situation, even if it is just a couple of deep breaths. Just enough to make a choice rather than reacting.

    I have alot of negative self-talk too so I keep a gratitude journal. Sometimes it is the small things, I got the dishes done. (and that maybe the only thing I get done that day.) Sometimes it is big things. When I have a down day, I read back through the journal. It helps remind me I can do things even if it wasn't what I used to be able to do.

    You are doing some of the other things our pain group does to cope. You are getting out and doing things you enjoy and working out. These are BIG DEALS. most people do the woo-is-me and want someone else to fix it and don't do anything. You aren't doing that. You are taking control back even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. Give yourself credit for that. ( and I know it is hard to do.)
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Spacecurly - You are so right about the mind work! Every time I go shopping (which isn't very often) I go to the section I always shopped at. I pick out clothes and try them on and they are too big, but I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I AM NOT THAT SIZE ANYMORE! Even though I told myself that when I walked in the store.

    Karen - Hang in there. I know you are doing it and I know it can be difficult. I've had a difficult few days since the weekend. I have had an uncontrollable urge to eat. We were with friends and ate socially for two days. Good food that I love and have missed (Chinese buffet, for one) and all I have been able to do lately is stuff food in my face.

    I have stalled in my weight loss, even been going up and down on the scale and I am so frustrated. I know I should eat more, but like you said, it is hard to believe that I don't have to starve to lose weight. I know I just want something, anything, to work and right now, nothing is. I have started lifting weight and maybe that is the reason I have been going up and down on the scale. I just hope something happens soon.

    Prephred - Good for you on your NSV! That is so awesome! You are going to have to buy some new, smaller jeans!! Yay you! I am sorry about your migraines. That must be difficult to live with.

    I really appreciate having a place to chat with you all. I am not the type of person to have a lot of friends so being able to vent here is healing. I appreciate each one of you!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Beth: Yes I know, it is really great here, because we all struggle! The few friends that I have don't want to loose weight or do not need it! So it is great to have a place where everyonehas the same goal!

    Kinda hard to think what I will do, when this challenge is over!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Kinda hard to think what I will do, when this challenge is over!

    We will all stay here, stay friends and keep on chatting!!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    A doctor recommended meditation. I am going to give it a try.

    I have had a few better days lately. Today I see a new doctor so I may get some more ideas too.

    I am doing cabin cleaning since my MIL is coming to visit soon.

    I like chatting with all of you too!!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Today is pay it back day!!!

    We are going to my younger sister in law for her birthday (which is today), but equally important to welcome and see the new family addition: Baby Larissa!!!

    Now to me going on Baby visits is a little double sided! Yes, I am happy that they have a healthy Baby and that they became pregnant so fast. Yes, I am happy everything went well!
    I just wish it would be me too, who holds a little healthy Baby in her arms to call her own! *sight*
    We are working on it since more than a year now and if after new year nothing happens, I will go and see a gynocologist about it!

    On the bright side (this has got to get me through the day) I lost enough this week, to make it under 79.9Kg, which is under 80!!!!
    (equals 176 lbs)
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    Sweet deal on the weight loss Spacecurly! Hope you had a good visit. (Good luck on the other, just keep the practicing fun =)

    Sorry I haven't been around much - just kinda in a holding pattern until Aug 7 rolls around. Pain levels will be high until then and I have been too tired from not sleeping to work out as much =( But I will still be checking in

    I vote we keep the challenge going past summer just so we CAN chat - I love being able to talk to you guys. You keep me motivated even when I can't do much. Someday I will be back to walking a mile at a time, until then, every short walk counts.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    good job!!!!

    sorry you are in pain HUGS

    I am pooped from my mother in law's visit. ....she is here 2 weeks and it is day 3. I am so tired...

    She bought lots of junk food., even though I told her I have Binge eating disorder. This is why I don't tell people. They seem to think it is not a real problem when it really is. UGH

    I am staying strong.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    @Karen: is there a chance your husband would support you, if you throw out the junk? It is your house after all and even more important your health!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    He probably won't throw out the junk. It does make it hard on me though. Last night I overate. I did not have a binge but I ate too much. I am working so hard I don't want to ruin it just because we have a visitor here.

    Today I register the kids for School. It will be good cause I will be out of the house!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    have a great day kareen! and hold on this visit will not last forever!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    It is a 17 day visit. I have until Aug 17th. It was TOO LONG!

    Today I am taking her fabric shopping. She wants me to teach her to sew a tote bag/purse. At least it does not involve food and I can keep my hands busy! I might get myself some fabric or a craft to complete just to stay away from the pantry.

    I am also going to pack all the junk up into a larger tote/container and place that in the pantry. That way it is "less" visible.

    Here is my activity for the reviews.

    Exercise App review.

    I only use a few exercise ones. Those are motoactiv (goes with my HRM), myfitness pal and endomondo.

    I also like my chipotle nutrition app. (not an exercise one really but it is great) I can select my burrito bowl ingredients and know how many calories I am getting for each topping. It was on my old windows phone and now I have it on android.

    My fitness pal for android is nice. I love to scan items into my diary. It has a few quirks but it is nice to add things when I am out of the house.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I am doing better. I lost 4 pounds since yesterday so some of the gain was water weight. A friend of mine thinks my MIL is bringing crap into the house to sabotage me. She has weight problems and just went off a diet and now gained some weight. Is that possible? Maybe she does not realize it? Or maybe my friend is wrong?

    it does not matter because I am in charge of my health and I can stay out of the pantry. I will not go in there with the junk...I can eat my fruit and yogurt for my snacks. :
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I did exercise app review yesterday and today is book review:

    My book review:

    Lost and Found

    One Woman's Story of Losing Her Money
    and Finding Her Life

    by Gennen Roth

    This book relates her money problems to binge eating problems. I enjoyed the book and read it quickly. I would recommend any of her books. They are not just about weight. Also, not a diet book at all. No diet plans just the emotional side of eating.

    LOST AND FOUND, Geneen's newest book, is about the many ways we lose and can ultimately find ourselves in our daily lives. Whether we choose shopping, eating, or roaming the internet, LOST AND FOUND offers us a template of taking back our lives so that we can finally have--and be--what we want most.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    @Karen: Is it possible that she thinks, because you wanna live healthy, that your kids somehow get short in stuff? I know it is a nicer approach of what your friend said, but it is a possibility too!
    It would be sad if her intention would be to sabotage you! Is there a possibility for you o sit down and talk this out?

    I wanna do a book review today too!

    I choose Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling

    It was the first book I ever read in english and ever since I love english books more than the translated german ones!
    I know it is more of a childs book, but I love her writing style and the way she makes ordinary "human" things look like to those who are not familiar with it!!

    Especially in a first book where you get tons of information, about people and circumstances, she did a good introduction to those who are important and the way she wants you to feel towards the main characters.

    Here I have especially Professor Snape in mind whom everybody despise and at the end of book 7 turns out to secretly be a bit of a hero himself!!!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    @Karen: Is it possible that she thinks, because you wanna live healthy, that your kids somehow get short in stuff? I know it is a nicer approach of what your friend said, but it is a possibility too!
    It would be sad if her intention would be to sabotage you! Is there a possibility for you o sit down and talk this out?

    I don't think she is doing it on purpose. I am not sure if a chat will work. I have been carefully saying things about my binge problems and how food is difficult for me. She said many times while here, "I didn't come here to diet". I keep explaining that I do not "Diet" and I do not believe in diets. Many times she goes on a diet then gains it back. She just went off one in January. (The HCG Diet)

    I am doing better. I feel so much better being control of my eating. I have my food planed for the whole day. (maybe a couple snacks not planned but most is planned)

    Planning is helping because I know what I will be eating and don't need to look around for food.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    yesterday I literarilly went searching for chocolate, it did not matter as long as i could put it in my mouth and it was chocolate, it was okay!!!
    Needless to say i went over my cals big time and felt bad and too stuffed when I fnally went to bed!
    Also i was not able or better say I did not take the time to run this week. i did today and my dark mood already lifted a little! Not that it was a good run, but my mind frame improved!
    Now I just hope the night will be quite to recover a bit and catch up the work I was not able to do last night!

    As for a workout or app review:

    I think I like Jillian michaels!
    I looked into 30 day shred and did the workout here and there when there was too much ice and snow last winter!
    As a form of exercise just to move it is totally okay! It is exhausting if you want it to be and I would choose it over Yoga or pilates every time again! :)
  • dmdegrassi
    dmdegrassi Posts: 151
    Hello! Been a tough week for me. I have almost given up several times.

    I am doing Appreciating Nature day today. We are also doing some geocaching. You look for hidden items by other people. It will be our first time trying it. You use a GPS or your phone.

    I wish I had noticed this sooner, although my trip through the Chicago area was pretty short and already crowded with activity. I LOVE geocaching! My daughter introduced it to me last year. She also bought me a starter kit for Christmas. :)
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Getting myself caught up with everything. Sorry I didn't post about my book or my exercise app, even though I tried on those days. No time to get on during work (much) and no service at home (finally fixed this morning), so getting to it now.

    Book review - I read one of the novellas in Ann Rule's latest book, Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors. I read the case about Susan Powell and her sons.

    I really enjoy Ann Rule and her many true crime stories, but I really have to be in a particular mood to handle them.

    Now, on for my Exercis App Review...

    I am going to review JEFIT. I use Jefit for my weight lifting routine (NROL4W). I spent some time setting it up (on the internet) and then synced my phone with it. It shows which lift I will be doing along with an animated picture of how it is performed, how many reps and how many sets are to be done, and even a rest timer between sets. I really like using it and think it saves a lot of time while doing my lifting routine.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hello! Been a tough week for me. I have almost given up several times.

    I am doing Appreciating Nature day today. We are also doing some geocaching. You look for hidden items by other people. It will be our first time trying it. You use a GPS or your phone.

    I wish I had noticed this sooner, although my trip through the Chicago area was pretty short and already crowded with activity. I LOVE geocaching! My daughter introduced it to me last year. She also bought me a starter kit for Christmas. :)
    Thanks Donna. I love Chicago, I live about 45 miles west of it though. So funny I don't go there much and I love close by.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I have been doing awful. My back was hurting and the only exercise was my work on the farm Tuesday. Unfortunately I have eating so badly. My MIL is visiting and I have been eating like crap the last few days. I just know I have ruined all my hard work and made myself further behind.

    I am sorry to let you down team. I just feel so hopeless right now.
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    I have been doing awful. My back was hurting and the only exercise was my work on the farm Tuesday. Unfortunately I have eating so badly. My MIL is visiting and I have been eating like crap the last few days. I just know I have ruined all my hard work and made myself further behind.

    I am sorry to let you down team. I just feel so hopeless right now.

    I am sorry to hear about your problems with MIL. It very well could be she is sabotaging you unconsciously. Especially if she yo-yo diets. Just hang in there, she will be gone soon and you can get back to being you again.

    Speaking of letting you all down. Sorry to you all for not checking in. I haven't been able to sit in front of a monitor for the last week n half and it is driving me nuts! I missed "chatting" and I have been so bad the last week. Not by eating too much but by eating too little. I am soo worried when I get back to eating the right amount of calories, I am going to gain again before losing. I so do not want to do that.

    I am not able to be on for long periods of time yet but hopefully that will change.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I have been doing awful. My back was hurting and the only exercise was my work on the farm Tuesday. Unfortunately I have eating so badly. My MIL is visiting and I have been eating like crap the last few days. I just know I have ruined all my hard work and made myself further behind.

    I am sorry to let you down team. I just feel so hopeless right now.

    I am sorry to hear about your problems with MIL. It very well could be she is sabotaging you unconsciously. Especially if she yo-yo diets. Just hang in there, she will be gone soon and you can get back to being you again.

    Speaking of letting you all down. Sorry to you all for not checking in. I haven't been able to sit in front of a monitor for the last week n half and it is driving me nuts! I missed "chatting" and I have been so bad the last week. Not by eating too much but by eating too little. I am soo worried when I get back to eating the right amount of calories, I am going to gain again before losing. I so do not want to do that.

    I am not able to be on for long periods of time yet but hopefully that will change.

    You are so right! She does yo yo diet and just came off one a couple months ago. I keep telling her I can't and don't want to eat junk but she offers it to me over and over. After she eats junk she will ask me if I want some. No one else in the house either. Just asks me and other people are in the room.
    I need my house back and that will help a lot!!

    Thanks for the nice words.

    We understand if you are not on much. it happens. :)
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    Who hoo Karendee - one more day =)

    By the way here's the book review. I don't do apps as I have a dumb phone but it was interesting reading you'alls reports.

    Thea Harrison is a really good writer. She has a Elder Races series that pretty neat. She ties some of the happenings in what has really taken place in some of our history. This is the first in the series and was really good.

    Dragon Bound
    A Fiery Temper is Not Easily Extinguished

    Half-human and half-wyr, Pia Giovanni spent her life keeping a low profile among the wyrkind and avoiding the continuing conflict between them and their Dark Fae enemies. But after being blackmailed into stealing a coin from the hoard of a dragon, Pia finds herself targeted by one of the most powerful–and passionate—of the Elder Races.

    As the most feared and respected of the wyrkind, Dragos Cuelebre cannot believe someone had the audacity to steal from him, much less succeed. And when he catches the thief, Dragos spares her life, claiming her as his own to further explore the desire they’ve ignited in one another.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Last day with a visitor in my home. Only a couple hours left. It will be back to normal soon. :)

    I was offered a job this week. I will be a Kindergarten Teacher starting this week. YEAH. I will see how well I can use MFP and work a new job.

    I also have to eat the food the kids eat. This position has a daycare too so they follow the federal/gov eating program and teachers are asked to show the kids good eating habits. I hope they cook healthy like they said they do. (last summer I worked at a daycare and they said they cooked healthy but it was full of cheese, fat and all canned fruits and veggies. YUCK)

    it will be a harder job since it is a Kindergarten class in a daycare but the job is needed by our family. Maybe now I can afford even more delicious healthy food for my family? that is a good thing.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am doing the cardio challenge today. I missed a few days because I hurt my back last Sunday.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    My MIL is gone and I can feel some stress gone too. I don't have to worry about a visitor and I can be comfortable at home.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I start a new job this week. Monday I go do paperwork and get all ready. I am so nervous but excited too. It is not my ideal job but it will help our family so much to have 2 incomes. ;)
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    WhooHoooo! Congrats on MIL being gone. Also Congrats on the new job!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Sounds like the week to come is a fresh start all around!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi all! Have missed you all a bunch. Been popping in here and there, but not for long periods. I want my life back to normal, but changes just keep happening. I have no control and I really am uncomfortable with that.

    Karen, I am so happy for you that your MIL is gone! And that you have your house back. I am sorry to say this, but she is a rude woman. She was a guest in your house and she made you feel uncomfortable. I am so sorry she makes you feel like that. I hope she doesn't visit too often!

    This is our last week for NMCP, but I want to continue on in some way with you guys. I know we will stay friends on MFP, but I kind of like this "group chatter" format. Maybe we can stay joined here or else create a new, closed group for our occasional visits. What do you all think?

    Well, better get back to work! Have a great day!!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I will come by at chat some too. I like having somewhere to post once in a while. I might be busy the next few weeks though.

    I am very tired today so not much to post. I have been waking up very early and I wish I was sleeping better.

    My MIL was rude while here. I was so upset because I told her I have binge eating problems. She made it worse. However I am most angry at myself for eating badly and letting the stress get to me. I should have found other ways to deal with stress. I ate and now I am heavier and have more weight to re-lose.