You're probably eating more than you think.



  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I wish I'd read this when you originally posted it.

    I failed hard on Primal Diet for exactly this reason. I wasn't eating candy, cakes, or bread, how could I be gaining weight?

    Recently, and for the first time ever, I weighed my butter.

    What I thought was 100 calories of butter was.... wait for it.... over 700 calories worth of butter.

    I also started weighing fast food. 6 ounces of rice from Panda Express? No, they often gave me over 10 ounces.
    Mcdonalds fries? A Large french fry is usually 50% heavier than the serving size on the nutrition chart.
    Places like in-n-out and habit are even worse.

    I'm bringing a food scale with me from now on.

    Thank you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I wish I'd read this when you originally posted it.

    I failed hard on Primal Diet for exactly this reason. I wasn't eating candy, cakes, or bread, how could I be gaining weight?

    Recently, and for the first time ever, I weighed my butter.

    What I thought was 100 calories of butter was.... wait for it.... over 700 calories worth of butter.

    I also started weighing fast food. 6 ounces of rice from Panda Express? No, they often gave me over 10 ounces.
    Mcdonalds fries? A Large french fry is usually 50% heavier than the serving size on the nutrition chart.
    Places like in-n-out and habit are even worse.

    I'm bringing a food scale with me from now on.

    Thank you.

    Actually, this is something SIdeSteel and I have been discussing recently. While we are not anti-fast food by any stretch of the imagination, we do think it can be an added variable in unintentional inaccurate logging.

    Your comments about Panda Express and McDonalds fries pretty much is at the crux of what we were discussing. Plus, with places like Subway, there is the extra mayo and other items that are used that cannot be accurate based on the nutritional information just by the nature of how the food items are made.

    We are not saying not to eat there, or even saying that you need to take a scale, just that a high proportion of fast/restaurant food can significantly throw logging accuracy off and wipe out a perceived deficit.

    This can one of the reasons that people's calculated TDEE based on actual results, does not appear to be in line with the online calculators or expectations and their targets have to be set lower than would be expected/desired.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    This is a great video showing the inaccuracies and how the calories add up when measuring v weighing

    Wow.. That really woke me up. I put my 1/2 cup of oatmeal on the scale thinking it was 40 grams and it was 45 grams. I realize that I have been channeling the "Dark Side of the Force"

  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Bump for future reference. After reading what other people are experiencing, I think it's time for me to look carefully at portion sizes. (Oh peanut butter, you are my delicious betrayal).

    Does anyone have recommendations for good food scales? Less expensive options would be particularly appreciated. :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Bump for future reference. After reading what other people are experiencing, I think it's time for me to look carefully at portion sizes. (Oh peanut butter, you are my delicious betrayal).

    Does anyone have recommendations for good food scales? Less expensive options would be particularly appreciated. :)

    Walmart actually has a digital with glass top that can be zero'd out and allowed decent heavy amount on it. I only checked to about 6 ozs for accuracy, and repeatability on measurements, it was good.

    But problem with cheap, i could see variability in quality control. At least the way digital works, it shouldn't start reading off as time goes on, it'll just break.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    This post was a "game changer" for me!
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    This thread helped me get the scale moving in the direction I want again.

    I tightened up my food diary and planned ahead more, estimated less and added in all the things I may have overlooked before. Eye balling can work if you put the work in first to measure accurately.

    Just to make sure I slightly upped my activity to and it seems to be working so far.

    Its good to know I'm not obsessed and if I am there are a whole load of people like be obsessing to try an reach there goals. mine is to lower my bf% which is currently 25% surprisingly I feel an look good so I'm enjoying the whole process despite frustrations along the way. Thanks to all who contributed to this thread, I'm sure ill be back when I stall again lol!
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    I tightened up my food diary and planned ahead more,

    Well said! ^^^ this!
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    This is a great video showing the inaccuracies and how the calories add up when measuring v weighing

    OK, I've just been blown away. I watched the video. I went out and got the digital scale I was planning on (I'd been using an old analog one that was more approximation than anything). And did the oatmeal test. I usually have 1/2 cup of oatmeal a day which is supposed to be 150 calories. That is based though on 40g. A full 1/2 cup of oatmeal was 52g, not 40g. Which would be 195 calories. Do this a couple of times a day, every day a week, and you've got a big problem.

    I've done great so far, still averaging about 1.5 pounds loss since January. But what would it have been had I known that? I'm sure posting that on my news feed for all my friends. Thanks for the video and this thread.

    ETA: I bought the Sharper Image scale at Bed, Bath and Beyond for about $25. It says it can go to 11 pounds. I haven't tested its accuracy at the 0-5g level yet. But it does count in 1 gram increments very nicely once you get above a certain level, I know that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Great post. I recently dug out my "old" scale to see for myself as "guesstimations" were pretty good on the most part.

    (I always guess what it weighs before I weigh it) but that being my diary you notice "frozen fruit" in my breakfast smoothie..always figured 2 servings as on the bag 3/4cup is one or 140g...well now I put 200 grams on my scale and wham...much more then 1.5 cups..but that being said I do log everything and very rarely go over (maybe a day but under most weeks) and I have it set to 1lb a week where in reality I have been loosing .5lb a week. so I know my "guesses" are off.

    I will definately be investing in a digital scale this weekend...the analog one scares me.

    I am used to this tho grew up with a diabetic in the house so we always had scales to measure his food to ensure he was well controlled.

    I have to concur as well with the database here...typcially way off on values and I often correct or build my own. I have gotten in the habbit of actually using the MFP app on my phone and scanning in the bar code on the food where I can.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Great post. I recently dug out my "old" scale to see for myself as "guesstimations" were pretty good on the most part.

    (I always guess what it weighs before I weigh it) but that being my diary you notice "frozen fruit" in my breakfast smoothie..always figured 2 servings as on the bag 3/4cup is one or 140g...well now I put 200 grams on my scale and wham...much more then 1.5 cups..but that being said I do log everything and very rarely go over (maybe a day but under most weeks) and I have it set to 1lb a week where in reality I have been loosing .5lb a week. so I know my "guesses" are off.

    I will definately be investing in a digital scale this weekend...the analog one scares me.

    I am used to this tho grew up with a diabetic in the house so we always had scales to measure his food to ensure he was well controlled.

    I have to concur as well with the database here...typcially way off on values and I often correct or build my own. I have gotten in the habbit of actually using the MFP app on my phone and scanning in the bar code on the food where I can.

    I literally just scanned one myself a few minutes ago, and scarily, it was wrong. The wrong 'version' came up.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I literally just scanned one myself a few minutes ago, and scarily, it was wrong. The wrong 'version' came up.

    I found that too the other night...scanned Layes perogie flavored chips and it came up ketcup..but I do check the lables to ensure accuracy as well.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Didn't wait till the weekend I bought a digital scale today that measures to within .1oz up to 5lbs. It comes with a bowl and the scale nets it out. Has a function to keep weighing items without having to reset etc. Didn't get the one with the carb/protien etc measurement.

    My meat "guesstimate" was bang on...4oz cut it bang on then added another 1.6 cause I was hungry

    Potatoes not so much 4oz is a lot less then I thought

    Veggies I didn't really care about.

    Hopefully I will see a bigger decrease in my weight and measurments.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I bought a digital scale and started measuring. Such a difference. My oatmeal portions were almost double. No more eyeballing it. I just can't believe how off I was. Thanks for the tips. I hope to start lossing again, because this 2 year stall is annoying! Thanks all.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    I bought a digital scale and started measuring. Such a difference. My oatmeal portions were almost double. No more eyeballing it. I just can't believe how off I was. Thanks for the tips. I hope to start lossing again, because this 2 year stall is annoying! Thanks all.

    How funny. My oatmeal portions were way off too!
    The scale is an eye opener!
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    I bought a digital scale and started measuring. Such a difference. My oatmeal portions were almost double. No more eyeballing it. I just can't believe how off I was. Thanks for the tips. I hope to start lossing again, because this 2 year stall is annoying! Thanks all.

    How funny. My oatmeal portions were way off too!
    The scale is an eye opener!

    OMG! Yes! I purchased a scale yesterday and the first thing I tried was my daily oatmeal portion! :noway: :noway: I am still stunned. Second I tried spaghetti pasta...yeah...lets just say I have been wayyyyyyyyyy off for a long time about pasta. OH MY! So grateful for finding this group! I am learning a lot just reading thru the pinned threads.
  • gigoypotpot
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am such a noob sometimes...jeez

    I have my scale and it came with the nice little bowl to put the food in...and all these nice little features that allows it to go from g to oz, a zero button and a few other buttons...didn't really think about them...

    I was measuring my fruit this morning in that nice little aforementioned bowl to dump into my smoothie cup then made a mistake and put my yogurt in next...damn my protien powder will stick...jeez...

    So I was like eh I will just keep adding the stuff and keep track of what weigh what so as I go to the protien powder I hit one of those "other buttons"....AMG:mad: it zero'd out my yogurt...then I am like wait a minute..that's what that is for..nice...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Then I realize cripes why not just put it in my smoothie cup and dirty one less dish....

    I love my scale...gonna read up on the rest of the buttons on it now...:drinker: who knows what I will find that could be useful.