How Much Weight Have You LOST?



  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I've had 2 children and I seem to get stuck at the same weight for a while before losing.

    So beginning with my first pregnancy, here are my stats:

    Height: 5'1"
    Pre-pregnancy: 110 lbs
    Delivery 40 weeks: 145
    2 weeks PP: 130

    Never got back to pre-pregnancy weight.

    Second pregnancy:

    Pre-pregnancy: 120 lbs
    Delivery at 40 weeks: 142
    2 weeks post partum: 136

    And I am exclusively BFing but the weight isn't melting off. My daughter is now 8 months old. I consume around 2000 calories a day to keep my supply up.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Pre pregnancy 144
    Highest Pregnancy weight 176
    2 weeks postpartum 156
    10 weeks postpartum 152

    It took 8 weeks to lose 4 lbs! And it was all in weeks 7-10 when I started a dairy free diet.
    I'm breastfeeding...
    Still need to lose and barely get exercise as little one gas colic and needs to be held round the clock.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Happy Friday! Weekly weigh in day for me :) Baby girl is three weeks old, nursing is going well, we are having lots of fun! I had two goals this week : get in 4 good walks and don't GAIN any weight :) met both goals!

    pre-preg weight: 114 lb (5'2'')
    full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs total during pregnancy)

    1 day post delivery: -9.5 lbs (baby weighed 7lbs6oz)
    1 week pp: -11 lbs (11 lbs from goal)
    2 weeks pp: -13 lbs (9 lbs from goal)
    3 weeks pp: -14.5 lbs (7.5 lbs from goal)

    This week I had a calorie goal of 1850 and I walked 30-60 minutes each day, pushing the double BOB :)
    How was your week??
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 154 (lost almost 50 lbs after giving birth to my first baby)
    39w3d: 196 (was 222 with my first baby- so overall I wasn't to bummed about this)
    1 week pp: 178 (and I stalled here for a long time)
    Baby # 2 is now almost 12 weeks and I'm only down to 174

    I have my calorie goal set at 1500 + 500 for breastfeeding. I exercise 6-7 days a week (walking/pushing a double stroller, riding my stationary bike, and/or an ab/squat workout).

    My goal is to get down to 145, but with my first I was not able to lose weight until I stopped breastfeeding. Right now being able to breastfeed my baby is more important than losing weight. I find that if I cut too many calories my supply will drop. Some weeks I notice the scale moving in the right direction and other weeks I gain. It's really hard to not be able to fit into the clothes that I had previously worked so hard to get into, but today I took all of my "fat" clothes and gave them to a friend that is also trying to lose weight. I had kept them in case I could use them as maternity clothes, but even at 9 months pregnant they were still too big. A huge NSV for me!!! :)
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @prplrose: LOVE your NSV of not needing the "fat clothes" during maternity. What a great feeling!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Height: 5'5"

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 135-137
    Delivery day weight: 180 lbs- despite really watching my calories and working out- baby girl born at 37 weeks weight 6lbs 3oz
    A few days after delivery: 172 lbs Bummer- lots of IV fluids and I was so swollen
    6 weeks post partum: 156 lbs
    Current- 153.4

    Exclusively breastfeeding and baby is 4 months old now. Weight loss is very slow, as you can see! It's frustrating, but I know that this weight range is where my body loves to hang out, and I am more focused on eating enough to feed the baby. I usually eat around 2000 calories a day.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 158
    Delivery weight: 181 (+23 pounds)
    3 weeks postpartum: 172
    4 weeks postpartum: 172 (14 pounds to goal)

    Over a week meeting my calorie goals and no weight lost. I'm eating too much junk and need to exercise but I don't see that happening until my big one goes back to school. I'm going to reduce my calories a bit more this week and we'll see if that helps.
    If not than I might have to hang out at this weight until breastfeeding starts to reduce a bit. :(
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    pre-pregnancy: 207
    day of delivery: 252
    2 weeks pp: 231
    7 months pp: 235 (yeah, not a typo, unfortunately).

    I'm EBF my babe and eating like crap, so I'm still 28 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight and still have much more to go after that. I'm starting Whole30 on 9/1 to break the sugar addiction, so I hope I have a better report for you ladies at 9 months pp :)
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Friday Weigh In! Baby is one month old tomorrow. I think any big losses are over, now for the slow and steady (hard work!) part. I see my midwife on Monday and hopefully will get the go-ahead to start running again. Maybe that will help the last 7lbs to come off? Or maybe they will stick around until I am done breastfeeding? I am interested to see :)

    full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs total during pregnancy)
    1 day pp: 126.5 lb (lost 9.5 lbs, baby weighed 7lbs6oz)
    1 week pp: 125 lbs (11 lbs from goal) - ate 2000 cal this week
    2 weeks pp: 123 lbs (9 lbs from goal) - ate 2000 cal, walked 1-2 times
    3 weeks pp: 121.5 lbs (7.5 lbs from goal) - dropped to 1850 calories, walking 30-60 min /day
    4 weeks pp: 121.2 lb (7.2 lbs to go!) - still tried for 1850 cals, but went over a few days and didn't walk much
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 158
    Delivery weight: 181 (+23 pounds)
    3 weeks postpartum: 172
    4 weeks postpartum: 172 (14 pounds to goal)
    5 weeks postpartum: 171 (13 pounds to goal)

    Reduced calories by 200, which seems to have worked. For now at least!
  • MadgieDO
    MadgieDO Posts: 8 Member
    Pre-pregnancy 143 lbs height 5' 5"
    40 weeks 4 days (delivery): 178 lbs
    PP day 1: 165
    PP week 1: 155
    PP week 3: 158 (where I am now)

    Trying to maintain under 160 until my 6 weeks with breastfeeding fully establishing still. I lost about 20 lbs before getting pregnant with MFP. Not really ready to start trying to lose necessarily but moreso just want to track my intake to make sure I get a healthy balance of foods with breastfeeding and recovery at this point. Haven't braved trying to get into my fat jeans even yet..still rockin my maternity pants.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Not that anyone needs to stress about it, but for those who are interested or enjoy the accountability, I thought a thread dedicated to losing the baby weight might be fun. It is interesting to see how much people lose initially, how long it takes to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, etc.

    Here are my stats so far, my baby is two weeks old tomorrow! We are having a blast :)

    pre-pregnancy weight: 114 lbs. total gain at 40 weeks/delivery: +22 lbs. baby weighed 7 lb 6 oz :)
    1 day post delivery: -9.5 lbs (12.5 lbs from goal)
    1 week pp: -11 lbs (11 lbs from goal)
    2 weeks pp: -13 lbs (9 lbs from goal)

    I am still figuring out how many calories i need right now. 1400 for me, 500 for exclusively breast feeding? So 1900 total? As for exercise, I got in two good, 30 minute walks, pushing the double stroller. Hoping to make it three or four this next week!
    Probably won't start running until at least 4 weeks; stitches are still healing!

    Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying their beautiful babies!

    THIS BABY...
    Pre pregnancy weight: around 155
    Weight at delivery: somewhere around 210
    Weight 4 weeks pp: 190 (start of MFP)
    weight at 1yo: 130
    Weight after 16mo: 115
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    prepregnancy weight 189
    delivery day weight 252
    post part 230
    1 year later 215

    I have PCOS and it has been tremendouly hard to get me hormones to get together. I was doing a wonderful job before becoming pregnant but despite excersie and 1460 calories, plus excersie calories (which was what I was doing before) i have not moved very much. But I guess somehtin in better than nothing. 26 pound to go to reach prepregnancy weight, and 55 to reach my ultimate goal!
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    H = 5' 7"
    Pre- Pregnancy Weight = 147
    Delivery at 40W (came on due date) = 189 (42lb gain)
    2 weeks PP = 166 (Down 23lbs), baby was 8lbs 3oz

    147 was the lowest I have EVER been that I can remember. I can fit most pre pregnancy tops, but I admit the jello tummy is a hard one to deal with. Bottoms are either maternity or workout clothes for fit and comfort. I am breastfeeding/pumping and have my settings for 2000cal/day + 500 for BF. I go back to work in 6 weeks and am hoping to start my workout regime back around that time or at the 6 week checkup.
    I have been walking about 15-30 minutes at a time a few days a week, don't want to push too hard since I am still healing with stiches, etc after delivery. Im sure I burn some calories with all the cleaning I seem to do keeping up with a newborn, 3.5yo and hubby! LOL.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 147 (I was 157 before my son, so this was better, but not great)
    40.7 weeks pregnant: 193 (yep 46 lbs)
    2 months pp (first time I stepped on a scale): 171 (-22lbs from birth)
    Almost 8 months pp: 136 (-57 lbs and -11 from pre pregnancy weight).

    I'm pleased, but I would love to lose another 11 lbs. I am finally healthy BMI though!

    I eat 1600-1700 calories a day. My daughter is 8 months so I don't need the 500 calories, plus I'm not very active (besides chasing the 2 year old boy and the 8 month crawling girl).
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    10 weeks pp and haven't lost any weight in at least 6 weeks. Only 7 lbs to go, but I'm annoyed that the scale isn't moving. But I completed stage 1 of nrolfw and doubled my strength in shoulder press and lunges!
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    my baby is 3 :) I have had 3 and am slowly getting back to prepregnancy. I have lost the weight gained from baby number 3 and baby number 2.... I have about 20 more to go to get back to what I was before baby number 1 :) who is almost 10!!!! So you ladies try hard to get it off now!!!! so much easier than waiting 10 years and adding more with more babies. i have lost 50 lbs this year through beach body programs. turbrofire, insanity, combat, and now t25. these programs work and are so fun and motivating. anyone in need of a program??? I became a beachbody coach to help others like me who need a little extra push and motivation to get the job done everyday. follow me on facebook if you'd like. katy atkinson fitness.

    good job ladies, keep it up!!!!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.

    I know, BFing isn't the awesome weight loss tool that it's cracked up to be (at least not for everyone)! I'm right there with you on that one.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    I know! Maybe it would have been, if I would have eaten the same way I ate before getting pregnant...but holy cow...I am STARVING all the time! I'll wake up in the middle of the night to feed Bug with pangs of hunger so bad that I have to go to the kitchen and have a small glass of chocolate milk or some cereal just to make it until the morning...haha!
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.

    I know, BFing isn't the awesome weight loss tool that it's cracked up to be (at least not for everyone)! I'm right there with you on that one.