introduce Yourself



  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I started IP last week. I have been on it before about 2 years ago, lost 30 pounds and kept it off till December when I had to deal with a lot of stress. I know it works, and I'm looking forward to losing the 30 again. And fitting into my size 8s! I am glad to harp e found this group for support.

  • sbrasel
    sbrasel Posts: 1 Member
    I started May 5 and have lost thirty pounds. Doesn't it feel wonderful to be lighter? Having a pity party for myself thinking this is too hard and expensive but hoping I can sustain the loss and understand the science of this program and not slide back to old habits.
    I work in a hospital and see every day people who could prevent diseases caused by obesity. That's what keeps me going. It's EASY to avoid getting healthy. But one pound at a time is my goal.
  • caymanapril
    caymanapril Posts: 7 Member
    I'm entering my third week. Lost 10 pounds. I have 15 to go. So far, so good
  • conquerin_lioness
    conquerin_lioness Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone!! Today is my 5th day on IP..I have my first weigh in tomorrow and I'm really excited..I'm taking it one pound at a time, but it's inspiring to see those who have lost so much, and are actively trying to keep it off
  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    So I'm on my 5th week of IP, and I've lost 25 pounds. I'm so pleased with my results. It totally gives me motivation to keep going. I must say that the encouragement and accountability I have here at MFP is helping tremendously. So grateful!
  • sosborne42
    Hello! I have been on IP since March 2013. I ahve lost 63 lbs so far, but have slowed down this summer! I have another 40 lbs to go! Glad to have found this forum!
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Sosborne42,

    Why do you think you have slowed down? Feel free to friend me, I'm looking for IP friends here for encouragement and to help support.

  • mdc882000
    Hi I'm Maggie.....I'm on week 3 of IP and have been doing "OK" I weigh in on Wed so I'll see how I did on week 3. Since last weigh in I lost 8.5 lbs and 8 inches. So not bad. BUT...I have gone out with friends 2X and both times had a few drinks and ate some food not on the plan. That atmosphere is just so tempting for least at this early stage. I need to find a better coping mechanism. Anyone else here in the Milwaukee WI area?
  • Vallerie88
    Hi everyone!!

    I am so excited to join an IP Club. I have so many questions and I want to know what other people are doing. I have been on this diet for 5 days now and I have lost 4.6 lbs! I'm so excited. If anyone has food ideas, advice, or anything please let me know. I am also nervous about what will happen when I phase off because I LOVE food. Would love to know how others stay so productive on this diet!
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to hear some different dinner ideas. I am getting bored with what I have been eating. I'm seriously tired of salads and broccoli/cauliflower!!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Good morning,

    My name is Claudette and I am on day 2 of IP and so far so good. I cannot wait for my first weigh in.

    4 years ago I was down to my goal weight of 138 by diet and exercise and I felt pretty good and then I got lazy started eating horribly and stopped running.

    When I weighed in at IP I was 172.2, with about 45 pounds to lose, but I am determined to do this and I hope with the support of my coach, friends and this group, I WILL do it.

  • Vallerie88
    Good luck!! Ideal Protein will really help you along the way!
  • lisabusta
    Has anyone heard if it is ok to drink diet rite soda on ip? also what about sweet and low?
  • mncountrygirl79
    mncountrygirl79 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi my name is Tara and I'm in my second week on IP and have a weigh in friday but my first week I lost 6.5 lbs and 7.5 inches! Hope to reach my goal by New Years. How is everyone doing?
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    Hi my name is Tara and I'm in my second week on IP and have a weigh in friday but my first week I lost 6.5 lbs and 7.5 inches! Hope to reach my goal by New Years. How is everyone doing?

    Hi Tara,

    I have lost all the weight and started phase 4 officially today. I lost a little over 50 pounds in 5 months, and it was pretty effortless compared to calorie reduction.

    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • mncountrygirl79
    mncountrygirl79 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Susan! And well done! Can't wait to be where you're at!
  • mncountrygirl79
    mncountrygirl79 Posts: 11 Member
    Down 5 lbs and 8.5 inches after my second week :-D How's everyone else doing?
  • cindirookbanman
    cindirookbanman Posts: 71 Member
    Down 5 lbs and 8.5 inches after my second week :-D How's everyone else doing?

    Hi Tara, like SusanRN2b I have also lost an average of 8-10/month and am now starting Phase 3

    I am discovering that IP works so well that it seems like people tend to drop out of this group after only a few months!! :-(
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    Hello all. I'm Trisha and I have my introductory meeting with my coach on Friday! My mom has hit her goal and is on maintenace now and her success has pushed me to get started. I have cut back on discretionary spending so that I can afford this as a single Mom. The time is now and I am tired of the yo-yo. I think I have about 85 lbs to lose.
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    Down 5 lbs and 8.5 inches after my second week :-D How's everyone else doing?

    Hi Tara, like SusanRN2b I have also lost an average of 8-10/month and am now starting Phase 3

    I am discovering that IP works so well that it seems like people tend to drop out of this group after only a few months!! :-(

    Very adroit observation. So true!!!