1200 calories a day



  • melhoust
    melhoust Posts: 2 Member
    I try to aim for under 1200 cals a day, occasionally I go under/over but you can't win them all right? I try to go for runs or do some simple workouts at home. I also try to limit my carb intake to under 100 a day. Here are some basic meals I eat to satisfy my hunger. Breakfast: Homemade granola w/ natural unsweetened almond milk, a spoon of greek yogurt, 1/2 banana and some shaved dark chocolate mixed. Omelette w/ 2 egg whites 1 full egg, tsp olive oil, veggies like onion mushrooms tomato spinach, spices, and sliced avocado dip w/ hot sauce or honey mustard. Lunch I try to not eat meat, so I eat something like a broth soup, or some basic salads: Cubed watermelon, crumbled feta and pepper. Spinach, onion, mushroom, goat cheese, asian sesame dressing. Mixed greens trail mix (I prefer cran and nuts) apple cubes, cheese, and a vinaigrette. Dinner recipes: Jerk Salmon w/ mango salsa, greek salad or quinoa. Taco salad on a bed of romaine or iceberg lettuce stack spicy ground turkey, guacamole, sauteed peppers and onions, tomatoes and dress with sour cream and salsa.
  • karenburnsbot
    karenburnsbot Posts: 14 Member
    I found that 1200 was just not sustainable for me. I would be so hungry by dinnertime! I bumped up to 1280 and I allow myself to go over if I am running/exercising that day. It's much less likely that I binge now on the weekends. Just that little bit made a big difference for me.
  • To be honest at first I stayed hungry most of the time. But eventually my body just accepted it as the norm. I wouldn't recommend it but when I first started weight loss I spent several months on a 700cal diet so this was a jump for me. I still get hungry from time to time but on the days I work I just don't focus on it and on my days off I exercise and allow myself to eat what I work off so it’s like a treat for good behavior. My diary’s open if you need any ideas. Switching to water and unsweetened tea ect. any drink with low to no cals will help to avoid using up cals that can go towards food. Also almonds and protein help a lot. When I find myself getting hungry I grab out 8 almonds and drink a cup of water with them. It helps to pre plan your meals and set times for when you can have those meals. So at the end of the day you’re not left with 0cals and starving.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    dont any of you work out?

    do some exercise and then you can eat more...
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I've been on 1200 calories many times and I find them more than sufficient (struggling to eat over 1000 calories) when I go for a 30-40% protein macro (low-fat dairy, ham, crab sticks etc). As soon as my protein levels drop below 20%, I struggle to stay under.
  • thugstrife
    thugstrife Posts: 22 Member
    Try staying away from wheat and rice, those are hugely calorific. Also, it helps if you don't "drink" your calories, i.e. I only drink water and black coffee/tea when it comes to beverages. You'll catch on pretty quickly when you start logging your foods.
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    I try to eat about 1000-1200 cals depending on when I exercise (seem to have quite a slow metabolism)but always seem to go over my sugar goal! even though everything else is below the nutrient goal !!which is odd because dont eat that much sugary stuff...
  • Anyone have any ideas or experiences with staying in the 1200 Cal range, but the sugar grams go over? Should I be worried? I eat whole foods...no pre-packaged junk.
  • Same here.....go figure, huh?
  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    The main idea I go with is I try to fit in my High Protein as #1 (I do get protein shakes for pre and post workouts, I get about 45-55 g protein each shake, & I make sure the carbs and fat are LOW or almost non-existent), and source my other proteins from fish, lean meats/poultry and cottage cheese mainly.

    I stay away from gluten and most all grains, except on occasion (and in small amounts) will have quinoa, millet, amaranth, brown rice, organic steel cut oats, flax, chia seeds and/or hemp seeds.

    I eat as many leafy vegetables as I want, especially kale, living butter lettuce, red/purple cabbage & leaf lettuce (I love salads). Just about any veggie I look at as free game (and aim for fresh), but limit starchy root vegetables like potatoes.

    I have fruit daily, but eat mostly berries and limit to about 2-4 servings, depending on my carb macros. For the most part, I don't drink juices, except organic aloe or in healthy smoothies. --fruit will add your sugars up too.

    I stay away from artificial sweeteners, junk and soda.

    I aim for working out 35-70 minutes a day (sometimes I go over). With exercising more, I don't go by 1200 calories, and trying to hit more along the lines of TDEE (BMR + Total Energy Expenditure) minus 20-25% for shedding fat. http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/

    macros, I'm trying to keep them at 50% protein, 25% carbs. and 25% fat. (I eat fat from coconut and avocado)

    This seems to be working out great for me. I never feel hungry, my energy is increased and my metabolism is up. I even indulge in high carb sushi (the rice) almost once a week (no less than once every 2 weeks) and I'm doing fine. I just try to keep things balanced out.
  • emmaleejay88
    emmaleejay88 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm on 1200. I try to stay within the ranges of proteins, fruits, salads... I like rice cakes for a snack usually. And I drink a ton of water. And as silly as it sounds those light progressive soups. they're only 100cals per serving!
  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    I try to eat about 1000-1200 cals depending on when I exercise (seem to have quite a slow metabolism)but always seem to go over my sugar goal! even though everything else is below the nutrient goal !!which is odd because dont eat that much sugary stuff...

    Don't worry, the sugar goal for MFP is really low, I wouldn't trust it at all :/
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    Anyone have any ideas or experiences with staying in the 1200 Cal range, but the sugar grams go over? Should I be worried? I eat whole foods...no pre-packaged junk.

    Im guessing most people must go over their sugar If I do?cus the most sugary things I would have in a day are probably 2 glasses of squash,is this really excessive??
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    I try to eat about 1000-1200 cals depending on when I exercise (seem to have quite a slow metabolism)but always seem to go over my sugar goal! even though everything else is below the nutrient goal !!which is odd because dont eat that much sugary stuff...

    Don't worry, the sugar goal for MFP is really low, I wouldn't trust it at all :/

    haha yeh probably cus considering what everyone else seems to eat ,they would be waaay out
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I find protein really helps me to feel satiated on a low calorie diet.

  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I am on a 1200 calories and I was doing well the last 2-3 months, hit 102, UGW 100. The last 2 weeks, I was celebrating my 41yo birthday and celebrated too much. Now, paying consequences of 108 scale reading as a 5'`1. Hoping to stick to 1200 calories. I will definitely log everyday as whether I met my 1200 calories here and 8 glasses of water. Any one wants to join. This helps me tremendously!!!
  • IMarieB
    IMarieB Posts: 33 Member
    I am on a 1200 calories and I was doing well the last 2-3 months, hit 102, UGW 100. The last 2 weeks, I was celebrating my 41yo birthday and celebrated too much. Now, paying consequences of 108 scale reading as a 5'`1. Hoping to stick to 1200 calories. I will definitely log everyday as whether I met my 1200 calories here and 8 glasses of water. Any one wants to join. This helps me tremendously!!!

    I will
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm at 1600 a day because I'm breastfeeding. But I'll be weaning little one very soon so I thought reading up on other's 1200 calorie diets will help prepare me. I don't care how healthy my dinners are - my family still has to at least like them. For example, I can do lower-cal dishes, cook with lots of veggies, little starch, and swap ground turkey for ground beef. But last time I was on a 1200 cal diet, those changes just weren't enough. Dinner is SO hard. Especially when you are trying to please a man and an adolescent boy. I guess I will have no choice but to eat a separate meal. I do good with breakfast and lunch and can easily keep that to 400 calories each meal. But keeping dinner at 400 calories - it's really, really hard. :-(
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    I totally understand your struggle with feeding your family and keeping it in your calorie range. I try to feed my family (a meat and potatoes man and two kids) whole foods that satisfy them and I try not to eat any of the carb heavy or calorie busting side dishes. For example, I will bbq a pork tenderloin and serve that with roasted potatoes and broccoli. I try not to eat the potatoes. Or, if I really want something starchy, I will make a small sweet potato for myself - at least that has a little more nutritional value. If we are having burgers, I do not have a bun. If we are having spaghetti, I eat the meat sauce with some parmesan but very few noodles, if at all. Tacos - I will use a couple of corn tortillas and go without (or limit) the shredded cheese and sour cream.