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  • krwahl
    krwahl Posts: 2
    I am a mommy of an adorable 13 month old. It took me almost 9 months to loose all the baby weight, but I didn't get my body back. I am currently the lightest I've been in years (164), but I don't feel like myself. I have been working hard at maintaining this weight. I find it very difficult trying to fit in exercise. This summer has been easier, but when school starts back I have a hard time managing time (I am a teacher). I am looking for support and encouragement :)
  • lw2134
    lw2134 Posts: 4 Member
  • Aredelings
    Aredelings Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! My name is Adrienne, I am 29 married, with 3 children, ages 12, 7, and 5. I work as a bank teller and also Lion's president and School Board treasurer so b/t that and juggling sports practices and dance lessons I feel like I never have enough hours in a day! I started mfp a while ago but haven't done the groups yet and looking for the extra motivation. After a long time of hating even the thought of running, I started little and am now training for my 2nd half marathon (in October). I enjoy running and set a goal about a year or so to run 30 road races and lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday which is in January. I am so far on race 17 and lost 10 pounds, so I still have a ways to go before January! Although I run i really need to concentrate on caloric intake because the weight has not come off as fast as I would have liked :/
  • knit247
    knit247 Posts: 4
    New here and to (actually using) MFP. I am a SAH, homeschooling mother to two, ages 11 and 9. I was never overweight until I had children, and have been overweight for almost 12 years now. Shocking, when I really sit down and think about it :noway:

    My biggest challenge is nighttime. I tend to eat quite a bit after my children go to bed - it's my "reward" for a day well done. The pounds certainly aren't coming off that way, though. My dietary goal for this week is to make sure that I get in 3 servings/dairy each day, and my exercise goal is to get in 30 min. of exercise 3x. If I don't start small, it won't work. I've learned that one the hard way!

    I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. Take care!
  • chrissysupernova
    chrissysupernova Posts: 3 Member
    I am a self-employed mom of 2 young children and step mom to two teenagers. I also have PCOS which makes it tougher to lose weight. My nutritionist put me on to this program and I do like it. Would love to connect with some other motivated ladies to help keep me excited about my goals!
  • sjpeek
    sjpeek Posts: 1
    I have used MFP before, but fell off the wagon. Im a SAHM. My oldest is 5 and youngest is 10 months. I have put on more weight than I'd like to admit. My goal weight loss is 91lbs. I felt I wasn't as big, but looking at photos people have taken, it has been a true wake up call to look at how actually big I really was. I'm looking to connect with other mommas through this weight loss journey to keep me motivated and stay on track this time!
  • Hey my name is Amanda. I'm a mother of 3 ages 6,3 and a baby who was born on may 6th. I gained a lot of weight with each of my kids and am struggling getting it off with the third one. I feel like the weight flew off with the other two and am discouraged that its taking longer with my most recent. I've lost about 46 pounds already but still have about 12 to go before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight and about another 12 past that to get to my goal weight. Just looking for some other moms who need and can give motivation and tips/tricks of their success.
  • Hi! My name is Amanda! I'm a mother to one beautiful little 3 year old girl who is my whole world! I'm in the military and have recently been under quite a bit of stress with work and being a single mom. My goal is to lose 31 lbs, i don't personally like the way i look weighing anything under 130. I just need support to stay on track with my eating/exercise habits. As a single mon, i don't have a lot of time to do much but take care of the little one, the house, and work. I love my life, i just need tips on how best to accomplish my goal. I'm hoping to maybe find a friend in a similar situation, to help keep each other motivated! :)
  • Hello!
    Although I've had mfp for a while, I just got back on the wagon at the beginning of last month. Lost 9lbs so far, so slow but steady, and already feeling better about myself. My aim is to lose about 4 stone, although "officially" I'm supposed to lose 6, but thats never gonna happen lol!!
    Anyone who wants to add me please feel free :)
  • MrsYoungIII
    MrsYoungIII Posts: 41 Member
    Hi my name is Jess. I'm a 30yr old stay at home mom of 2 girls, 2yr and 7yr. I've been overweight for a very long time time and have tried at different points in my life to lose the weight. Now that my oldest daughter is getting older I don't want to lose weight just to make me feel good about myself but to also teach my daughters to be healthy. I am a role model and if I can't get myself to a healthy weight, eat healthy and exercise then I don't feel like I can expect them too. Being that everyone in my little family (my daughters and husband) are all skinny I feel very out of place. I don't have many pictures of myself holding either of my daughters when they were really little because I felt it made me look even fatter. I need to raise my self esteem and be a good role model for my daughters and I'm looking for friends to help support me in that. I'm also looking to help support other ppl as they reach for their goal.
  • Hi, I'm Maya. I've recently committed to dropping the 15 pounds I've put on since I stopped breastfeeding my son. He's now 5, so I'm out of excuses. I've joined a gym and started tracking calories. Good luck to all of you!
  • junoja
    junoja Posts: 25 Member
    Hello all - I am a mom of two boys, 15 and 11. I also have PCOS and have let it rule my life for far too long. I tend to put myself on the back burner and take care of everyone else and my health is suffering for it. I had a bout of kidney stones in June that really wiped me out for a couple months. I have been working hard since mid-August to take control of my life again and finally lose this weight for good!
  • Hi everyone! I just joined MFP this morning.

    I'm 36 years old and just had my third baby (she'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow). I currently weigh 180, which is less than I did when I got pregnant, but still have 30 pounds to go to reach my goal weight. I had gestational diabetes with all three of my pregnancies, and should stick to a low carb diet, but I seem to have an addiction to Coke and Mt. Dew.

    Of course, with three kids under the age of 4, the caffeine is pretty nice too. ;) Hopefully, as I lose weight, get fitter, and the baby starts sleeping more, I'll have more energy.
  • MrsSmelley
    MrsSmelley Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not new to mfp. I've been here for about 2 yrs. I am however a new mom looking for some motivation to get healthy for my baby girl!!!
  • Hi! I am new here (but not to weight loss). I am a 40 year old mom the four boys (ages 8, 7, 5, and 18 months). I have been overweight for most of my adult life. With each child, I gained and kept 10-20 lbs. Four kids later and I find myself needing to lose 75 lbs. I am ready to take back my life and get healthy. I look forward to getting to know everyone bettter!
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm Rachel. I have a little boy and am pregnant with #2! Anyone can add me! :heart:
  • Hi I am Sarah. I am 21 and weigh 262. I have been married for 4 years and one little girl who is 2.

    I have been on here multiple times and failed...

    I have about 100lbs to lose and need some friends to keep me on track. I do great for a week and then let myself slip. If I let myself have a cheat meal, I just completely fall off my diet and exercise. Now is the time for me to do this. I need to lose my weight for me, my daughter, my husband and to have another baby next year.
  • CourtneySwore
    CourtneySwore Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am a SAHM of 3 little girls. (5,3,& 10mo) I have had MFP for a while but never really used it seriously. I started getting serious about my weight about one month ago after I saw what I looked like in our latest family pictures. I have lost 10 lbs. so far, but am hoping to get into the 160's by next spring. I'm looking forward to having a place to go to talk about all the health nut things I have been obsessing over lately. My friends are sick of it by now I'm sure. :wink:
  • Hello other moms out there. I have started my journey today and would like to get support of other moms. I have 21 pounds to lose so I can feel better about myself. Over the years I have taken care of my 4 children and husband but not myself. I am a stay at home mom who is also a full time college student. I'm ready to hit this thing head on!!! I don't have friends so if you would like to be my friend please do so, LovShelly18@aol.com is my email. I'm very excited to start my weight loss!! :wink:
  • catisland21
    catisland21 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello fellow moms! I am Jen.
    I am fairly new to MFP, I downloaded the app last year, but never really used it... now after gaining a bit of weight, I am ready to start using this daily and tracking my calories to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have a 1 1/2 yr old son and once I stopped nursing him, my weight sky rocketed. I put on 15lbs in less than 4 months. I am almost 5'2 and have always been pretty fit, so this weight gain has been pretty hard on me.
    Since I am a full time working mom, I don't really work out. I would rather be at home spending time with my son than at a gym. I did start playing soccer again, 2x a week (practice, if i go, and then game), but other than chasing my son around, I don't do much.

    I am working on calorie counting to start and using our weekends for family time hiking adventures. I could use all the motivation I can get...

    CW: 138
    GW: 122 (would be ok with 125 as long as I feel "fit")