Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Wow!! You women are all Awesome!! I haven't been on here in quite a while, we went away and then it took a while to get back into the swing of things. For some reason I was having some joint issues that were effecting my lifting and I still have that tendon or whatever problem in my butt. However I did eventually start again with the SL. I had to start again with just the bar because I was just too sore and I really just wanted to get into the habit again. My joints are feeling better and the weights are finally going up.

    Something that Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint) says is that he works out so that he can play. This really makes sense to me because I am really loving skateboarding and I would never have had the balance to do it before I started lifting. My mother in law is in a wheel chair and even if I can't skateboard for the rest of my life I do want to be able to walk for the rest of my life. Walking is more likely if I am strong.

    Yesterday's workout:

    Squats: 105lb
    Bench: 85lb missed the last rep
    Pendelay Row: 85lb
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Dani - Thanks for the rows info - that was very easy to understand and just what I needed to hear! I'm going to channel that on my next Pendlay session.

    Fisherlassie - one of my fellow boot camp instructors always tells campers, when we're doing air squats "The more of these you do, the longer you'll be able to go to the bathroom by yourself! Squat for independence!" Have you tried, or looked into, using a foam roller for your butt issue? I have IT band issues, and started foam rolling those. But as my needs have changed, I'm rolling my quads, hammies, and butt now too - it hurts while you're doing it, but is so effective at working out muscle/joint issues.

    My craptastic day, which was supposed to be a SL lifting day, went like this:
    I went to hot yoga this morning with a friend, hoping it would help my lower back issues (I've had tightness/weakness/pain especially on my right side in the small of my back since Aug. 1 that has made me deload my lifts and prevented me from increasing my weights - it has good days and bad days but has not been 100% in a month)
    In the middle of yoga, the muscles in that area totally seized and I was in agony. I made it through, sorta half-doing a few things, but I was in jaw-clenching pain the whole way home/morning. I already had an appointment to see a new chiro who was specifically recommended by a lifting friend, and I made an appointment immediately after that with my amazing physical therapist.

    The appointments got me moving fairly easily again, and out of the intense pain. But my PT recommended that I do zero heavy lifting until next week, and no running before sunday. He *never* makes me rest - he's a pro at keeping me training, and has seen me through training for multiple halfs and a full marathon, and he's a former competitive bodybuilder and current triathlete, so he's got a great perspective on these sorts of things. And, he told me that the yoga prolly wasn't the problem -it was the 80 25lb. kettle bell swings I did yesterday. I didn't believe him b/c doing them felt great, but I have to admit that my glutes are just now feeling the DOMS from those kettlbells, and they are obvs connected to the lower back.

    So, i'm sorta sidelined through the weekend, which I *HATE*. Tonight was my kickball team's first game, and playing in it was fine (as zero plays came to me and I got tagged out at first on all my kicks - there wasn't much to it). But, like an idiot, I went to the bar after the game and had wings and cheap beer. I don't even like cheap beer. Ugh! I'm frustrated with the pain, and the lack of progress. I was looking forward to lifting tonight, and getting a few sessions in before going out of town next week.

    You ladies' DL numbers are amazing - I'm super impressed! Looking forward to crawling my numbers up soon, and trying to remember that a few days rest will serve my higher goals!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    @roxylola....I dunno if you have already been to chiropractors, but personally, my experience with it has been slightly violent. I originally went when I was younger for mild scoliosis, and they cracked every joint everywhere, and ever since, I often just feel uncomfortable and have to crack, whereas I had never had that issue before. Maybe I just went to a bad one, I don't know.

    They vary sometimes dramatically - I have heard people go to ones who seemed like snake oil salesmen and shysters, but I have had great experiences. I only go when I have an issue that needs resolved, and have had good results. The ones who have a one-size-fits-all approach are no good - they should evaluate your needs and only work on the areas that need it. I have gone into my chiro's office not able to stand up straight (I especially have a problem where one side of my pelvis gets held higher than the other, and the corresponding shoulder gets pulled lower) - and left feeling 100% different. But, if I had to pick between a chiro and a PT who did ART (active release technique), I'd pick the PT.
  • grandevampire
    Which in my case is not quite half.. sigh.. there is a platform you stand on and the weights counterbalance it.
    Wait, but less than half is good right?? That means that you can pull up more than half of your body weight?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Back under the bar today for a B session...

    Did my normal warmup and then went back to the weight room to find that both the squat rack and the power rack were occupied so I did some extra stretching and glute activation exercises. Then was able to get back to work.

    Squats 5x5 @ 100
    OHP 5x5 @ 55
    Deads 2x5 @ 135

    I decided today that I made a good choice in where my deload starting points were going to be. I was sore after Tuesday and today's weights felt heavier than I remember them being.

    But it was a good day and things felt solid. I'm working on some form issues, but I think I've got most of it figured out so now it becomes a matter of getting the reps in for muscle memory. For one, my knees weren't tracking over my feet well and my left leg wasn't putting in as much work as the right on the squat. I am going to have to see about getting a form video to check on the progress of those.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Which in my case is not quite half.. sigh.. there is a platform you stand on and the weights counterbalance it.
    Wait, but less than half is good right?? That means that you can pull up more than half of your body weight?

    you're right, I was being impatient! I want it to be zero!

    anyway, I was a bad bad girl and didn't stretch last night, and I have the weirdest feeling - my right heel feels bruised. I didn't do anything impacty, what on earth could it be (wondering if it's wearing the deck shoes..)??
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Sick, injured, sick again. But, started back on SL a couple weeks ago and trying not to get injured so going slowly. I am back up to 120 squat, 70 bench, 155 dead, 90 row, and pathetic 55 ohp.

    I feel good and can't wait to start seeing and feeling progress again. I wasn't quick enough in modifying my diet back to non-lifting standards. That combined with the fact that when I get sick (post-operative from ulcerative colitis/colectomy), I can eat carbs and fat and not much else, led me to very quickly gain back all the weight/fat I lost plus a little extra. Sigh.

    So, I am trying to focus on strength. I realize I need to do some cardio (which I don't love). I will try not to become scale-obsessed but can feel myself getting frustrated already.

    must.keep.going. !!!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Re chiro - I have never been before so we shall see how it goes! YoBecca I have the same pelvic twist type issue as you mention which I think is why I do some sort of weird twist when I squat. I have to correct it even in air squats and the heavier the weight the less I can correct it.

    Speaking of heavy weights :D

    I squatted 27.5kg or 61lb today. Pretty pleased with this - it is half my bodyweight!

    My OHP was 15kg 33lb - it is 5lb up from last time so happy with that. I suspect the next increase may be a stall as my last couple were HARD. If not the following set would be at oly bar so I would be delighted to manage a full 5x5 of those as I have never yet done that.

    And by dead lift was a struggle but I managed 45kg or 99lb, I weigh about 55kg around 120lb! That's like 80% of my bodyweight. I am so happy with that!

    And I did 4 assisted pull ups lol - only assisted by 18kg but even so I thought I could have done 10 maybe
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167

    anyway, I was a bad bad girl and didn't stretch last night, and I have the weirdest feeling - my right heel feels bruised. I didn't do anything impacty, what on earth could it be (wondering if it's wearing the deck shoes..)??

    This is how plantar faciaitis presents. Make sure you are stretching your calf, through your heel and arch. And do wear shoes with good arch support. If you have Birkenstocks, wear them as much as you can (at least around the house) and avoid walking around barefoot until it clears up. Icing it helps. You can nip it in the bud if you're aggressive - lingering PF sucks.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    anyway, I was a bad bad girl and didn't stretch last night, and I have the weirdest feeling - my right heel feels bruised. I didn't do anything impacty, what on earth could it be (wondering if it's wearing the deck shoes..)??

    This is how plantar faciaitis presents. Make sure you are stretching your calf, through your heel and arch. And do wear shoes with good arch support. If you have Birkenstocks, wear them as much as you can (at least around the house) and avoid walking around barefoot until it clears up. Icing it helps. You can nip it in the bud if you're aggressive - lingering PF sucks.

    good arch support versus flat shoes for lifting? *confused*
    thanks for the help, I'll stretch well tonight! :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Looky look! I might have found my new gym!!!gallery/cv4p same price as the other one, but zero cardio bunnies and all sorts of interesting stuff (including atlas stones if I ever turn into a World's Strongest Woman!). Family run and it's a community project, so they will be capping membership at 250ppl, and some of the money goes to an African project. Met the brothers and their mum (who was cleaning mirrors in between her deadlift sets!!). Can have a free trial so might have a go!

    they even had one of those sled thingyies ??Elaine?? was talking about. The only thing missing from my current setup is the assisted pullup machine.

    Right at the end one of the brothers rushed over and said 'we do have a shower as well!' lol..
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Lydia - I would take them up on the trial and just see. Did they have AC??? As for the shoes, deck shoes mimic barefoot shoes and can take a while to adjust to or hurt if you wear them all day right off. You may be able to find some arch support shoe inserts that help relieve the pressure even in a flat shoe. Like Becca said, stretching is a good thing and you can roll your foot on a cold can of soda to get the cooling relief. If you wear flat shoes for lifting, but then switch back to a standard heel-toe-drop shoe, you may not notice the difference and only now noticed it with the deck shoes.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ooh that is an excellent question! it's cool here today, it's just a warehouse and they had the doors wide open. somehow I doubt it though if they are proud of their single shower lol.. something to ask when I go for the trial! tbh even if they had some fans they could put on in the summer it would probably be ok.

    thanks for the shoe info, I've only been wearing the deck shoes to do my lifting in then changing into normal trainers for the HIIT etc but last night I didn't so all those kettlebell swings etc were in the flat shoes.. and naughty girl not stretching.

    no idea where I'd even start looking for lifting shoes? any uk-ites got any ideas?!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    no idea where I'd even start looking for lifting shoes? any uk-ites got any ideas?!

    I've been lifting in a pair of Nike runners and recently found a pair of Merrell glove-type shoes on sale which I now wear everywhere. They're not really pure "barefoot" shoes, even though I wear them barefoot and they fit very snugly, but they offer a large amount of support. My feet love them because they have a rather roomy toe box. You might try those if they sell them in the UK. I've been a Nike girl for years and was pleasantly surprised at how well the Merrells are built. Would never pay full price for them though cause I'm a cheapskate.

    Here are the ones I have:

    Not sure what the comparable UK model would be, but they sell Merrells in the UK also.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    no idea where I'd even start looking for lifting shoes? any uk-ites got any ideas?!

    I've been lifting in a pair of Nike runners and recently found a pair of Merrell glove-type shoes on sale which I now wear everywhere. They're not really pure "barefoot" shoes, even though I wear them barefoot and they fit very snugly, but they offer a large amount of support. My feet love them because they have a rather roomy toe box. You might try those if they sell them in the UK. I've been a Nike girl for years and was pleasantly surprised at how well the Merrells are built. Would never pay full price for them though cause I'm a cheapskate.

    Here are the ones I have:

    Not sure what the comparable UK model would be, but they sell Merrells in the UK also.

    I have a pair of Merrell barefoot shoes as well and LOVE them. I also wear them all the time, but it took me a while before I could run too far in them without sore calves. I've had the pair I wear for over a year now. My shoes are the 0mm heel-toe drop and only like 4mm of cushion. Despite being barefoot/minimalist, they have a decent arch support and allows the foot to get stronger. I'll have to get a new pair soon, but looking at the wear, I'm thinking I could get another 6 months out of them.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    First full week of lifting after my break! Today was *heavy* day for Texas.

    Squats - 1x5 @170 (after a bunch of warmup sets). I really concentrated on going slow and low. The first 4 were pretty good, but the last one I don't think was quite to parallel.
    OHP - 1x1 @95. :bigsmile: This equals my PR from a couple months ago, when I was doing Stronglifts for 3 months straight. Then I got a little burned out, deloaded a couple times and switched programs, so this is first time I've tried that weight since. No, I actually attempted it a while back after failing a 100lb attempt, but my muscles were already too fried.
    Power Cleans - 5x3 @ 80 lbs. Getting more comfortable doing these.

    Also, I started the You Are Your Own Gym phone app 10-week program yesterday. I also go the "Body by You" book from the library. Same premise and exercises, but the programs are somewhat different. Plus it's easier to have the phone tell me what to do than have to set my own timers and have to think about what exercise I'm supposed to do next.

    I cut down on calories during my break, and haven't gone all the way back up to 1850. I wasn't shrinking the way I wanted to at that amount. I feel like I can eat most of what I want at about 1650. After logging for several months straight, it gets easier to see where small cuts here and there add up to a few hundred a day.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    oh I remembered! glute ham raise machine (a bit like a hyperextension except with bent legs??) and a prowler :)
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    OHP - 1x1 @95. :bigsmile:

    Wow. You're totally my hero!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    OHP - 1x1 @95. :bigsmile:

    Wow. You're totally my hero!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    First full week of lifting after my break! Today was *heavy* day for Texas.

    Squats - 1x5 @170 (after a bunch of warmup sets). I really concentrated on going slow and low. The first 4 were pretty good, but the last one I don't think was quite to parallel.
    OHP - 1x1 @95. :bigsmile: This equals my PR from a couple months ago, when I was doing Stronglifts for 3 months straight. Then I got a little burned out, deloaded a couple times and switched programs, so this is first time I've tried that weight since. No, I actually attempted it a while back after failing a 100lb attempt, but my muscles were already too fried.
    Power Cleans - 5x3 @ 80 lbs. Getting more comfortable doing these.

    Also, I started the You Are Your Own Gym phone app 10-week program yesterday. I also go the "Body by You" book from the library. Same premise and exercises, but the programs are somewhat different. Plus it's easier to have the phone tell me what to do than have to set my own timers and have to think about what exercise I'm supposed to do next.

    I cut down on calories during my break, and haven't gone all the way back up to 1850. I wasn't shrinking the way I wanted to at that amount. I feel like I can eat most of what I want at about 1650. After logging for several months straight, it gets easier to see where small cuts here and there add up to a few hundred a day.

    Holy yikes! 95 OHP and 170 squat!!! You are officially my new hero.

    I've been off SL for about 3.5 months. I'm finishing Phase 4 of Nia Shanks' (s)hero right now. I like it, and my body needed a break from SL, but I'm finding I miss getting under the bar regularly. So next month I'm switching to Nia's Beautiful Badass minimalist program, which is remarkable similar to SL but only squatting once per week.

    I'm loving the lifting progress, but frustrated with the lack of fat loss. Part of it is that I just cannot force myself to log food anymore. I"m totally burned out on that after doing it for a year with minimum progress. I think I may just try to focus on getting stronger, eating healthy, and feeling good. Screw the stuipd scale and the stupid measuring tape----the point is to be fit and healthy, right?