Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • succubaeangel
    Hi! :)
    The pain is in my low back, sacrum to be more precise. When I'm sitting or standing it feels like a mild burn and it hurts lightly when I bend forward. I forgot to mention that I do a lot of Yoga too and maybe going to far with the streches.
    I did check with my GP who told me that as I am a woman, I shouldn't lift at all and risk my back with a barbell. You can imagine my reply to that. Anyway, he did check for anything torn and finally said that it was all muscular.

    Right now I'm mostly pain free.

    I'm going to record myself and post here if that would be ok?
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'm going to record myself and post here if that would be ok?

    Yes that would be fine. We actually have a sticky for ladies to post form check videos here:

    Lifting has a lot to do with core support, so you may want to consider a deload and working your way back up again from that. It's possible that you're at a place now where many of your muscles can adequately support the weight you're heaving around, but others are too weak yet and need further strengthening.

    The answer to that is either deloading and working up again, or doing accessory work to strengthen your core musculature further so your back doesn't hurt. I can't tell you how often I've deloaded just because my core was so weak, and I wasn't willing to do additional accessory work so I'd rather just deload. If your form is good, then some of your muscles are probably just too weak to progress without risking injury.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hi! :)
    The pain is in my low back, sacrum to be more precise. When I'm sitting or standing it feels like a mild burn and it hurts lightly when I bend forward. I forgot to mention that I do a lot of Yoga too and maybe going to far with the streches.
    I did check with my GP who told me that as I am a woman, I shouldn't lift at all and risk my back with a barbell. You can imagine my reply to that. Anyway, he did check for anything torn and finally said that it was all muscular.

    Right now I'm mostly pain free.

    I'm going to record myself and post here if that would be ok?

    I would recommend recording all your lifts. Form mistakes on pretty much any one could make your back hurt.

    Today was start of week 2 of madcow. Did Squat 125x5, Bench 118x4 (should have been five. Grrrrrrr.) Pendlay Row 80x5. Assisted Dips 3x8 and went up uh down? 10 lbs. Skippy! So I'm up to using about 105ish lbs of body weight. Maybe even 110 considering all my workout gear. I also did 3 planks on toes/elbows for 30 seconds. I am so bad at these.

    Then I came home and chugged some delicious delicious Amish chocolate milk. Mmmmmm.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Looking forward to lifting again tomorrow - back is feeling good and finally feeling strong again. But, will be taking it easy for another week on the lifting. I'll only get one session in before leaving town for vacation wed. I'll be solo with my kids, so won't be hitting the gym.

    Just Scooby's pull up negatives today 5x8.

    Lydia - the ibuprofen + ice the hell out of it (20 minutes every 2 hours) - if you can get the inflammation down, the stretching will keep it under control. And, nice kicks!

    S.Angel - I've had a recurring lower back issue for the past month that i have only just gotten under control in the past few days. I have been seeing a chiro who got good reviews from other lifters/athletes, and I see a physical therapist anytime I have soft tissue problems (he's a wizard, I swear). Other than that, what I think has helped:
    - rest. Like a full week, and it really sucks.
    - ice. I have an ice pack (the flexible kind) at home and at work, and a few days of icing 4 times a day, 20 minutes, helped a ton.
    - rolling out my IT bands, quads, hammies, and glutes. Tight legs/hips lead to a jacked lower back. A tight soaz (spelling?) can really mess you up.
    - I had been stretching a lot. My PT told me to stop. To rest and ice and stop stretching, only roll only my legs. I did what he said - while also seeing the chiro, and felt better dramatically in 2 days.

    However you did it, good luck getting it back on track.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Tree, that's some great going! And assuming you weren't doing it nekked before, I wouldn't count your gear!

    Becca, glad you are feeling good. I'm too used to having no aches, pains or issues that I turn into a whiney moaner! I used my home-made strassburg sock again last night, between that, the stretches and the ibu it seems much better. I put a water bottle in the freezer last night so will roll with that when I get home.

    Last session tonight before my enforced break - and hopefully before my proper shoes arrive! I'm going back to sensible shoes at the gym tonight, not going for any massive lifts, screw what the twerps think about that!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    It amuses me how busy this thread is mon wed and fri and how quiet the rest of the time. Just thought I would share that!
  • succubaeangel
    Thank you very much for all your tips. I will try ice and resting a bit more. Of course I'm not going to lift as much as last time right away and will strech less. In fact, I hadn't even noticed in how much in pain I am when I do Yoga, even why the teacher is always saying 'GO ONLY AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO'. What can I say, I enjoy pain.

    I was reading my workout sheets yesterday and I remembered that the pain one day as I was trying to strech my spine hanging in the pull up bar. I had been doing for about a week There was this scary crack, krrrakkkkkkkk and my left side started was literally on fire. Never did it again, which is a shame because before that it felt so good to strech after lifting.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    It amuses me how busy this thread is mon wed and fri and how quiet the rest of the time. Just thought I would share that!

    I seem to be a thread killer, just can't keep me away!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    It amuses me how busy this thread is mon wed and fri and how quiet the rest of the time. Just thought I would share that!

    I know! I lift on Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays (when I'm not lazy) so I feel left out! :tongue:
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    It amuses me how busy this thread is mon wed and fri and how quiet the rest of the time. Just thought I would share that!

    True! Normally I lift MWF, but I was working on 3 hours of sleep yesterday and shifted my schedule this week. This morning was "volume" day, although I've adjusted the volume from 5x5 down to 3x5:
    Squats - 3x5@155, Bench, 3x5@105, DL - 1x5@185. I was supposed to do 200 or 205 today, but 185 was way heavy enough. I didn't eat well yesterday and I'm sure it was a factor.

    Also on tap for this afternoon - day 4 of You Are Your Own Gym :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    It amuses me how busy this thread is mon wed and fri and how quiet the rest of the time. Just thought I would share that!

    For some reason my training partner and I went to the gym on a Tuesday. There were tumble weeds in there too.

    Thanks Lydia! Rawr!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Tues/Thurs/Sat Lifter checking in :laugh:

    Back to B today:

    Squats 5x5 @ 110
    OHP 5x5 @ 60
    Dead 1x5 @ 135 and 145

    Glad to be back under the bar, but next week I'm back on travel so I don't see my progress continuing as quickly as it has been. At this rate I'd potentially be back to 150 on squat by the end of the month, but I'll have to work with dumbbells while I'm away. I won't have to drop down any when I get home so that will be nice.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Wed Fri Sunday here usually lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I would like to lift M/W/F, but usually it's W and F lmao
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Workout A

    Squats: 167.5lbs 3x5--- For what ever reason, I was rather distracted doing these. I didn't have any major form flubs, I just felt out of it.
    Bench: 105lbs 3x5-- I managed, but my focus was off slightly on these as well.
    Rows: 105lbs 3x5-- nailed these with no problems. Bumping the weight next time.

    My gym hired a new training coach. He looks like Taye Diggs with darker skin.

    That might be the reason I was so distracted. :wink:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ooh I like it when people smile with their eyes like that!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Oh now he would distract me!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Chubby - drooooool. But nice numbers!

    Back under the bar and it feels so good!
    Big deload to give the back a trial run, but so happy with how everything felt. And after a month of my back feeling weak, and my core feeling correspondingly the same, the lower weights felt challenging. I am also super proud of my squat form, and my row form. AND, figured out a better hack for getting my feet higher when doing bench - I'm too short to lay on the bench and plant my feet and have been putting 2 25lbs plates under each foot, but found some aerobics steps in the weight room, which are much easier!

    Squat - 85 lbs. (down from 120) 5x5
    Bench - 85 lbs (down from 95) 5x5
    Rows - 65 lbs (down from 70) 5x5
    Seated lat pull downs - 55 lbs, 5x5

    AND did a big ab workout this morning in bootcamp, with planks and also lunges and a few sprints, and my whole core is feeling stronger (and a bit sore in a good way).
    So full of winning!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Slightly off topic, but here's another benefit of picking up heavy things and putting them down.. I never had regular periods, had 6 months to two years between them for my whole adolescence and most of my 20s, then went on the pill when I got married. Getting pregnant was.. interesting.. first time came off the pill, had a withdrawal bleed, and hit the first egg I produced.. 6 months later.. second time took a year and metformin.

    So I was overweight, technically had PCOS (no cysts but amenorhhaic ?sp? and high testosterone, insulin resistant).

    I lost 50lbs doing cardio, but only came off the pill around a year ago after the huz had the snip (yay!). My periods were a little more regular (maybe 6-8 weeks) but since lifting, they have become more and more and more regular. I'm sure some of this is not having the 50lb fatsuit lol but increasing muscle mass has to help (the way fat impacts hormones is -scary-).

    Anyway, DL;DR keep lifting ladies!

    ps can you tell Aunt Flo turned up this morning lol..
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I run my pills together and have done for so long I can now go about 12 months without a period or any break through bleeding and I do not mind at all!

    On a work out note though I was on B day.

    Squats are still at 30kg - 66lb but I did 6 sets. I am finding it hard to get enough weight on there to challenge my glutes but not too heavy to hold form so I shall see how I feel on Friday.

    OHP 17.5kg 39lb hard but I am feeling good that I am getting some nice linear progression with these and I am hoping to be ready for 20kg next monday. Not sure how long the increase will continue but time will tell.

    Deads omg I am just 5kg off my actual body weight! 50kg 110lb This time next week I will be dead lifting body weight and then up from there!!! A dude in the gym gave me some help with my form on the lift, I don't mind really especially as I think he was right lol.

    I stuck in 5x5 rows too as I missed monday. I was very disheartened about my form and general ability but put it down to being tired. Then when I filled out my spreadsheet - I have a dumb phone so have an actual spread sheet - I had got my weights totally wrong. I was rowing 40kg 88lb - should have been 30kg - I knew I was going up a plate today but I got 10s instead of 5s. Normally I check my weights the day before but I just stuck these on because I had time. Doh!

    And I did 15 minutes on the elliptical - most proud of putting up with that for 15 minutes!