November 2013 Babies



  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Hi all!

    I found out last week that I am up about 11 lbs too..a little less than 14 to go! I'm happy with my gain though. I figure even if I gain a pound every remaining week, I am still well within normal limits.

    I also passed the one-hour glucose test, which is a relief. (I ate and drank normally that morning, and went to the gym. Not sure if any of those things helped or even mattered.)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Friday, Mommas! How's everyone doing today?

    I'm 27 weeks today...yay! Definitely feeling pregnant these days with my belly popping right out and the baby moving all over the place.

    I've been having a tough time sleeping lately though. Just can't get comfortable. I'm worried what will happen when I really get big!!!
  • jgrodzicki
    Happy Friday to you too! :) 30 weeks yesterday, and starting to really feel it! haha! Heartburn is kicking in more and more, and I'm pretty sure my lung capacity has decreased due to this little girl pushing on them all the time! Just saying on FB about how preggo women should NOT be required to wear real shoes with laces... it's just not fair! haha - I know there are other options, and my go-to are my flip flops... but I work in the scrap metal industry so every once in a while I have to wear my steel-toed boots. Boo! Yesterday, today and the better part of next week you'll find me in my office huffing and puffing trying to get those darn boots on! ;) Fun times!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I can relate. I realize that bending down is getting to be a bigger chore every day. I make this odd grunt noise involunarily now. My husband finds it hilarious. Therefore, when I flail my arms in my sleep and pop him in the nose waking him up, I find THAT hilarious. ;)
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 24 Member
    Hey there
    I'm new to the group but not MFP. I actually came back to tracking when it appeared I was having issues with potential (and actual) GD. I'm due mid-November (so 28w along), but tend to bake them on the early side (about 38w). This is baby #3, a girl after two boys (#1 was stillborn @ 39w in 2010, #2 is a thriving 2 year old).

    This pregnancy has been fairly typical of what I do when I gestate but it's my last time through. My weight is fairly well managed (only up 16lbs, which is fine) and other than the GD everything else is boring and normal. I'm looking forward to having this little one on the outside, and just not being pregnant (3 babies in 4 years is hard in your mid-30's).

    So yeah - hi!
  • arkans
    arkans Posts: 4 Member
    hello all! Welcome to the new ones! Congrats to those who've been tracking and managing their weight gain!

    I unfortunately haven't been very good in the last one month.. Already gained 1.3kg more than I should. And overall 8.1kg in 24weeks (18 pounds) :(:( Apparently I'm pretty big for 6months, so I think I'm only going to get a lot heavier and more uncomfortable. The worst part is, I'm not even particularly hungry! Just that I have snacks everywhere - home, office, etc - and can't resist taking just one small piece of chocolate, and before I know it, I'd have munched on 8 pieces :( gah.

    And my mobile app has been dead lately (blank screen), so I happily avoid tracking my food intake. So basically not a very good month. But 93 days to go, so really need to keep going, and eating healthily. Sorry for ranting, but really kudos to you guys for doing so well in your healthy weight gain!
  • jgrodzicki
    I kind of fell off for the past week or so... lots of work happenings that have kept me out of the office which is where I get on MFP mostly. Which also means I'm not tracking - but honestly haven't done too terribly, so I'm still not worried. Still only up 10-11 lbs. so far with about 9 weeks to go!! Woot! The heat here has been horrendous, and I just happen to have to be OUTSIDE nearly all week long!! And not just outside, of course not, outside with long sleeves, long pants, steel-toed boots, hardhat and safety glasses. Boo. I just drank as much water as I could and tried to take it slow... BH contractions are really picking up this week as well, which could possibly be because of the heat issues. We'll see... getting close!!

    Welcome to any newcomers - we're glad to have you!
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    @Arkans...don't beat yourself up...pregnancy takes over your body, mind and metabolism! I love that weight watchers commercial where hey say its a new day! So if you mess up you always can have a fresh start! If app isn't working could always try writing it down on paper?
  • nan199678
    Hi November mommas! I'm 28 weeks & a day, 7 months! This pregnancy has been much easier & quicker than last time. I'm up 6lbs,still wearing my wedding ring & have little to no swelling. Doing yoga when i can & trying to get exercise in, mainly walking, plus lots of water! Tracking my food & support from mfp has really helped. I started out my pregnancy heavier than I hoped but I think working on maintaining & logging will make for an easy transition to losing. Hope everyone is feeling well!
  • susannegreen
    susannegreen Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone! I am just coming back to MFP at 29 weeks pregnant with our first child. His due date is November 15, 2013. I was on here last year and lost 52lbs right before I got pregnant. I was so nauseas in the beginning I kind of gave up on MFP. I have since then fully regained my appetite and need to slow way down on the weight gain, it has really gotten away from me. I am currently up 30lbs and needing some support and encouragement. Feel free to add me! Thanks, and good luck to you all we don't have much longer to go!
  • jgrodzicki
    The weight gain can definitely be scary especially if you've just put in the work to lose a bunch of weight. It is hard to let go and let your body do what it needs to do. With that being said, it is also hard to not give in to all the pregnancy cravings knowing this is the only time in our lives we can 'get away with it'... at least that is what I've thought personally and have heard several times. With my first I gained right at 30-31 lbs. I took off all that weight and got back down to my pre-preggo weight by his 1st birthday... then gained back 10 in time to get pregnant this time around. Not very happy about that... but I've also paid more attention to what I eat this time around too and have only gained 12 pounds so far and I'll be 32 weeks on Thursday. I'll take it. :) The key is moderation... you're going to give in to some things because sometimes that's all you can stomach! Try to keep moving (I've yet to be able to take my own advice on that though and thoroughly admire a lot of the women on this board who have remained active throughout!). The biggest thing to remember is... it is only temporary, so try not to worry too much about the scale - but more so on making sure you are getting healthy food to your baby. It will come back off, it's just a necessary evil ;)
  • arkans
    arkans Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys.. Not too long to go now for all of us, and we just need to hang in there! Maybe heartburn might help? Heh. The nausea definitely kept me off food in my first trimester, so as we get bigger, I guess the heartburn will be worse and we won't feel like eating so much :P But yeah it's important to make sure the right nutrients are going in..

    There was one day my babycentre app told me how many servings of everything to eat (like 11 servings of fruit and veg?!) and I was shocked that my diet is so deficient!!! More carbs and sugar than anything else :(
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Monday, mommas!

    Hope everyone is feeling well these days. My working out has taken a real taper these days. I try to get some walks in, but most days, it's about all I get in. I did make it to the gym once last week and once this weekend, so it's better than nothing, right? I've definitely started to gain more wait as of late, but I also notice my belly is getting bigger faster. I'm starting to realize that this kid might be good for my posture. One moment of slouching in my work chair and I feel a pinching in my ribs!

    It's difficult for me to imagine that we're third trimester now. I feel like I was just looking at the June/July moms posting about this thinking it would be forever til we were there...and yet here we are!
  • jgrodzicki
    It really has flown by... even faster than my first this time it seems. I remember complaining at the beginning about not wanting to wait so long - and now that I'm 7-8 weeks away, I want time to sloooow down! ;) Figures. Always want what we can't have!

    @ajzmann - you've done a fantastic job keeping up so far, that's not easy to do by any stretch of the imagination... sometimes your body just tells you 'when'. Know what I mean?... So as long as you're listening to your body, I don't think you can go wrong!

    @arkans - I don't think I realized we were supposed to be getting ~11 servings of fruits and veggies. I'm nowhere near that either - haha!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    11 servings of fruits and veggies seems crazy to me! I try to get 2-3 of veggies and 2-3 of fruits every day and if I do that, I feel accomplished.

    Thanks for the encouragement, @jgrodzicki. I guess just accepting that I will gain weight, that it's for a (VERY) good reason, and that my body is telling me how to act is really important. And plus, enjoying this time. I have gotten a little whinier (those ribs and the "oooof" noise I make when I bend over), but feeling that baby moving around is the best thing in the world.

    As much as I can't wait to meet this little guy/girl, I want time to slow down so I can enjoy these last weeks with just me and my husband.
  • jgrodzicki
    And enjoy that baby all to yourself... that is one of the biggest things I missed after I had my first. All those little kicks and jabs were just for me, then I had to share ;) And then it started talking and walking... and talking back ;) haha
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Ahhh, I didn't even think about it all being for me now, @jgrodzicki. But you're right. This is definitely a special time!

    Today, I feel like this baby is trying to bust out of my belly. It feels so tight and the baby is PUSHING. Ow. But also...awesome! It sure it reassuring to feel it every day. I used to count the days til my next doc appt when I could hear the heartbeat and be reassured that everything is OK. Now I can pretty well tell on my own that this baby is not only in there, but getting bigger. I'm interested as to what my weight will be on Thursday. I think I've gained a fair amount since my last appt.

    Do you know when docs usually go to the every two week appts? I'll be 30 weeks on Friday and have my four week appt on Thursday.
  • nan199678
    Hi November Mommas! I wanted to share my super happy moment this week. In July my OB/GYN closed & I had to find a new midwife. I did & she's nice enough but I still didn't feel 100% & was strongly consdering trying to have an "accidental" home birth. (Hubby is anti) Then I find out that my favorite midwife from the original is at a new practice & I called to make an appointment. They took my insurance, I'm already happier about the hospital & they work w doulas on staff! (We had found one of our own but unsure if financially it would be doable) I feel like it's the best news for this pregnancy other than hearing baby GIRL is healthy & got all her parts! :-) :-) :-) :-)

    AJZ I have a final 4 week apt in Oct & it will be right before 33weeks, then I switch to every 2 weeks. :-) hope that helps!
  • jgrodzicki
    Do you know when docs usually go to the every two week appts? I'll be 30 weeks on Friday and have my four week appt on Thursday.

    My last 4 week appointment was week at 28... so I had an apt at week 30, 32... and will have 34, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40! So, only 6 appointments left for me!! My doc's office scheduled ALL my appointments way back when (like around week 16) so that made it easy for me.
  • jgrodzicki
    That's fantastic news, @nan199678 - you've got to be comfortable with the people you are dealing with - we are going to see them a LOT in the next couple of months!! ;) And during one of the most intimate, important time in our lives!