


  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi! I'm Vicki. I currently weight 155. Just a few months ago I weighted 145 so to say I've slacked off is an understatement. I've never been very active. I work as a legal secretary so I spend ALOT of time sitting down. I recently started weight lifting and I think in my mind that gave me the "go ahead" to eat whatever I wanted. NOT TRUE!

    My ultimate goal weight is 135 but I'd be happy with just getting back into the tons of clothes I have in my closet that are too small for me.
  • alex05andria
    alex05andria Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm Alex. I'm 24 and I work in banking during the day, and go to cosmetology school at night. I am currently at 220, down from 238. My ultimate goal weight is 150, but I'd like to get to at least 175 by my wedding day in April.
    I've struggled my entire life with my weight. I was born without a thyroid, and as i'm sure a lof of people can relate, it can be a real struggle trying to lose weight when you have thyroid issues.
    However, I am tired of letting that be an excuse for me. I walk three miles a day, use my Ab Glider daily, and various Jillian Michaels DVDs (on top of dieting!)
  • teazer60
    teazer60 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All,

    My name is Anaisha. I'm 37yrs old, my current weight is 198pounds and I am looking forward to losing 20 pounds by Christmas. I workout 5 days per week but seem to have hit a plateau. I'm determined to conquer this weight and live a healthy life.
  • MichiFfit
    MichiFfit Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    My name is Michelle, I am 22 turning 23 in 5 days. I work at Starbucks and as a Receptionist for a Non-profit dealing with foster kids and families, I am also a fulltime college student. My SW is 317 my CW is 185 my GW by Christmas is 155. I have been stuck in a rut at 185 which is the same weight I was stuck at 7 years ago when I was working out all the time before I gave up and ballooned to 317. I desperately want to get passed this plateau, I know once I do I will drop even more weight. I lift weights 3-5 times a week. I am a Crossfitter, I am also trying to work my way up to a 28 mile bike ride around my town's lake. Hope to be motivated by MFP and groups like these!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Im Jennifer and 32 years old. I have never been thin and would love to know how it feels!

    6 years ago I was at my lowest weight then met my bf and gained 40 of it back. I had lost it again then went back to school then since 2009 I have been maintaining between 10 pounds.

    I recently lost my job. One benefit of it is that im making time for me!

    Currently I am on my second week of T25 and starting monday I will be doing a 90 day body transform challenge at a local bootcamp.
  • mer_fowler
    mer_fowler Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Meredith and I'm *ugh* 42 years old...I am joining for a few reasons. First, I've been practicing maintenance now for about 6 months and ready to get back to my goal weight-which is 20 pounds lighter. I'm 188 right now. Second, my blood pressure is driving me crazy and I want to avoid getting back on a prescription.

    I've been training for a 5K-third time training and pledging to finish the training this time, no excuses! So I run three times a week. I'm also going to Zumba class two times a week. So I have exercise already in my routine. I hope to get back on track with TRACKING my calories!

    Looking forward to the motivation and success for everyone!
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Sarah and I'm 26. I started at 263 in May, am currently 244. My goal is 130. I'm a psychology student.

    Been on a plateau for over a month as I was sick and then I injured my knee and ankle doing all the jumping around in 30 day shred! Not been able to exercise for nearly two weeks and its driving me nuts! I really need the support to help motivate me as I normally work out 5 or 6 days a week and until my injury heals I have to rely solely on diet to lose the weight.

    Looking forward to losing 20lbs and being able to get a nice outfit in a smaller size for christmas!
  • Hiii!

    This is Adela, I am 22 year old senior studying at the University of California, Berkeley! Go Bears! My goal is to attend graduate school fall 2014 :D
    I just joined MFP today! My ideal goal is to lose 75lbs by this time next year :) I can do it!
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Group!
    I'm Melissa, 29yr, I work full time at a desk job and I have two beautiful little girls. I need to refocus on my health. I currently weigh 175 and my goal is to weigh what I did on my wedding day, 145, seems staggering to imagine. I think joining this group will give me the kick in the butt I truly need to stay on track. I love mfp, and I love intense workouts like kick boxing, my biggest challenge is combining the healthy eating with the exercise. Thanks for creating this group, I can't wait to look fabulous in a christmas party dress this year!
  • Hi Everyone! My name is Melissa from New York. I am 32 years old and am currently 165 pds. I joined MFP about 3 months ago and have lost 14 lbs so far. I am looking to reach my goal of 130 by next sept so one year. I am trying to reach this goal for my wedding on Sept 20th, 2014!!! ( Can you tell I am excited?!?!)

    Losing weight has been a huge hurdle for me for many years. I think MFP has helped me tremendously by helping me be accountable of what i eat. I can honestly say I LOVE food! Making me track and actually see what I was eating was a real eye-opener.

    Another huge help in my weight loss so far has been ZUMBA! I would recommend Zumba to ANYONE- it is so much fun, constanly moving and dancing around that it doesnt feel like you are working out! This is really the only exercise I have committed to once a week so far. My goal is to incorporate 2 additional days of either Jillian Michaels or even trying Couch to 5K. (If anyone has done it, please give me any tips! I am nervous about running!)

    Looking forward to meeting you all through this journey! LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Heather, I am 37 and on the Oregon Coast. I am 5'3'' and weigh 145. Would love to get to 125 by Christmas. This time last year I was training for my second half-marathon and tore my gluteus medius (yep! I broke my @ss). I have just started back running and am on the second week of Couch to 5k. I am walking a half marathon (the one I planned to run last year when I injured myself) on October 13th in Vancouver, Washington. It is called the Girlfriends Half and if anyone else lives close come join!!. The end of this month I start beginning rock climbing at the community college with my husband.
    My big triggers are wine (and here soon eggnog) and breads. I am sooo glad this group came out at such a great time for me. It is just the motivation kick I was needing!
    Anyone that would like feel free to add me as a friend as well :)
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Hello Everyone -
    My name is Ilene and I am 43 years old. I have always been the chubby girl in the group. With a sit down job, I have become more than chubby (I am 249 and 5'7")!
    This week I finally buckled down and started my new eating habits and work out routine.
    So far so good. I actually am nice and tired at the end of the day and am already sleeping better.
    I know I will not be perfect but I am not going to give up if I mess up.
  • Fuelingmybody
    Fuelingmybody Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all! My name is Rachel and I am 29 years old. I live in NYC. I am 5'2 and currently 158lbs. I started at 169lbs which was my heaviest weight and lost weight slowly over the course of this year. I want to commit to this for a lifetime. I am a house wife and not really active at times. I have a really bad binge'n and overeating habit that I wish to break out of. I do a majority of different workouts right now. I hope we can all motivate one another to reach our weight loss goals!

    If anyone lives near me or we are similar in height/weight, please definitely friend me!

    I will friend anyone though.

    Good-luck everyone!
  • kristenn9715
    kristenn9715 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My names Kristen and I'm 18, i weigh 140 lbs right now. I joined my fitness pal about a year ago when i weighed 149 lbs. I lost about 14 lbs then gained some back. I joined my fitnesspal again because i would like to lose more. I'm currently a full time student and i have two dogs. I like to have fun on the weekend and i can be really busy at times. I would love to weigh anywhere from 120-130 lbs.

    I need lots of motivation and I'll be happy to help motivate you too!
    Feel free to add me!!!!!!! :)
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Hi y'all! I'm Kathy. I'm a Gemini (thought I'd throw that one in there), 5' tall, 60 years old, married to a slightly younger man who is 6'4", have 2 adult children (3 if you count my SIL), a 4 year old granddaughter, and four large, male, canine fur babies.

    I'm about halfway to my goal of losing 130 lbs. My ultimate goal is to weigh 125 lbs. I weigh 193.5 right now. I've lost 61 lbs. so far, but haven't been motivated to lose since March. I'm ready to get this show on the road! I'm looking forward to getting the last of my weight off so my bones and joints can get some relief. I'm going to spend my 60s as a sexy, sixty year old, senior citizen. I only became overweight after having children, stopping the strenuous activity levels, and eating man-sized portions.

    My body has had a physically tough life. I was a gymnast well into my 40s and I also coached up until 2006. Coaching took its toll on my body as well. I bought myself a 15 foot square trampoline for Mother's Day of 2013 and can still do back handsprings on it. Yeah, I'm still a daredevil. Once a gymnast, always a gymnast. I haven't bounced much this summer for several reasons, but mainly because of my job (working til dark), the heat down here, and the daily afternoon thunderstorms. I've also had some ongoing orthopedic problems that keep haunting me, including scoliosis. See my profile.

    I went back to school at age 50 and got a B.S. Degree in Collaborative K-6 Special Education just before the bottom fell out of the economy. There was a hiring freeze 3 months before graduation, so I couldn't work as a teacher. I finally got a job as a QDDP, Qualified Developmental Disability Professional, but lost that job late last month. I'm applying with my State Dept. of Education to get a job as a teacher. There are a few openings now. I'm 60 and will start a new adventure soon, I hope.

    I look forward to getting to know y'all. LET'S ROCK THIS CHALLENGE!
  • butterpecan_ts
    butterpecan_ts Posts: 48 Member
    Hello All,

    My name is Nicole. I'm a 31 year old trophy wife :tongue:

    I'm 5'7, weight 205 and recently lost 40 pounds. My ultimate goal is 165 lbs. I am involved in a lot of volunteer work, helping others. My husband and I plan on moving to Bolivia for our tenth anniversary to help people in that country by April of 2014. I hope to be at my goal weight by then.

    I stopped eating sugar about six months ago and I feel great. No moodiness, no crazy mentrual cycles (tmi?) and I'm dropping weight. I don't exercise much due to a torn ligament in my ankle, but I want to start doing some weight lighting soon. Feel free to add as a friend. We can do this!
  • hoshaugh73
    hoshaugh73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome!!!

    My name is Heidi, I'm a 40 year old mother of 2 amazing boys. I am really active, I commute to work by bike everyday, run a couple times a week, and walk at my lunch hour on most days. My CW is 160, up 15 pounds from May of this year, EEK! My ultimate goal is to weigh 135, but really I'd just like to be comfortable in my clothes, right now they are TIGHT!

    I really need support and like the idea of having a weigh in day. Good luck to everyone and let's lose 20 pounds by Christmas!
  • Hello,

    I'm Becky- 28, married, living in a tiny but beautiful town in Montana. I'm an emotional eater and gained 30 pounds last year after my dad passed away. I'm the biggest/heaviest I've ever been and want to completely change my lifestyle. I need to find the right balance of eating and exercise and know having friends to encourage me and help keep me accountable will really help me. Anyone can add me and together we will be 20 pounds lighter and have gained so much more by Christmas!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,171 Member
    Thanks for starting this group! I was in a similar group last year and I did really well. I have been slacking and I need something like this to motivate and get my butt in gear!

    Hello everyone! I am Sandy....59 yrs young. Live in New Jersey. I was a yo-yo dieter all my life and now have T2 diabetes. Have done pretty well here on MFP but have slid back into some bad habits. I really only need to lose 10 pounds to get to goal but probably 20 to really be satisfied with my body. I looked pretty good last Christmas....this year, I want to look fabulous!

    Good luck to everyone.....and let's DO THIS!!!
  • humpbax
    humpbax Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I too am just on the 40 end of life with children. I have been an MFP member since May this year and have happily lost 11 kilos (24 pounds) and am finally under the 200 lb mark as well. I wanna get down to at least 65 kilos so I can get on my son's powerwing and not break it! hahahaha I have swum each summer for the past 2 years and not lost an ounce. Since getting on MFP and really seeing the calories going in and out I can understand why!!! Recently I ran a 10 K race in Brisbane and finished in the top half out of 41000 people! I beat my time and really felt awesome for the first time in a long time!!! Now that the race is over I'm starting to struggle to get out of bed in the mornings to go for a run or even a walk. I'm hoping this group will give me the motivation to keep on exercising. AM in need of some more "pushy" friends to make me work harder as I still have 24 kilos (53lb) to lose.