Watch my progress!



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    :happy: Status Update!!

    So it is 15 days in to eating More to weigh less. Today...I did not step on the scale. I didn't feel like seeing a number. I didn't want the number to define the day for me. I was feeling pretty lean, and good--and wanted to leave it at that.

    I had 4 people walk up to me at the gym today asking how much weight I have lost--that I was looking good. I explained that while I have lost no weight--I have been working on LBM by lifting more and eating more. Puzzled looks ensued. lol. Did my RIPPED work out, did my weights. Came home. stepped on the scale. Yesterday I was 177 in the morning, today 173 after working out. hmmm. Measurements are the same--with the exception of the waist at my belly button is down an inch.

    Again, my day is not defined by the number. But having people tell me I look like I am really reshaping my body sure beats the heck out of someone asking if I am pregnant! Good way to end the week! I am encouraged!

    Next week will be challenging, as I am traveling for business for the entire week. I should have access to a gym and time. We shall see if it happens! I can always do HIIT in my hotel room, and body weight resistance.

    My Start:


    Not sure if I see any difference?

    ETA: I am posting side and back view to get all real up in here(((((((((((((scary)))))))))))))))

    The dreaded side with the bulge just to the left of my belly buttion. YEP, I am sucking it in big time!

    The back side--way less cellulite? Nah--deadlift=buttlift!

    Right side...not so bad, still not flat.....and still sucking it in!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That is always fun and I think more interesting to see their faces when they ask how much you've lost, and straight faced you can say none, then they look confused trying to figure out if something else changed.

    Even more fun when they ask what you've been doing and you say eating more and lifting, now real confusion.

    Great work.

    Oh, with lifting a carb burning exercise, you will lose decent weight post workout from it, same with high intensity cardio workout or if it's long.

    But it is good to see those totally valid fluctuations that are meaningless in the long run. Well, actually, it means you are storing and using enough to fluctuate.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I used to only weigh myself once a week--after a workout! I can see that the fluctuations are crazy--but it totally makes sense that you would fluctuate because you are burning the fuel that is there!

    And there is this general disbelief when you tell someone you eat well over 2000 calories a day. A big inhalation of breath! lol.

    Thanks Haybales! I appreciate your guidance~it's very encouraging!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Just a mini-update! I finally downloaded the starter kit from the website...highly recommend if you haven't! It's worth the $5!

    I am still up about 2 lbs from my start will be upping my calories to TDEE this week. I am currently at a 20% deficit. I enjoy the eating, but what really strikes me is all of the pooping! lol. Why should this surprise me? Gives a different meaning to "calories in...calories out" hehe. I am not looking forward to feeling pudgy...but if I want to know what my true maintenance is...I must push the eat.

    Most measurements are holding steady. And that bulge on my stomach? Looking flatter feeling tighter--just with lifting--no "core" work per se.

    My children went back to school--so I got to finally switch my workout to Lifting then HIIT. What a difference!!! I am really enjoying how hard I can push! And my workouts: (always starting with a good warm up)

    Monday--progressive day (start lighter, higher reps> med weight-med reps>heavy weight-lift to failure
    Tuesday off...walking or light bike ride *still fighting the urge to go on a BIG BURN*
    Weds--HEAVY Day. 2 x heavy as I can. (exception is can do with patellar tendon sliding like it does..)
    Thurs off.........
    Friday light day--2 x sets, including more isolation exercises--keeps it fun for me!....then I go dot RIPPED for an hour.
    Sat & sun--walks and biking with my family!!!

    Mentally? I fluxuate between "am I doing this right"? to "Yes...I've got this". And it is such a wonder that so many people are so confused by this process. We have been so programmed to think "DEFECIT and BURN" that our sense of accomplishment was stuck in the numbers of the burn AND the scale! Now I am feeling skin looks good, my mental focus is good. I don't take NSAIDS at all any more for pain. And my workouts are leaving me feeling strong and satisfied that I worked it, but good. All of these things are telling me this is how it should be.

    More pix next week....
  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    Great blog! I spent my first 4 weeks getting to 2,000 calories, my last 8 in reset, hitting 2400 TDEE... Can't wait to cut! Lol
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    It's a lot of food for sure! I actually have started eating hard boiled eggs with my supergreen protein shake in the morning. And I found this amazing organic granola by Nature's Path~Coconut Chia seed. It packs on 430 calories ( with whole raw milk) and 14 g of protein. YUM! If I were eating at a deficit, I would probably only be able to indulge once in a yay to more food!!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Okay--so I am at the one month mark!!!! I have been eating at/near my maintenance which is in excess of 2500 cal/day. A LOT of food! As of my weigh in today I am maintaining at 175lbs. My measurements have also stayed the same--the extra half inch on my waist went away. The bulge on my stomach is noticeably flatter.

    What I am amazed with are all the compliments telling me how healthy I look. My skin, hair, and attitude have been happy recipients of eating more good food. And mind you--pretty much the only "junk" food I have is icecream, or a few chips. I also consider eating out--which we seldom do--junk food.

    So here is a before and after picture:

    My plan is to stay at my TDEE for another week to see if I maintain....then I will consider doing a cut to see if I can get some of the jelly off my body. According to Heybales most AWESOME spreadsheet, my fat% is between 25-28%. That means I am carrying over 120 lbs of LBM! Pretty awesome to think that I have that much--and could have even more!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Since you are maintaing so well, you might want to do one last 2 week test.

    Eat 250 more daily.

    Should be 1 lb gained slowly over whole time if prior level really was TDEE. And since lifting, won't even be fat, may still even lose fat.

    If you gain fast first, then you really weren't at TDEE, and you just gained water weight.

    Confirm valid weigh-in days, because if at TDEE, shouldn't have any glucose stores to top off.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    My Starting weight one month ago was 173lbs Current is 175--I went up slowly over about 2.5 weeks. Stayed the same for abouta week. Went up to TDEE. I am only weighing "officially" once a week--on wednesday. I just went up to TDEE a little over a week ago, with no appreciable gain. I was planning on sticking to TDEE for another week or so to see if I maintain or gain. But you think I should increase more? That perhaps my TDEE is higher than I have calculated? Oh Lord, I don't know if I can eat that much! lol.

    But your idea intrigues me--it would be awesome to build some more LBM before the cut.....*I think I can, I think I can...*
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You can actually test with half a week. If actually low on possible glucose stores and you gain water weight in first few days eating more, then not at TDEE, keep eating at higher level for another week. Then increase again. ugh!

    If no gain, likely you were at TDEE at prior level. The full 2 weeks just proves it out if curious.

    This is only useful if you are doing the routine you plan on keeping. Because nailing your TDEE on something that will change next week isn't all that useful with the time.

    And yes, for 3 days eating more, make it 2 lifting days - it will be a mini bulk. Then again, you need another valid weigh-in day without water retained for muscle soreness, so perhaps it needs to be a week anyway.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I shall try it! I have 2 weeks before I travel for a week for business--which is a good time to do a cut--as I don't eat a lot when I travel.

    I will bump calories and watch my scale to see what happens....I have to go now....many calories to consume....but I am making home made chicken tenders tonight in coconut I see a major nosh session in my evening!!!

    Thanks Heybales!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Oh yeah - powerful results so far.

    I predict you will get a lot of "you've lost weight haven't you" comments.
    Make sure you just blankly reply "no", and see how confused they get trying to figure out what else may have changed.
    Then make it easy and describe lifting.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    You look incredible! I am learning a lot from your experience and heybales' responses that I can apply to my situation in the future. Thanks so much to both of you! :smile:
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    @Heybales~Yes...I have to say, looking forward to the "have you lost weight" comments....Hehehe. Then telling people I am eating nearly 3000 calories per day? Priceless! Women just don't believe me when I tell me! so funny!

    @FourlsCo.~Thank you! I am glad that it is adding to your own helpful to glean from others when the opportunity arises!!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    You're not going to believe this! My weight jumped up 2 lbs in the first 2 days of eating that extra 200-250! It's up and down, which tells me WATER weight, and NOT yet at TDEE. How is this possible??

    I am wondering if it is because I have been mountain and road biking more this week? The weather is great, and I really taking it all in while I can. Haybales, comments?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Yep, increased activity made TDEE actually higher with a decent carb burning workout.

    Your eating level wasn't enough already to refill the glucose stores until you added those extra cal's.

    So for that amount of activity, higher TDEE.

    But I'd also suggest, gently because it's a bummer for the biking - season is coming where you won't be doing it probably, so the TDEE will drop again.

    So while you can keep it up, use the higher TDEE number.
    When it's gone, use the lower one.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I am anticipating having to tweek my TDEE via your fabulous spreadsheet on a weekly basis at some point. I'll have do one as well for my work week that is coming up. I'll be on a video shoot, and not eating or working out as I normally would. It will be interesting to see what comes up as TDEE!
  • tara0825
    tara0825 Posts: 5 Member
    WOW!! Great work! That's proof that the number on the scale isn't everything. I also love lifting but have a hard time eating more even though I know I need to. It certainly takes time to adjust to that.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    @ Tara--YEs--eating that much food is literally a lot to take in! ; ) I have to eat a LOT in the start of the day.....which is something I am not used to doing. A small price to pay, I'd say!

    THIS is a Shout out--call out to everyone who has just recently started their journey--please share your progress with me!!! I want to hear the ups and the downs!

    Tara0825?....If I missed you...please post anyway!!! Thanks all!
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    THIS is a Shout out--call out to everyone who has just recently started their journey--please share your progress with me!!!

    I posted my progress here:

    :happy: I believe the reason I am responding so positively is that I have SO much room for improvement.

    I will post pictures when I lose weight (I weigh ~300 lbs. now). Believe me, I will be shouting from the rooftops! LOL I'm on a bit of a different journey than many others. I'm 56 years old and I'm not here to lose 25 lbs and get a bikini body. I'm here to save my life. But here are some NSVs for you. :smile:

    After a little over a month of lifting, I notice that I'm incredibly stronger, more balanced and can walk with more ease and much further. I'm not always concerned about injuring myself in my daily activities. I can climb the stairs, which I used to avoid like the plague. I have energy from eating more and I can spend all day on my feet if I want to, whereas I used to have an "energy window" in the morning when I would do the work I needed to do to get by. I have been doing fun projects (sewing, etc) and just being more active than I have in 10 years! My husband put lotion on my back and could feel the muscles when I tensed. LOL He's so impressed with me, that he's started lifting, too. So have my sister and her husband. I can see the muscles in my calves (which are pretty cute, let me say). And I'm more hopeful about my health and my future than I've been in many years.

    I have a long road ahead, but I'm getting better and enjoying it more every day.

    It helps to write this all out, and realize it, so thanks for asking. :flowerforyou: