Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Workout B today...had to dig out the big plates...(gotta love the sound of metal on metal tho)

    Squats 5x5@95
    OHP 5x5@55
    Deadlift 1x5@100

    As for the hubby spotting yah it could get interesting....:love:

    Iwood I watched a good video on Youtube today on squats as I felt as though my knees were turning in..mind you it was a guy etc but he verbalized it very well. After I watched this and implemented everything he said all was good.

    As for the gym etiquette psh he was just mean...
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    As for the gym etiquette psh he was just mean...

    Ditto. He was the one with bad manners. You asked politely and 'non-threatening'. He responded like a meathead.

    Maybe one of the trainers at the gym would hold your camera for a couple minutes so you can record your form
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    TOM and my deadlifts were feeling weak today. I was trying to record my form and managed to lose my grip and make an *kitten* of myself on video. Hopefully next time I can get a good shot and not drop it!

    Week 2 of Wendler's 5/3/1

    1x3 133 lbs
    1x3 153 lbs
    1x5 (this is the set you do as many as possible) 199 lbs

    Doing so many deadlifts just wears me out!

    3x8 70 lbs

    probably should have done more accessory work but I was feeling burned out.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Workout A today...kept my squat low to work on form. Ankle flexibility kind of sucks, so I can't get a good deep squat without my knees going over my toe.
    Bench 5x95x5
    Rows 5x55x5
    squat 5x115x5

    My rows could have been heavier too, but I was working on form as well--really concentrating on squeezing my shoulders together as I lift. Next time I will jump up 10 pounds.

    This blog by Bret Contreras has exercises for ankle dorsiflexion. I should try them. I'm very good at finding exercises to help with things, just not so good at doing them!

    Hope this helps :)
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member

    squats I tried a wider toe-out stance and really focused on pushing my knees out, but my back is still tending to good-morning, possibly worse as this was only 30kg. Not sure if this is because my focus was on my knees more, or if I'm just sh1t at squats... If anyone wants me I'll be having a little cry in the corner!

    Oh Lydia, I hear ya! I think that's why I stopped going to the gym. And now I'm buying my weights for home, I have to do the lifting or my Other half will kill me for messing up the room! And I want to get strong and avoid osteoporosis and stuff.... Anyway, just keep focusing on your knees and maybe your abs (my personal trainer always tells me to hold them in, and I always think I am!), and maybe also ankle dorsiflexion. Another blog I read today on fixing the squat (I'm a great little researcher when I should be writing assignments!) mentioned something about upper back flexibility or strength or something. I'll post it on your page too... The blog I posted up there a bit ^^^ gives you a clue on how to find out if the problem is with your ankles... Good luck and don't be like me and stop!
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Ok, so here's the blog about upper back issues in the squat. She also looks at hip flexor issues in Part 1 of Fixing the Squat, which is linked to in this blog. Now I must study!!

  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Lydia - sounds like he had a case of the *kitten*. I hate it when people have the option to say no, but instead say yes and act put upon. Just be a big boy and politely say no!

    Welcome/welcome back to folks! Seeing some killer numbers - 200+ lbs squats! Holy smokes, lady!

    Monday was w/o A for me - and I think I may have effectively troubleshot my Pendlay rows. Watched a few form videos - my legs were too straight, which was likely aggravating the back.
    Tonight was w/o B, and as I also watched form videos for OHP and DL, both of those were much improved!

    AND, I got the crock pot working and scarfed down pumpkin turkey chili before hitting the gym!

    Numbers this week:
    Squat - 100 lbs 5*5
    Bench - 85 lbs. 5*5
    Rows - 75 lbs. 5*5 (accident of barbell math - planned on 70!)
    OHP - 50 lbs. 5*5
    Deads - 100 lbs 1*5

    Also did kettlebells this morning, so that likely affected my OHP tonight (my kbls involved one-armed presses...)

    This goes back 2 pages, but we live in the city (Atlanta) and have kept backyard chickens and have had birds killed by possums and racoons! At least the possums eat them - the raccoons would just rip their heads off. We put out traps, catch the *kitten* and send them to meet their maker. Plus, hawks and owls - lots of wildlife in our little urban world!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Lydia that guy was a tool! How hard is it to say no gracefully? :grumble:

    Yobecca I burned chicken chili the other night. If only we could have averaged them... Mine isn't a tomato base and I didn't realize it couldn't just simmer there forever. 20 minutes and i was like, "oh crap oh crap oh crap."

    Wednesday is my deadlift day! Woohoo. I did front squats 100 2x5, OHP 85x5, Deads 256x5 (or maybe 6 I lost count and may have done an extra :laugh: ) Then I did assisted pull ups 3x6. and stupid curls 15 3x6. My belt came in yesterday so I started breaking it in today. It made deadlifts super hard because it kept pinching my stomach fat when I was in the starting position and it hurt:sad: ! I changed the position, and loosened it a notch and by the last set it seemed to be better. Or my fat was numb. Next week is week 5 which meansweights I have theoretically haven't done before. At least with those weights/reps. I AM SO EXCITED/scared in a Jessie Spano kind of way.
  • norrishbex
    norrishbex Posts: 35 Member
    Workout B today! I had my first failed rep today :grumble: the last rep of my 4th set in the overhead press. I knew it had to happen, but it still sucks. I rested for 5 minutes before my last set and got the 5 reps.

    Workout B:

    Squat: 37.5kg 5x5
    Press: 27.5kg 5,5,5,4,5.
    Deadlift: 55kg 1x5

    I am so glad I have the equipment at home, I probably would've thrown a dumbbell at that guy's head if he spoke to me like that! Manners cost nothing :mad:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Yay for meatheads! What a donkey! Hope he gets suck under the bar sometime and nobody can help him cos they have to "maintain focus between sets"

    I did work out B yesterday. No deadlifts though as the gym was packed with guys using all the bars and plates. Also, I was quite wrecked from a 10 mile cycle (3 with a flat tyre) which was mostly up hill and taking the dogs for about 90 minutes. My little legs were aching from the cycling and I reckon it was best not to dead as I could have hurt myself. I may add them in tomorrow instead

    So I squatted at 37.5kg again 5x5 definitely going up to 40 tomorrow, I just wussed out a bit because I was so done in.

    And woohoo go me I managed, just, in a terribly wibbly wobbly fashion to OHP 22.5kg and man alive did I know that extra 2.5 was on there lol.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Workout B today. Was going to do it yesterday, but life happened and ice cream was more important.

    Squats: 175lbs 3x5
    OHP: 72.5 (3-3-2)---Fail. Not sure what was going on. I probably should have dropped the weight a little, but I'm stubborn. I've gotten progressively worse at this weight, so I think a deload is in order.
    Deadlift: 205lbs 1x5--- Managed all 5 reps with lost of grunting, sweating, and bad words.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    It's been a long day, I'll have to catch up tomorrow.

    Lifted in the afternoon today -so much power, I might have to switch!

    1x5 @165
    1x3@ 185
    1x8 @210

    1x5@ 90

    And I skipped the accessory stuff since I was doing two major lifts and coming off a stomach bug.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Kira and Chubby - you *****es and your 200 lb +++ deadlifts! I'm in awe! Love that OHP chubby, even with the fail, and that bench Kira!

    Now that the back is under control, and form is better all around, I have hope of getting my number s up some - this is inspiring.

    Also, a wee little NSV - as of today, I hit my lowest weight since having kids. My kids are 9 and 6, so this doesn't count as "baby weight," really, but it's combination of baby weight + bekng a working mom + law school + bar exam + marathon training + moving weight. Whatever! I'm finally moving towards my goal weight, and feeling strong and capable while I do it, which is very exciting for me.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Oh, so you can't say *****es - good to know!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I think ppl tend to say bish round here don't they (or does that have whiny connotations?) I just say BAMF :)
  • pintobean
    pintobean Posts: 40 Member
    Day 3 of SL...

    Squats - 5x55x5
    Bench - 5x47.5x5
    Row - 5x70x5
    Assisted Pistol Squat - 2x10
    Elevated Planks - 2x30s

    Still suffering from lot of DOMS. I was groaning loudly again while foam rolling. Thankfully, I workout from home.

    Glad that week 1 is over. This morning workout is tough in the sense if I could wake up and go in like 10 mins that would be awesome. It takes me 1/2 hour just to get to my warm ups. :grumble: Hopefully, as days go by it will get better.

    I have noticed that after fasted training I get hungry. I have always been the type of person where I never got hungry after any workout. In fact, it always muted my appetite. So, this is something interesting for me. Don't know if it is a good or bad thing?

    Weekend is finally here. :flowerforyou:
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I've been lifting, just not posting that much, and not logging food consistently. The scale hasn't moved, but I feel like I'm slightly smaller than I was. Unfortunately, I always fail to take progress pics. I had to skip Wednesday's lifting, so I did my Wednesday workout yesterday, and Saturday I'll be away with my family for the weekend (don't know or care if the hotel has a gym), so my schedule is all screwed up. This will probably end up being a 2-day lifting week and I"ll just start again on Monday. We'll probably do a long mountain hike on Saturday and then just relax or have a short walk on Sunday. Anyway - still doing Texas method pretty much. I started the spreadsheet over and adjusted all the weights to where I am now. I still need to get some fractionals, since the spreadsheet is still progressing faster than I am.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Videoed everything tonight, but have no wifi for uploads lol..

    squats 3x5 at 40kg most useful thing for depth was something Maria said, about knowing she was deep enough when her thighs touched her tummy - worked brilliantly! Think my knees are much better, need to sort my back angle/bar path out next. Feeling rather more positive though!
    OHP 3x5 27.5kg (weight is fine, think I'm throwing myself back under the bar better but the bar path is still not great)
    Plate maths let me down on deads, my last set I thought 'oh my improvements to form have made 90kg feel ok' - er well it was 80kg.. and I still got pretty sparkly towards the end.. however I think they were -much- better yay!
  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    Hello all :)

    My name is Becca, I am 23 y/o just started a fulltime desk job and have been going crazy with energy when I get off work. I enjoy running, biking and swimming and did my first Triathelon in August. I am looking to maintain my muscle while losing fat (currently eating about 1600 cals/day which is TDEE-400 for me).

    I started the program yesterday. I have dome some NROLFW and general weight training in the past but never a set plan. I am hoping to do this plan, but only 2x/week for now so that I can keep up the rest of my training. If I don't seem to be be getting stronger I would definitely consider upping this to 3x/week. I am hoping this group will be a place to meet friends and talk about questions that will come up.

    Here's my day 1:
    5x5@115lb squats (going to stay here for another week because my form was slipping by the last two sets)
    5x5@40lb OHP (this was my first time doing that exercise and the weight felt pretty light, so next week I will try 50)
    1x5@135lb deadlift (this felt pretty good but I had serveral "warm up" sets trying to figure out what weight to start with. Will bump this up to 145lb next week)

    On Sunday we are doing the other workout so I will post it on here, if that is okay :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies workout A for me today...and TGIF...

    Squat 100lbs all 5 sets concentrating on not buckling..
    Bench Press @ 80lbs (could have sworn I was struggling more at 75)
    Rows @ 80lbs

    2 things to note funny at hell...2nd one sort of funny but..

    2nd one...told my husband not to come near me yesterday before I ate supper as I might knaw his arm off I was that hungry...gotta review my diary and see where I can cut some "empty" sugar...hungry again today but not as bad as yesterday...

    The funny son (19, 6 ft 2 about 205) aka man child makes fun of his mom for this "working out thing" as he calls it... saw my bar from my deadlift on Wednesday (100lbs) he says I can lift that no problem...I say go he does one "dead lift" that end up being a snatch and I showed him how to deadlift...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Then I told him I would be squatting that next, he says "that's np at all I could do that" says go ahead...

    Wow bad form but regardless he did 1...and had to stop...I had to take the bar off his back...:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    He's like I did 1 so response I am going to do 25 :noway:

    This poster came to mind just change some girl to your mom
