Doctor Who Trivia



  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,642 Member
    "Beans are evil. Bad bad beans."
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Not counting baked beans, I always rinse canned beans before using ...... mom always said that got rid of some of the sodium ...... not sure if it's true or not, but best not to argue with mom :laugh:

    And until I saw Dr Who, never heard of "beans on toast" ...... if I were really hungry, I'd eat it :drinker:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    hope this works ...... shows all the Doctors, but I don't know the early ones :drinker:
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Okay, that was the BEST way to start a lousy Monday morning! Talk about adrenaline! I didn't think I could have so may lumps in my throat over 7 minutes. The "Fire and Ice and Rage" speech gets me every time, as well as Martha's speech, and River's (swaggering off to his TARDIS). The clip of Sarah Jane leaving the TARDIS was horribly sad as well as the scenes of the Brigadier (just knowing that he's gone now made it sad). That's an amazing video!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    My husand thinks I'm certifiable ...... can't help it that tears leak out while I was watching these ....... which wouldn't be a problem, but the tears get caught up behind my glasses & then I can't see :sad:
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I had the most delicious dream about David Tennant (as the Doctor of course) last night. I blame all the Broadchurch episodes (is anyone else watching it? It's excellent.). Or just the fact that the man is beautiful. I've come back to this thread looking for the fabulous "Oh yes!" gif. It needs to be on my Tumblr. STAT.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I had the most delicious dream about David Tennant (as the Doctor of course) last night. I blame all the Broadchurch episodes (is anyone else watching it? It's excellent.). Or just the fact that the man is beautiful. I've come back to this thread looking for the fabulous "Oh yes!" gif. It needs to be on my Tumblr. STAT.

    I don't know what Broadchurch is ....... but now I feel like I'm missing something beautiful :sad:
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    It was on BBC back in the Spring, I believe. It started here on BBC-A in August. 8 episodes. It's kind of like Twin Peaks in basic story premise, but without all the David Lynch weirdness. A 12 year old boy is found dead in a small coastal town, David Tennant plays the Detective Inspector. Arthur Darvill is also on - he plays a priest. Each episode delves deeper into the community, I have to say it's pretty much kept me guessing every week. The season finale is tomorrow night. Apparently there is a season 2, I have no idea how that's going to work into the storyline though!
  • imzadi481
    imzadi481 Posts: 86 Member
    I had the most delicious dream about David Tennant (as the Doctor of course) last night. I blame all the Broadchurch episodes (is anyone else watching it? It's excellent.). Or just the fact that the man is beautiful. I've come back to this thread looking for the fabulous "Oh yes!" gif. It needs to be on my Tumblr. STAT.

    I think I'm on episode 4 right now. It's amazing! The story is compelling and the scenery is beautiful. But most of all, David Tennant and his Scottish accent are sexyyyyy! I can't understand half the things he says (i'm bilingual, but originally french-canadian), but I don't care :)
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I love hearing his accent as well. We have to turn on closed captioning when we watch it. It look us about 3 episodes to figure out his character's name and his partner's name, so that's when we knew it was time to turn on the CC!
  • imzadi481
    imzadi481 Posts: 86 Member
    I love hearing his accent as well. We have to turn on closed captioning when we watch it. It look us about 3 episodes to figure out his character's name and his partner's name, so that's when we knew it was time to turn on the CC!

    Yeah, that's what we do too! We use CC a lot in our house anyway, because our three kids can be... what's the word?... LOUD! So if we want to know what's going on at any given time, CC is our best friend, lol!
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I hear you on the loud kids. Luckily when it comes to DW they are pretty quiet as they are both very into it as well. My 6 year old is manic. She saw a commerical for Broadchurch on TV, froze in place and said, "WOAH. That guy looks JUST like David Tennant." Which I thought was hysterical for a 6 year old. And then I had to tell her to move aside because she was in line behind me, haha!
  • imzadi481
    imzadi481 Posts: 86 Member
    I hear you on the loud kids. Luckily when it comes to DW they are pretty quiet as they are both very into it as well. My 6 year old is manic. She saw a commerical for Broadchurch on TV, froze in place and said, "WOAH. That guy looks JUST like David Tennant." Which I thought was hysterical for a 6 year old. And then I had to tell her to move aside because she was in line behind me, haha!

    Ha ha, too cute!

    My 9 year-old watches with us, but I wont let my 6 year-old watch. Not because I think she's too young (she's seen star trek, star wars, transformers, etc.), but because I know a lot of thing in DW would give her nightmares. She's quite anxious, and takes a lot of things to heart. If she saw a Weeping Angel episode, she'd probably have nightmares for the enxt 6 months. She knows about them, but hasn't seen those episodes :)
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    My girls, for some reason (probably my own fault) are really into weird stuff, so thankfully DW has never bothered any of them. My 9 year old thought for sure she was going to be afraid of the Adipose until she saw the episode, now she wants the plushie to sleep with. They've always been really into Tim Burton stuff - my mom was so annoyed with me for letting them watch The Nightmare Before Christmas when they were little (like, 2 and 4). But I don't know, that stuff has never phased them. I don't let them watch *actual* scary stuff though.

    As an aside - my husband and I bought a creepy little garden cherub at the grocery store last spring, and have had loads of fun sticking it in various places all over our house & in their bedrooms. I know, I know! I'm horrible! :laugh:
  • imzadi481
    imzadi481 Posts: 86 Member
    You. I like you! My kind of trick, lol!