Running accountability!



  • Did my long run yesterday. Only needed 8 miles, but my partner kept going because she needed to make up a few miles from the week. Ended up doing 13.25 in 1.58. Pinky toe was tender yesterday. I can do some elliptical on this off day to stay burning. Its Monday! Lets go!

    Nice distance! I hope to get there some day. Congrats!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Check in! Still slow and steady over here. I've been reading a book called "Running with the Mind of Meditation" because I want to start meditating more, and evidently this writer advocates running with no electronic input so you can get a kind of meditation on the go. Multitasking your meditation kind of sounds like it defeats the purpose, but I'm willing to give it a try lol. Anyway, he talks about how when he began running he was told it takes a year or two to build a "base." Having only been running consistently since March, and feeling a little down about the fact that I only run about a 12 minute mile on average, it cheered me up to think that I still have a ways to go before I consider my base built!

    Also, I did 3x3 intervals today. 3 minutes fast followed by 3 minutes steady. Did I have to stop and walk once in a while? Yes. But when I went into RunKeeper afterward and looked at my splits, one of my fast intervals was 10:27!! A 30 minute 5K is my first big goal and that would almost get me there if I could keep it up for the entire run. So that's encouraging progress.

    Also, the fall time change will be here in the US soon, and it will feel like I get to sleep in an entire hour, hurray! :)
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    Got W3 D2 of C25K done this morning. Thanks in large part to this group....didn't want to report another failure to my workout buddies!
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I did day 2 of week 2 for couch to 5k last night... I'm planning to do a 5k Nov 1st... I know its durning the program but I'm going out to do it for fun...
  • Congrats to the c25k folks who are progressing! That is awesome - keep at it. I think I passed a point in the last month where I am officially a running addict. I am going to work on my speed now.
    Keep going and we'll enjoy a good addiction together!
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    Looking good everyone and keep at it. I got my workout in today. Running bleachers. Hardest thing I do all week I think. So I'm resting until my 5k on Saturday.
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Just completed my first week of couch to 5km... I think this running habit is the perfect addiction for me.. I still love kickboxing but it's great to be outside.
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    Been a great running week. I am doing a marathon training, and decided I needed to back up a week. It felt good to accomplish runs without having to stop, or get frustrated with super slow times. I worked on pacing myself, on one of my shorter runs, I got below 10 min mile average. Unbelievable! but super fun. I also found some new trails close to home which has been great in this nice fall weather. I started c25k last fall, and for those of you who are just starting, don't get discouraged. There were times that I repeated weeks because I judged it was better to be able to complete the run, than stop and feel like I failed. For probably a month last winter I ran 3 min walk 1.5. Then I repeated that when I went from the treadmill to running outdoors. After a short time you will be able to look back and see your accomplishments! Keep running and thanks for all your sharings, it helps keep me motivated. Good luck to everyone who is running a race this weekend.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Absolutely echoing taschulz, if you stick with it you will be AMAZED when you look back and see all you've accomplished. I am...I'm trying to think of a word that captures this feeling...gobsmacked that I have come as far as I have in just one short year (after quitting for 4 months in the winter, even). I never in a million years dreamed I would be a runner. I can't wait to see what comes next.

    Today was my longest run ever, 4.5 miles. Slow, yes, but I did it and I'm feeling so proud.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    @HeatherZousel – great job! Keep it up!

    @kcrow4102 – I’m in the same boat – my 5K is Oct 27, and I’m tight on time to get through the C25K program before then. So, on days I feel good/have time, I’ve been doubling up on segments. Ie I do the warm up, that day’s set of intervals then skip ahead to the following day, skip the warm up, do that day’s set of intervals, and complete the cooldown. I’m doing this at the lower days when it’s still easy enough for me to do it. Of course, if you don’t feel ready with your cardio or your leg strength, don’t risk injury. But it’s been working for me so far. Maybe because I started the C25K in May and dropped it in July when it got too hot/I got too busy.

    @rastamann – running bleachers sounds TERRIBLE! ;) Good luck on your 5K!

    @MelonGG – congrats! I’m trying to get myself addicted to running too. Great exercise, can do it at any time, anywhere.

    @tashultz – awesome!

    @knitapeace – wow 4.5 miles! I’m creeping up on one measly kilometer. It’s so motivating to hear another new runner making achievements – it inspires me to not give up!

    So, I ran a LOT this week. That 5K on Oct 27 is fast-approaching, and I need to be mentally prepared for it. So, as I’m still in the low weeks of C25K, I’ve been trying to catch up on missed running days/get ahead of schedule but doubling, or, tripling up on the program. On Monday, I ran all of W3 back to back. It was a bit of a challenge, but I felt really good while doing it. The lots of walking made it easier.

    Yesterday I ran W4D1 and W4D2 – not gonna lie; it was tough. I “endured” those 5 minute run segments, thanks to cranking my tunes, playing games with myself (get to the fire hydrant, ok, now get to that parked car, ok, now the stop sign, ok, until the song ends, ok, oh hey, the segment is over!), and just being too stubborn to stop.

    I’ve caught up just enough, that if I run one segment every other day, I’ll “graduate” on the 25th. JUST in time for the race on the 27th. However, I’d like to build in a little more buffer zone should I miss a day for some reason, so I’ll likely try to do one more “double” day. Obviously, if I feel I’m going to hurt myself, I’ll stop immediately.

    In other news, doing the C25K has improved my cardio immensely, and strengthened my legs and those improvements have crossed over in to my hockey, which is AWESOME! Especially because I play on a men’s team. I can’t wait for my ladies’ season to start – I’m going to dominate! :D
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    Good work on all your runs!

    I am feeling spectacularly unmotivated. I am in training for my 3rd marathon and just feel like I've lost the spark. I am hoping to get it back. My training this cycle has been woefully subpar.

    I think I am feeling a combination of bored (its my 3rd marathon in less than 365 days so my 3rd round of marathon training in less than a year), frustrated and overwhelmed. My IRL running buddies are all super gung ho and doint amazing but instead of using that as encouragement - I feel like I am acting like a stubborn kid and refusing to play if I can't win. :embarassed:

    My long runs are going OK. Not great but I am getting through them and staying on pace. I've had 2 terrible long runs (2nd 10 & first 16) and skipped 1 long run (2nd 16) due to injury. Its mid-week that I've been bonking. I do speed work consistently but have only been doing 1-2 other runs a week. :sad:

    I have just about 5 weeks left until race day and am praying that will be enough time to turn it around. This weekend I am scheduled to do my first 20 of this cycle but I am coming of a minor injury so I am going to go for 15 and then assess how I feel. Today is a rest day but I've only done one 4 mile run in the past two weeks.

    Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer. Hopefully I be reporting back with a much improved attitude tomorrow after my run
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Just finished wk 1 and it wasn't so bad. Day 3 was fun (pant, pant). I like having the trainer to listen to for the cues. I haven't picked a 5k event yet but I'm sure I will. Are there any REAL early morning runners out there? Just curious to know how you get out so early.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    That's awesome that you did 4.5 miles - way to go!
  • @zanne54 - it sounds like you have such a great attitude and are kicking some serious butt! Keep at it and you will do great in that 5k. I used to play those run to the next tree" games with myself, too. They work!

    To all the new c25k people: you will also love how much being in a pack of people can keep you going. The adrenaline of standing around at the start line waiting for the starter's pistol to go off will carry you really far.

    @redredy9 - I have never run as far as you, not even close. I think it is spectacular that you are in marathon training at all. I wish I had some magic words to help your motivation. Maybe a new playlist? Maybe a runner's treat, like some new shoes or those day-glo socks all the kids are wearing now?! :)

    Ok, the "all the kids are wearing now" comment is making me feel very old. Seriously, though - I don't get the neon or black socks pulled way up to mid-calf. But I was a young girl in the 80s and I'm sure my crimped hair made my mom say WTF, too.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    19 miles today! Man alive am I sore! My training plan called for 20 this weekend but as I just came off a foot injury and missed last weeks 16 miler. I am super happy I was able to do 19! I am on couch rest for the rest of the afternoon!!

    New after run treat: organic chocolate milk from farmers market at the end of my run, 1 scoop double chocolate whey protein and a few ice cubes all blended up in the blender. YUM!

    @sloB: Great advice! I ordered some new Asics gel-nimbus and a few long sleeve running tops! Thanks for the great advice. I feel much better after this long run.

    Hope everyone is having great runs this weekend too! It's gorgeous here in NYC!

    ETA: why does Asics always make it wide width versions in the lamest color combination available for that particular model. I like the super bright funky colors not the conservative ones. Oh well. My wide foot requires function over fashion.
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    Its saturday and everyone looks like they're putting up good numbers. I ran a PR today in a 5k at 21:56. Its exactly 1 min faster than my last PR. Super happy.
  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    I am training for an 8k. Today was week 2 and we did 2 miles. My Cardio trainer app shows that I ran at a 5mph pace. I am pleased with that pace as it included traffic. I ran 1.6miles on Thursday at a 5.5mph pace in a park. I had a partner much faster than me. I think this really helped my pace.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Wow, great to see everyone having such good runs! Keep it up!

    I was way too hungover yesterday to do my planned run, so I went biking with my husband instead. A year ago, I would have sat in the backyard and drank beer to get over it; now, I go sweat it out!

    So, today I did another double of C25K - W4D3 and W5D1. Not too sure how many more doubles I can do as the program is getting more and more difficult with longer and longer runs. Will keep on working at it though.

    And surprise - my ladies hockey starts tomorrow night! I'm looking forward to the skate, but am disappointed they put me on a new team. I hope I like the girls. And if I don't? Well, you can't get a penalty for taking out your own teammate. :D
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    4 mile recovery run today. It really helped shake out my aches and soreness from yesterdays 19.

    I was tempted to stay in and "forget" i was supposed to run but my coach reposted something another runner wrote about finding inspiration for going on their recovery run and I had to get out and log my miles too!

    Now I am fighting urge not to have a glass of wine.
  • Everyone is kicking butt out there! I've had some gorgeous runs in the past week that to the awesome fall colors. This season is far too short. I still don't know if I am a winter runner - I will find out far too soon.

    @redredy9 - way to go on the long run! You seem ready for the race. I love that your recovery run is my daily run - lol. Finally, I do ot fight the urge for wine. If I have the calories to spare, I have the wine. Perhaps that's wrong...
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    Wow @redredy9 Seriously? 19 miles? That is day I will get there, but not too soon :) I start pushing to increase too fast and I will end up injuring myself (again).
    Everyone is doing so great getting their runs in. This group has really helped me to stay on track. I got my W4 D1 done yesterday (sort of) I went out to do the run. I even had it playing on my phone, but then I ignored the cues mostly and jogged the whole way plus some...I did use the cues some cause on the running intervals I increased my speed and on the walking portions I did a slower jog. I think for W4 D2 I will do the walking intervals so I can try to keep a faster pace during the jogging intervals. My goal is a 10 minute mile on the running intervals (maybe a little under 10).
    What helped this week is my kids introduced me to Spotify. I downloaded a whole bunch of military running cadences. Took me back to being a drill instructor at the prison bootcamp and really helped me to keep a steady pace with good breathing.
    Have a good day all!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Despite being up until 1 am after hockey last night, I still dragged my butt out of bed at 6:30 am. Completed W5D2 and was quite surprised to feel like I could have easily kept running! The next segment is the scary 20 min run without stopping. I know it's gonna suck, but I also know I can do it. And as Heather said - the tunes really do help!

    And I figured out my pace today - I'M SLOW! 7:18 per km or 11:45 per mile. Good, in a way, to know that it will take me around 40 minutes to run a 5K. Bad, in a way, that it will take me 40 minutes...the C25K only takes you up to 30 minutes of running. Seriously, I'm a complete beginner, and you (general) expect me to run under 10 min per mile? Ya, good luck with that!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Good work everyone! Keep it up.

    @HeatherZousel; definately plan on increasing distance slowly to avoid injury. It took me a few years of running consistently to build a base before gradually starting to increase my distance.

    Tonight I run with my training group which is always challenging but fun. We are planning about 4-5 miles of hill work. :love:
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Today's Runkeeper program called for me to run 50 minutes. This didn't include the 5 minute warmup or cooldown, so I ended being on the road for 60 minutes, 50 of those I was running. That's the most I've ever done. My final distance including warmup and cooldown was 4.75 miles. Again, the most I've ever done. I feel amazing and powerful.

    What I'm learning is that without a training program I was going out 3-4 times a week and running for 30 minutes (or thereabout) with the Zombies Run app. I was making no real effort to improve time or distance, just getting out there and flailing around the neighborhood in the dark. And I think that was good for me then, since I had never run before and had only been doing so seriously since March. However now I'm seeing improvement, and I want to see more. So I think having a plan is the way to go. Gives me something to look forward to after the Run for Fat Loss training is complete!
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    My husband uses Runkeeper and really likes it. I think after I finish the C25K program I may just do it again only use it as an interval trainer to increase my speed. I know I can do long slow distance but I never really challenged myself to increase pace (it is so uncomfortable!) Nice Job on your longest run ever!!!
  • @knitapeace - I think I am ready to challenge myself to something new, so thank you for the recommendation. I will try the app!

    I started 30DS a few days ago, so I am running a little less so I can squeeze it all in every day. Short runs are still runs and I'm really glad my arms don't have to come to the party because Jillian is slowly destroying them. My coffee cup feels heavy!

    2.5 miles today after 30DS.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    4.1 easy miles today. It was a freaky 80 degrees here today and i was tempted to skip the run and go up to the roof with some wine but when I got home I had new running shoes waiting for me. It was a sign! Glad I ran.
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    A pretty good week of running....I left the house this morning in the rain, and almost turned around, but decided to try it. Ten minutes in it stopped raining and was an awesome run (minus running from a couple of dogs lol but that gave me the adrenaline I needed at mile 3 to finish 4 miles haha) One of my miles was under the 9 min. mark, a new record for me!! I think tomorrow I will have to work out on the treadmill, the forecast says we are supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow and we live close to the mountains so it will be closer to 12. I will do a HIT workout, which I love, and it hopefully helps decrease my times. I do 20 sec as fast as I can, (around 7.5) then hop onto the rails for 10 sec. (My treadmill is super simple otherwise I would slow the pace to about 4 for 10 sec) It is super fun! I love running outside and am really not ready to move indoors, but I am also lucky that I have a treadmill and elliptical at home. Hopefully I will get outside on Saturday for a longer run. Have a great week everyone! Keep on movin'!!!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Had amazing run tonight.

    Literally ran into running group for Nike store and joined them in their run. Got lots of good info will be doing a planned run with them soon. Then I met a nice runner that led me directly to the East river park. then best of all once i got over the Brooklyn bridge I ran into a free GZA concert and met a cute guy! :love: :heart: :glasses:

    BEST RUN EVER!! 8.2 miles.
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    I found an interesting article that some of you may enjoy. I am not an experienced runner, so many of you probably know all of this...but it gives some great tips on variety and increased calorie burns.