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November 2013 Babies



  • crystali1983
    crystali1983 Posts: 8 Member
    How has everyone been doing on eating healthy and avoiding the cravings on fatty or sugary foods? I'm struggling here!
  • Major struggle... mostly with sweets. :-\ That seems to be all I want most of the time. I just try to snack here and there and not go overboard (moderation is key) but I have my bad moments, that's for sure!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    MAJOR struggle. These days, I'm obsessed with two things: bagels and puffy cheetos.

    At least I still eat my fruits and veggies, right???
  • Thanks @jgrod! :-) :-) :-)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Friday, November mommas!

    Hope everyone had a great week! I'm 31 weeks today (wow!) and definitely feel like I'm getting bigger faster these days. I love it. :)

    My husband's family threw us a baby shower last weekend, and I'm blown away by the generosity of the people in our life. I also don't know what we are going to do with all of this baby stuff in our tiny two bedroom apartment!
  • Hello everyone - hope everyone is movin' right along! :) Hit 35 weeks today and had an ultrasound because I've been measuring small. Baby girl is healthy looking, but in the 14th percentile at 4 lbs. 11 oz. (approx.). So, we're going to do a follow up u/s in a couple of weeks to see if she's improved at all... and I'm supposed to lay on my left side for an hour, two times per day to help stimulate and promote growth. Hopefully she grows enough to keep them satisfied, but not too much that I'm regretting wishing for that ;) just teasing!... but really!! haha

    @ajzmann - that is forever the on-going issue. Never have a big enough house when baby comes along! This is #2 for us, and we are struggling to fit all of our son's stuff/toys most of the time! That's fun though - glad your shower went well and you got most if not all of what you need!!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Ah, @jgrodzicki, 35 weeks!!! So exciting! Sending good baby growing thoughts your way.

    The weather has been absolutely gorgeous in Chicago lately, so I've been taking advantage going on lots of walks, and even getting to the gym a few times. I have also been sleeping really well (respectively), so it's been a good week for me!

    I haven't been eating the very best, but to be honest, I don't care as much at this point. I'm eating when I'm hungry, and making sure I get a little bit of exercise every day, even if it's just walking, and feeling pretty good.

    Hope you all are feeling well! Home stretch, right???
  • Definitely in the homestretch... and THAT feels great!! :) Sleep over here hasn't been so great lately. My two year old is prepping us for a newborn I think and has not been sleeping through the night. We were up with him for over 2.5 hours last night and when one of us wasn't in there, he was screaming!! Ugh... not fun at all! Hopefully he gets over this phase before baby comes, don't think I can handle two kiddos waking up at night! :-\

    The weather here has been pretty nice as well... I'm in the St. Louis area, so it would be fairly similar! However, I have NOT been taking advantage like you have, and I will probably regret that because those days are so few since we tend to skip right over to winter! ;)
  • 36 week doc appointment yesterday was an interesting one. My last pregnancy was super smooth sailing with no issues whatsoever (with the exception of afterwards)... and this one baby is measuring small, fluid levels aren't where they should be... etc. So, I now have to do NST's twice/week and ultrasounds every week from here on out. Thank goodness I only have 4 weeks left!!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Ah, @jgrodzicki, sending good healthy vibes to you and baby!

    NST = non-stress test, right? What does that entail?

    And four weeks...HOME STRETCH!

    I hit 33 weeks today, and definitely feel myself growing more and faster. It's kinda crazy to think I have 7 more weeks to get bigger!
  • Yes, non-stress test. They just hook you up to monitors that watch for contractions and baby's heart rate. They want to see the heart rate spike twice in twenty minutes. I have the feeling I barely passed, but she was just being lazy. ;)

    I think you are right around when I was gaining the most so far... I just couldn't satisfy my hunger! It has slowed down a bit again now that baby has gotten a bit bigger and there is less room in there.
  • It's been so quiet over here... maybe there have been a couple of births already??

    I will be 38 weeks on Thursday, and I've gained right at 20 lbs. Baby is still measuring small, so I've been advised to continue to lay on my left side in my spare time or at least 2 hours per day. Thank goodness I only have ~two weeks left!!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I guess there are some full term people here!

    I've quit logging for the most part, and my working out has become even more sporadic, but I still feel pretty good. I was 34 weeks on Friday!

    Anyone still getting good workouts in?

    I'm pretty much OK with just taking a few long walks each week. I'm up about 21 pounds, which I am OK with. I have no idea as to how the baby is measuring. My doc doesn't do anymore ultrasounds after 20 weeks!

    Sleep has been more difficult lately, so it's tough for me to get up and work out in the mornings.
  • My doc is the same way, @ajzmann - the only reason I am getting ultrasounds now is because my belly has been measuring pretty small for how far along I am... with my first, I didn't have any ultrasounds after the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. This one, I've had two big ultrasounds (once at almost 35 weeks and another yesterday at almost 38 weeks) to check her weight... and also weekly biophysical ultrasounds to check her fluid levels. It's a pain... but I do get to see her every week, which is nice! It's just a lot when trying to work to the end too... I had/have three appointments this week alone!

    I never really got into exercising like I wanted to... and now I'm dealing more with being unable to eat because there isn't as much room in there! So, I'm fine with my weight gain - just need the peanut to gain some weight now ;)
  • Well... after my 38 week apt yesterday... Monday is now officially baby day! I'm getting induced because she is no longer getting the nutrition she needs from me. Still a healthy, strong baby girl - but they want to get her out before that changes. So, I don't usually get on over the weekends - and who knows how things will go once baby arrives. So, just in case I miss anything - best of luck everyone! :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    OMG @jgrodzicki!!! So exciting! Sending good healthy vibes to you and baby. Post a photo when you're up for it!

    Will be thinking of you!
  • Definitely will - thanks so much, ajzmann - it's been a fun journey with you! :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @jgrodzicki...was thinking of you yesterday! Can't wait to see photos of that baby!

    How're all of the other November mommies? I'm definitely starting to feel some low back pain due to my belly, but MOST nights I can get a decent night's sleep. Working out still isn't really much of a priority. I feel like sleep is more important right now!

    Hope you all are feeling well!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Monday, November gals! (I feel like I post to myself now!)

    How's everyone doing? Hanging in there?

    I see @jgrodzicki had her beautiful baby girl! Anyone else?

    I'm starting to get a little bit anxious (was 36 weeks on Friday).

    Hope you're all feeling well!!!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hey ajzmann, I'm following this thread. My due date is today, so I've always known there was a chance my baby girl may arrive in November and have kept tabs on this groups' happenings.

    Congratulations jgrodzicki on your baby girl!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Ah, @kcasey, hope you're feeling good! I'm starting to get anxious, which I had hoped I wouldn't until MUCH closer to my due date.

    Sending good healthy thoughts your way!
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    Hi!! I'm 36 &2. Starting to feel major pressure to get.things ready for.baby. My husband isn't nearly as supportive but he wasn't last time either. I have a 2yo to keep happy all day & just recently lightened my home Daycare load to 0-3 days a week. Well, no zero yet but maybe this week? Lol. I feel like trying or having to maintain this pace is making it less likely that I'll last til.40 weeks. I could be just wishful thinking but I don't know. Hope everyone is feeling good.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I must admit I've had most things ready for the baby since about 34 weeks, apart from the travel cot and car seat that will arrive in the next couple of days. My midwife wasn't sure I'd make it to 39 weeks so now at 40+1 I'm twiddling my thumbs a bit!

    So ajzmann as I missed the beginning of this thread is this your first child? What are you feeling anxious about exactly? I should probably say that I am 35 and we have four boys already, ages 3 to 10 years. So this baby is my fifth and last child and only girl (I did get them to double check!). I'm sure she'll be my last, then in about six months I'll get my tubes tied, to avoid worrying about it for the next 10 years.

    Nan I'm sure you will manage and get to your due date. Providing daycare a few days a weeks must be easier than looking after four riotous boys 24 hours a day, as long as you're looking after yourself. At least if you're used to looking after more than one child at a time having two won't be too much of a shock to the system. My other half doesn't help out much either until the last minute, so I know that one aswell.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    peeking in on the November Mama's because watching you all start to pop gives me hope for my Dec/Jan baby :smile:
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    I, too, have always been a lurker of this thread because I'm due on 12/1 and, well, you just never know (and my doctor thinks it's unlikely that I'll make it to my due date)! 35w, 2d and my levels of feeling anxious are bursting!

    Hope you ladies are doing well (:
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @kcasey, Yep, this is my first! I'm just anxious to meet this little being that's been wiggling all around and making me lose sleep. ;)
    I was OK not knowing the sex for most of the pregnancy until recently. I'm really anxious to know now!

    Honestly, we have lots of stuff to get done, so I need these next three weeks for preparations. We still have to get our crib!

    I did go to the doctor today. Had my GBS test and scheduled my next three appointments. (ONLY THREE LEFT!)
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    I had them double check that mine is a girl too! Lol I just felt so lucky w my timing & planning spot on. And I wanted a girl. I'm getting fixed too probably sometime after my VBAC (fingers crossed) . I just turned 35 & 2 girls is my perfect number!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    With the first four I didn't find out their sex and each was a surprise, which was lovely the first few times. This time I knew it was a bit different and wanted to know I wasn't imagining it! We didn't agree to find out, but I knew this time I wanted to know for sure. I've really enjoyed each of my pregnancies and am sure going to miss it, but we really don't have the space or resources for any more kids.

    This is a magical time for you then ajzmann! Expecting and delivering your first child is a time of great anxiety, intrepidation and wonder. You also think you'll never be ready and you'll never cope, but 99% of us do. Newborns need very little, so don't overdo it. You don't have to have every gadget going, just the essentials - clothes, diapers, somewhere to sleep safely and some way of getting about. Other things you might as well get as and when you find you need them otherwise you'll end up with things that never get used (we've all done it!).

    Nan that was well planned! I hope you get the VBAC you want.

    Sschwark do you know what you're expecting or will he/she be a surprise? Is this your second child?
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    @ajzmann - ahh, i bet you are starting to get super excited to find out! I wish I could have done that with at least one of mine but I'm so darn nosy that I always just *need* to know! And I wholeheartedly agree with everything kcasey said (:

    @nan - eek, great job! That sounds perfectly planned (:

    @kcasey - I do know what I'm expecting - another girl! I have a 3-year old girl now and since I was a hoarder with all of her things, I had pretty much everything for this one (thankfully 'cause my gosh baby stuff is expensive). How are you feeling? You're two days over your due date, right?
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Two girls together will be lovely. My daughter will have to make do with her four big brothers, though I just had my three younger brothers and didn't really miss having a sister.

    Yes, two days overdue now. Just trying to keep busy and not think about it. I have a check up with my midwife booked for 11am tomorrow. Then I expect she'll book me in provisionally for induction at 10 days over and offer me a cervical/membrane sweep. I'll have all the kids with me and too much to do with Halloween etc, so will ask if I can book an extra appointment for Monday (41w) when the kids are all in school for the sweep. I've had the sweep with two previous pregnancies and each time labour started within 48 hours. Of course, it could happen any time and usually I've had at least one false start by now where contractions have started then faded away again. But nowt yet.
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