Daily Check In Thread



  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I recently joined MFP and was happy to find this group. I am/was a couch potato and am rapidly approaching 60..omg :-) so I also recently started c25k.. Finished W1 D 2 and NO ONE will be more surprised than me if it works. I will say that It felt great and I was ven proud to get off that couch . Nice to meet you all.

    Same here Deb. I am 58 years old. I have never been a runner. I do hike and walk a lot, but never run. I start week 9 bright and early Monday morning. I ran 40 minutes on Friday. I never in my wildest dreams think I could ever pull that off. I did take it slow and easy and did some weeks twice. I am prone to injuries, mainly because I'm a klutz, but also because of my age and fitness level.
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I ran my first 5k this morning even though I haven't completed the c25k yet. I did week 7, day 2 on Thursday so my goal this morning was to run it all without walking. I did it in 32.24 and I am so thrilled. It was tough going for sure and pretty uncomfortable right in the middle but I was actually able to sprint to the finish line which was so fun.

    Cannot wait to get back out there on Tuesday evening.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Finished W8D1 tonight.

    Ran 2.15 miles in 29 minutes (ran an extra minute!). Stopped only long enough to tie my shoelace. :/ I need to start double knotting!

    I'm less than a mile away and have 3 weeks left until my 5K!!!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I recently joined MFP and was happy to find this group. I am/was a couch potato and am rapidly approaching 60..omg :-) so I also recently started c25k.. Finished W1 D 2 and NO ONE will be more surprised than me if it works. I will say that It felt great and I was ven proud to get off that couch . Nice to meet you all.

    You can do it, Deb! I've seriously never run before in my life! I hated it because it was always so hard. I also have tried this program a couple of times before and quit when it got tough.

    Stick with it. Push yourself to complete the runs. And remember - it's not about speed. And if your run gets discouraging, remember where you were before you started and how far you've come.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    w3d1 done. 3min runs not near as hard as i thought they would be. be sure to check out my progress thread for a review

  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    CAN'T believe I ran the W7D1 last night. I chose a different route that had a HUGE hill in it too. Pretty sure I was going to die and yet.... here I am!!! 35mins (including the walks) and 3.75kms. Pretty great!

    I've had so much fun reading everyone's success stories here! I'm looking forward to sharing my first 5km results with you.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    W9D2 finished today!

    ONE MORE RUN, I can't believe I've made it this far.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Last week I did week 1 of the Train Like a Mother 10K Finish It plan.

    Monday: 3 miles and 4 x 100 strides; Zumba class (plan only called for the run)
    Tuesday: X-train (body shred class)
    Wednesday: 3 miles and 4 x 100 strides
    Thursday: X-train (body shred class)
    Friday: 3 miles; body shred class, Zumba (very hard workout day - the plan only called for the 3 miles)
    Saturday: 4 miles
    Sunday: rest

    Total miles: 13 :smile:
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Gonna put this out here...

    Graduated C25K this morning...3.41 miles in 28 minutes on week 8 day 1.

    First 5K is November 9th...then the ugly sweater run in early December. Thanks to everyone who provided advice and shared their journey as well. In the course of the program, I have dropped from 192 to 156..
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Gonna put this out here...

    Graduated C25K this morning...3.41 miles in 28 minutes on week 8 day 1.

    First 5K is November 9th...then the ugly sweater run in early December. Thanks to everyone who provided advice and shared their journey as well. In the course of the program, I have dropped from 192 to 156..


    That's awesome!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    That's awesome Joe!!! Are you going to go to a 10k training program next?
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    My wife has decided to try the program, so I am going to restart C25K and run it with her.. at the same time I thought about bridge to 10K, but I am going to go ahead and go for a half in May...so I think i will use smartcoach for a half training plan which actually will start November 25th.

    so i will do the C25K with wife and on Sunday mornings throw in a "long" run starting with 4 miles and do the 10% weekly thing until half marathon plan kicks in...i think...lol

    But I am really excited for the first 5K race in November
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I forgot to post this weekend - Saturday I finished Week 8, Day 3! I can't believe I ran for 30 minutes! Of course, just my luck, the app stopped again. I think it had something to do with me changing a song in Google Music. No worries - endomondo was running the whole time, so I still got my stats.

    And it doesn't really matter, because I consider myself very close to done! I'm going to switch to endomondo to work on increasing my time (and mileage) for the next few weeks before our 5K at the end of the month.

    So for anyone having a tough time staying motivated, stick with this program! I've had to repeat a few days, walk a few extra steps, but it has been so incredibly worth it! I'm stronger physically and mentally than I was 9 weeks ago. It's a great feeling!

    I'm still going to check in until I get to the 5k - it helps keep me on track!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    W5/D1 and W5/D2 completed!! Saturday did W5/D1 with my husband and we threw in an extra 1/2 mile run just because. This morning was W5/D2 and we threw in an extra 3/4 mile run.

    Thursday we'll do the big 2 mile solid run. I'm mentally ready for it, my husband not-so-much. I know we'll get it done though!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Nikkit - It sounds like you'll both do great!

    Putcake - Congrats!

    Joe - Great job!

    Ok everyone I'm asking for advice so please visit my post. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1112847-5k-completed-what-now?page=1#posts-17213035

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done everyone!

    Joe - I gotta ask as you have some serious pace there, where are you running? (ie is it fairly flat?)
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Well done everyone!

    Joe - I gotta ask as you have some serious pace there, where are you running? (ie is it fairly flat?)

    2 days i run city streets...i live in the ozarks with the only flat spot around the high school track which i run once a week..(today :))

    southwest missouri to be exact
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done everyone!

    Joe - I gotta ask as you have some serious pace there, where are you running? (ie is it fairly flat?)

    2 days i run city streets...i live in the ozarks with the only flat spot around the high school track which i run once a week..(today :))

    southwest missouri to be exact

    Ahhh, I know all about hills. Wish I had a track around here to run on.

    W8D2 done for me.. missed 5km of running by 200m (1/8 of a mile) I didn't think I would be able to make 5km(running) when I got my 25min beep/distance. Hit the hill on my home stretch and felt good, so powered on and just missed the 5k!. Didn't realise until after I stopped.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    So I decided to sort of restart c25k at week 5 day 1 and do that 3 days a week and then on Sundays do 1 long run. I'm adding incline to my c25k and increasing my speed. Not sure if this is my plan yet but for today it worked :wink:
  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    Completed W7D2 today. It was a hard run. Windy but warm and my legs didn't seem to want to move. I was frustrated because the Zombies, Run! app didn't seem to be working. (no zombies chasing me and no recorded distance). I've been told that maybe it's because I'm up at such an unGodly hour that even the zombies stayed in bed.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Well done everyone!

    Joe - I gotta ask as you have some serious pace there, where are you running? (ie is it fairly flat?)

    2 days i run city streets...i live in the ozarks with the only flat spot around the high school track which i run once a week..(today :))

    southwest missouri to be exact

    Hi, neighbor! (I'm in Northwest Arkansas.)
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Just completed W1D1 :) It's my second time attempting this, hoping I can stick with it. Felt good to be back out there!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I have finished the first week. I'm a bit surprised at the mileage - I didn't think I would go that far in 30 minutes.

    Oct 3rd: Day 1 of program: 1.7 miles, Strava: http://www.strava.com/activities/86670044

    Oct 5th: Day 2 of program: 1.8 miles, Strava: http://app.strava.com/activities/87075649

    Oct 8th: Day 3 of program: 1.9 miles, Strava: http://www.strava.com/activities/87828549
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Just completed W1D1 :) It's my second time attempting this, hoping I can stick with it. Felt good to be back out there!

    You can do it! Set the goal of not giving up till your finished. I found not setting a speed goal and only a completion goal helped a bunch!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Completed W7D2 today. It was a hard run. Windy but warm and my legs didn't seem to want to move. I was frustrated because the Zombies, Run! app didn't seem to be working. (no zombies chasing me and no recorded distance). I've been told that maybe it's because I'm up at such an unGodly hour that even the zombies stayed in bed.
    This made me laugh:laugh: !! Even the Zombie's aren't up.....I'm going to have to use that one!
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Howdy Ceci!! spent most my childhood in Pea Ridge
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I keep forgetting to check in but week 7 went well! Well, D1&2 did. I finished D3 tonight and it wasn't my best run, mostly due to lack of sleep because of overstress from college and work.

    But as a whole it was a lot better than week 6 even if today was a disappointing run.

    One more week and it's done; it's a bit of a bittersweet feeling honestly
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Nikkit - It sounds like you'll both do great!

    Putcake - Congrats!

    Joe - Great job!

    Ok everyone I'm asking for advice so please visit my post. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1112847-5k-completed-what-now?page=1#posts-17213035


    Have you figured out what you're going to do?

    I've spent a large chunk of time researching my next move.

    My first all running 5k is in 2 weeks. I have 1 day of C25k left, which I will do tonight after work.

    I plan on working on my 5k time until my 5k is over. I'm not sure how much I'll accomplish in 2 weeks, but what I've done in 7 weeks of the c25k has surprised me. I've learned that I get better with each and every run; even my bad runs teach me something.

    I've read conflicting reviews of bridge to 10k, people have a difficult time with intervals again. I plan on giving it a shot, I need the structure built in.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Hey Cheryl..

    I have 3 5Ks scheduled to the end of the year and a half marathon next May...My wife has started C25K and I am running it with her...today i ran a 4 mile tempo run...tomorrow i will do w1d2 with wife...

    I am using smartcoach for training plan
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    Since I'm limbo between finishing C25K and running my 5K (10/26), I'm using Endomondo to track my mileage and time and just doing my own thing. It's tough, because I love the app just telling me what to do!

    I set the timer for 30 minutes after a quick warm-up. I covered 2.18 miles and my best mile was 12:54. It felt great - the weather was cool and it made me realize that I need a few more runs like this (and a little longer) before the 5K to feel really confident. Unfortunately, it looks like we're in for a few days of rain, so I might get more of a rest between work outs than I wanted!