


  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    Hello, My name is Angie and I am almost 43. My husband I did the fit test last night and are on our journey. Look forward to sharing and watching other people on the same journey!
  • eSUNt
    eSUNt Posts: 37 Member
    Good luck Angie! You guys are going to love it. My boyfriend and I started a month ago. He finished month 1 two days ago and I finish tonight. He has lost 12 lbs and I have lost 6! Just remember to keep pressing play.
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    Hello Hello, My name is Kimberly. I just ordered the Insanity DVDs and should receive them Wednesday the 18th. Which means I will probably start them Friday the 20th. Not sure what is in store, but pretty sure its going to kick my butt. As long as I get in shape I will be happy though.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hey Kimberly gl and everyone feels like that at first but you'll notice your body gettin stronger I'm currently on week 1 of month 2 and I feel like that again but pushing through I am I. Another group I started last month link posted below its an open group feel free to join we can use more members :)
  • erikalevack
    erikalevack Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Erika. I live in Austin with my husband and 2 kids. I started Insanity today. It's my third time starting it and I've never completed the program. I am hoping something will be different this time. Feeling determined to stay focused and on track.
  • Hi fellow insanity people! My name is Jackie and I live in Pennsylvania. I am currently doing insanity for the first time with my sister and we have just completed our first week. I wish everybody great success in your fitness journey! :smile:
  • Good luck! I just finished my second week. and I love it!
  • bionerd316
    bionerd316 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I was hoping MFP had a group to provide peer support for those of us who are crazy enough to do this program :) intro: I'm 28, and just finished up week 3 of Insanity (and loving the rest day I have today- much needed!), and my goal is to fit back into my wardrobe from when I was ~35lbs lighter. While I know my weight will probably be a bit different, I just want to lose the inches so I can wear everything again :)

    So far, I have to say, I am loving this program (minus the cardio recovery...I hate lunge pulses! I'm shaking by the end!), and I really do see a difference- I can actually make it through the warm up now, when at the beginning my thought was "you want me to do that again? and, again??"

    Though, I am really nervous about what I see the workouts for next month doing the fit test AND a 60min workout (I think I might die..). Does anyone have any advice for how to tackle that craziness??
  • Hi everyone. I am 33 years old, and have tried Insanity multiple times over past 6 months, but can never go beyond week 2 :(

    I plan to start it again tonight! And hope that this will be a new beginning.

    I am looking for all the support, and want to be held accountable.

    Please feel free to add me.

    Also, I am new to this am not sure how I can use this for accountability. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  • ramira77
    ramira77 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone :) this is my second time on MFP but will be my first attempt on insanity! I'm the biggest I've ever been (I used to be a gym addict) but let myself go now I'm 210lbs :-/ I've promised myself this is it! So I'm all prepared but nervous at same time, I know everyone on here can do it so good luck!
  • Hi, im Kelsi. 23 from Tx and i have done Insanity about 9 times, starting my 10th round today :)
  • bluebleu27
    bluebleu27 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone! :smile: I plan on starting Insanity next week. I'm just gonna warm-up my body this week with Jillian's Ripped in 30 since I've lost motivation these past few weeks and ended up skipping my workout schedules. :ohwell:

    I've completed Jillian's 30 day shred and tried Ripped in 30 but never finished. I hope I can push through with Insanity for 2 months with your support and added encouragement. That's why I joined the group.

    This the first time I've ever posted anything on MyFitnessPal, so, please do add me as I don't have any friends here. I'm looking forward to getting fit with you guys! :smile:
  • shantz85
    shantz85 Posts: 41
    Hi all! My name is Samantha & I am going to start insanity today (for the 5th time about) ... Hoping to successfully complete a month this round. I want to lose a few lbs but mostly I want to get in shape & live a healthier life. My boyfriend is also doing the program so I am lucky to be able to count on him for support & motivation.
  • bluebleu27
    bluebleu27 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all! My name is Samantha & I am going to start insanity today (for the 5th time about) ... Hoping to successfully complete a month this round. I want to lose a few lbs but mostly I want to get in shape & live a healthier life. My boyfriend is also doing the program so I am lucky to be able to count on him for support & motivation.

    Good luck there! I've also started insanity recently (March 10). Let's give it our best!
  • Tazzza
    Tazzza Posts: 11 Member
    HELLO!! My name is Tasmin, I'm 21 and I'm from Manchester in the UK ???? started my second week of insanity today and feeling great. Somehow lost 7lbs from my first week but I'm not expecting anything close to that this week. I have an 8 week old baby which is why I have decided to exercise and lose my podge. Fingers crossed it won't take me too long to spring back! Determined to stick this out. Add me and we'll do it together ???????????? DIG DEEPER!
  • Tazzza
    Tazzza Posts: 11 Member
    HELLO!! My name is Tasmin, I'm 21 and I'm from Manchester in the UK ???? started my second week of insanity today and feeling great. Somehow lost 7lbs from my first week but I'm not expecting anything close to that this week. I have an 8 week old baby which is why I have decided to exercise and lose my podge. Fingers crossed it won't take me too long to spring back! Determined to stick this out. Add me and we'll do it together ???????????? DIG DEEPER!
  • Champion4ever
    Champion4ever Posts: 49 Member
    Hi I'm Sheri and I'm on my second week of Insanity. It's been tough, but I know the results will be well worth it. If anyone is looking for an acccountability partner, please feel free to send me a friend request.
