How Much Weight Have You LOST?



  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 156
    Weight at 39 weeks: 178

    4 days post partum (would have been 40w!) 164

    8lbs to go to pre-pregnancy - I'll track here how I do but I'm not cleared to try to lose weight per se yet, doctor's explicit instructions. But I am breastfeeding and I eat healthy, and I do have a feeling there's more water weight yet to fall off. Was still pretty pleased to see 164 on the scale...even if no more falls off 8lbs isn't bad!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 122.2 (5'4")
    Weight a day before delivery at 38 weeks: 147.4
    2 days postpartum: 142.4 (Baby weighed 7 lbs 13 oz but I retained a lot of fluid from the hospital)
    5 days postpartum: 135.6
    1 week postpartum: 132.4
    2 weeks postpartum: 130 (have stopped breastfeeding)

    Total loss of 17.4 pounds so far! 8 more to go to be at pre-pregnancy weight.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 156
    Weight at 39 weeks: 178

    4 days post partum (would have been 40w!) 164
    1 week post partum 161

    Only 5lbs above pre-preg - that feels surreal. I stressed so so badly about gaining, wanted to gain no more than 20 (gained 22)...pouted when I had 2lb gains in certain weeks...and I only have 5lbs left? Can I go back and smack my pregnant self please?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 156
    Weight at 39 weeks: 178

    4 days post partum (would have been 40w!) 164
    1 week post partum 161
    2 week post partum 157

    Only 1 pound til pre-preg...that's so weird!
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Now I am really wishing I hadn't read this thread. =( Here are my stats:

    30yrs old
    Pre-pregnancy- 134
    Weight 2 days before birth- 178 - YIKES! 44lb gain
    6 weeks PP- 157
    7 months PP (today exactly)- 167

    I nursed for 3 months, then lost my supply. Gained 10 pounds trying to keep it. I'm pretty active and log everything I eat.

    I recently cut out all processed foods and refined sugar. I'm losing inches, but my weight will NOT budge. I'm sooo jealous of you ladies that lost the weight so easily. =(

    We wanted to start trying for #2 in March, but I just can't see adding any more weight onto my body at this point. SO sad.
  • Andrea3030
    5'7. baby #3
    Pre-pregnancy- 160
    Weight at delivery (she was 4.5 weeks early): 200
    Weight 1 week PP- 183
    Weight 3 weeks PP- 183

    Breastfeeding makes me hungry! I feel huge.

    Ultimate goal weight- 140
  • kissers84
    kissers84 Posts: 6 Member
    Weighed 195 when I started losing weight. Weighed 175 when I met my husband. Weighed 195 when I found out I was pregnant and weighed 245 when I had my son. Right now I weigh 220. This ridiculous weight fluctuation has happened in three years. Goal for the end of the year is 200 at least or even close to would make me feel like I can conquer anything.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I was stuck between -16 and -18 lbs after baby (18 weeks PP). I started nutrisystem two weeks ago and haven't weighed since then. Stopped drinking diet coke last Saturday. I'll weigh this week and report an update. Hopefully it's a loss!
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Before baby: 125, 130 pounds
    At delivery: 224 (bahahahaha)
    From Nov. 29th-April 25th: 190
    October 15th: 149

    Total lost: 75! With 20-30 to go!

    November 29th was the day I had my son. April 25th was when I joined MFP. (:
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Oh, yeah. And I had an 8lb 11oz baby that was 22 inches long. On my due date, so at least 40 weeks (although I'm thinking longer considering I would have conceived him on Valentine's Day). And also: food was really yummy while pregnant, so why not?
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    oh the ups and downs of both motivation and the scale. trying to find my groove here. head up!

    pre-pregnancy/goal weight: 114 (5'2'')
    full term weight: 136 (+22 lbs)
    1 day: 126.5 (baby = 7 lbs 6 oz)
    1 week: 125
    2 weeks: 123
    3 weeks: 122.5 *started longer walking, set cal goal @1800
    4 weeks: 122.2
    5 weeks: 123.0 *gain, no no!
    6 weeks: 122.8 *started jogging/running
    7 weeks: 121.2
    8 weeks: 121.5 *gain, ugh!
    9 weeks: 122.5 *grr
    10 weeks: 119.5 *changed goal from 1800 to 1600 cals and may have been too much too fast. noticed a dip in my milk supply.
    11 weeks: 120.2
    12 weeks: 122 *well, obviously I don't need the 2500 calories I've been eating this week seeing as I gained 2 lbs... kind of overcompensated for last weeks dip :/ going to try to stick to my 1800 (net) goal this week.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    To update, I somehow re-gained almost 6 lbs (as in they came back on super quickly and without obvious explanation), and over the past month+, I lost them plus another pound.

    Pre-pregnancy weight somewhere between 160 and 170 (my low in mid-2012 was 153.8, so I'd gained back a few pounds by being lax about logging everything I ate and was picking at my son's snacks a lot)

    Weight before delivery 240 (I know...)

    Settled postpartum weight 220

    Weight almost 3 months postpartum 206.2

    Weight almost 4 months postpartum 211.8

    Weight almost 5 months postpartum (as of yesterday) 205.2

    I am EBFing with a good supply, and with eating 1800 gross (1300 net because we aren't doing solids just yet) plus exercise and eating back most of my exercise calories I seem to be losing again. The loss I've had in the past month is the fastest I've had since I first started logging about 2.5 weeks postpartum. Unfortunately it was regaining lost ground, but I'm just glad to see not only that I'm not gaining but that the scale and my body size seem to be going down. I'll have to take measurements to see how I'm doing. I think about a month ago my waist was 32" (used to be 25" before this baby), and my hips were about 48" (used to be 38"-39" before this baby). I am not worried about my chest measurements because I'm BFing, plus they will be sadly deflated yet again, and I think I want to record upper arm and thigh measurements.

    ETA that I'm 5'7".
  • Andrea3030
    "Before baby: 125, 130 pounds
    At delivery: 224 (bahahahaha)
    From Nov. 29th-April 25th: 190
    October 15th: 149

    Total lost: 75! With 20-30 to go!

    November 29th was the day I had my son. April 25th was when I joined MFP. (:"

    Wow! You are an inspiration!!!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 156
    Weight at 39 weeks: 178

    4 days post partum (would have been 40w!) 164
    1 week post partum 161
    2 week post partum 157
    3 week post partum 156

    Well that's that. I meant to weigh in yesterday but my husband and daughter have been sick so I've had a baby, sick 5 year old, and sick husband to take care of.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Now I am really wishing I hadn't read this thread. =( Here are my stats:

    30yrs old
    Pre-pregnancy- 134
    Weight 2 days before birth- 178 - YIKES! 44lb gain
    6 weeks PP- 157
    7 months PP (today exactly)- 167

    I nursed for 3 months, then lost my supply. Gained 10 pounds trying to keep it. I'm pretty active and log everything I eat.

    I recently cut out all processed foods and refined sugar. I'm losing inches, but my weight will NOT budge. I'm sooo jealous of you ladies that lost the weight so easily. =(

    We wanted to start trying for #2 in March, but I just can't see adding any more weight onto my body at this point. SO sad.

    You and I are very similar! not with our actual weight, but our gain/loss patterns...I gained 44lbs during pregnancy and have only lost 15 of it and my son is 9 months old. I'm breastfeeding and am constantly starving, ahhh! We are hoping to try again at this time next year and I have about 60-70lbs to get to where I'd be comfortable being pregnant again, so I need to get a move on...
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 156
    Weight at 39 weeks: 178

    4 days post partum (would have been 40w!) 164
    1 week post partum 161
    2 week post partum 157
    3 week post partum 156

    Well that's that. I meant to weigh in yesterday but my husband and daughter have been sick so I've had a baby, sick 5 year old, and sick husband to take care of.

    Wow! That's amazing!! So cool to be back to pre-pregnancy weight so fast :) Are you at goal weight now or do you still have more you would like to lose?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    My goal weight is 130, so I've got a ways to go yet! I didn't expect to be back at pre-preg yet, I'm not really sure how that happened actually. I'm definitely not trying to lose weight, and I don't get cleared to try or to exercise until my 6 week follow up. The weight is nice but what bugs me is how squishy my belly is...can't wait for that to go back to normal!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Weight gained during pregnancy: 30 lbs

    1 Month PP: - 14

    2 Months PP: -16

    3 Months PP: -18

    4 Months PP: -20

    I need to speed this up...8 to go until pre-preggo weight and then 40 more until I'm comfortable again! lol.
  • mediclady2010
    with my first pregnancy (singleton) gained 40+
    with my second pregnancy (singleton) gained 25
    with my third pregnancy (twin) gained 18

    although the majority of both my first and second pregnancy weight came off there is still that little extra that still didn't come off. then I got pregnant with twins. I didn't gain much but it was a rough pregnancy and since there was complications the kids were use to bottle feeding, so bf ing didn't last long and then milk dried up.

    currently 9 weeks PP and just barely started to feel good enough to get up and do some tummy stuff since we ended up having a c section.

    right after delivery the next week or so I went 12 lbs below pre pregnancy weight and then all the frustrations that happened after that I gained it all back :( I need to get this gone and below pre pregnancy weight. I want my hubby to look at me like he did when we first started seeing each other.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Will be doing this all over again now!

    To update:

    Pre-preg: 135 lbs*
    Highest-preg weight: 175 lbs*
    6wk PP: 164 lbs
    5 mo PP: 162 lbs (oops - wake up call!)
    Lowest PP weight (about 15 mo PP): 107 lbs

    Annnnnd pregnant again! Hope I can be as successful with the weight loss this time around

    * = estimate. The scale and I didn't make peace until after my delivery.