


  • starberrylynn
    starberrylynn Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm BobbiLynn, 136lbs. at a ridiculous 5'1. I'm at about 5 weeks PP. 2 boys(5 weeks, and 22 months). I haven't even started my weight loss journey yet but I'm ready! I've lived a totally sedentary lifestyle for almost 3 years now(I go for the occasional walk) but I struggle with "going out" or "meeting people". So, this online thing might work for me :)
  • dnhousewife
    Hi there,

    I lost about 40 pounds about a year ago. Then something terrible happened that shook my world, and I can honestly say that I am still not over it. I havent worked out a day since and now I am the heaviest I have ever been. I really dont know how I am going to get back on track. I have the normal obstacles such as time, money and resources working against me, but now I am lacking desire and motivation. I would like to lose 45 pounds but I really need some friends to support me. I look forward to seeing what happens.
  • Jess05071981
    Jess05071981 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello name is Jessica. I am 32 years old, 4'11", weighing 157lbs. I am a mom of 2 boys ages 7 and 9. I have recently quit smoking and I am taking this opportunity to get healthy. I am engaged and we are planning a wedding for Summer 2015. Since having children I have struggled with my weight. I have lost weight but always gain it back. I need to make this a life change not a temp thing!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 92 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm a 32 yr old SAHM to my 3 yr old daughter.
    I'm 5 ft and need to loose about 25 lbs.
    I am determined to get this weight off in a healthy way and keep it off!
    My goal is a lb a week through diet and exercise.
  • MommaWho
    MommaWho Posts: 7 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm new to MFP and am looking to get all the excess weight off. I'm a mom of a 3 year old lil man and need all the help I can get!

  • JessicaJ723
    Hi! I am a 30 year old mother of 2. My daughter is 10 and my son 8. I would ideally love to lose 40 lbs. I have had almost 20 lbs creep up on me in the last 4 months : ( the last time I weighed this much is when I was pregnant with my son. I'm concerned that it may be due to a thyroid problem but before I explore that I want to try and lose this first 20. I used my Fitness pal 2 summers ago and lost 20 lbs !!! Things look so different now and I'm still finding my way around. Feel free to send me a friend request if you would like : )
  • addicted2numbers
    addicted2numbers Posts: 83 Member
    Hello my name is Michelle. I am 21 and I have a 20 month old daughter. I gave birth at 249 lbs and am now 138 lbs. I am trying to tone up after all that weight loss and lose a little more! Anybody can add me. :) Also I am from Pennsylvania.
  • Mom3b3g
    Mom3b3g Posts: 10
    Hi, all! I'm 33, SAHM to 6 kids aged 13 years to 6 months. I've started to get serious about cooking and eating healthy, but that means I spend tons more time in the kitchen. Haven't yet figured out how to make time for a regular workout. But I'm trying!

    I started at 208 and want to get down to 150. I'm here for the motivation to DO it!
  • wonderwoman_1972
    Hi all my name is Alicia Lucas! I am a a stay at home mom of 5 and I homeschool, so finding the time to work out and stay motivated to take care of myself quite often falls to the way side more often then not. I am weighing in at 234 lbs, YIKES1 and i am looking to do several things, Make sure I eat fruits and/or veggies with each drink water, water, water, getting at least 30 minutes of activity into my life at lease 5 times a week aside from the cleaning, household stuff i do already and my immediate goal in weightloss is to get done below 200lbs for starters, once we get there I will re-evaluate and think of my weight loss goal. And I totally need to be kept accountable and motivated. I hope to make some new friends too.
  • lmisskatie
    Hello! My name is Katie. My reason for losing weight is my daughter, plain and simple. I used to be around 210, got pregnant and went down to a 194! Then I ended up gaining it all back and was at a 210. I was depressed and decided it was TIME. I am now down to 198 and I have little goals that will eventually get me to my goal of 140. My first goal was to get under 200. Check! Next is to get 180. :)
  • jcoleman2011
    jcoleman2011 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all you wonderful motivated mommas! I'm not new to MFP, as i started it a year ago, gave up, and then came back about a month ago, and have been on everyday since. I am determined to make this happen this time. I am a 31 year old SAHM to my 3 1/2 year old boy Hudson and 18 month old daughter Aiyana. I have always struggled with my weight and holding myself accountable, and having some other moms who are in the same boat and all about always trying again until it sticks is what i need. So any of you lovely ladies want to friend me, i am open,and if you need help, i do good motivating others, which in turn motivates me. I am at about 245 lbs and would like to get to 160. Long journey ahead, but hey, last year flew by, and if I can just focus and make the right choices, and decide to live for me, and live healthy, then this time next year will be even brighter!

    I have come to a conclusion recently that I am addicted to food, sugar and carbs to be specific. So, those are my monsters, and I'm trying to face them down. I've been successful at quitting drugs in the past, and more recent quitting smoking once and for all, so i'm sure with the right attitude and the right group of motivators around me that i can be successful, and i"m sure all of you can meet your goals as well, and we can be happy, healthy moms for our children!

  • loveart1981
    Hello All!!
    I am a mom my 4 year old son, 2 year old daughter, and soon to be 11 year old step daughter. I teach art full time to middle school students and I have an amazing fiance. I am so blessed and I absolutely love my life....except the extra 20 pounds I am carrying around. Sometimes life gets kinda crazy. Eating out all the time and ignoring my workouts for a year took its toll. I recently got engaged to the love of my life. I can't wait to marry him in a year!! When I do I want to be back to my healthy happy weight. Doing all that it taking some serious work and scheduling. Finding time to exercise and count calories is not the easiest when you have the responsibilities of motherhood and a full time job. I have been trying for a week to get it together! Yesterday was the first time I was at at my calorie goal due to careful planning and taking time to exercise. Wooohoooo!!! I can't wait till it all just becomes my regular schedule and isn't as hard anymore!
  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    Looking for like-minded Moms. I have 4 sons and a busy life. Starting weight 227, Current weight 217, Goal weight 145 or under. Just would like to get into my pre-pregnancy clothes. My "baby" is 3 years old and it's time to stop blaming my weight on him!
  • WantingNumber3
    Hi everyone! My name is Tamara and I'm a stay at home mom to two children. My son is 2 and my daughter is 9 months. My husband and I plan to start trying to conceive baby number 3 around the middle of next year. I had pretty miserable pregnancies with both of my children, and I think my weight was largely to blame. I had pre-eclampsia and severe hip/pelvic pain. I told my husband I don't want to go through another pregnancy until I'm at a healthier weight, so here I am! I look forward to making new friends and helping each other reach our goals.
  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    Hello, I'm 30 and work full time. My daughter is 2 yo. I did MFP at the begining of 2013 with good results, i lost about 12 lb in 4 months or so. Hubby is getting closer to willing to try for #2 and I'd rather be starting my weight gain from lower than my current weight. I'm 5'2.5 at 144 lb about what i maintained after having my daughter. I love yoga and have been meaning to get back into it. My work schedule has picked up since i did MFP last. I have time to exercise sometimes but never take it because i "should" be working on paperwork. What happens instead is i waste time other ways. Maybe if i exercise I'll be feeling more ready to buckle down. In other news my brother is getting married next summer. I'd like to look thinner again for those pictures. I'd rather be fit and pregnant honestly, but whatever. I know i need to be more active to feel good like i did before. Tracking gets so dull :( and it was hard to stay with it when i got to my goal, then it was hard to go back because i didnt want to have to track again. I'm determined though since my reasons are strong and I have a time goal if not a weight goal. Anyway, Please add me :)
  • HollyBBC
    Hey. My name is Holly and I am also working on losing a bit of weight. I am looking to meet new people and be a motivator as much as I can. My current weight is about 148 and I would like to be at 135 or so. It doesn't seem like a lot, but these last few pounds are brutal to get rid of.
  • mama_chubs
    Hello all! My name is Andrea, 34, and I am here to lose about 15-20 pounds. Other than the reflection I see in the mirror, here are the comments I have heard that are motivating me to lose the weight:

    "Your not chubby mama, you're just fat," says my four year old. She started calling me chubs when I was pregnant... because of daddy of course! :)
    "Are you sure you don't have a tumor or something in your belly? You've lost weight other places but your belly just doesn't look right," says a friend.
    "You ONLY look about 4 months pregnant babe," says my husband.
    "Your metabolism is just doing down because of your age and you will keep more fat in your midsection," says my obgyn's nurse.

    I had my second daughter over a year ago and I thought that for sure, by now, I would be back to "normal," but my love for food, lack of self control when trying to fatten up my four year old daughter, and the fact that I feel stretched very thin between being a mom, a wife, and a full-time teacher have all added up to an extra 20 lbs that I MUST get rid of. I'm motivated to not only lose weight, but get healthy. I would love as many friends on here as possible! I used to be a cheerleader, so I would love to cheer some of you on.
  • mama_chubs
    I would love to help motivate! I too had a c-section and man, it's so much harder to lose weight I think! My stomach is just so weak and still sticks out. The fact that I have a small chest makes it seem to stick out that much worse. :) Hee hee. We can do this one day at a time!!!
  • NPLatta
    Hello. I've been using MFP for about a month now. I'm currently 158 and would like to get down to 145 and eventually to 130. I've been doing fairly good but I'd like some ideas on how to incorporate weekly goals with rewards.
  • NikoleFrancesca
    Hi I'm new to mfp and a mummy to a 1 year old.... I defo need to shift the weight I gained this past year and then some