November check-in and chat



  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Been lifting, but have had little online time.

    Lifting at home is still the best thing ever. On days when I don't want to, the equipment stares at me and makes me get my butt in gear and do it.

    Plus, I finally noticed that I have sets of odd weights, 35 lb, 22 lb, 11 lb, 5.5 lb, so I've been increasing in smaller increments and it really helps.

    Deadlifts are stalled at 200 though, I think mostly due to an old back injury, but I'm working through it.

    OHP: 86 pounds!

    BP: 106 (going up to 110 next workout)

    BBR: 106 (also going up to 110 next time)

    Squats: 122 right now, going up next time.

    So, I'm moving ahead, but way slower than I'd like.

    Oh, and I lift barefoot too. Shoes just seem to throw my balance off something terrible.

    Great work! I'm way behind on BBR. I just can't pull it up to my bench press (or even my OHP).

    Oh, and I think the odd weights might be metric: 11lb and 22lb are 5kg and 10kg respectively.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Workout check-in:

    Switched in front squats for the first time ever with a single set of light back squats (because I just plain love them). All at 40kg. 3x5 then 1x10.
    OHP - 40kg - 3 sets of five reps
    Deadlift - 80kg - 4 reps (failed the 5th rep, but better than the 2 reps last time).
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Wow, I go away for the weekend, and look at all the awesome that happens up in here.

    Silly ladies - need I remind you that we all lift according to our own ability? Each of us LIFTS BARBELLS, therefore there is no comparing the amazing - it applies equally. :smile:

    RE: Shoes - I do almost all my lifts in my Chucks, but I've found that when I do sumo deadlifts I need to take them off - I'm thinking I might start taking them off for squats too to help with the lateral slide.

    It's important to remember that SL, as written, was written for men trying to get strong - not women, and especially not women who may be lifting in a caloric deficit. So yes, only increase your weights when you can do it with great form, and don't worry that you are doing something 'wrong.' The food REALLY impacts how linear your progression can be. I've been eating at maintenance for 3 months, and moving right along, progressing nicely. Prior to that I was lifting at a pretty severe deficit, and had stalled out on every lift, for a long time. It's not wrong to lift at a deficit, either - but it does mean that you might not go as fast as the program is set up to go.

    I started round 3 of Wendler, and I probably should have waited until tomorrow, because my main lift was SUCKTASTIC.

    1x5 @60
    1x5 @70
    1x3 @80 - I needed to get 5, wanted 8, and barely got the 3rd one up. Grumble grumple weight I've done before grumble grumble. It happens, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. :smile:

    5x10 @45

    And then I got in 15 minutes at level 7 on what I call the Stairsteps of Doom (you know, the kind where it's just a rotating staircase). I hate that thing, but I needed to cram in some intense cardio, and it was the only thing open.

    What she said! I also failed on reps today. Was supposed to do 135x5 on bench but only got 3. Wah wah wahhhhhhhh. I did my 180x5 on squat, 95x5 on row, and also did dip plank supersets. wheee. Then I went to the Y and rowed my imaginary boat and people watched for 30 minutes.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Hey ladies!! I've been MIA for a few weeks - a perfect storm of crap events, paired with Halloween (which is a really big deal in my house). Halloween was all good fun, but the crap events included spraining my ankle a few weeks ago, which has kept me out of the gym, and being swamped at work (including hitting the office on the weekend and late nights), which has kept me off the internets. The ankle sprain could NOT have been more stupid - rolled it drunk-walking home after my local beer fest the SAME day i had my very best ever 12-mile training run. And the timing sucks - it was 3 weekends before my half marathon. I'm still pretty mad at myself. This was, hands down, my best-ever training cycle for a race, and I was lined up to blow my PR out of the water on it. Ug.

    The ankle still isn't 100%, but my physical therapist is working on it. I do think I could be back under the bar this week - at least everything except maybe needing to deload my squats. But now it's the week of my half, so no lifting. Ahhhh, timing. I'm hoping to be back in the gym next week. Eased back into running/cardio last week, and still gonna run this half!

    So, my only workout updates are I upped my kettlebell weight on my new kettlebell circuit last week - and my booty was *dying* the rest of the day.

    Welcome to the new/returning folks!

    ETA - Holy hell on that squat Fitree. You kill those numbers!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I will read everything tomorrow when I have more time, but wanted to check in for workout...

    Bench 4x5 for 110
    Row 4x5 for 85
    Squat 4x5 for 135.

    Felt good today. I didn't have time for one more set all the way around, so stopped at 4 sets and 2 warm up sets. Squat felt particularly good today. I am well below parallel now, and can feel muscles I didn't know I had.:drinker:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    You ladies are awesome! Yesterday was my 2nd time doing Workout B. I stayed at 50lbs 5x5 on my squats, but I'm still not quite getting to parallel on every rep. I tried putting 2.5lb plates under my heels, but then I could feel all the weight on my toes, so I kicked them out of the way. I'm going to continue doing BW squats every day and do Agile 8/Simple 6 to help with flexibility. I managed 30lbs on OHP, with decent form, but I'm not sure I can up the weight next B workout. I tried doing rack pulls in place of deadlifts from the floor, since I didn't feel like stacking up plates, but I didn't really feel like I was accomplishing anything, so I did 50lbs without setting the bar down after each rep and tried to concentrate on form.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    "What she said! I also failed on reps today. Was supposed to do 135x5 on bench but only got 3. Wah wah wahhhhhhhh. I did my 180x5 on squat, 95x5 on row, and also did dip plank supersets. wheee. Then I went to the Y and rowed my imaginary boat and people watched for 30 minutes."

    WOW! You are super-strong too.
    I was going to make a joke about how I feel bad that you *only* got 3 at 135 on benches, but realized it might not come off in a joking manner online, so thought better of it. Let's just say- I'm impressed - another lifting inspiration, you are.

    *slinks off for OHP day with a goal (submax) on my Wendler program of a whole 60 pounds, LOL*
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    so.. second session at the new gym. It was heaving! must have been 15-20 people in there! Anyway, I wussed out a bit which I'm cross with myself about, but it is what it is..

    squat 60kg 3 (suddenly had a derp moment and wondered if I should be doing 50kg as it felt so heavy..) 5 5 but not pretty. sure the post holiday form has gone to pot, but as I was the only girl in the place (except for someone having some standard pt) I didn't feel like fannying around with my cobbled together film kit and there wasn't space tonight anyway. grr. On the second rep of the last set my inner right thigh suddenly got tight, so I was a bit worried about hurting myself too.

    bench 37.5kg 555 a few were s-l-o-w up but felt fine. Back up next time.

    then I pondered doing rows, but there wasn't anywhere to do them. They just finished making their platform yesterday but someone was doing pullups in the power cage right in front of it so I didn't want to get in the way.. and now I've got bumper plates to play with I want to start learning power cleans. But I wussed out.

    back is ok but then I didn't do anything that involves bending over.

    I'm not a wuss so I'm cross with myself for wussing out!
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    hope it's ok to pop right in. Total Noob here. I was going to do Les Mills PUMP for 90 days then start lifting heavy, but have done some research and taken feedback from MFP forums on board and am going to start my program tomorrow. I am going to do Starting Strength, which from what I can tell is very similar to 5X5.

    I am going to have an interesting time though I think, been reading a lot from Starting Strength on form and yesterday I had induction at my gym, and discussed the squat with the PT that was taking the induction, and she kept telling me to stop pushing my knees out and point my toes only a smidge, no where near 30degrees, to keep my eyeline straight and not drop too low.

    So for tomorrow I am thinking about printing out a few pages for the PT (a different one) I will be working with, do you think that would be ok?

    Also I was working on the squat form last night - no bar in front of a mirror. And my heels want to lift whenever I get into the bottom position (I don't think quite *kitten* to grass but low). Any tips on what I am doing wrong? I also feel like I am going to fall over forwards (Well duh cos heels are raised) but my feet/ankle/calves feel too tight to flatten them? Do I stay a bit higher till I can get that low? Hints Tips?

    Everyone in this group is very inspiring, the newbies and the veterans all of you *gushes*
  • Dziasmith
    Dziasmith Posts: 16 Member
    I am also a super newbie! I am mostly excited that I am getting more and more comfortable in the weight room. Still a bit intimidating but I am pushing through it. I am also almost up to the olympic bar in all lifts and should get there soon enough.

    Qski, I wish I could offer you some suggestions but I am still learning the squat form myself. I don't have the challenge of lifting my heels (at least right now!) but I'm sure others can give you some great pointers.

    You all are inspiring!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    aww thanks 6550mom. 60 is awesome for OHP. Keep in mind I've been lifting for quite a while, and have some beneficial genetics from my awesome mom. When I was talking back to her in HS once she snapped a CD in half like it was nothing! :laugh: Progression on the bar is pretty baller whether it's 30lbs or 300lbs.

    One thing that really helps for getting past parallel/keeping heels down is ankle mobility drills. Ankle circles, writing the alphabet with your toes etc. (You will not be graded on penmanship.)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    If I had my choice between taking form instructions from Rippetoe versus some other random PT ... then that choice for me is Rippetoe, hands down, every time.

    Starting Strength is a proven program that works extremely well, put together by someone who's been a strength training coach for decades and who has trained professional athletes.

    So yea, print out what you gotta, and take it to your PT and educate him/her. If they don't like it, get a different PT. Cause that's your knees, bones and joint and you want to make sure to lift with the best proven form possible.

    These are great for squat form too:
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    One thing that really helps for getting past parallel/keeping heels down is ankle mobility drills. Ankle circles, writing the alphabet with your toes etc. (You will not be graded on penmanship.)

    LOLs - thanks for that. I am very particular about my penmanship but I think I may forgive myself if my letters are not well formed!
    and thanks for the other links @DaniH826.

    Fingers Crossed PT is amenable to being told what I want as opposed to telling me what I want.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Ditto what Dani said - form videos from someone who knows what they are doing > spotty advice in person. Squats with bad form will jank up your knees and back quick, so it's worth the effort to develop perfect form with just body weight squats before adding any weight.

    What worked for me (both in terms of tweaking my form and getting lower) was doing 50 body weight squats a day, broken into 5 sets of 10. I just did them throughout the day (while waiting for breakfast to cook, couple of brain breaks at work, while brushing my teeth, etc. - usually kept a post it note and tallied up 5 sets). It helps develop that muscle memory for good form, develops flexibility, and lays a foundation of strength you build on with weights. Try it - start at parallel (use a chair/bench/toilet as a touchdown guide), and after a few days, once that starts feeling easy, drop your depth to below parallel. Good luck!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I also highly recommend body weight squats to practice with. It's what I did. If you haven't squatted anything to speak of in years and years (like I did), then you will have to develop the muscle memory and flexibility to do what you did naturally as a toddler. It happens. No worries, you'll be up to speed before long. :smile:

    I will also say that barbell training has gone a long way to teach me proper lifting mechanics outside the weight room also. It's really pretty awesome how everything you do in the weight room somehow translates over into the real world after a while, in the way you move around day to day.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    they say if you can sit on the toilet, you can squat! knees out is actually a very helpful cue, and your toe position will be determined by your body shape - it will take a bit of working out as you go along, so don't be wedded to the idea of 30 degrees - you may need a little more or a little less :)

    Rippetoe knows his stuff and there is also a forum over at with lots of wise and experienced people - you can post videos there too for feedback.
  • grandevampire
    When I was talking back to her in HS once she snapped a CD in half like it was nothing!
    I mental pictured then lol'd. That is all.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    When I was talking back to her in HS once she snapped a CD in half like it was nothing!
    I mental pictured then lol'd. That is all.
    What's a CD?
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I assumed compact disc.. you know, before everyone had ipods lol. I think it was an ironic comment about her mother's strength :)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I assumed compact disc.. you know, before everyone had ipods lol. I think it was an ironic comment about her mother's strength :)

    Actually CDs (yes, compact discs) are not all that easy to snap in half.

    Then again, if her kid was a teenager at the time and drove her through the roof with that teenage attitude, then anger might have helped snap that CD.

    Not that I would know what that's like or anything, having raised 5 kids thru their teenage years ... *whistles innocently*

    10% deload day for me today. I'm really enjoying my modified AllPro's so far. Hope to stick with it through the winter months so that hopefully my only holiday gains will be in the weight room this year. That would be a first. :drinker: