Running accountability!



  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I was running in the mornings in March. I wore long running pants, a tshirt, a light running jacket with pockets, headband-style earwarmers, and gloves. As I warmed up the gloves would come off (into the pockets) and by spring the jacket too (tied around my waist) but I kept the headband on through the run. Hate cold ears! I hear some people run in shorts all year round but I've been wearing my long pants for a couple months already, lol.

    Everyone cooperated with allowing me to get my run in after work yesterday. I felt like I was running through sludge but I actually increased my time a little bit. I'm going to switch to after-work runs until it gets so cold I can't stand it, then I might have to consider a short-term gym membership. Can't afford to stop running over the winter like I did last year, too many gains since then!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I pic up lots of great and cheap running gear at Old Navy, Ross, Marshalls, TJ Max, Target, Kolh's has good sales. I have a hard time spending a lot of money if I know I can get things much cheaper.

    There are a few things I will invest and pay full price for, the right shoes & compression pants for long distances. I go cheap and bargain hunt on almost everything else.

    I am in taper mode so I will be running shorter distances and slower speeds until my marathon. 12 days!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks all for the gear & shopping tips! I'll go shopping on my lunch and see what I can find. Last night I wore an old pair of yoga pants that I usually wear under my hockey gear. They were ok, for now.

    I haven't been great about running every other day for the past week; busy, and the weather hasn't been cooperating. I ran W8D1 last night, and KILLED it! 28 minutes non-stop, and I ran 4.04 km during that segment. Ok, I'm not going to win any races with that pace, but it's WAY faster than the 5K I did on my treadmill the other day. 5.4 mph/8.7 kph vs. 4.9 mph/7.8 kph.

    If I can maintain that pace for my race on Sunday, I'll finish just under 35 minutes! So, that's the goal I'm gonna aim for (but I'll be ecstatic with any time, as it's a guaranteed personal best!)
  • I am missing running so much and am very proud of all of you who are enduring the elements. I hate cold. Hate Hate. Hate.
    My broken treadmill is staring at me from the corner of the basement and I need to find a repair company who wont' charge me the cost of a new treadmill to fix the bolt that broke when I tightened the belt too much. (way to go, Jen)

    You are all kicking serious *kitten* and I am looking forward to your race results! Keep it up, girls!!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    5km TM run at lunch today for me!

  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    SlotB - I must be a weirdo. It was 7C (45F), and I got too hot on my run. I was going to wear a long-sleeve underarmour with a tshirt over top, medium weight track pants, and gloves. DH told me to wear my cycling jacket for more visibility (it has reflective tape & I was running after dark), so I skipped the tshirt. That's the last time I listen to DH :even with the underarm vents totally open, I was roasting. Plus, it's a cycling jacket, so is long & has a "bum flap", which kept getting caught on my hips and pulling, which was really annoying. I do have to concede, I don't really enjoy stepping outside and that first shock. But once I get going... But then again, I am the one who loves playing hockey because it's the only sport (other than swimming in cold water) that I have ever been able to "give it" my all, without passing out from overheating.

    Pandora - I WISH I could run on lunch - but I sweat buckets when I exercise, and would have to redo my hair & makeup before going back to work.

    Last night I had a terrible run. W8D2. Which is the same as W8D1 which I rocked on Tuesday.

    The difference? Tuesday I had a granola bar on the way home before I ran. Yesterday, I didn't eat anything after lunch and ran before dinner. What did I learn? EAT SOMETHING!

    But, I am proud of myself for being too stubborn to quit even though the run was sucking. Seriously, I was ready to pack it in at 8 minutes; legs heavy, no spring in my step, was ready to go home...all the rationalizations you make to justify not doing something. But I didn't cave and quit, so I'll take that as a victory!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    But, I am proud of myself for being too stubborn to quit even though the run was sucking. Seriously, I was ready to pack it in at 8 minutes; legs heavy, no spring in my step, was ready to go home...all the rationalizations you make to justify not doing something. But I didn't cave and quit, so I'll take that as a victory!

    I'm proud of you too! You did it even though you didn't want to. Great self-discipline and see how great you feel today!! :)
  • But, I am proud of myself for being too stubborn to quit even though the run was sucking. Seriously, I was ready to pack it in at 8 minutes; legs heavy, no spring in my step, was ready to go home...all the rationalizations you make to justify not doing something. But I didn't cave and quit, so I'll take that as a victory!

    I'm proud of you too! You did it even though you didn't want to. Great self-discipline and see how great you feel today!! :)

    Ditto what she said! I, too, sweat like crazy when I run. I look like I just went for a swim in my clothes. I think I could handle 40s without much a problem, but 30s and below would be a tough mental obstacle.

    Anyone know a treadmill repair company? Lol...seriously, I just need to bite the bullet and call someone so I can run again before next spring.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I had my 5K this morning, and I ran it in an unbelievable 32:37! I was fingers crossed hoping for sub-35, so I KILLED IT! Woohoo!
  • I had my 5K this morning, and I ran it in an unbelievable 32:37! I was fingers crossed hoping for sub-35, so I KILLED IT! Woohoo!

    Yeah you killed it!! Nice job!

    Just a nice, easy jog for me today. Was a planned rest day from Jillian, but it was so pretty I had to get outdoors for a quick 2 miles.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I had my 5K this morning, and I ran it in an unbelievable 32:37! I was fingers crossed hoping for sub-35, so I KILLED IT! Woohoo!

    Congratulations!! All that hard work really paid off!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Way to go Zanne! That is a really great time, you should be so proud!!

    I decided to try to go 10K this weekend for the first time. And I made it! My furthest up until now was 5.5 miles. So 6.2 wasn't a huge stretch, there's just something about the "10K" number that sounds intimidating at first. My time was a turtle-like 1 hour 17 minutes, but I'm happy to say that I didn't have to take any walk breaks, not even on the 2 big hills on my route. I was cursing at the hills out loud as I ran up them, that seemed to help. ;)
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Way to go Zanne! That is a really great time, you should be so proud!!

    I decided to try to go 10K this weekend for the first time. And I made it! My furthest up until now was 5.5 miles. So 6.2 wasn't a huge stretch, there's just something about the "10K" number that sounds intimidating at first. My time was a turtle-like 1 hour 17 minutes, but I'm happy to say that I didn't have to take any walk breaks, not even on the 2 big hills on my route. I was cursing at the hills out loud as I ran up them, that seemed to help. ;)

    Congratulations! 10K baby!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    5km TM run done at lunch!

  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Way to go Zanne! That is a really great time, you should be so proud!!

    I decided to try to go 10K this weekend for the first time. And I made it! My furthest up until now was 5.5 miles. So 6.2 wasn't a huge stretch, there's just something about the "10K" number that sounds intimidating at first. My time was a turtle-like 1 hour 17 minutes, but I'm happy to say that I didn't have to take any walk breaks, not even on the 2 big hills on my route. I was cursing at the hills out loud as I ran up them, that seemed to help. ;)
    And congrats to you too Knit! I think 1:17 is a great time for a first 10K! You can't "sprint" it like a 5K (not like mine was a sprint lol) because you need your energy for twice as long!

    And I've decided that 10K is my next goal. Tomorrow will be my first day on the 10K trainer - W9D1
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    So I did W9D1 last night. Yikes, 10 min run, 1 min walk x 4! Made it through, and including the 5 min warmup/cooldown walking, logged just under 7.5 km. Of course, I was totally wiped afterward and wanted only to go to bed! I'm still feeling it in my legs a bit today. I have a feeling that tomorrow's run won't happen as it's Halloween and the streets will be too busy/DH and I will be out avoiding the TOTers. Not a chance of me getting up in the morning because I have hockey tonight. I definitely need more than 10 hours of rest for my legs between workouts, especially on these longer training segments!
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Did W5Day2 last night, if someone told me that in only five weeks I would be running eight minutes straigiht without passing out or having an asthma attack I would have said their crazy! But I was so proud of myself! Tommorrow is the twenty minutes straight, but with Halloween I may have to postpone until Friday. I want to keep up this momentum, even though my weight loss is somewhat non-existent at least my cardio is improving since joining the 20 by christmas challenge!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Great work Melon! And I've found the same thing too - my asthma doesn't bother me at all anymore. I think the running has helped cure it!

    I skipped my run session yesterday - it was Halloween so I knew there'd be too much foot/car traffic on the side streets I normally run on. Plus, I got my period and have terrible cramps. No way I could handle high impact bumping the cramps every stride for 40 minutes. Not a chance. The only thing that works for the pain is booze - and lots of it. Yesterday was not a good calorie day...
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    NYC marathon is tomorrow!
  • NYC marathon is tomorrow!

    I will be eager to see your post tomorrow! Best of luck - you will do wonderful!
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    I am not a runner now, I used to be - I competed in track meets every year that I was in high school and continued to run through my 20s until I had children. Picked it up again for a while when I got divorced but eventually remarried and my new husband gave me a reason to stay in bed in the mornings! You have all inspired me to give it a try again . . . any suggestions on how to start? What is the couch to 5k - online resource, group class, book?
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I was reading about the NYC marathon in today's paper; looks like they had a great time! I heard the women's finish was really exciting. Apparently the 2nd place finisher was in the lead for something like 24 miles and then got passed up in the last 2. WOW.

    takerbrat: I downloaded the C25K app from the British NHS on my ipod. She coaches you through 3 workouts/week for 9 weeks. I think most C25K programs have a similar schedule. Nowadays I listen to a running story game called "Zombies, Run!" when I go out and that app, while pricey at $8 or $9, includes a separate 5K training program right in the app. Then when you graduate from 5K you can listen to the regular storyline and run from invading zombie hordes! I love it.

    I came thisclose to doing another 10K this weekend, got to 5.975 miles. Still slow and steady, as always. The difference yesterday was that I felt like I still had a little gas left in the tank when I finished. My weight loss, like my running pace, is very slow, but I feel like I'm making improvements in stamina and energy.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Marathon was amazing experience. It was a gorgeous day and the crowd support was amazing. I loved evey minute of it until about mile 23-24. Then I just wanted it to be over. My running partner and the crowds around/in central park helped me get through the last 3 miles. I was a slower than I was hoping to be but I honestly don't think I could have run any faster. It felt like I was running FAST! LOL.

    When it was over I was in so much pain. but after sleep hot shower and massage I am only a tiny bit sore.

  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Marathon was amazing experience. It was a gorgeous day and the crowd support was amazing. I loved evey minute of it until about mile 23-24. Then I just wanted it to be over. My running partner and the crowds around/in central park helped me get through the last 3 miles. I was a slower than I was hoping to be but I honestly don't think I could have run any faster. It felt like I was running FAST! LOL.

    When it was over I was in so much pain. but after sleep hot shower and massage I am only a tiny bit sore.


    Well done!!!! Woo hoo!!!! I'm in complete and utter awe.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Takerbrat - Zen Labs has a free C25K trainer. I have an iPhone, so downloaded it from the itunes store. I like the fact that it integrates the prompts with your personal playlist. It's a great program, and allowed me to run my first 5K. Seriously, I was NOT a runner before, and now I (sorta) am!

    Redredy9 - AWESOME! A marathon is a huge achievement - there are not a lot of people on the planet who can do it. Seriously, be VERY proud of yourself! And 5:03 is a great time! Congrats!

    I'll be running in the dark tonight after work. With the time change, the sun sets at 5:04 pm today, and I work until 5:30. Fun times!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Does anybody else get completely wiped out after a run? I ran last night when I got home from work - the actual running portion was about 4 miles / 6.5 km. My (slow) pace is 5.5 mph/8.8 km/h, and when I finished it, I was DONE. Like sit on the couch and don't move done. I didn't have this happen in the C25K trainer - so, is this normal or do I need to dial it back a bit? I've seen advice floating around to not increase your distance more than 10% week over week - and the jump between W8 of C25K and W9 of 10K is an additional 10 minutes of run time. Which is approximately 1.5 km. That's a 30% distance increase WOW. Is that the problem? Or does it not matter at these small distances?
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Does anybody else get completely wiped out after a run? I ran last night when I got home from work - the actual running portion was about 4 miles / 6.5 km. My (slow) pace is 5.5 mph/8.8 km/h, and when I finished it, I was DONE. Like sit on the couch and don't move done. I didn't have this happen in the C25K trainer - so, is this normal or do I need to dial it back a bit? I've seen advice floating around to not increase your distance more than 10% week over week - and the jump between W8 of C25K and W9 of 10K is an additional 10 minutes of run time. Which is approximately 1.5 km. That's a 30% distance increase WOW. Is that the problem? Or does it not matter at these small distances?

    yes - so many variable go into how you feel during and after a run. I've done marathons and then gone out to party but I've also done plenty of 3 milers that left me ready for bed. It could be sleep, nutrition, hydration, stress, or your body adjusting to the increased exercise or even the time change (I know I've been going to bed earlier this week). You are also in a building stage as you work on increasing your distance so its probably going to feel like its taking a lot out of you until you get used to it but you will get used to it and probably sooner than you think.

    I wouldn't worry about increasing more than 10% at this stage in the game. Just try it and see how you do! If its too much you can just keep repeating W8 until you are ready to step up to W9 right?

    ETA: Good work and keep it up!
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Help! Since I've been picking up speed and distance with couch to 5km I have the most horrible giant blisters on my ARCHES! I have two month old addidas runners, running socks, blister pad covers, you name it but nothing seems to work! I made it to W6D2 but I couldn't walk around after becuase my blisters were insane, just at work I have blister pads on and have tapped my feet so I can get around the office without hobbling. Today i am missing out on W6D3 becuase they are still in terrible shape from Tuesday...

    Any advice???
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    It sounds like the arches of your shoes are too high for the arches of your feet. All I can really suggest is new shoes built for people with flatter feet.

    Try these shoe finders:

    Believe me I know that it sucks having to replace almost new shoes but if you have flat feet and your shoes have high arches there is really no other solution.
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks Red!