Let's get started



  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    The last couple of days have been a bit hectic but I am quite pleased to say that I have done my Nordic Track each day and yesterday I made a very strong effort with Jillian and have some soreness today to prove it. Thankfully I do not think it is serious. I also rode my horse yesterday and have walked at least 1 1/2 miles with Nellie both days. Today was fairly mild and I tried to get more leaf raking done but there is still more to do. I also had to do a thorough floor cleaning throughout in the morning so I think I got a reasonable amount of exercise in despite giving Jillian a pass today. I really felt I needed to rest some muscles. While I was at a local mall today on another task, I stopped into a couple of clothing stores and ended up buying a very nice blouse and cardigan sweater, both in a rich burgundy colour. The blouse is a small print, the burgundy is the background and the print features small black horses, well detailed, and of course something that would appeal to me- plus they were both significantly reduced in price so better yet.
    P.B. ,you are doing so well with your swimming- very impressive. You are correct about the need for planning. I don't always have an exact plan for what I will eat for every meal but the closer to it I am the better. Also if I am hungry, I don't like to wait a long time for something to be prepared and cook- it is more likely then that I will snack or eat something totally bad for me. I do try to have on hand a number of things that I can prepare quickly if necessary. Prepared ahead soups are always good to have. Also I like to always have some boneless/skinless chicken breast cooked and frozen so that I can quickly defrost them in the microwave.
    I like to put a piece of chicken into a fry pan with about 1/2 teaspoon of oil and grill it to add to a salad, perhaps a takeaway from the grocery store. I have become a big fan of poached egg whites (sometimes I use a whole egg too but I try not to eat too many) which I really love to have with a bit of strong grated cheese melted on top and ketchup. Sometimes I have even made porridge for lunch or dinner- I especially like it with some added dates or dried apricots.
    MITM, thanks for reminding me about making response cards. I have not done new ones for awhile and would benefit from your advice here. Also must say how impressed I was with the number of steps you did each day while on holiday.
    Must jump to the Shred site and report now. Regards.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well done Bracken - sounds like you are on a roll at the moment. wish I had similar focus - but I made a thick vegetable soup yesterday and have that for my lunch today so hope I will be quite good this week. Just 1.4 miles from Calais now and then I'm going to concentrate on going to the Gym. weight is going on a bit so need to focus on both food and exercise I think.

    Need to find the new thread too - see you all there.

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member

    Have put the line in above to mark my fresh start. Apologies for not being in for so long. I tend to log in on my phone app, and cant get to the boards so easily, but I am going to make a big effort to get here more often.

    So after a weekend of work, and a work friend telling me all about her joining slimming world and being focussed and finding it relatively easy, I have decided to take the plunge and go back to it. I have decided to join online this time, as the local meeting clashes with Zumba and Im not prepared to give up an hour of physical activity to get weighed and sit in a meeting. So I have WI this morning at 14st3lb, and have set an interim target of 13st (I know that still sounds like a lot of weight to carry, but I am naturally a heavy person). I have been refreshing myself on the plan and a few bits are coming back to me, so hopefully I should fall onto the plan ok. After focussing on the plan, it feels like I have been asleep and I have realised this morning that my eating habits have slipped and I am over eating on all the wrong things once again, and have been slipping into bad habits far to easily, so am tightening the reins. I will start eating breakfast again, drinking my water and eating fruit and veg before going for the chocolate bars and those scales will shift.

    Weight issues aside, all is well here, busy as normal but good. Daisy has gone off to preschool today, so I am enjoying a couple of hours to myself after a busy weekend at work. We have children in need on Friday at the preschool which will be fun - the children will be coming in wearing spots, and having a teddy bears picnic. we will also be having a cake stall to raise money. The rest of the week is much of a normal week for us. Have you all started the Christmas shopping yet? I really should start to get some ideas together. I have got all of the ingredients in for my Christmas cake (not sure SW will approve of it though!!) and I am planning to get all my ingredients together for my Christmas puddings, which I will make on stir-up Sunday at the end of the month.

    Hope everyone is keeping well, I have missed so many post that I think it would take me forever to catch up but would love it if you could all give me a summary of where you are at with healthy lifestyle and any quick updates on happenings.
    Be back soon. x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi All, New8, so good to see you here. Hard to believe it's "Pudsey" time again. My Granddaughter is so excited about it, she told me on the phone this weekend. Wish you well with SW.
    Thank you all for the birthday wishes, apart from a dreadful start (tell all later!) I had a good time. I came home at 12 am on the day after popping out for a few things and OH was at home, he told me to pack a bag and surprised me with a "staycation" of a stay at the Marina Bay Sands. (it's on Google!). We had a suite on the 47th floor and the view was amazing. I have been there several times, to the Theatre, shopping and nights out, but had never stayed there. I am so proud of myself because I went in the infinity pool on the 57th floor. I am so afraid of heights but even swam to the edge. OH was very impressed as he knew how much I was shaking! The food was excellent and I did my very best to eat and drink wisely but the mini bar was replenished several times after boozy midnight snacks!! I think I did my best not to dwell on my "news" but it was a bittersweet mini holiday. Anyhow......my Dr called me the early morning of my birthday with my results (Not the usual procedure) so I was dreading what he had to say. Thank goodness my mammogram and uss were Ok, I was concerned as I am on so many tablets and hormones, have also had painful symptoms so that was such a relief. He then went on to explain my blood results....I thought he was going to tell me I was the carrier of Haemophilia which my both sons and possibly daughter has. What he actually told me was that I have Haemophilia as well. It came as such a shock, but in hindsight totally explains my 3 dreadful childbirths and practically "bleeding to death" every month. Apparently the Factor we all have is the most rare and has not long been discovered which is why my youngest son was misdiagnosed as a child and why it was never found out when I was pregnant. At least now I know what has caused my Adenomyosis and other gynae problems we can hopefully try different, maybe more suitable medication. Thankfully my Gynae consultant here has always advised me against hysterectomy as he was concerned already that I would bleed a lot. (My uterus is so thick!). The thought of just how much I may have bled now scares me! I think he was more relieved than me I hadn't had the op! lol. So that is my latest saga. I know maybe it was too much information to share with you all, but I cannot bring myself to tell friends and other family members (My children know) yet. I think I need more time to come to terms with it.
    So...it's Monday and I am back to counting calories and extra walking. Not too concerned if I put weight on last week, have already put it behind me and am moving on!! Wishing everyone a good week.
    Love BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all and to New82, it is really good to have you posting again. I absolutely can appreciate how hard it is for those of you who are still working since I am retired and often find it challenging to post. We all know that the weeks leading up to Christmas can be difficult weight-wise but whatever you can manage will be better than not doing anything. It sounds as if you have been sticking with your Zumba exercise so that's a real plus. A few days of focused eating and I'm sure you'll feel good about what you are doing. Whatever you do, do not quit- even maintaining over this period could be a success. Good to hear that things are well with your daughter. I have made Christmas pudding in the past but probably not this year as our good family friend who was here from England recently brought us some puddings from Harrods- should be good. My mother, who passed away last October, always made a traditional dark Christmas cake, a very rich one, soaked with lots of brandy. I plan on making it some year but not this year. Instead, I will make a simnel cake such as I saw on the show, Edwardian Farm. I really liked the idea of making my own marzipan and how the recipe has the marzipan baked into the middle as well as on the top. My youngest sister and I have enjoyed that show and she thinks making the cake will be just fine for Christmas.
    Remembrance Day today and a day that always resonates for me particularly as my father was in the Signal Corps during the war and my mother was a war bride. My mother and I often attended local services. Today because of the weather I stayed in and watched the ceremonies in Ottawa. I have thought I would like to be in Ottawa once for the day though the television does give you views that you would not be able to see in person. Now of course there are only WW2 vets, no WW1s, and their numbers are rapidly declining. To see some of these elderly veterans whose lives were so affected by war is very moving. Did I mention it was snowing in Ottawa? And it snowed here today! Tonight my lawn is covered with a wet, icy snow. It seems so early for it and often we do not get any snow until almost Christmas. This will melt quite quickly but I hope it is not a foreboding of a particularly harsh winter. Fortunately, it was not bitterly cold so Nellie and I walked 2 1/2 miles today.
    B.M., what a saga your health issues are. I'm glad there was some good news at least but to imagine that you have had undiagnosed haemophilia must have been a terrible shock. Hopefully now your physician can help you manage your conditions better now that you have this new information. You have been doing so well despite everything and it is great you are forging ahead with diet and walking, make that extra walking. I'm going to hop over to the Words of Wisdom thread which I have been meaning to do. Regards all.
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    Somehow I managed to 'leave the group' and have re-joined this morning - I must have hit the wrong button, but be assured I am still here!

    Yesterday was a success and I kept to plan. The problem is whenever I start a new plan, all I can think about is food!!! (even though im not too limited on slimming world). Yesterday I had scrambled egg on toast for breakfast, tuna pasta salad for lunch and chicken tikka and rice for dinner followed by a meringue with natural yoghurt and strawberries and lots of fruit to snack on. I made a trip to the greengrocers yesterday, instead of a trip to the supermarket to stock up on fruit and veg, as I have decided that if I am planning on eating more fruit/veg, then I should be eating good quality tasty ones! I love the smell that you get when walking into greengrocers too, I had forgotten how nice it was.

    I had my hour of Zumba last night, which was good but it is so much harder to get motivated in the cold evenings. I have paid up until the end of Feb now, so that will make me go over winter! We had a bit of a giggle last night - we have been learning a new track called Sexy Bam Bam, which involves a lot og bottom wiggles, and my friend decided to rename it 'Fatty Bam Bam' this made me giggle but found it easier to dance to Fatty Bam Bam than Sexy Bam Bam!!!

    Today, again D is at preschool. She is having a science morning today, followed by an Autumn walk which she was looking forward to. I am planning on doing some filing as my papers are getting stacked high! Then tonight, we have an important meeting for the preschool, as money is really tight at the moment and we need to apply for a grant from the council. Fingers crossed it gets approved.

    Bracken - Im sure your Harrods pud will be delish, I got a small one for my husband a couple of years ago, and he loved it. Your mother was very right at adding plenty of brandy to her cake!!! Lots of alcohol in a Christmas cake is a must! I have been following Nigella Lawsons Chocolate fruit cake recipe for the last couple of years and have been adding coffee liquer to mine.....mouth is watering now, so enough about Christmas cake!

    BM - Sorry to hear you have been having health problems, but pleased you are now getting some answers. The body is such a complex thing isnt it, and getting Drs to listen to you and investigate can be so challenging. Hope that now you have turned a corner. Its lovely on here that you can talk/mention things that are sometimes harder to mention to the people you see day to day, and have the extra support.

    Right, off I go xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    I seem to gave had a busy time the last few days. I had a fabulous day in Cardiff with my friend. Lots of chat, coffee (no cake) French wine and browsing in John Lewis. My husband was picking me up at the station and I told him in the morning that I'd be back about 5 - it ended up being nearer 8! He'd got everything prepared to make me his trademark risotto and a bottle of champagne to celebrate my swim, so, a bit of an overload on calories that day. We were out with friends over the week- end, went to a birthday party for my friend's 2 year old and had a football match to go to on Sunday. It doesn't sound a lot but we seemed to be dashing about everywhere. I also went for a nose at a show house in the next village which opened last week. They're building 14 new houses so we went to have a look around. Very interesting, but definitely happier with what I've got - thank goodness!

    BM, I'm really sorry to hear about your health issues, but at least you have got to the root of the problem and can deal with it effectively now. Brilliant that your other results came back clear. I hope it didn't spoil your birthday as your husband obviously organized a lovely day for you. The hotel looks fabulous, lucky girl. I'm glad you enjoyed it to the full and are now back focussing on what you eat.

    New8, great to see you here and I'm glad you are ready to focus again. It's so important to be in the right place mentally and you've had a lot going on to distract you recently. I think the SW plan is a really effective and sensible one. To be honest, all these plans work if you stick to them so it's a case of what suits you at a particular time and when you get bored with one, try another! Like you, I have given up the fasting as my main weight loss programme. I think it really works to maintain your weight and I will certainly use it when I get to target to help me stay there, but I wasn't losing enough weight on it consistently, probably because I was a bit too naughty on non- fast days and allowed too many glasses of wine and nibbles of cheese to creep in.

    Bracken - I love the sound of your new purchases, the shirt sounds very you and burgundy is a great colour for the Autumn. It's hard to believe you have snow already. Here in the UK the weather us still comparatively mild for the time of year. I was really sorry to see the sad news of your friend's son. What a tragedy. We lost our nephew in an accident 3 years ago and you never get over it, but you learn to live with it in time.

    PB - one last push and you'll be in Calais. Well done you!

    MITM - hope all's well with you. There was a quiz question I saw yesterday " What would you do with ein krapfen?" I knew the answer, eat it!!

    Right, must get on,
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Morning all. It's not yet 9.a.m. and I am indulging in some MFP, I suppose because it's a bit hard to get going with the change in weather. Yesterday morning by this time I had walked Nellie 1 1/2 miles. This morning I have to figure out what boots to wear on the slippery, ice-covered streets. There has been more snow overnight. As I look out the window of my den where I am at the moment, I can see a maple tree in my yard whose leaves have scarcely fallen and are glowing yellow with the sun just behind it. But the tree is dusted with snow and the garden has about 4 inches of fluffy snow. I took some pictures of Nellie in her first snow. She was running madly and really enjoying it. I read an interesting bit in the Globe and Mail this a.m. by the nutrition columnist about a study (isn't there always a new study!) on diet and time of eating. This is what was found: Two groups ate a 1400 calorie diet. Group 1 ate their largest meal (700 cals at dinner. Group 2 ate 700 cals at breakfast and 200 at dinner. Group 2 lost more than twice as much weight as group 1. (I'm having a bit of deja vue on this and wonder if I've commented on this previously as I think I may have heard about it earlier; however, I found it interesting when it is taken up by a rather conservative columnist who doesn't jump on bandwagons.) I naturally gravitate to the group 1s so not sure if I can work on that at the moment anyway but more than twice as much weight loss does give one pause to think. In the long run though I agree with you, LMV, that all plans work if you stick to them. New82, you are doing well already by planning and yes, having the best fruits and vegs really helps. Do you like baked apple? - that to me is a nice wintery fruit that has some sweetness to it. I find a good apple doesn't really need sugar but a teaspoon isn't the end of the world or add a few raisins or walnut pieces and it doesn't seem so much like diet food.
    Must off to get the day going- exercise must be fitted in somehow today so mustn't dally any longer.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    Good to hear all your news and although for some of you the news is more worrying - at least it is information BM! And you can get the right medications to help you so worth all of the unpleasant tests so hopefully the future will be better for you.

    Its the final push to Calais tonight. There is a handsome Frenchman holding a large piece of Brie and a glass of red wine and calling me that last 1.4 miles! Actually though like one or two others I am aware that I have been falling back into bad habits and in particular eating far too much sugar and bread and not enough fruit and veg.

    Yesterday was a horrible day at work and I ended up drinking half a bottle of pinot grigio (it was already open) when I got home. Not good. Partners being absolutely vile. Not looking forward to going in this morning. Today should have been a 'close down' day when all the GPs and nurses go off to training in the afternoon and the out of hours team take over. However, because of the pressure on A&E yesterday its been cancelled and so I had to set up new rotas for tomorrow afternoon and organise an emergency clinic for the afternoon. What really troubles me is then we had Bruce Keogh on the tv this morning talking about reducing A&E services by concentrating services in smaller numbers of hospitals. this is so easy when you live in a big city and there is more than one hospital - but if you live somewhere in rural Suffolk it can take 30-45 minutes to get to ANY hospital. this of course led on to GPs should be open for when people want to go there - i.e. 12 hours a day 7 days a week. Has anybody really thought through how much that is going to cost??????? We'll have to employ a lot of extra staff and GPs and Nurses as well as the cost of keeping the building up and running all weekend - for about 6 patients who will claim that they can't take time off work to go to the GP and these are the people who do not plan or organise their days so they are also the ones who will turn up at 7.30pm on a Sunday evening and the staff will all have been sitting around doing nothing all day and getting paid for. The govt doesn't want to pay for this and so they are expecting GPs to do it on their current resources - its economic suicide and its not sustainable. On top of that the majority of GPs are over 50 - they are all having their pensions cut and they are just saying there is no point in carrying on. What is everyone going to do when there are no GPs to man the surgeries? Sorry about the rant but one feels so helpless and voiceless in the face of the propaganda that the govt is putting out aided by the BBC - there's a negative story every day on the news. The reality is, for us in our area that people don't over use the A&E for the wrong reasons. It happens in Ipswich but we are more convenient than going to A&E in Ipswich so every year we have to go through this painful process of discussing how we can decrease the numbers of A&E users and every year we go through the data and say that the majority of people are using A&E properly and there are about 5 per quarter who don't. Then we have to 'think of ways' to improve the situation. The big problem for me is people who claim they can't see the GP when what they actually mean is that they want to be able to walk in the same as they do at A&E and they appear not to mind having to wait 4 hours plus if they are there. we had one the other day - the hospital rang to say they had a patient who needed a GP but had told them they couldn't get an apt for 3 weeks. they had in fact seen a gp the day before and were simply lying for their own convenience. Whats needed is education of patients about how to use the services properly. If you are self-employed it should actually be easier because you can simply organise your day. But what is more important? your work or your health??? For me too many people have got their priorities completely wrong.

    OK rant over (honestly). I need to get back to focusing on my diet.....

    Lots of love to everyone!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    PB - I hope you had a better day than expected at the office yesterday and have landed safely in Calais.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks LMV - yes my week did get better - but not much and now I have a cold and sore throat to top it up...... Oh well at least I don't feel like eating much.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Crackers - is it really a week since I last posted? Naughty me. Especially after telling NEW8 to join us more!!

    NEW8 - you would love my basement as it currently looks more like a green grocers. We have boxes of apples on every shelf, along with onions, potatoes galore, pumpkins, leeks, tomatoes, cabbages of every type and colour, beetroots, lettuce, carrots, fennel... most are in crates of soil as my husband just lifts it all out of the vegetable garden into our unheated basement for the winter, now the snow has arrived... Your comments on Christmas had me in a panic as I started thinking of the many letters I have to compose to enclose with my Christmas cards. As usual I'm all organised with Christmas gifts for my many nephews who also have birthdays coming up but have done next to nothing about my own daughter whose birthday falls on the 23rd December. Plus she wants a reunion party with her friends and I do want it all to be just perfect for the 2 weeks she's home.

    Well I've just been exceedingly busy this past week schlipkrapfen making (very amusing LMV the quiz!) just to get back on track after being away. Plus preparing the garden for hibernation. I too Bracken had a visit to the dentist - not too happy about that; a crown I've paid an arm and a leg for needs a root filling. Job half done. I have a very nice, understanding dentist and he's retiring in the spring so although I wasn't in pain (yet) I wanted it done by him.

    BM - your news I shall just second everyone else's thoughts rather than repeat their comments and hope now you know what's wrong it brings a bit of closure for you. And I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on with the dreaded Shred!!

    PB - Are you in France yet? And have you found our Shredding thread yet? If you look on the newsfeed and go back 3 pages you will see where LMV set it up '30 day shred and Nordic walking'. It's a shame once you belong to a group our threads don't link up automatically and that you have to post once for it to be listed as 'your topics'. Your last rant was most interesting, it's good to hear the other side of a point of view. I think you should go into politics! And although I'm sure you don't need me to point out your current struggles over the past weeks with the diet are all linked with the stress of work. You need to channel that stress into something else maybe into kick boxing! Or just more rants if it helps amongst the Crackers! But please don't let it stop your brilliant progress.

    LMV - well I tried a fasting day, was amazed at how easy it was, wasn't expecting that. Nor did I believe for a moment that I would wake up not starving hungry but I was fine. In fact I was better than fine, I felt brilliant can't put it into adequate words!! Being only 2lbs from target I'm just going to do it one day a week because like you mentioned I'm seeing it as a maintenance tool because I do over eat at weekends! But the scales on this occasion read the same going into the weekend as they did coming out of it wow! So I shall be eating ice-cream this weekend.

    Be good Crackers!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    A quick call in after a bad day! This morning weighed myself and 3lb had come off (official wi on Mon)! I was thrilled. Then it went a bit downwards with Children in need cake stalls, and me feeling like a lazy evening and fish and chip supper. I regret it now, and am determined for a good weekend after tonight!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, a quick pop in as I have just written on the shred site and have to go out now....I know I have sponsored previously but could you please tell me if it was "justgiving" that was used. I have just had an email from them and although OH and I want to give a donation to the Philipines I am unsure if this was the safe site I used previously. Many thanks.
    Wishing you all a fab weekend, love BM x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning All,

    I've had a fun couple of days. I went out to a Bee Gees / Abba tribute band evening in our local theatre (it was our November WI meeting!) What an absolute scream. We were in the middle of the stalls with a great view. 2 rows in front of us was a group of women who had obviously been seriously on the lash celebrating someone's 50th (we knew that because she had a sash saying "50 and frisky". As she got to her seat, the birthday girl turned to all the people behind her and started singing "thank you for the music" and conducted the rest of the audience who joined in. It was hilarious. When the show started they were up and dancing immediately which was all the encouragement I needed so I was up on my feet too and basically sang and danced my way through the whole concert. Brilliant, and quite a good work out too!

    By contrast, last night we went to a house concert in Mumbles. It was a couple from North Carolina who play guitar and banjo and sing traditional music from that part of the world. There were about 20 of us in my friend's house and it was really good fun. So disco one night and folk the next!

    I have a reasonably quiet week-end so I'm hoping to get on with my knitting and sewing and reading my book group book. We read Ian Rankin's Standing in Another Man's Grave last month which was excellent. This month it's Kate Morton's The Secret Keeper which I am really enjoying. I haven't finished it yet, but can recommend it so far.

    MITM it was interesting to hear that you managed OK on 500 cal's when you were so sure you couldn't. It really isn't that bad is it? If you choose your food carefully you can actually eat quite a lot. I will definitely go back to it WHEN I reach target which unfortunately is still quite a long way off.

    Recently I have been putting on and losing the same few lbs so haven't made much progress on the 20lb challenge. I should be down about 13 lbs by now to make it by Christmas but sadly it's only about 4lbs. I can still be a stone off by Christmas if I put my mind to it so I intend to start tracking again and make a concerted effort. I also have to get into my summer frock.

    BM - you did sponsor me through the Justgiving site. What's going on in the Philippines is truly dreadful isn't it? How are you getting on with the sewing and what has happened to the knitted cushion covers from last year? You always avoid that question so I'm assuming your husband was right and you haven't finished them lol! Sounds like he knows you so well!!

    New8 - fingers crossed for Monday's weigh in. Don't blow it over the week-end (easier said than done!)

    BM - are you in Calais?

    Right, time to knit and really looking forward to Strictly Come Dancing from the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool tonight.

    Be good Crackers!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Lol! LMV. You are so right.....the "cushions" are hidden away in the depth of the wardrobe. Lurking behind many items of clothing I have bought and have yet to take the labels off!! I am in the middle of another scarf now, just not quite sure which Christmas it will be ready for! I do have the new bamboo needles (supposed to be good for arthritis sufferers), wool and pattern ready to start a blanket too. (will post the item number for you to check out). I seem to flit from one thing to another but have yet to find my niche. Maybe I never will, but I am having fun trying! Sounds like you had a fab time at the Abba/Bee gees night, I saw the Mamma Mia film in similar circumstances and although I disliked the film I had a great time! Thank you for the sponsor info, you are right it is truly awful what has happened. I have been through several hurricanes in Florida and OH was in a hotel on New Orleans ocean front when Katrina hit, (I had been there just previously), so I can really appreciate the feelings of helplessness. Unfortunately the people here had very little to begin with and now have even less. I will use the website again and send a donation, so thanks for that.
    It is already Sunday here so I have today left, then I shred!
    Am off to bed now for 3 hours, have my alarm set to get back up to watch the Wales match!
    Have a good Sunday crackers! Love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Yes JustGiving is the right side - they have the DEC appeal on there too. JustGiving is where my sponsorship site for the swim was - and yes I've finished it! I made it to Calais last Wednesday evening. Can't quite believe it. Unfortunately, I think I now need to get into the Gym to try and make a bit of a dent in the tummy muscles.

    I had a 'date' yesterday afternoon! I met with a man called Tony who calls himself Silver Knight - he does a lot of mediaeval reenactments and keeps a suit of armour in his car. Not sure about the beard and the pony tail - but I'm trying to keep an open mind, after all, no one gets to our age without a bit of baggage.

    We had a couple of drinks in a local pub and a chat - it was very nice. Can't remember when I last went on a date, but I was quite pleased with the way I looked - although he'd come straight from work so wasn't at his best!

    Feeling fairly horrible with the cold at the moment and not sleeping too well - hopefully I'll be back to normal by tomorrow or at least on my way. I have a concert next Sunday night so really need to get my top G back.. Currently singing bottom G's very well.... I had a bit of an argument with the conductor a couple of weeks ago (long and dull story) but as a result he has offered me the solo in Stanford's Bluebird which we are singing in several concerts next year - I'd love to do a solo (really!) but I'm not sure this is the right one for me. Singing the word 'Blue' on an E without wobbling for several bars feels quite tricky and also I feel a bit bad that it was offered as a result of me throwing a tantrum. Its a tricky situation and I hate putting myself forward in this way. Also not sure how much of it is because of all the stress at work.

    My ride on Harley has been cancelled as Ed is lame so currently 3x 3 legged horses and only one sound one. In addition, a bunch of 'bikers' has camped in the forest and are making an awful racket and nuisance of themselves and although Harley is pretty bomb proof it isn't likely to be very pleasant. Hopefully, I'll get back on board next weekend.

    Am going to get showered and ready and go shopping this morning so hopefully will be setting up my week food wise. Really need to get back on track and stop snacking. That ball gown isn't going to fit if I'm not careful.. Then what will I do?

    Well that's all for now - speak soon

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    BM - the match was worth getting up for wasn't it?! Well done Wales, Cymru am Byth!! You made me laugh with your story of unfinished projects and put me in mind of a butterfly flitting from one thing to another.........or should that be damselfly? It got me thinking though, years ago on a management training course I did one of those things where they look at your natural behaviour characteristics in relation to how you work in a team, I think it was the Belbin Model, anyway, I was a teamworker, something else which I've forgotten and a finisher. Finishers were quite rare, but every team needs one as they see a project through. You need to develop your finishing skills! If you got your cushion covers out of the wardrobe and decided to spend just 15 mins on them every day for the next four weeks, you'd be surprised how much progress you'd make. However, if you've lost interest because you don't like them, then how about unpicking them and using the wool to knit a plain blanket for the people in the Philippines? It would help them and make a space in your wardrobe as well! I really need to apply some of my finishing skills to my weight loss project, I might make better progress then.

    PB - how exciting, a date! Good for you and well done on keeping an open mind. I have a friend who is looking for a partner and she drives me mad because she discounts so many men who look great to me for the flimsiest of reasons before she's even met them and then moans that she's on her own. I met my husband at work and would never have guessed the first time I spoke to him that he was the love of my life. These things aren't always instant.

    Big drumroll......congratulations on getting to Calais! I know I've said it before, but I'm so impressed that you have managed to do the swim while holding down a stressful full-time job. What an achievement, well done.

    Have a good Sunday all
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    Thought I had better pop by. Thanks for all the well done messages - I am thrilled to have got all that weight off and am now determined to get more off next week! This evening has been spent sorting 'policies' for the preschool, so my mind has gone numb with all these strict policies, but this has kept my mind away from food. I couldnt make Zumba this evening as hubby was late home, but I am carrying over my class to Thursday evening, so I get my 2 nights in!

    So the weekend has come and gone. I wasnt working this weekend, so Saturday done a bit of shopping - just an Asda and B&M shop, I had never been to B&M before but had heard they offered good value. It was ok, and you got a few bargains but I wouldnt rush back. Then I visited my Dad in the afternoon, enjoyed a curry which I had left in the slow cooker and lazed! Sunday was a stay at home and sort the house day!
    Bracken - you know you mentioned the baked apple, well I saw in my SW book today that I can have that and a tbsp mincemeat as my 'healthy extra' so will be enjoying one of those soon!
    PB - Well done on doing your swim! How did you find it? Was it a challenge?
    LMV - Mamma Mia sounds like a night full of giggles, I really enjoy those tribute nights they have in the theatre. You also mentioned Strictly, which took me back to Saturday night and Daisy mimicking the dancing! Have to say I like watching saturday night tv, when im not working.
    Anyway, im rather tired so off to bed - Daisy decided to get up at 4.30am this morning crying because she didnt know where I was and the Lion was going to get her??? and never really settled back down after that so we had an early morning. Hoping we dont get a repeat tomorrow!
    Night all!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. It has been only three days since I've been here but reading the posts it seems like ages. Nevertheless excellent to hear so much news and thankfully most of it is good. P.B. I'll add my congrats to your completing the swim challenge, done while you are maintaining that stressful job too. I admire your gusto in taking the chance for a date. MITM, your winter larder reminded me of a winter scene in The Wind and the Willows, and picturing all those lovely vegetables seemed so cozy. New82, glad that things are going well and congrats on making progress with the weight. LMV, I will confess that I am not a huge fan of musicals (possibly because I have had no training in music and play no instrument and have always thought of myself as lacking a proper ear for it. I believe I can't really sing. Some of this may go back to elementary school where we had a music teacher who came in once a week. She made us do sight singing alone and I had no idea what I was doing. I was usually told to mouth the words at the Christmas concert and remember one time being the only girl left at the school - a very small rural school- when the others were taken to a local competition. I have always envied people who can sing though.) but I absolutely loved the movie Momma Mia. I didn't get around to posting on your QOTW re being stranded and music but I think the M.M. album would definitely be my choice to keep my spirits up.
    I can finally say that my winter preparation in the garden is finished, thanks in part to my younger sister who came to lend a hand on Saturday. I even managed to plant a few spring bulbs. By the time we finished though I was truly exhausted with all the raking, bending and lifting. I had not realized how many pots, mostly of hostas, I would be carting to the garage to overwinter. I had also walked Nellie on a good walk Saturday morning as I was to be away for the late afternoon and evening. One consequence was that for the first time I did not do my Nordic track. In the evening I went to a quite lavish gala at one of the local private golf clubs. It was in aid of a small charity begun by a local horse rider who after a visit to the Dominican Republic was inspired to raise money and bring a crew to build a small school in a very remote town. The charity now supports the school and some graduates who are in university and college as well as other health programs in the village. I think sometimes these small hands-on projects (a number of people go down to the village every year)can be better than huge projects that have problems with vast overhead costs. Sunday I felt as if all my recent exercise had caught up to me. I had been pushing myself on the Nordic track the previous few days too. So yesterday all I managed was a short ride on my horse. Today I realized that I needed three Nordic track sets to keep to my goal. I managed to do two although I still seem weary. I feel at least I am getting on track. It's frustrating to feel weary as I have been doing quite well at getting back to my best weight, only four pounds from it, and have been feeling better in my clothes recently. Must off and feed Nellie who is now fussing. Regards.