JMBR starting 11/4



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Woke up a little late but still managed to get a workout in. Day 4 done. I am hoping to get another walk tonight...

    I need to drink my water.....

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Finished Day 3 feeling good i feel much stronger today.
  • Scilla887
    Scilla887 Posts: 40 Member
    I started this Monday too. I had a late work day on Tuesday, so that was my rest day. Today is Cardio. This is my second time doing the program. I had great results the first time around.
  • Scilla887
    Scilla887 Posts: 40 Member
    There is another group for members that are doing Body Revolution starting in November.
    Thought you might want to check it out.
  • lk5144a
    lk5144a Posts: 10 Member
    I did - I did the 5th workout today.
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Day 5 completed!! Just one more workout and we get a rest day :)

    How's everyone doing so far?? I haven't been doing very well with my eating this week since I ate out 3 days this week and didn't make the best choices. I've also been slacking on the water. I've been getting at least 64oz in, but my goal has been a gallon a day. I'll try to do better today though! Hope you all have a great day!!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Feeling good on Day 5! I am going to do cardio tomorrow and Sunday just because I really like cardio. Then to week 2!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Cardio 1 --nuff said:sad:
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    I didn't do the Cardio 1 workout today. Instead I took advantage of the nice weather and went for a 4.6 mile trail run. How did everyone else do today?? I'm looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Nita523, I did the same thing on Saturday, took advantage of the beautiful weather and went tfor a nice walk with a walking buddie! (I also did a short walk on rest day)
    This morning I did workout one - Day 8 !

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Day 8 complete! I had a good burn today. I upped the tempo a little and added the plyometric jumps with the squats. Whew! I felt some improvement today vs. last week with all of the moves. How did everyone else do??
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Had a great day today! I added the jumps to the squats and my weights have gone up! I'm actually ready to move into the new DVD next week.

    Have a great day!
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Great Job 1ZenGirl!! I also upped the weights this week. I was using 5lbs and switched to 8lb weights yesterday.
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Day 9 completed. The workout went by really fast for some reason this morning. Hope everyone has a good day!
  • babyblues72
    babyblues72 Posts: 8 Member
    Curious about results from first time around - did you follow the meal plan? I'm on week 4 and haven't seen any results so far. I have been keeping net calories at or under 1200 on MFP, but not following the JMBR meal plan.
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    I only did the first two weeks last time due to illness. I'm not following the meal plan at all, just logging here in MFP.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 11 done - It was workout 1... hopeing to get a short walk in this evening but not sure. Trying to clean up my eating. I have been off course the last two day. Today I back on it. If I don't keep track I overeat, it's quite simple. So I just need to log and keep track.I also need to get all water in.

    But I have been doing my workouts...

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Day 12 completed. I didn't get to do the workout for Day 11 (workout 1) yesterday, so I'm going to do it tomorrow along with my cardio. I'm going to replace tomorrow's cardio 1 workout with a 3-4 mile run. I hope everyone is still hanging in there. Week 2 is almost over!!!
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome to Week 3!! I competed the workout this morning and it was tough for me. Like, REALLY tough! Hope you all are still hanging in there with me! I need your support, and I'm here to offer mine! Have a great day :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am right there with you Nita523, I did my workout 3 for week 3. I didn't really wan tto wake up and do it, but I did and I am really glad I did! Now if I can just get my diet (correction - lifestyle change) in gear I would be good. I eat really healthy and clean most of the time, I just eat too much. so i have to try a little harder.

    My goal for today - get all my water in!!
    No eating after 8:00 except my hot green tea!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!