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What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • mamawoz
    mamawoz Posts: 31 Member
    I overeat when I'm bored, sad, lonely, mad and stressed. I grew up as a only child with a emotional, verbal and physical abuse enviroment and food was always there to calm me down. I worry alot and I keep my emotions inside because I dont want people to view me as weak person and I dont want people to worry about me because I'm always the strong person I'm the person people run to for advice and they tell me how they feel. Sometimes I wish I could do the same but I'm scared because I dont trust them enough I always think someone can twist my words or backstab me....*sigh*

    Me too, except I'm the youngest of 4 but the others are so much older (13 - 16 years older) than me that I grew up alone. Feel exactly the same way, but, unfortunately, have no solutions. Trying MFP again. Used to love working out, still do, but just don't do it now. I'm getting so overweight, I don't even recognize myself anymore.
  • clight18
    clight18 Posts: 6 Member
    I am the same way...I had to stop giving myself "cheat day," because they usually last the entire week lol
  • rachlee777
    rachlee777 Posts: 8 Member
    Everything! damn it! makes me overeat, boredom, feeling stressed, feeling depressed, sad... Food makes me feel better at the time and then I'm full of regret after I pig out. An endless circle of overeating and starving.. It's not easy to change when you've been doing it for so long.
  • StephElizabeth88
    StephElizabeth88 Posts: 28 Member
    I always find myself over eating when I get home from work. I don't know what happens but I can go all day and eat good, smaller portions then I get home and all of the sudden I feel like I'm starving. For instance, yesterday I ate a granola bar and tangerine for breakfast, tomato soup and salad for lunch, a little bit of pistachios in between those meals and when I got home I ate half a bag of Frito's. Awful. I think it might be stress from work.
  • bunnies26
    bunnies26 Posts: 149 Member
    when i exercise alot and eat right amount of calories and DONT LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    And when I am bored or tring to put off/distract myself. Somewhere I definitaly equate food with giving myself love.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    When I'm sick (like today) I just don't have the mental or emotional energy to plan out my meals. I also (just figured this out today in fact while doing some soul searching) tend to try to make myself feel better with food. Its in ingrained habit that I still fight with. Sigh. :grumble:
  • kellyspring76
    kellyspring76 Posts: 12 Member
    I overeat because I want something that is "MINE." I don't quite understand it... but, there it is.
  • stahlhaus
    stahlhaus Posts: 23 Member
    Mostly boredom is when I'll eat too much. When I eat the really bad stuff (cookies or fast food, etc.), if this makes sense...when I am so very busy I'll eat something to "reward" myself for the hard work I've been doing.

    I think we find coping techniques early on, and we've chosen food. Some people are alcoholics, workaholics, rage-aholics, busy-aholics, and so on. But beneath all of those, it's to fill a hole of some sort, instead of dealing directly with what's bothering us. But boy, it can be hard to connect the dots when they're YOUR own dots! I can certainly empathize with everyone here.
  • That sounds just like me. Any excuse is a good excuse.
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    This. I'm either stressed out, tired, bored or mad. I overeat like crazy and hen hate myself for it
    For me, it's either stress or boredom.

    Having foods I tend to overeat on in the house is awful too. The kids aren't bad eaters, they just like granola bars, and other little treats I shouldn't be eating.

    To be quite honest, I think I have a sugar addiction too! I can down so much sugar it's crazy. I'm actually going to try Sugar Busters or Atkins to try and rid myself of those cravings.
  • For me..it would be everything I can't control. I am exhausted with overeating.
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    For me it is high stress, though if it is too high I quit eating. I also tend to overaeat when I feel out of control.

    I have been teaching myself new ways of dealing with these because overeating does not help in fact for me it made things worse.
  • kellyspring76
    kellyspring76 Posts: 12 Member
    Beck927 - What a great way to phrase it: "exhausted with overeating"

    schonsdragon - Awesome that you've learned new ways to deal. I aspire to that.
  • cuppycat
    cuppycat Posts: 29 Member
    You are so right about eating after weigh-in. I've done the same thing so many times. In my mind I deserved it. Wrong way to think lol. It truly is hard to get back on track once you allow all that "bad" food back in. :)
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    I eat when i feel anything happy or sad or mad and glad. I went to store and did not buy anything sweet that was hard. My problem is I love sugar and I have to control how much i eat this week is only one sweet this week. thanks Linda
  • I have recently learned that I am a stress eater. My boyfriend is away, and I've noticed that I have been eating out, and making the wrong choices when I get too worried about him.
  • I eat for all of those reasons.. and and falling off the boat instead of getting back on.... i eat. I eat when I am hungover or have stayed up too late b/c I feel that I n eed it.

    I eat b/c I am diabetic and mad about it. So mad.
    I love bread.

  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    Goodness when I am stressed, when I am tired, when I am happy, when I am sad, when I feel rejected, when I am happy, when I feel lazy, when I am at home, when I am passing through the bakery isle, when I am over hungry, when I am bored...you name it I can find a reason to overeat...sigh..it is my vice
  • All sorts of emotions (happy, sad, excited, depressed.....everything) and when I start dieting, the fear of never being able to eat my fav unhealthy foods again (even though I know I could eat it in moderation), I just panic and binge on them, then I say I'll start my diet again the next day.....yeah, I've been doing this nonsense for a while now.
  • bdoermann
    bdoermann Posts: 11 Member
    I overeat when I'm anxious and overwhelmed. Once I start I can't stop. I need to find a way to break the habbit.