What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • Stress. Stress. Oh and did I mention Stress? :laugh:
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I can overeat for any occasion and allow any emotions to contribute. I dont have any particular reason to do it, except, I choose to. I have noticed when any emotion is a roller-coaster, I have a tendency of compensating or even rewarding with food.
  • Exactly the same as you stress and entertaining are my two biggest causes. I am a social eater :happy:
  • ALL OF THE ABOVE for me too!!!
  • Lyles41
    Lyles41 Posts: 4
    What books do you all read to help with emotional eating?
  • IvyWhispers
    IvyWhispers Posts: 51 Member
    I always over-eat when I go home...it's really bad.
    I genuinely don't like bread, I rarely eat crisps and avoid chocolate...yet I went home for the weekend and ate all of it...in very large quantities
    I don't know whether it's stress or the sheer boredom of not being able to do everything I do while i'm at uni
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    BOREDOM for sure. And if i have been stalled for a while in my weightloss i easily lose motivation and binge. I find working out in any form helps curb cravings its just the getting off my *kitten* in the first place thats the hardest thing to do lol then its easy peasy
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    I sleep when I get stressed, but I eat for every other emotion I have. Boredom really gets me going and I really can't think of anything I'd like to do more than eat.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    If I treat myself to a sugary treat, the next day (and a few days after) I crave sugar and I tell myself that a little treat won't make a difference.
    When I have to confront someone (like my child, a boss, spouse) after a disagreement, I feel like I'm pacing afterword in the kitchen and looking for some food (don't know what kind).
    When I feel bored (not alone), I want crackers/chips or something sweet. Really hard to acknowledge those feelings (which seems to help) and to not do something more beneficial/healthy in those times (e.g. drink tea, go for a walk/bike).
    Oh yeah, when others are eating what seems like okay comfort food or holiday food, I tend to eat it as well (to not draw attention to me), knowing that food might taste indulgent at that moment but my older body can't process those foods well at all.
  • fro99erann
    fro99erann Posts: 10 Member
    I am the exact way! Eat for anything....
  • I HAVENT FOUND MY REASON FOR OVER EATING AS OF YET! I kno wthat it is very stressful and a major burden to my mlj! I lost 40lbs over a year ago and It was soooo easy to stay motivated, AND NOW UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  • Tabata_Mo
    Tabata_Mo Posts: 17
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    I do exactly the same thing. If I find an excuse for indulging in food, I eat like I'm a crazy person
  • dloggans
    dloggans Posts: 6
    I eat when I get home from work. Maybe it's a bowl of cereal, or crackers and cheese, but I always eat the minute I get home and I eat until I am full. THEN, I cook dinner and eat again.
    This is, I believe, a terrible habit and I am hoping, now that the weather is warmer, I'll be able to distract myself from the kitchen. At least, until dinner time!
  • Some may call it competitive eating. If someone else is eating a large meal, I tend to follow suit
  • MoniGram71
    MoniGram71 Posts: 28 Member
    My depression makes me overeat.
  • tarienstander
    tarienstander Posts: 2 Member
    Stress, boredom and anger.....I have some issues I need to address in my life, but are not ready for it.....for this reason I can not always show and say what I am feeling and then I eat to feel better. No I do not eat I drink coffee with sugar in, that is my problem, the sugar in my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • periods! they are the worst for overeating :( x
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    For me it's sometimes when I'm really sad or depressed, but then when I eat stuff like that, I say to myself, no, I shouldn't have done that and then convince myself I'm not hungry, and then I eat this stuff, and then convince myself I'm not hungry,etc. An endless cycle I'm trying to get over.

    Edit: Oh, and periods. Oh, so much.
  • I don't eat alot but I gain weight like mad, I eat when I am upset, I get upset every time I realize I've gained 24 pounds. So I can't seem to get out of this depression.

    I lost my daughter in a very spitefull messy divorce and haven't seen her in 3-4 years now.

    That's when I started gaining weight.

    I feel like I work hard towards getting better but I only end up fatter -.-