Introduce yourself!



  • garzadrive
    garzadrive Posts: 94 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm garzadrive. Thanks for having this challenge group. I really appreciate it. I am brand new here -- just getting started. Looking forward to losing my first pound! Yay!

    Felt good to do 30 minutes of yoga stretches this morning, since I sit at a desk most of the rest of the time.

    Hope we all are "in" on Dec 30! (By the way, Dec 25 and 26 I'll be travelling and away from internet. But, Dec 27 I'll log back in with my "yes's"!)
  • cblue07310
    cblue07310 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everyone! Saw this group on a friend's wall and decided to join.

    I'm 5'9. CW: 204 GW: 170.

    My goal is to be 199lbs by New Years Eve so hopefully joining this group will help me achieve that. I've slacked off in November (diet-wise) but I've kept consistent work outs. Now, I need to do BOTH! Every month changes where I'm great with calories and suck at exercising and vice versa. Therefore, I am being honest - I am terrified of this challenge lol. This is definitely going to be a struggle but I need a MAJOR PUSH.

    If you wish to add me, just make sure to include a msg letting me know you're a part of this group. Thanks :):flowerforyou:
  • rambling_reader
    rambling_reader Posts: 13 Member
    Hey everybody. My name's Valerie; I'm married with two great kiddos.

    This is my first accountability challenge. I have been on MFP for awhile, but wasn't really tracking. I tried WW...OA...just about everything. I have finally realized there's no magic bullet, program, plan-just a matter of doing it. So that's my mantra-JAMODI!!

    I think this challenge will be just the kickstart I need! Here's to ending 2013 on a positive note :)
  • EmilyDeVriese
    EmilyDeVriese Posts: 12 Member
    Hey guys! I'm Emily, and this will be my first Ultimate Accountability Challenge. This month has been a little rough and I feel like I've been slipping up a bit lately, so hopefully this challenge will help me get back on track and end the year right. I'm looking forward to it!
  • nurseadair
    nurseadair Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I joined MFP last Wednesday, fed up with feeling unfit and fat as I am now the same weight as I was when I was 9 months pregnant 28 years ago! Hope to complete this challenge but we'll see how it goes :-) Would like to lose approx. 25lbs. I will be attending my niece's wedding in May this year and would love to shop for a dress that will do her proud. Any tips/help/support will be gratefully received. Not really sure yet how to post each days results but will give it a go.
  • Luuvy
    Luuvy Posts: 602 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Luuvy and I just joined the challenge. I was doing well and then the holidays came lol. I've been eating cheesecake and cake since Thursday and I have to get back on track. I know this challenge will help me and I'm looking forward to it.
  • Hello,
    My name is Alondria I'm 27 years old. I'm here because I want to be accountable for my weight lost. I need this December challenge to help me get on the right start to a healthier lifestyle.
  • POTELoewee
    POTELoewee Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I'm Laura. This is my first time trying this challenge and am excited to see what this type of accountability and challenge can do for me and the other members of the group. I have been making lifestyle changes the last year and a half and have been able to lose 65 lbs in the process. I really have been in a rut the last few months and struggling to keep my motivation. The scale is going in the wrong direction now too. I would like to lose another 30 to 40 lbs and tighten and tone up my arms, legs, butt and abs (okay EVERYTHING). I am tired of putting me on the back burner and want to do everything I can to reach my goal in 2014. This challenge will help me get back on track and start 2014 with a bang!! I am a mother of two teenagers (16 and 14) and married to my soulmate for almost 18 years. I am currently unemployed and enjoying some well needed time reacquainting myself with my husband, kids and friends. My previous job was very stressful and had me working very long hours 365 days a year with lots of time on the road. Definitely time for a change. I love meeting new people and socializing with friends. Feel free to send me a friend request so we can cheer each other along the way to the new and improved us. Let's GO!
  • la9julia
    la9julia Posts: 5 Member
    My name's Julia:)
    i joined to change my life. i want to feel good & feel like i look good. it's been hard for me for the past few years.
    anyways, i'm up for the challenge and looking for diet friends! feel free to add me.

    5'5 SW 142.5 CW 137.5 (joined today) GW 115
  • 48Christy
    48Christy Posts: 785 Member
    Hi I'm Christy. I am very happy that I found this challenge. I am so excited to start this month long adventure with everyone too. My goal is to lose 72Lbs in one year. I think this challenge will help me stay focus and motivated. I know I will have ups and downs on my long journey ,but I am going to take it one day at a time.

    Good Luck to Everyone. :smile:
  • Hi I'm Stacee. I'm 39 years old and I came back to MFP after weaning my sixth baby in mid-October with the goal to lose weight I've gained the past few pregnancies. Lost several pounds so far and I'm going on a cruise the second week of January to the Eastern Caribbean. So my present goal in trying this challenge is to lose--not gain-- during the holidays, and not have to go buy a larger swimsuit for the cruise:)
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Hi I'm Stacee. I'm 39 years old and I came back to MFP after weaning my sixth baby in mid-October with the goal to lose weight I've gained the past few pregnancies. Lost several pounds so far and I'm going on a cruise the second week of January to the Eastern Caribbean. So my present goal in trying this challenge is to lose--not gain-- during the holidays, and not have to go buy a larger swimsuit for the cruise:)

    OMG!!! Have you ever been on a cruise? Eastern Caribbean? What cruise line? For how long? You are going to love it!!! :bigsmile: YOU will be so happy WHEN you accomplish this challenge. YOU will lose weight. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :drinker:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    I am Jane and have been here for a few years. I did really well for a while but was sick over the summer and have jsut not really gotten on track since. I am ready to start anew and am hoping this will help!
  • StephanieB85
    StephanieB85 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm Stephanie, I've had 4 kids and had 60 pounds of weight kept from my pregnancies. I'm now down 10 pounds, and have a ways to go yet. I always stall out after a certain point, and I'm just past that point, so hoping to keep going!!
  • joverw50
    joverw50 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi! I am Jamie. I have two young kids that I am chasing around and want be held accountable over the Christmas Season not to over eat and stay active. I am new to MFP challenges and know that December is the toughest month for self control and making exercise a priority.