
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member

    Pam, can you just confirm your calorie burn for Sunday Yoga thanks? :smile:
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Motivation for today:

    It's up to me...and I *WILL* SUCCEED!!!

    (I'm trying to convince *myself* !!!)

    Oh, I only get 25 points for this week...I didn't get all my water on two days.

    My calorie burn for Sunday is only was a by-the-pose yoga practice, not a vinyasa flow (not a great workout, but really helped with studying the foundational structure of the poses, so I can apply that to future workouts.)

    Hey, I don't think y'all *have* to do your penance exercise for Sunday's eating because even though we can count Sunday's workouts, the challenge is actually running Monday-Saturday...
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    Hey, I don't think y'all *have* to do your penance exercise for Sunday's eating because even though we can count Sunday's workouts, the challenge is actually running Monday-Saturday...

    Mary - I agree with Pam. Your workout from Sunday can count, but the challenge actually runs Monday to Saturday and wasn't up when you ate your bread on Sunday! So if you haven't yet done those burpees, you only need to get 7 in. However, if they are already done, then GOOD FOR YOU! Think how great you will become at them :happy: ... but I don't want you getting TOO much practice in this week! I need someone to accompany me on the resisting bread temptations! :bigsmile:

    I got all my water in last week - so 35 points for me there. PLEASE don't forget to let us know how you all did on that so we can get those points on the chart. They are the ONLY points that count from last week. Sheri will add all the Thanksgiving bonus ones in.
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Yeah, Mary, I wasn't trying to discourage the extra burpees...just saying that I didn't think they were *required!*

    I'm having NO starchy carbs this week...bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, my beloved granola...
    And for penance, 50 jumping jacks plus man-style push-ups to failure (no idea how many I can *won't* be many!) I don't plan on having to do this!

  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Well Sharks the time has finally come that I have to slow it down :( Started swelling last night and the dr suggests I start taking it a little easier I can still clean and do all that stuff but she said working out other than yoga probably isn't the best bet lol Still gonna stay on and cheer everyone on tho! Good luck this week sharks! You rock!:flowerforyou:
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Kristin, you have earned your down time. Take a rest, so glad you are one of the sharks. You are an inspiration.

    Pam & Ali, you are so right about the challenge running from Monday ... Pity I had already done the dreaded burpees :laugh:

    #1 No workout today. (60/90/90 mins w/o's still to do.
    #2 HIIT - 16 mins ( 3 sessions of 15 minutes yet to do)
    #3 REPS - zero (100 new reps to be done)
    #4 STRETCHING: 10 mins (5 minutes x 2 on 1 days yet to do)
    #5 Giving up bread - failed today because I had not read challenge in time - 7 burpees penance done for today and 7 more for yesterday :huh:

    Oh and got my 35 points from last week.

  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    I have no idea what to give up! I don't really have anything and I am so not prepared to give up bread! :wink: Could I do something like limiting the amount of carbs? I don't really do sweets. The only thing I think I could cut back on is my coffee but I use that when I want to snack. Instead of eating something I'll have a cup of coffee. I'll think more on it and get back to you.

    Oh and I totally messed up that water thing last week. So....yeah...only 5 points.:embarassed:
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 975 Member
    I'M STILL IN!!! I checked with Sheri and so many people dropped she let me stay in (there were people who did less than me last week).....I'm so glad I'm not eliminated.

    My give up for the week is ice cream (this is a familiar one if you've done the challenge with me before) ALL forms (milk shakes, sundaes....) I don't even think I'll be able to have frozen yogurt as it is my gateway to ice penance is 50 mountain climbers (50 per side). I'm going to get started now, I just wanted to share my excitement with the team!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    I have no idea what to give up! I don't really have anything and I am so not prepared to give up bread! :wink: Could I do something like limiting the amount of carbs? I don't really do sweets. The only thing I think I could cut back on is my coffee but I use that when I want to snack. Instead of eating something I'll have a cup of coffee. I'll think more on it and get back to you.

    I had a hard time deciding what to do too... It would be more beneficial for me if I could give up WEEKENDS!!! We eat fairly healthy as a family and loosen up a bit on the weekends, so that's when temptation is worst for me! (Unless you count vodka, which *I* wasn't willing to count!)
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    I'M STILL IN!!! I checked with Sheri and so many people dropped she let me stay in (there were people who did less than me last week).....I'm so glad I'm not eliminated.

    My give up for the week is ice cream (this is a familiar one if you've done the challenge with me before) ALL forms (milk shakes, sundaes....) I don't even think I'll be able to have frozen yogurt as it is my gateway to ice penance is 50 mountain climbers (50 per side). I'm going to get started now, I just wanted to share my excitement with the team!

    I'm glad you're not eliminated too! :flowerforyou:
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    I'M STILL IN!!! I checked with Sheri and so many people dropped she let me stay in (there were people who did less than me last week).....I'm so glad I'm not eliminated.

    My give up for the week is ice cream (this is a familiar one if you've done the challenge with me before) ALL forms (milk shakes, sundaes....) I don't even think I'll be able to have frozen yogurt as it is my gateway to ice penance is 50 mountain climbers (50 per side). I'm going to get started now, I just wanted to share my excitement with the team!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    It would be more beneficial for me if I could give up WEEKENDS!!!


    Ok. Will this work? I am going to aim to keep my carbs at 100g or less. Every gram over earns me 1 pushup. How's that?
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    Hey Sharks! Week 9 is just the challenge I need to get back on track! LET'S DO THIS!!!

    Last week I got 35 points for water.

    I decided to give up all alcoholic beverages, since they appeared a little too often last week. :blushing: If I have any alcohol this week, I will have to do 25 FULL sit-ups as penance (per glass!) :laugh:

    Have a great week everyone :tongue:
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    @kvon: I don't know...I sent Sheri a message asking her; I'll let you know what she says!

    @ Melissa: NO ALCOHOL??? :noway:
    Don't do that when we make our xmas trip in a couple of weeks; I was hoping you and I could get together for *a* drink!
    :wink: :drinker: (We'll be visiting my family in GA and Brian's in FL.)

    And here's my Monday:

    workout: 90 minutes - 60 min. yoga; 30 min with Leslie CARRYING THREE-POUND HAND WEIGHTS!!! (ouch!)
    calories: 377
    HIIT: 15 min
    stretch: 10 min
    no reps today...

    I put all this on the chart!

    ...and vodka tonight in honor of Melissa! :flowerforyou:
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    #1 92 mins / 812 cals - made up of 45 mins circuit training & 47 mins walk away the pounds with LS 3 mile weight loss walk. (60/90 mins w/o's still to do).
    #2 HIIT - 16 mins ( 2 sessions of 15 minutes yet to do)
    #3 REPS - 100 ( 25 new reps for each of the following: kick lunges (each side), single leg hip thrusts (each side), froggers & woodchop plié (each side)).
    #4 STRETCHING: 10 mins (all stretching equirements met)
    #5 Giving up bread - will not eat this and will do my penance burpees and report if I fail :tongue:

    SHARKS - you are rocking this :heart:

  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    And my encouragement for today ....

    It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. - Theodore Roosevelt
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    WORKOUT: 90 minutes (made up of 30 minutes circuit training, 50 minutes very brisk walking and 10 minutes of cardio and lower body reps)
    Calories burned: 820
    (Still need 2 x 60 minute workouts and 1 x 90 minutes)

    REPS: none today (other than those counted in my workout!)
    (Still need to do 100 new reps)

    STRETCHING: 10 minutes done
    (Still need to do 3 x 10 minutes)

    HIIT: None today (90 minutes plus 10 minutes stretching was about all I could fit in :laugh: )

    PENANCE: Ate my wajula (spicy steamed bread from the north of Mali) - so I did my 25 press-ups :blushing: ) Will seriously try to avoid those for the rest of the week!!!!!

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Well Sharks the time has finally come that I have to slow it down :( Started swelling last night and the dr suggests I start taking it a little easier I can still clean and do all that stuff but she said working out other than yoga probably isn't the best bet lol Still gonna stay on and cheer everyone on tho! Good luck this week sharks! You rock!:flowerforyou:

    So sorry to "lose" you BUT this is completely understandable! You have been fabulous to have carried on to this stage :flowerforyou: Make sure you come back and cheer us on from time to time - and also to update us on how you are doing. I also hope that once your little girl arrives we will get to see a photo!

    Look after yourself Kristin. Thanks for bringing so much motivation to the Sharks!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    And my encouragement for today ....

    It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. - Theodore Roosevelt

    I :heart: this! I have now noted it down in my list of favourite quotes. Here is one of mine (no idea who said it though!!!):

    "Instead of giving yourself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."

    We CAN do this Sharks!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    @ Mary - I'm glad you actually got those extra burpees in :bigsmile: Yes, I'm a "mean" friend like that! But it's all GOOD for you :laugh:

    @ Kristie - I would have thought that your carb limit would count as a "give up", but I guess we wait for Sheri's reply. Very brave of you to try to limit that!!! :flowerforyou:

    @ Samantha - YOU ARE STILL IN - :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: SO VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT! Sheri wrote to tell me she had given you a "grace week". Now show her what you are made of :bigsmile:

    @ Melissa - Giving up alcohol :noway: ... I have no words! You have actually made me speechless (and it takes a lot!) :laugh:

    You are all fabulous :heart: :love: I know we can finish this week, even if Sheri seems to be making up for her kindness last week and is now trying to get some of us eliminated. We will show her what we're made of....:happy:
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Happy Tuesday Sharkies! I hope you all have a great healthy day planned! We got a bit of snow at my house last night and for the next week the highest temp forecasted is 19! lol I guess winter is in full swing! Gonna spend the day doing a little bit of sorting and organizing and working on potty training! Eek lol Son is doing great at it though! Good luck on all your give up staples this week! I thought I should set my self a goal of something to give up this week and mine is going to be baked goods! This last week has been awful hehehe so I am going to do my best to not bake anything for the sake of baking all week lol that is gonna be hard!

    I will for sure put up pics when Little missy is born! Only 39 days still she is due but the dr and my self think she may make an early appearance like her brother so more around 25-30 days! Crazy!

    Here's a little motivational quote for the day!
