Who's with me?



  • motivatedww
    Wouldn't you know, my husband asked me to go out to dinner just after I had committed to avoid wine. I wanted to order my usual just after my husband ordered his beer---but I didn't. Iced Tea please came out of my mouth. I ate more of my dinner than I would have to reward myself for my newfound self control. I think it's a fine trade-off if it gets me to where I want to be in this journey. One day wine-free. Yea me.:happy:
  • jmelindy
    jmelindy Posts: 34 Member
    whos stuck with it?
    I'm still working at it :smile:
    Down to special occasions, but october had 3 in a row then 2 in November so it was a bit of a slide.:drinker:
    Back to my water at night, a couple of drinks at my Xmas party this weekend, then dry until xmas again.
    thast the best "balance" I can come up with.
    I don't smoke ( anymore), do any recreational drugs, or eat junk food or many carbs anymore, I have to believe I can tolerate and enjoy a few drinks with special occasions!
    but yes, no loss since mid october and its pretty clear why lol
    keep it up!! :):happy:
  • motivatedww
    I'm 'still' with it--but it's only my second day. I'm watching my husband make dinner and I know he will ask me if I want a glass of Chardonnay with my chicken. I will say no thank you and he won't push but oh my, I would enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. That said, someone brought chocolate cake to class today and I was able to have a small sliver of heaven without guilt. I'm thinking that with two glasses of wine/night my tradeoff is fantastic. I always comment that I don't eat that much--and I don't, but adding the wine in, it is enough to have me gain or at least not lose. I do hope I can stick with this.:flowerforyou:
  • jmelindy
    jmelindy Posts: 34 Member
    day two is a good day!: :happy:
    Wine got me where I was- I was already about 20lbs overweight, then I quite smoking and started drinking wine at night to relax ( at my Dr.s suggestion! I was never a drinker before) and POOF, 3 years later and I had 50 lbs to lose.
    Halfway to my goal and I can honestly say wine is what gets in the way. herbal tea or nice cold water is what my substiutes are.
  • motivatedww
    My husband asked me 3 times if I wanted a glass of wine last night. I haven't 'declared' that I'm not having wine yet so he is doing this innocently. I want to see if I can get through a week. I see what I've written and think I sound like an alcoholic - I love the taste of wines, trying new wines, relaxing with wine, and I can't drink more than two glasses without getting mildly drunk. The last is probably what has kept me out of trouble but this will be an interesting experiment.
  • motivatedww
    Now I'm thinking that it (losing weight more quickly when not drinking) doesn't have so much to do with any unique characteristics of wine or alcohol but that at a 1200 calorie limit I simply don't have enough calories left to satisfy me if I have two 5-6 oz glasses of wine. It's simple logic that I didn't want to see but I think it's true. Now, if in the future I want to have a glass of wine I will deduct it from my daily calorie allowance. If I remain true to my plan, this will not be for quite some time as I want to reach goal before drinking again. With my history, I may have just become abstinent for life.:cry::cry:
  • motivatedww
    Another win for me. Sat for 4 hours listening to my husband's band and drank water vs wine. It helped that I had a 'never-ending' salad that took me forever to consume but after the first request for a glass of water, I found that the waitress didn't continue to ask--one 'no' is enough. Of course this is true since there are many who can't drink (something I hadn't put together) so, counterintuitively it might be easy to be in those situations. Nice.
  • jmelindy
    jmelindy Posts: 34 Member
    I hear you about sounding a little too wine affectionate!! But what I noticed when I started actually thinking about it- is that so many people are! Its like a joke.
    You are doing well!!, and I am alot like you. I didnt really mention I was cutting down ( out) until I had done it for a few weeks. Then I announced it, to get the support. But I didnt want the scrutiny. while I was just figuring it out.
    Actually I was the same way about losing weight, didnt really mention to anyone until I had a good ten lbs gone.
  • motivatedww
    I'm so funny--I thought I was home free for a week without wine because on my last night (last night) I went to hear my husband play a gig (it was awesome--Charlie Brown goes to the Nutcracker :). The gig was at a coffee house and lasted until 9:30. Perfect I told myself. Coffee it is! Wrong. We went out after to celebrate a wonderful event and I had a glass of wine. The good news is that I only ordered french onion soup (the coffee curbed my appetite :) More good news is that I see that, despite being under my calorie count, the wine actually did make a difference in my weight loss/gain (it also could have been the salt in the soup but I'll go with the wine. All in all it was an amazing week--cut down from 14 glasses to 1; lost 5.4 lbs; began going to the gym again; started drinking sufficient water; tracked my food and exercise. I am pleased with my weight loss but more with my returning to some sense of control. And, I attribute most of my success to cutting out wine. Yea me :flowerforyou:
  • jmelindy
    jmelindy Posts: 34 Member
    yay you is right!!:happy:
  • lldelfos
    lldelfos Posts: 2 Member
    I started my "no-wine-ing" challenge last week. My challenge was to quit drinking on the weekdays. I haven't had any wine (or alcohol) since last Saturday. Believe me that is big going from 3-4 glasses of red wine a night. I'm going to allow myself to have some tonight and tomorrow night but oddly I am a little scared! I've been looking forward to this all week! Going to need a LOT of willpower not to go overboard! EEK!
  • nwingr
    nwingr Posts: 43 Member
    I am starting this goal today. I need to be done to meet my true goals in life.