Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Last night I started month 2 ...totally enjoyed the workout though it's much longer than month 1 workouts. Actually it's only 15 mins longer but of course when you're sweating it out ...it can feel like eternity.

    Since I work out so late after 9pm ... I hope I don't burn out with less sleep. It's the only concern I have. I can catch up on wkds but I would need to try to adjust my schedule.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Today is Day 51 for me!! I'm not going to lie, at first I was a little skeptical because I had lost less than 2 pounds in the first month, but I still kept pushing play because I was determined to get through the entire 63 days. Well it's true what they say...MONTH 2 is where the magic happens!! This week I have lost 3 pounds alone...so anyone struggling to push through, afraid you won't see results? Give it until Month 2 to make that judgment. I will be completely finished my first round next week, and then I plan to repeat Month 2 since I've been getting such amazing results in the second month of Insanity...I eat 1,900 + calories per day and the weight is still melting off! I feel that much closer to my goals:)

    Thanks for this. I'm in the middle of recovery week and I'm feeling bored and so disappointed. This post has renewed my drive to get back into it after the long weekend off.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    maasha-> I wish I would/could do Insanity at night. I hate waking up early! I've done a few Insanity workouts after work in the past, but they get me too wired. I have enough trouble getting to sleep, as it is.

    Today was Max Plyo. Still not my fave. But I think I did better at the moves. Doing more before pooping out. I think one thing that makes it so hard is there are all the big moves in this one workout: Power Pushups, Power Jumps and Level 3 Drills.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Day 37 - Max Plyo

    Last night was Max Plyo .... so many different push ups ... my puny arms. lol

    Honestly I didn't enjoy it as much as Max Interval circuit and I wondered if I was really giving it my all ... I want to redo but plyo is coming up again at the end of the week so I will be better prepared. My knees aren't the best with power jumps even on padded mat on tile floor so I swapped that with vertical jumps and still pushed through.

    I'm so excited to complete this program first week in Jan.

    currlee ---> with a toddler who is up by 4.30 - 5.00 am; my option is at night. I actually prefer it that way as I actually sleep better.
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    mrslcoop- Don't worry, Month 2 will keep you far from BORED!! Lol Keep pushing through and you'll definitely make it out on the other side:)

    maasha81- I can't definitely relate with the late night workouts. I commute 1 1/2 hours to graduate school and some nights I don't get home until 9:30pm. I'm usually so exhausted that I mentally wonder if I'm pushing as hard as I would've done well rested, but truthfully I tell myself that pressing play is better than no workout at all

    Currlee- Congrats!! On finishing 2 rounds already, and still be doing Insanity! Once you start to feel the burn, it's hard to go back...lol Question: How many times a week do you do Insanity? I usually aim for 5 at the least, but I'm wondering if I'm able to bump it up to 6 x's per week will I get much better results. I'm just usually so sore some weeks that all I can muster is 5, but with Winter Break coming up I want to see if I can make it through Month 2 again before my FINAL semester of Graduate School begins...
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member

  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Day 38 - max cardio conditioning

    I totally enjoyed this workout ...I think it's my fave month 2 workout so far. I was panting through most of it, my eyeballs were sweating but I kept going. I still think my cals burnt is a bit low so I'm hoping to push harder next time around.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    The calorie burn in Insanity is actually pretty low. I tend to burn more doing Hip Hop Abs then I do with an Insanity workout. But it works, so I just do it, lol. With Max Cardio, I generally burn around 250cal.

    Leem-> My goal is always to do the 6 days/wk that's scheduled. Sometimes things come up(like my staff meeting tomorrow morning) that make me miss my workout, but I don't worry about it. If you're gonna do month two again after finishing, I recommend doing Recovery Week in between. I feel so much stronger in my moves and I think it's due to that.

    Today was Max Cardio. Definitely a fave.
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    Today is Day 54 for me! I have my workouts on a flash drive, and somehow I don't have the Max Interval Training workout, so I've been doing the Max Interval Sports Training workout and that one is actually my favorite! I also don't have a HRM but I am constantly hungry, so I feel like I must be getting a great burn.

    Currlee- I think I am going to try to stick to 6 days per week in Month 2, but definitely five workouts minimum. Thanks for the advice though because I have been debating on whether or not to go right back into round 2. I think I WILL do another recovery week first and then repeat Month 2. Thanks for the advice!!
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    Im starting insanity over again tomorrow, I stopped for a bit cause i was sick and i kind of just do them when i have time... but I am gonna try and stick with it this time!!! Add me as a friend if you are a good motivator hahaha

    My favorite workout so far is Cardio Abs, and my absolute least favorite is Plyo (because I live on the second floor and its really hard to land softly!!)
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    So my big toe is sore when I flex it ... it hurts to wear heels. I rested last night but felt a bit guilty and sad .. I hate missing a day. It was max cardio recovery and I watched the vid but realized that even though it's a lighter workout ... it will still hurt.

    This morning I'm feeling much better so I intend to workout ... I will do the max cardio recovery and on the wkd catch up.

    I'm anxious to complete this program - 3 more weeks.

    My goal is to take a week off and do light workouts ( maybe some JM dvds ) and then start a hybrid p90x / insanity.

    I'm also eyeing the new p90x3 that is launching soon but I live in the Caribbean so even if I purchase online, it may take a while to ship especially as it's Christmas season.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I hate missing a day, too. I didn't work out yesterday(well I did Hip Hop Abs and 200 walking lunges at night) due to a staff meeting at work. So today I did Max Recovery...bleh. Least fave and glad there are only three days of it.
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    This is my last week of Round 1 of Insanity and I'm feeling really discouraged...I do not look forward to the workouts anymore and I have been extremely exhausted lately. A week and a half ago I was so motivated and today I'm just like Blah! I completed my workout for the day (Day 57), but I think I need a break from Insanity before I try to do another round. I'm contemplating doing 30 day shred or hip hop abs again, but I'm afraid I won't see results because the workouts are less intense than Insanity...
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Leem-> My first round I got really fatigued in Month Two. Just tired all the time. Til I upped my calories, protein especially. Then I wasn't quite so exhausted at the end of the day. It wasn't a huge jump, just like an extra 200 calories, but it really helped.

    I did Max Interval Circuit Saturday, then nothing yesterday, due to going out Saturday. Last night I didn't sleep well; you know that kind of sleep where you never feel like you're actually asleep? It's this in between place. Anyways, I decided I didn't want to work out with crappy sleep; didn't want to over fatigue my body. Excuse? lol Most likely. I did Hip Hop Abs and weights tonight. I'll get back to it tomorrow morning :)
    I started Insanity in January and have done it pretty much all year, in some capacity. I think I may have plateaued with it for now. I ordered Les Mills Combat tonight. I'm gonna stick with Insanity til it gets here. Originally I wanted to repeat Month Two to finish out the year, but I think a break might be best. On the one hand, it's only two more weeks(by the time it gets here) but on the other, I might be mentally checking out. I'll have to see how I feel when it gets here, I suppose.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Month 1 is in the bag! I'm both dreading and looking forward to those Month 2 workouts.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Alikonda-> Way to go!! Recovery Week is the best- enjoy!

    Today I got up and did Max Plyo, even though I didn't really have time for it. I can totally notice where I'm getting stronger and doing more! Great feeling!!
    Then I shook my blender bottle on my way out the door, but it wasn't closed all the way and I got vanilla shake on me; I wear all black to work. I looked like I had baby puke on me.....not such a great feeling, lol.
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    Currlee--> I'm currently at 1,900 per day, which is my 20% cut, but I will probably just keep it here because I'm going to do Jillian Michael's DVD's starting Monday and it's lower intensity. My workouts definitely feel as though they are suffering because mentally I'm just not into it anymore but I'm trying to power through because I only have 5 more days until I am completely finished.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Two weeks again and I'm finished. Wow....I never thought I'd enjoy a workout program so much. I love the intensity.
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday, I officially became an INSANITY GRADUATE!! I'll post my results shortly...
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Congrats, Leem! Lend me some of your motivation - I start Month 2 tomorrow!!