How Much Weight Have You LOST?



  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    baby girl is 4 months old today :) things are going really great. still exclusively breastfeeding, up to running 25-30 miles a week and aiming for 15 minutes of strength work each day. eating about 2000 cals/day. *almost* back into skinny jeans... they button but aren't flattering yet :) so just plugging along with my 0.5lb/week losses. I am pretty happy!

    total weight gained: 22 lbs
    weight left to lose:
    @ 1 week: + 11 lbs
    @ 1 month: + 8.5 lbs
    @ 2 months: + 7.5 lbs
    @ 3 months: + 5.5 lbs
    @ 4 months: + 3.5 lbs
  • carstekj
    carstekj Posts: 25 Member
    Our daughter is 3month! This is our second child, we have a 2yr old too. I'm 5'0 and starting weight for the 2nd baby was 154 (10lbs higher than the starting weight with the first child).

    Pre Preg: 154
    Weight around birth: 186
    Couple weeks after: 166 (9lb baby)
    Decided to get my butt in gear when I saw the scale at 168

    I've been watching what I eat and counting calories for 2weeks today, and I'm down 6.6lb's!
    Week1- 163.8 (-4.2lbs)
    Week2- 161.4 (-2.4lbs)

    I breastfeed and pump now that I'm back at work. I eat between 1200-1600 calories and my supply has stayed steady or slightly increased since being more aware of what I'm putting in my body. Mind you, I eat salads, veggies, hummus etc... so it's much "cleaner" than what I was eating on maternity leave (Fast Food). I also still enjoy a couple diet cokes a day, but only if I get all of my water in. I plan to start working out as well.

    First Goal weight: 135-140
    Would LOVE to see 128-130
  • lvburns2013
    My precious baby boy is 10 months, I am 5'3 =-)

    Pre-Pregnant weight: 127
    Delivery weight: 188
    7months pp: 160ish

    Still a good bit until my pre pregnancy weight but so far doing great!!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    1st time checking in.
    Pre prego weight 147
    9 months preg 178
    1 month PP 156
    6 months PP (3rd baby btw): 147 lbs (pre pregnancy weight)
    Approx 10lbs til I hit goal weight but really pleased overall. I'm halfway thru round 2 of T25 and am in better shape currently than I've ever been. Kudos to everyone!!!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    That's my last weekly weigh in. I'll try and remember to check in at 3 months pp.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @kcasey: way to go!!! so happy for you :)
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Thanks Heather. I'm hoping the doctor will clear me for exercise at my 6 week check on Thursday and I'm looking forward to getting back to my Zumba. Then, maybe, I'll be able to keep losing at a pound a week in the new year. Up to now I've only been walking lots.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Merry Christmas! Baby girl is 5 months old now, time for a check in :) I just realized that my weight is coming off at just about the same rate as it went on :) I gained 22 lbs over the 40 weeks, which is about 1/2 lb/week. Granted it really wasn't until weeks 13-40 that I gained, but still, it is coming off at just about a 1/2lb a week too! I'll take it!

    pre-pregnancy/goal weight: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    total weight gained: +22 lbs
    initial loss: 10 lbs, baby = 7 lbs 6 oz
    weight left to lose:
    1 week: 11 lbs
    1 month: 8.5 lbs
    2 months: 7.5 lbs
    3 months: 5.5 lbs
    4 months: 3.5 lbs
    5 months: 1.5 lbs

    almost there!
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    well this is my first time responding to this question. i have been checking in on this forum for a while but never wrote anything. Well my last baby was born on August 24,2012. she weighed in at 9lbs 7oz. 20in. long. with her i weighed 193 when i went in for my c-section. i say last because she was baby no.# 6. pregnant with her i got to my biggest ever. before her i weighed 168lbs. my goal is to get below that. 150 preferably. but so far since Aug. of 2013 when she turned a year old i got serious about losing the weight. before that i would kill a family size bag of spicy nacho doritos with no problem and be looking for another bag after that so my diet was horrible. so i decided i needed to get serious if i wanted to lose this baby weight. mind u i still eat doritos, just not the whole bag, not even half of the bag. i had to change the way i see food so that has helped me with better eating. i now love to eat red, orange, green ,and yellow peppers with zucchini and squash and salmon and tilapia fish. when i got serious about the weight loss i was fluctuating between 188 and 193. i did cheat a little by taking a fat burner for about a month. once they ran out i chose not to replace them and just go natural. with the fat burner i lost 8lbs. that first week on them, that was motivation to keep going so now i am at 177 the last time i checked, which was last week before my TOM. so im waiting until next week to check my weight again. i workout 5days on 2 days off. i like that schedule keeps me honest. i like to think of it as a job, so that motivates me to go ahead and workout even when i don't feel like it. so that's where i am now ladies and i wish everyone the best in their journey.:smile:
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I'm 32, 5'6", and this is my 6th biological child.

    Pre-pregnancy: 159 lbs
    At birth: 183.4 lbs
    1 week post-partum: 154.8
    1 month post-partum (now): 151.8 lbs

    Goal weight: 135 lbs
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @michelleepott: way to go! keep it up!!

    here is my monthly check in :)

    pre-pregnancy/goal weight: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    total weight gained: +22 lbs
    initial loss: 10 lbs, baby = 7 lbs 6 oz
    weight left to lose:
    1 week: + 11 lbs
    1 month: + 8.5 lbs
    2 months: + 7.5 lbs
    3 months: + 5.5 lbs
    4 months: + 3.5 lbs
    5 months: + 1.5 lbs
    6 months: + 1.5 lbs ... holding steady??
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Thanks, Heather! I'll be really happy when I get down to 145 - that was my lowest weight since joining MFP.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Congrats on your losses! :)

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 165ish
    Delivery day: 179 (14 lbs gained)
    1 week postpartum: 165
    4 weeks postpartum: 160
    25 weeks postpartum: 144
    36 weeks postpartum: 143.4 (I maintained for awhile)
    Goal weight by May/1 year postpartum: 130
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I'm 32, 5'6", and this is my 6th biological child.

    Lowest weight on MFP: 145.8 lbs
    Pre-pregnancy: 159 lbs
    41 weeks: 183.4 lbs

    Roisin Marie born on Christmas Eve at 41+5 weeks, 7lbs 5oz, 19" long

    1 week post-partum: 154.8
    1 month post-partum: 151.8 lbs
    6 weeks post-partum (now): 150.2 lbs

    Goal weight: 135 lbs
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    MFP starting weight (3-17-13)- 242

    Weight at beginning of pregnancy-226
    Lowest weight of pregnancy- 213.8
    Highest weight of pregnancy-226.8 ( day of delivery)

    Baby Born Jan 30,2014 at 6 lbs 11 oz

    1 week pp- 217.6
    2 week pp- 210.4
    3 week pp- 206.6

    I spent most of my first year of MFP pregnant so excited to see what this next year will bring... will update again at 4 weeks and then monthly after that...
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Hi ladies! My baby is 14 months and it took me a full year to reach back down to my pre preg weight! You ladies are doing great!
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there! I gave birth to my second on Dec 16th of 2013...I gained around 34 lbs I think (pretty close to what I gained with first even though I exercised liked a mad women with 2). A few weeks after down 20! Then something happened and I went up a few lbs, which is where I have been holding now 10 weeks pp....dang it!

    Honestly my measurements are down so the scale is a big fat liar but still depressing! I also think I haven't been eating my best and my diet is crucial for me to lose. I'm doing chalene extreme and will add in some hiit when I get bk to work (on my lunch breaks).

    Hopefully the next time I ck in , my jeans will button without a muffin top!!! Lol

    No but really, it will most likely take at least 6 months before my body gets the hint that it can drop...pretty typical for my pp weight to hang for a bit. I do hv two beautiful boys to show for it!
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I gave birth to my son February 2013, and I've lost all my baby weight plus another 23 lbs. I gained 30 during my pregnancy. Half of it came off quickly. The other half, not so quick. It took me 10 months to get the remaining 15 baby lbs off.