Stage 7 Questions (the final countdown)



  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Starting stage 7 today :smile:
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    So- this workout pretty much killed me. :laugh:
    There was no way I could do it with 30 second "rest" - so rather than decrease weight or reps, I decided to rest a little longer. But I finished it! Came home exhausted, woke up this morning stiff and starving. Hope to be ready for workout 2 tomorrow.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    So- this workout pretty much killed me. :laugh:
    There was no way I could do it with 30 second "rest" - so rather than decrease weight or reps, I decided to rest a little longer. But I finished it! Came home exhausted, woke up this morning stiff and starving. Hope to be ready for workout 2 tomorrow.

    It gets easier! The first work out nearly killed me. I had to decrease my weights more than I thought. I mean you are doing WAY more reps!
  • butreally12
    butreally12 Posts: 67 Member
    So it seems like I'm alone with starting this right now... but HOLY COW I am sooo sore from my very first workout on Tuesday! I'm going to try to do workout 2 today but I'm thinking the stepups aren't going to go too well as I can barely walk down the stairs...
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    So it seems like I'm alone with starting this right now... but HOLY COW I am sooo sore from my very first workout on Tuesday! I'm going to try to do workout 2 today but I'm thinking the stepups aren't going to go too well as I can barely walk down the stairs...

    You are not alone! I just hadn't posted anything because all I really thought was "OUCH!" I did workout 1 on Monday, hobbled around all day Tuesday and then made myself do workout 2 yesterday. I'm not sure why I did that, but today I am nowhere near as sore. I can manage stairs and everything! :laugh:

    I had to seriously deload my weights as well. Like, to about half what I was using at lower rep sets. It's kind of humbling, but I know I got a good workout!
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Starting this stage next week:)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    I did workout 3 today and hit a new PR - I can deadlift 135! I maxed out at 110 during stage 1, so I'm really excited. Heck, I *started* at 50, so I've had almost a 200% increase in that one lift. Yay! :bigsmile:

    Otoh, I know those lunges will have me crippled all weekend. None of the other moves bother me, but those lunges... Man... Oh, well. You don't get a great tush by sitting on it! :wink:
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Mouse, a 200% increase FANTASTIC!!!! I just did my first workout of Stage 7 this morning. I read the recommendations, dropped my weight, first 2 sets I was thinking to myself, I may have dropped too much because it seems too easy, no problems lifting, 30 second rests were ok, didn't feel too tired......then, set body started to protest, a lot....brutal!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    Lol! So true. When it's 15-20 reps, your body fatigues on a much lower weight. In order to squeak out that many I had to deload my lat pulldown from 135 to 85! I was shocked. Then you add in 4 sets. Sheesh! It's brutal, but I know it will be worth it.

    I am surprisingly not very sore from Friday. Once my body has done a workout it seems to adjust quickly. Good thing, too, since I have pole class this afternoon and workout 4 tomorrow. I am determined to finish the program this week. Then I will have the holidays to fatten back up and start Supercharged for the new year! :laugh:

    How are you feeling today? Workout 1 had me limping for three days!
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    I actually feel pretty good today, hips a bit stiff but may head out for a short 5 km easy run. I finally discovered in the last stage that if I have a good 10 minute stretch after lifting, I am not that sore...yes, I know I should have been doing that all along:)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    I do my workouts over lunch, so I barely have time for a five minute cool down on the treadmill, much less the stretching I probably need. I completed workout 4 on Monday and really wasn't sore today. I guess I have adapted already. Of course, tomorrow I am back to those lunges... :sad:
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, all just creeping this thread to see what's next... I started stage 6 a couple weeks ago but thinking about ditching it and moving on to 7... My question is how long does each workout take? I just started working out on lunch breaks so need to make sure I can get it done within an hour. From what everyone says.. ouch!
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I finished stage 7 today... YAY!! I'm thinking about supercharged but wonder if it's necessary to buy the book?
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    I completed the program officially back in December, but got a little lazy toward the end and completely stopped in the month of january and half of february. doing stage 7 again to restart the program since I heard that starting with stage 7 helps jumpstart the fat loss. I am doing the second round of 7.4 today. i've already lost 6 of the 10 pounds that i gained during my "break" and 1 inch off of my waist! Looking forward to going back to stage 1 next week and seeing what further progress i can make!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Started Stage 7 today and basically got my booty handed to me. Holy cow!! I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!

    Anyone else on Stage 7?
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I just did my second workout - did you get it finished?

    I too, got my booty handed to me :laugh: Big time!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I just finished Stage 7!!!

    Feeling great - though its bittersweet, I really enjoyed the entire program....except stage 5...I hate you stage 5 lol
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That's awesome! I think I hated every stage as soon as I left it LOL

    After only two workouts I'm in major pain - did you do three a week or what was your schedule like? Did the pain finally go away? :ohwell: Did you stop at 6 or did you do it a second time?

    What are you going to do now? I have both Supercharged and 4Life but not sure which I will do.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Only the first workout of each one really hurt me lol

    I worked out Mon, Wed, Fri and then ran on Saturdays. Rest days Tues, Thurs and Sunday - felt really tired towards the end and i'm going to have a week off now. I did Stage 7 twice through. I loved how short everything was with the 30 seconds rest - though I was dying by the end!!

    I'm not sure what i'm going to do next :ohwell: Thinking about 5x5
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Anyone else here? I started yesterday and ermagerd I am so freakin' sore. My glutes and inner thighs especially. It was the static lunges for sure; I started with 20lb DBs but could only do 12 reps so moved to 15lb DBs and it was still tough to get 15 reps. For the squats I did 65lb (my form is not great so work in progress there), rows were 20lbs, push ups I could only do 8 on the floor for now, and DLs are 65lb. I honestly don't know how people are DLing over 100lbs....I can do close if it's a normal DL but not a Romanian one.

    Session two tomorrow!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    Anyone else here? I started yesterday and ermagerd I am so freakin' sore. My glutes and inner thighs especially. It was the static lunges for sure; I started with 20lb DBs but could only do 12 reps so moved to 15lb DBs and it was still tough to get 15 reps. For the squats I did 65lb (my form is not great so work in progress there), rows were 20lbs, push ups I could only do 8 on the floor for now, and DLs are 65lb. I honestly don't know how people are DLing over 100lbs....I can do close if it's a normal DL but not a Romanian one.

    Session two tomorrow!

    Hi Pudding,

    I am right there with ya! I finished Stage 7 workout 1 yday. Could not do a good job of running at all today. My legs were so tired! I could not belv how sore I was, even doing it the second round.
    I will be doing second workout tomorrow.
    Ya, In this, RDL is with 65, Squats with 65 , Incline push ups, lunges with Barbell - 45lbs Row with great difficulty 20DB :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ooh, lunges with the barbell...wonder if that would be better for me. My grip strength is LOW so anything above 30lbDB in each hand is impossible for me to hold. Not that I'm using that heavy for these lunges, hahaha! But I guess when I'm no longer doing 4 sets of 15-20, a barbell would work the abs nicely and avoid the pain in my hands.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member

    I would never be able to do 15* 4X lunges with heavier DB - Step ups too.
    Did my 2nd workout today and somehow, liked it better than the first one. It did not tire me completely, inspite of going heavier.
    I like step ups better than the lunges and lat pull downs way better than push ups - thats why ;)

    Bench Press 50*8*2
    Row 115*8*2

    Squats 50*15*4

    Shoulder press 12DB*15*4 - This is serious imprvement for me and made me happy. I could not even finish 10DB with 15 last round. :)

    Step ups 50BB*15*4

    LatPullDown 80*15*4 - This one again, I struggled with 65 last round here. 80 was nice although 4th set was almost tiring me completely.

    Hope you had a great workout too!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I also liked workout 2 a lot better: not such a beating on the lower body like workout 1 with squats, lunges AND DLs! Funny, my numbers are pretty different from yours...I am in awe of your rows, squats and step ups! I can manage a lot more weight with step ups when I use a BB (crummy grip strength with DBs) but I couldn't find anywhere to safely do them with an OB.

    Bench press: two sets of 8 at 55lb but will go heavier next time
    Row: two sets of 8 at 75lb but again, can go heavier next time
    Squat with heels on plates: this was killing my already super sore glutes. I managed 15 reps with 15lb DBs the first set but the last three sets were brutal and I ended up scaling back to only 10 reps with 12.5lb DBs for the last two sets. I really hope these go better next time, which will be Monday, as I will have had two days off from lifting.
    Shoulder press: first set was with 15lb DBs but then I moved down to 12.5lbs each
    Step up: notice the pattern? First set with 15lb DBs and the rest with 12.5s
    Lat pull down: I switched back and forth. I managed a couple sets of 15 with 75lbs and then moved to 90lbs but could only do 12 reps

    I really hope I can get my reps and weights higher for the next time I do this. I was just SO SORE still from the first workout.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    mnsmov, any more workouts? I did number 3 yesterday and it went much better than number 2! Its only a bit different, with there being two sets of DLs to do first instead of back squats. Those went well, and then I did the first two sets of the other exercises at the same weights as the last time. On the third and fourth sets I managed to increase my weights for all the moved, except pushups; pushups I managed to go up from 8 last workout to 10 reps for sets 1 and 2, but then only did 8 or 9 for the last two sets. Anyway, got the rows up to 25lb DBs, lunges up to 17.5lb DBs, and the Romanian DLs up to 80lbs. I definitely don't feel quite as crazy sore today!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Pudding,

    Thats great!! Wow, RDLs 80 is impressive!! Keep up the good lifts :)
    Yes I did workout 3 on Friday and felt much better and less sore too

    I did get better ROM in my incline push ups. I hate push ups and suck at them :) - but getting better. Never did real ones, knee ones I am much better, and now working to get better in incline ones.

    But, I increased my weights a little in all others so I am happy about it.

    DL 95lb 2*8
    Lunges 50*15*4
    Incline Push ups 15*4
    RDL 65*15*4
    DB Row 20DB*15*4

    And I was way less sore afterwards. Almost looking forward to my workout 4 on Tuesday since I am gonna be busy @ work on Monday. I will try and run may be Monday.
    Happy lifting!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    You guys are doing awesome - bumping - stage 7 guidance for later! :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am beyond impressed that you can do all those reps and sets of lunges with that much weight!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I did workout 4 yesterday and was very sore during, felt like I was pushing myself, but don't feel sore today. Odd.

    I managed to increase reps or sets for everything again, so got up to 15 reps with 15lb DBs for the squats with raised heels, shoulder presses and step ups. Last time I was using 12.5lb DBs, primarily. Barbell squats were up to 8 reps x 65lb instead of 6 reps. The only thing that didn't improve were the reverse grip lat pulldowns because I had forgotten my gloves and that bar kills my bare hands :( I did a couple sets with 10 or so reps at 90lb but couldn't keep a grip longer than that, so I dropped to 75lb and managed 15 reps.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Pudding, Those are some great numbers!!

    BTW what are you planning to do after this? Stage 7 is almost tiring me. And I have done Stages 1, 2,7,4,7. Now thinking about 3, 7 5 7 and 6 & 7 :) Lets see how it goes

    I did my workout 4 today. I seemed to have such mental block about 15reps so I did 3 sets of 20 reps today which is in a sense the same reps (20*3 instead of 15*4) but felt much harder

    Squat 105*6*2
    Squat with heels raised 55*20*3
    OHP (15*5 + 12*15)*3
    Steps ups 55*20*3
    LatPull downs 80lb*20*3

    It wiped me out and I was sweating more than or almost as much as when I run :) Hope it shows up in my body .. Otherwise I will be very demotivated.

    I have never lost any weight, but have been changing my measurements, losing inches, though very slowly. I feel very much stronger than I was and its helping with my running. :)
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