Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • njaybe
    Hi! Looking forward to sharing and receiving updates, encouragements and advice. Feel free to add me as a friend =)

    I am a PhD candidate in biochemistry and a theologian but i find plenty of time to play WoW (perhaps too much XD). I have a 90 in every class and some duplicates on different servers XD mostly, i play my Warlock Eschatology-Tichondrius Horde. But i love my MW Monk Ocala on Malfurion Ally.

    All the best everyone and nice to meet you all =)
  • Chris_58
    I'm Chris, 21 from the UK.
    I'm mainly a PC gamer but play the exclusives on consoles or if I can't want for them on PC (i.e GTA5)
    I don't usually play online games but I occasionally play War Thunder or LoL.

    Feel Free to add me if you want to play sometime or just looking for a friend.
  • Keely117
    Keely117 Posts: 2 Member
    32 year old Nebraskan - Owns PS3, 360, Wii U, 3DS. I love FPS. Favorite games are Fallout 3, many Zeldas, Darksiders, Moder Warfare 2 and the God of War series. Currently playing Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing and Arkham Origins (with an occasional trip back to Skyrim as often as possible).
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    Whats up, my names Aaron, I'm 29 from the Philadelphia area. I use to be pretty competitive with console gaming in my early to mid 20's, but not so much anymore. Use to play the nhl series relentlessly and the ufc, ea mma games. Now a days I just enjoy playing games with friends, like gears of war, saints row, and any other group related games that are fun.

    feel free to add me on MFP or 360
    gt: sumawtf
  • W0nderGiirl
    W0nderGiirl Posts: 121 Member
    Hey! Listen!

    My name is Sydney, I just hit my 20s! I am a girl and I am also a gamer! My favorite games have to be the Zelda series, GTA, Sims, Uncharted, Beyond Two Souls, The Walking Dead (TellTale's), and basically anything Nintendo. I am mostly a PC gamer so, I enjoy games which are point-and-click, RP, MMORPG, etc. I also enjoy Bethesda games, Naughty Dog, Rockstar, & Quantic Dream games. Anyway! I am 160lbs, my goal is 135lbs and I'm 5'4 (yes, I am a shorty). I have lost 10lbs so, I am on my way!

    So, if you are interested in any of the above please, don't be afraid to friend me. I love motivating others! <3

    Happy Gaming!
  • korkalot
    korkalot Posts: 2 Member

    I'm not new to MFP by any means, but I am trying to use it more often. I have been gaming since the days of Street Fighter, Pac Man, Load Runner, and King's Quest. Now I play a healthy mix of board, card, eurostrategy, pc, ps3, and Xbox games. My husband is introducing me to the world of tabletop gaming, slowly but surely. My current weight is a mere 4 oz under 200lbs. My highest was 209, with a previous high before that n college of 192ish. I have been able to lose weight in the past, but I always plateau at 162. My goal is to get into the 150s and build more muscle so I can care for my husband who is currently in a wheelchair. 2013 has been a rough one, but I am looking forward to 2014 and working hard on my goal. Good luck to all!
  • Skylark74
    Skylark74 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi All

    I'm Caz, 39, female and from the UK

    My current addiction is Minecraft although I've dabbled in a number of both single player and a few MMORPG ( WOW, Warcraft, Guild wars 1 & 2, FF XIV). I'd like to be able to join in some of the FPS games with my hubby but unfortunately they cause motion sickness. :embarassed: I'm mainly a PC gamer but also have a few PS3 games on the go at the same time.

    Mainly due to my online activities I'm afraid I've got very lazy and let the weight creep up on me to where I'm now 240 lbs my goal is around the 165-170 mark - so 2014 is the year where I need to get focused and become a real loser :)

    So feel free to add me on MFP , Happy Gaming and good luck all.
  • bno76
    bno76 Posts: 18
    I'm Nicole, 37 from Australia.

    I've loved gaming for many years and i've owned most consoles, my first being the Sega Mega System, wow that was a while ago! I love Action RPG's and open world games, my favorites being Fallout 3 and Skyrim (just found out over 200 hrs of game play is missing from my HD, noooo!) I love love loved the Resident Evil and Silent Hill series and I'm a huge sucker for games that have a big puzzle aspect, although I find that's not too common in games these days. I was a WoW player for many years but stopped playing for a long time. I have recently started playing again but am not finding it as enjoyable this time around. I suck at games like Halo, which annoys me because they look really fun to play :ohwell: I also really like Minecraft, Hidden Object Games on the PC and the Sims, although I get sidetracked building dungeons, experiments and traps for my Sim rather than a nice house and a family :laugh:

    I'm hoping to get off the PC and couch more this year and exercise more but I will always be a gamer!
  • chickidee87
    chickidee87 Posts: 63 Member
    HI all! Avi, 26, and 300+lbs to lose. Gaming has added to the weight, sadly, but getting it under control now.

    I mostly play World of Warcraft, but getting into my 360 more and more, especially with Assassin's Creed, Dead Island, games like that.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Hey hey. Call me Bree. I live in North Carolina, born and raised. My family is mostly in Michigan, barring my immediate family. In any case, I visit Michigan frequently. I have been a nerd for as long as I can remember. I was (and still am) a book nerd first. My mom says I was reading before I was speaking. Well, that's not entirely true. I could speak (hence how she knew I could read!), I just didn't speak often. Unless I was reading, actually. I was the kid in school who always went right for the books. I was always reading about four grades above myself. I preferred nonfiction.

    I discovered Pokemon in second or third grade. The love started with the anime. I was always a Misty fan. I used to wish I could be her. I went through a Gary Oak phase, too. Anyway. Then I started collecting the cards. And then... my mom got me my first Gameboy and it was all downhill from there.The first game I owned was red version. Then, I got blue. And Yellow. And soon, that Gameboy and I were inseparable. Since then, I have grown to appreciate many games. From Harvest Moon, to Left 4 Dead. I'm not picky. I love simulation games and RPGs a lot more than others, though. (Yes, that includes the Sims!)

    I'm, also, a card collector. I used to collect YuGiOh, but kind of grew out of it (especially after my whole collection was stolen). I still collect Pokemon cards. I started back for the online game. I don't play it now (because of the changes, I liked it better during the early stages of beta) but I still buy them. World of Warcraft cards, too. Which, by the way, I play. I haven't played in a while on account of lack of funds... But I'm a lvl 90 Blood Elf Paladin and a lvl 90 Pandaren Priest. I have a 90 Druid, too, but I haven't been interested in him much since MoP.

    Gaming has led me to a somewhat sedentary lifestyle which I am trying to break. I don't want to give up my games, but I want to be active! I'm getting there, but I've got a ways to go. I started losing weight before joining MFP. I've lost about 50 lbs since the start of my journey, only about 14 since joining MFP. I wasn't keeping up with it well, but I'd like to start. I want to lose just about 10 more before I work on maintaining.

    Feel free to add me. I'd love to have some gamer friends here. :)
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    I'm Raimie. I'm 38, Oregonian, I'm recently graduated from college, and I'm trying to lose the weight I tacked on in the last few years from holing up in the house 24/7 studying and playing games (it's cheap entertainment!)

    I play pretty much any game under the sun (my primary platforms are PS4, Xbox 360, Steam OSX and iOS), but I'm really keen on small indy titles (just came off of a Rogue Legacy binge a month or two ago), team/cooperative games (right now, Battlefield 4 is eating up most of my game time -- play it with my brother and my best friend), and story-driven action/adventure games (can't wait for MGS5 to come out!)

    I also play European-style board games from time to time.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    Hi Folks,

    I am a 34 year old Scotsman and have been a keen gamer for years. I have been on MFP since September 2011 and log every day, I reached my goal in April 2012 and had been successfully maintaining since then but have managed to gain 5lb over the x-mas period which will be coming off over the next 2 months.

    I have owned numerous consoles over the years (and still have most of them). I have had a Megadrive and Dreamcast, a PS2, an X-Box and an X-Box 360 but my real love is for all things Nintendo. I have and still own an N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii-U. I also have the following handhelds - Gameboy, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro, Gameboy Micro Famicom (only been switched on once), DS, DSi and 3DS. I also own an original Donkey Kong Game and Watch.

    I like most games but predominately used my X-box 360 for Forza and COD, I still love driving games but play a lot less FPS games now. I am a massive Zelda fan and own every single Zelda ever released (older ones through virtual consoles due to my lack of an original NES), I also love Mario games (new Super Mario 3D World on the Wii U is awesome!), especially Mario Kart :)

    Best of luck everyone with your weight loss goals, if your honest with yourselves then this site really works :)

    Cheers, Alan
  • xXSnafuXx
    xXSnafuXx Posts: 14 Member
    27 year old gamer here (xbox, WoW and other little online games)... trying to get back on the horse of losing weight after falling off a few months ago and seeing all my progress vanish :/. I want to look in the mirror and like me! I have zero friends on here,, I am a shut in with social anxiety so if you are open to adding people feel free to add me :) I would not mind seeing some support in my online journey. Before I was only using the app and of course... kept to myself completely.. I am hoping this new approach will help a bit more.. Getting started aaallll over again is very hard :/ But I'm doing it! So here is hoping... Thank you for reading. This is the first group I joined that I felt I could even post or click join O_O....I made my own group as well for beginners hoping to find some people like me, if you add me feel fee to check it out! I am glad I found some place to join though... I was getting nervous for a while there :).
  • ToBeAStrongerMan
    ToBeAStrongerMan Posts: 36 Member

    24 years old from Australia, love battlefield, skyrim, civilisation, super smash bro, and the massive collection of indie games coming out :P

    I wanna get into shape bad, so I kinda gave up my gaming habits till I get my health under control. I try and view working out and getting fit as a real life rpg.... It sometimes works :/

    For exercise I focus around weight training, body weights, and high intensity cardio....cause god dam cardio can be so boring :P

    Feel free to add me if u want :)
  • fiaria
    fiaria Posts: 18
    Hi :)
    I'm Paige, 20 years old from the US.
    My favorites are usually some kind of RPGs. I'm mainly a PC gamer but I have an Xbox 360. I play the Elder Scrolls games, Sims, League of Legends, and whatever else seems like fun.
    I've been off and on about losing weight and just started really getting serious about it. I plan to lose about 30 pounds and see how I feel from there. I'm trying to eat less and healthier foods as well as work out but to do that around being a full time student and part time worker.
    Feel free to add me!
  • Pain_Train
    Howdy I'm from the US
    I play wow and currently have an addiction to leveling alts. I was on here for a while and got with in 20lbs of my goal then kinda fizzled out. So I have returned, I need friends for support and fun times :)
  • EplusThree
    EplusThree Posts: 47 Member
    I love going all the way back to play NES Star Tropics and Adventure Island every once in awhile. Then I switch over to replaySuper Mario 64.
    My favorite is the God of War series as well as (gush) Elder Scrolls and Fallout.
    Right now I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts.

    Anyone else annoyed by are: Chain of memories?? Or am I just missing a key strategy?

    So glad I stumbled upon y'all :)
  • oligard
    oligard Posts: 141
    Greetings from Turkey.

    Im a hardcore mmmorpg pc gamer;
    Lol (sometimes)

    if you interests one of them,anyone can add me
  • pandamorous
    pandamorous Posts: 88 Member
    Who are you! Irshan
    Age? 32
    Female or male? Male
    RP? Sometimes
    LARP? Other times
    What are your weightloss goals?! 30 lbs more, trying to bring my BMI down to a healthy range
    How many pounds have you lost? A whole 3
    Walk on the Beach? I grew up on the beach, but more walks are always good.

    Lets see..I've been a computer gamer all my life, but I definitely don't shy away from consoles. Boards and cards struck in college. I was in WoW since the Beta days, 8 years later I moved on. These days I can be in Diablo, Starcraft, the Borderlands games, zombie hunting in Left 4 Dead...usually have more interesting titles than I can shake a stick at. Now it's time to get turn that gamer mentality towards my health and level up.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Holy HJ Capt. Crunch...

    there's a gamer group? Awesome.

    ASL = 35, male, your mom's.
    I'm neither RP or LARP... I'm a game developer. My current babies are:
    • Evony
    • Tynon
    • Commanders of Evony
    • Heroes Charge (mobile)

    Goals, are all over, but the impetus to "get swole" came due to some of my lovely customers kindly sending me rape and death threats a couple years back. So, I train to get in better shape, and be better capable of defending my home if need be. Along the way, I've done a triathlon, loved it. I'm going to try a powerlift competition too.

    I'm down 45 pounds at the moment, and kinda just sitting at a plateau due to intensity, commitment, and my training.

    Beach? Currently land locked, I miss the beach.