Introduce yourself



  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    Welcome Misty.. your goals are very realistic.. its great your willing to keep looking at how things are working for you.. feel free to add me.. i warn you though you will see all sorts of strange things in my logs.. i make all my own food lol.
  • Hello! I'm Liz. I just rejoined MFP earlier this week with a new outlook on life and weight loss. I've always procrastinated and made excuses. I can't stand dieting and I'm Really outta shape, so I'm just aiming to live and eat better. I want to be one of those people that Love to exercise. I'm also wanting to start running, but I'm trying to take it slow and steady. :) I hope to make lots of pals here!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome liz!

    no dieteters here.. only people wanting to live and eat well. at least that's how i look at it.

    no excuses allowed thats what got us here, but now we want results right? both cant happen at the same time.

    as far as running some in this group are starting the c25k.. you can download a app on your phone from zen labs.. hope you join us!

    lets rock..

    we also start our challenge today feel free to peruse the threads and jump in be active, log, commment. we will all get there.
  • Vol7
    Vol7 Posts: 57
    I'm Joey 55 years old and looking at retirement soon. Have always been the outdoors type and athletic but the last few years the hours at work have put staying in shape on the back burner. Decided to do something about it and drop some weight and get in some exercise.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome joey!! you have come to the right place.. we like to make fat cry off our bodies..
    feel free to look through the threads and jump in.. this is a new group but were active and have alot going on. so make yourself at home

    lets do this!!
    LMEGAW Posts: 13
    Hi - Im Leanne, from Northern Ireland! Ive always struggled with my weight (260LBS AT MIN) :( Im going to Cyprus In August for a wedding and I would love to go 50-75lbs less! Im starting C25K tomorrow! Whose gonna do it with me?!! XO
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    leanne welcome..

    if you look at the running thread i posted.. there are a few of us starting the c25k tomorrow!

    aug is alot of time to let your inner butterfly out girl
  • OcotilloFire
    OcotilloFire Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you for starting this group!
    A little about me...I've sat down about 10 times to write my introduction and finally on this try was able to actually type something (so far, so good). I've been ruminating over what is stopping me - I think my blockade is that I don't want to seem like a whiner over why I need to lose 50 pounds. Also, when looking at the scale alone, I've had a frustrating 3 weeks. Cold turkey, I gave up drinking Coke, which at times was my best friend and lover. I've also had nary an unhealthy snack and have walked briskly at least 3 miles a day. When I went to the doctor the other day, I was actually up a pound since the beginning of the week. Aaaarrrggghhh! On the flip side, however, I have a lot more energy and just overall FEEL BETTER. Even though my husband says my weight is never an issue to him, it pleases me when I come back from a walk and he is there with, "Way to go, Andrea!" or does his best to take over with the kids in our busy morning so that I can make my breakfast shake and lunch.

    To put a number on my weight loss goal, I would like to lose 50 pounds. Really, I just don't want to be the frumpy mom at the water park, the "thick" friend, or the self-conscious family member.

    I am thrilled to be here with all of you and working toward a common goal of finding our healthier selves!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome andrea!

    it sounds like you are doing well. your not whining.. your WHY is what will motivate you when it gets hard or when you have a bad week or when the scale is up.. your a mom .. thats the best motivation... its not all about weight.. its about health.. and your feeling better. the number will take care of itself.. its not a fast process. it takes time, but keep moving forward, your doing great!! you have great support it sounds like with your you have us here . i hope to make this group like family..

    lets do this!!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Julia and I've done MFP before, but I always seem to fall off after a few months. My goal is to lose 40 lbs! I've been working on getting my diet together and recently started a clean eating regimen. I've been doing very well staying away from unhealthy foods, but I really really hate exercising... kind of a problem for sustained weight loss, right?! Your support on this journey is super appreciated. Please feel free to friend request me for additional motivation. I'm happy to be back, let's do this thing!!
  • Hi, all. New to MFP and this group. Hoping to lose 40 lbs. I love to eat and I love to cook. This year my goal is to get back to healthy eating and to exercise regularly.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome lulu! what kind of food do you love to cook? i make all my own foods from scratch.

    welcome julia!

    sounds like you have a good handle on clean eating. what regimen you following.. i follow eat to live.. so what do you like to do for exercising?

    my thing is find something you enjoy and than you will stick with it!

    lets do this

    we have a challenge going, weigh in, a running thread.. recipes.. make yourself at home post and jump in.
  • AmigaDona
    AmigaDona Posts: 13 Member
    Hola, I am a new member in this forum, actually I am overweight to the extend that I am so depressed, I am looking for new friends who motivate me and to encourage me to follow my diet.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome Dona!!

    were all in this together!! lets do this girl!
  • Hi, my name is Becky and I am 29 years old. I have been on MFP for about 2 1/2 years and I absolutely love it! I am looking to lose about 40-50 pounds. I have a home gym (bow-flex, elliptical, ab-lounge, free weights, stationary bike, and stability balls. I also have a home office. It is nice, but is also not as easy to divide my time. It was easier to dedicate time to the gym when I worked at an office outside of my home. Now, I feel as though my priorities are 1. My kiddo/husband 2. Work 3. Housework, cooking, cleaning 4. Gym. I need to work on better time management. I just started up my business in October 2012, so my entire day is usually devoted to building my company.

    I lost my eight year old dog to cancer last week. I was absolutely devastated. We did get a new puppy a few days ago, so that will definitely help with time management. She will require lots of walks and exercise. I am looking forward to it!

    I have a wonderful husband and an amazing 12 year step-son. That is me in a nutshell, lol!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome becks. i understand trying to mange your time.. sounds like you have great equipment.. maybe get a calender and mark out times to ex like a important meeting.

    im sorry about the loss of your dog, but glad you got a new puppy to love.. happy to have you here..

    lets do this!
  • Lynetta - That is usually the way that I have to do it. I typically carve out a time mid-afternoon if I am in the office for the day. If I am visiting clients I do it in the evening. This next week or two will be rough, because we are potty training the pup, and I am slammed at work. Our puppy had to be spayed before we were allowed to take her home, so she is still healing up. Once she is healed, we will be walking several times a day =) I consider that a bonus.
  • Hi, I'm 48, mom of 8 and granny to almost 8(8th is due any day) I lost 100lbs 5-6 years ago and have maintained easily. I weight train 5 ish times a week, which I absolutely love-my passion. 18 months ago I competed in 'figure' body building for the first time and hope to do again in2015. I am in recovery from an eating disorder, mostly under control. I went off track with my food the last three months of last year, so started this year 26lbs heavier.
    My goals are to to eat 'clean' and regularly , keep my body and mind healthy and return to my 'happy weight/size.
    I hope that being accountable with this group will be just that 'something' I need. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'll support and encourage all my friends
  • Hi there! My name is Becky, i'm 34 a single mama of two boys. My current goal is to just exercise and eat healthier this year. I'd ideally like to lose another 50lbs, but whatever comes off in the process, comes off!
  • rocketblaster
    rocketblaster Posts: 50 Member
    Hi There,

    I'm Sarah, I live in Nova Scotia Canada, I have no children and a wonderful boyfriend. I am getting tired of always feeling bad about my weight and really doing nothing concrete about it, I could probably write a pretty darn good book about all of the best diet tips but I just don't follow them well enough. I have 8 months until my birthday and this year I want to be proud that I've given real health a try - if I don't like it the bag of chips will gladly let me dive my hand in to gain it back :)

    I actually really enjoy healthy food and cooking, snacking is my downfall but if I just cook a proper dinner I don't feel like snacking so that takes care of the late night temptation. I also love outdoors activities, but as I've gotten a bit more out of shape I've resisted as I get embarrassed when I'm out of breath / red faced. Well, I'm going to try to be done with that as well and just get out and enjoy being fit. Thinking of getting started with the 25K app using the indoor track.

    Looking forward to offering some motivation to you all, have a wonderful day!